publication agreement number 40050880 Issue 4, 2016 Recreational Aircraft Association Canada www.raa.ca The Voice of Canadian Amateur Aircraft Builders $6.95 From The features President’s Desk Zenith Cruzer Chapter 85's Cruzer passes its pre-cover inspection / Peter Whittaker ......................................................4 Gary Wolf RAA 7379 Never Stop Learning Barry Meek .............................................................................................................................................8 The Category 4 Medical a relaxed medical? A decade ago the This is where the problem arises. Keeping it Cool In the 1-2013 issue of the Aviation FAA introduced their Sport Pilot Physicians are sometimes reluctant to Improving cooling with an intake plenum / RAA ...................................................................................10 Safety Letter the Director of Medicine, license which accepts a driver’s do this because of insurance reasons. Civil Aviation addressed the alterna- license as medical validation, Canadi- That takes the pilot back to a CAME Remembering Dan McGowan tive of the Recreational Permit and its ans have been asking if we could have and it then becomes necessary to One of the Great Ones passes / Alex Routh ............................................................................................16 reduced Category 4 medical require- the same for our Rec Permit, which make certain that you will be exam- ment. The form TC 26-0297 is repro- is very close to the FAA Sport Pilot ined to Category 4 standard instead of AMO Hero duced in this issue of the Rec Flyer. in training and privileges. Then last Category 3. By Beverly Dujay-Macdonald ................................................................................................................18 The holder of a Private license may summer the FAA reduced the medical At one time I held a Rec Permit request that his local TC office down- requirements to validate their Private and my family doctor, who was also Twenty-Five Plus grade his license to the Rec Permit License and it seemed incongruous a pilot, only reluctantly signed the The restoration of a Dornier 27 / by Erich Munzer ..................................................................................22 and he may then validate it with a that Canadians should still be held to medical, despite that for many years Category 4 medical. The validity the much higher Category 3 standard. he had been signing my formula car period remains the same, every five Canadians began asking more racing license that had much higher years to age forty and every two years loudly why we could not have relaxed medical standards. In his case it came after forty. I asked my local office if medical standards and another Cana- down to his insurance, so after that I columns this could be reversed and the answer dian publication then suggested that earned a Private ticket and went to a was that by supplying a Category 3 since we already have the Rec Permit CAME. From the President's Desk / Gary Wolf .......................................................................................................2 medical the Private license could be there is no need for any action. Unfor- The Category 4 medical with a Civilizing an Air Compressor / Don Sinclair..............................................................................................13 reinstated. tunately that article made a serious doctor’s signature may be used to DIY Fuselage Rotisserie / RAA ..................................................................................................................32 The Rec Permit allows a pilot to mistake in claiming that the Category validate the Rec Permit, the Student Timing Marks / RAA ................................................................................................................................34 Pilot permit, and the passenger carry- fly a single engine non high perfor- 4 medical could be validated by the Classified ................................................................................................................................................38 mance aeroplane in Day VFR. The pilot’s own signature. This was a bit ing endorsement to the Pilot Permit- Across Canada: Chapters in Action ..........................................................................................................40 FAA does not recognize this permit economical with the truth – yes the Ultralight. so the pilot is limited to Canadian pilot can sign his own Category 4 A self-declared category 4 medical airspace. The only rating that may be but if it is to be used to validate a Rec without a doctor’s signature will vali- added is a float rating, and for many Permit it must also be countersigned date a Pilot Permit-Ultralight, a rea- Canadians this permit is sufficient. by a physician (CAR Std. 421.22 (2) sonable situation since passenger car- Why is there now an interest in (b)) rying is not allowed. The same medi- continued on page 35 The Recreational Aircraft Emails can be sent to President Gary to the aerospace sciences. The intention Association Canada Wolf at: [email protected] and of the magazine is to promote educa- George Gregory at gregdesign@telus. tion and safety through its members to 22-4881 Fountain St. North net. the general public. Opinions expressed Breslau RR2 Ontario N0B 1M0 The Recreational Flyer is published bi- in articles and letters do not necessarily Telephone: 519-648-3030 monthly by the Recreational Aircraft reflect those of the Recreational Aircraft Member's Toll Free line: Association Publishing Company, Association Canada. Accuracy of the 1-800-387-1028 Waterloo Airport, Breslau, ON N0B material presented is solely the respon- 1M0. The Recreational Flyer is devoted sibility of the author or contributor. George Gregory Above: Stearman, Arlington 2016 On the cover: Erich Munzer's impeccable Dornier Do27. George Gregory photo. Feature Feature (Jim Asprey) was assigned at that time and we were instructed to contact the inspector when ready. This was done in mid-August and an inspection date of September 14th during the evening was established. The inspection began at 7 pm and lasted 2 hours. The workshop was organized such that all of the com- ponents were available on benchtops for examination with clecoes removed. The fuselage was sitting on a bench and the rear fuselage was raised to allow access to the inside through the main Peter Whittaker he Chapter 85 Zenith 750 Cruzer inspection hatch in the fuselage bottom. progressed to the pre-cover Examples of the plans, photo building inspection stage of the building guides and the building log book were project by late summer 2016. Work made available to Jim for his review. on all of the major airframe com- The MDRA inspector went through ponents progressed at a slower pace all of the components in detail with a during the summer with many of the flashlight and mirror and notes were builders being away on vacation at recorded periodically during the pro- different times and members taking cess. Perry Delano, the building proj- advantage of the summer weather to do ect Chairman and I assisted with the some of their own flying. inspection. This involved moving com- The summer season concluded with ponents around, pulling clecoes out and the Annual Show and Shine which con- re-installing them after the part was stituted the September general mem- inspected, in other words doing any- bership meeting for Chapter 85. Work thing that the inspector requested. The on the 750 Cruzer during the summer inspection process went very smoothly focussed on getting the airframe com- and it was a good opportunity to hear ponents to a point where they would comments from Jim about the design pass inspection. This included check- and structure of the aircraft. This gave Zenith Cruzer ing the building plans and revisions to both Perry and I confidence in the Chapter 85's project gets its pre-cover inspection the plans to make sure any updates had robust design and structure of the air- been implemented, checking that all frame that Zenith have provided in the mating surfaces had been primed with 750 Cruzer. zinc chromate and checking that rivets The final assessment came in the were properly set. Work also contin- write-up of the much anticipated “Snag ued on parts beyond those needed for Sheet”! The items for attention included the inspection with assemblies such as a number of missing rivets, some rivets rudder pedals and toe brakes, center that were improperly set (p.7) and console and landing gear and wheel removal of some remaining clecoes from assemblies. the left outboard wing spar and replace- MDRA was contacted with a request ment with A5 rivets since these would for pre-cover inspection in May together not be visible after the wing skin is riv- with the fee. The MDRA inspector eted on. All of the snags were rectified 4 Recreational Flyer Issue 4, 2016 Issue 4, 2016 Recreational Flyer 5 Feature Feature Left: the rudder pedals and brake cylinders are installed. Besides the differential braking, push-pull rods go through the firewall to the steerable nosewheel. Above, two pictures of the wind-mounted on the Saturday (September 17th) following the inspection. gas tanks. Although a high winged aircraft, the Zenith also features a fuel pump to make sure At a follow-up meeting on September 20th Jim approved the gas gets where it's going regardless of the aircraft's attitude—perhaps a holdover from the the snag fixes
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