Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-18-1966 The B-G News January 18, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News January 18, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1924. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1924 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. m m Miami Game Pictures...Pg.4 ■ The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1966 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Vol. 50, No. 52 Charge Regents Pass Election 2 Ph.D. Plans Ph. D. programs in speech and The Ph. D. program In Eng- Violations educational administration for lish has grown so that concen- the University were approved by Student Court this week will tration is available in all areas subpoena seven freshmen who are the Ohio Board of Regents last of English and American liter- Friday. charged with allegedly violating ature. Complementary areas The Board also adopted a new the University's election policy are also being established to policy on admission to state- serve primarily as minors. in the recent freshman elections. assisted colleges and univer- The doctoral program in psy- Under the policy, section 2, sities which directs them to chology concentrates In three article F, number 2, states:(I) "abide by the letter and spirit of areas: clinical, industrial, and campaign posters may be dis- Ohio law." The policy state- general - theoretical experim- played in designated areas only, ment makes a distinction bet- ental, including developmental (2) posters may be displayed in ween commuting students, who psychology and animal behavior, residents halls with permission live at home, and residential said Dr. John E. Exner, Jr„ by head residents only (3) all students, who live on campus. chairman of the psychology de- campaign materials will be re- Applications from students who partment. moved by 9:00 pjn. of election will reside on the campus will be day." accepted on a first-come, first- f. The head residents of Rodgers served basis, except that the AWS To Hear and Founders quadrangles re- student's high school record also ported the violators to the Stu- may be taken into consideration. Open House Plan Universities are authorized to dent Elections Board. The names A proposal by the Shatzel Hall assign commuting students to were then referred to Student Administrative Council applying Council. late afternoon or evening classes to open houses in the dormitory if day classes are refilled. Ray Mundy, Student Court Jus- seven days a week, will be pre- Otherwise no limitations are put . tice, said "though the violators sented to AWS Legislative Board on the admission of commuters. may not have posted the campaign today by a committee appointed materials themselves, they are The Board also approved an by the Council. still responsible for the display agreement tomaketheUniversity As an extension of the present l*and removal of such items." of Toledo and the University open houses, the Council voted He added, "if the violators are of Akron state universities. that the open houses be seven guilty of the charges, a $5 to The new speech and educa- days a week, from 2 p.m. to ^$10 fine may be imposed." tional administration doctoral 5 p.m. each day. Those subpoenaed are ■ Mary programs will bring the total of In conjunction with the mea- Beth Galrenya, materials on staff sure, Linda Peiblow, president AND I paid $2.50 for this seat! Tom Perry, 4, the son of Ph. D. programs to four at the bulletin boards in Rodgers Quad; of AWS, said that although this Charles Perry, director of development and assistant to the University. A doctoral program MCay Van Borg, handbills under was passed by the Shatzel Coun- president, seems to be saying to the lens of the inquiring in English was begun four years Rodgers Quad doors; Pat DiPla- ago while the department of psy- cil, the women would not be cido, flagrant violations in Rod- camera. Tom's father sits above hime, keeping score. Photo by Mike Kuhlin. chology instituted a Ph. D. pro- affected since AWS and the Uni- gers Quad doors; Pat DiPlacido, gram this year. versity have definite rulings "flagrant violations in Rodgers In June, 1964, theNorthCentral against women being In men's Quad halls, including displays Association granted preliminary rooms unchaperoned. outside entrances; Don Bruns, Automated Rush accreditation to the doctoral pro- The Administrative Council ^materials on the walls and bul- gram In English and to the passed a final motion by which letin boards in Rodgers; Carol University as a doctoral-level the open houses policy began Ringer, materials on bulletin institution. last Thursday and will continue boards, students doors, and cor- Plan Explained until and including this Saturday, Tldor doors in Rodgers; Pave strictly on a trial basis. Rosell, materials still posted Computerized sorority rush "Our purpose is to eleminate Endres, Kohut in conjunction with the Uni- [ after election; and Dan Szucs, was explained to Panhelleic for those involved with rush the versity policy of women being ^.materials still posted after Council ar yesterday's meeting tedium of going through many In men's rooms, the council pol- I election. by Phil Armstrong of the Uni- lists," he said. Get Top Posts icy states that all doors must The trial is set for Feb. 7. versity's computer center. He said that the computer cen- remain open when occupied by ter has 12 IBM cards for every On News Staff both male anA femnl* •*»•*■»■. woman registered for rush. When Administrative Council policy Fredric F. Endres has been Machines And Musicians To Perform sorority women want to invite also states that any girl visiting re-appointed editor, and Fred a woman to return to their house, the dormitory during the open J. Kohut has been named busi- they merely pull her card, and house hours must enter through 'The Electronic Age' Tonight ness manager of The B-G News take it to the computer center either door leading into the main for the second semester by the lounge. They must be escorted Several machines and two live on leave of absence from the in the Administration Building, University Publications Commit- to and from the premises or [musicians will star In "The Elec- University, will present a com- where a card slightly smaller tee. met In the main lounge by the 'tronic Age," the sixth program mentary dealing with this con- than three by five inches will Endres, a senior from Akron, resident she wishes to visit. (in the "Perspectives in Music" troversial advent of machines be processed listing the houses has announced The News' staff According to the council, into music. she's been invited back to. ] series at 8:15 pjn. tonight in for next semester: announcements will be made be- Dr. Erb also has composed I Recital Hall. These small invitations will Judy Hirsch, managing editor; fore and after open houses hours Bertram and Nancy Turetzky "VII Miscellaneous," one of the be "the optimum of standard- George Braatz, editorial page to Inform the residents when selections which will be per- from the Hartt College of Music ization," Mr. Armstrong said. editor; John Gugger, sports edi- the hours are officially in effect. formed by the Turetzkys. [of the University of Hartford He said that by using cards of tor; Marilyn Draper, feature edi- In order to effectively enforce Frances Burnett, instructor in iConn.) will present a program of uniform size, no rushee would tor; Casey Wolnowski, art editor; the measures, Council Instituted music, will Join the contempor- I contemporary selections and be influenced to favor one soror- Mike Kuhlin, photography editor; a Judicial Council consisting of ary repertoire with a piano solo, I music composed by machines. ity more than another. and Judy Lake, Larry Donald, the head resident, two counselors "Cocktail Music for Piano," Special tape recorders playing James Treeger, Larry Fullerton to be selected by the head resi- written by Salvatore Martirano. The basic list for final bids I scores composed according to and Randy K etc hem, issue dent and two members of the mathematical formulae will ac- will also be done by computers, he said, but the final bids will editors. Administrative Council. | company the pair. INSIDE TODAY be written out. The editorial board will be The members of the commit- The Turetzkys also will »ive composed of Endres, Miss tee presenting the proposal to |a lecture and demonstration of The University needs student Sorority women will begin Hirsch, Braatz and Fullerton. AWS are Dave Brack, Pat Di- 'Recent Developments in New politcal parties . p.2 working in the gift shop of the Local advertising manager will Placido and Frank Gabrenya. iMusic," at 3 p.m. today in the Portrait of a basketball Wood County Hospital Feb. 13, be Gary Gregg; national adver- | Recital Hall. This informal ses- game ... p.4 announced Connie Hoover, chair- tising manager John Donnelly; sion is open to students and The Newman Club spot- man of Panhel's philanthropic classified advertising managers, WEATHER I faculty. lighted . p.5 committee. Women of Alpha Chi Dan Amos and Jim Taft; and The weather for today is mosuy This eveningDr.DonaldJ. Erb, Miami 'Dismisses' the Fal- Omega will be the first to work circulation manager, David cloudy and continued cold, with [presently a Guggenheim Fellow cons.
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