The Hawaiian Gazette

The Hawaiian Gazette

t B-- AOVI AN GAZETTE THE lllWlll Type U unee-- i. lorn... I STiiCT I "ffiss WHITHLY, ST HENRY 1. M LIbm 4 lackee.., 4 Ml M MM -- .In twt.v f l'ol.B.,i t 00; III OS U i M"Hi!S23i i m$ ralmc. GAZETTE. OW HAWAIIAN Third rfCUa.. M It M NO n THE Mi or ml "o hjt ,.f4oi,... it n m u :t AN SUM i ;' YE DOLLARS PER tw CoMam ii mi m oii m m 7 nfm . rtBfA" i.t aBrAire. wr.. 1 ij X Ore mm (Mr. A JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. allowed . .!.. nl flow. Ikw KM, wktok Sw IKhIihI WEEKLY . in ism Ao a.leill.rn..-nt- wkea pent uv .Barged in.ri-n- .. ninck r ' " N. R. A UwtlMMlli nuat be with Ik. Ml wlieu .rweved to, .r Be eeStr. will be tak.e of W THnliil4uvulmlilbmnkwI e a (MEce Bni!ding nlthm fir b.Url Imrru.n vle tl.n,nl. XIL-- 4. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1876. I WHOLE No. ;7(i. ro.J he MM by toll cheek, cvie or lea sent U Honolulu. H. L VOL. Na 151'SIM.SS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. FOttKIGN NOTICES, Tb- - I.-- r if remtnried by !be - drn4aye, maaifeetatjoB f rejoicing tkt feetivitvc. and other r. A. MaUETVn A. CO.. i. it in r n u. tl. X. aMMUwlataUaai, Boston Board of I'ndrrwritr r. HS1MT at. .llUiN. II mi. kaW. is ike East with which iht Prince of Wains uu been -- A k y CAKIIZT MAKER AKD DPHOLSTEKKE. CK for the Hawallalt lalanda. WILLIAMS. BLAHCHARD CO.. BrO. bjm-fca- Importers Commission Merchants o t r UT-l- Ik toper, in C wo w.l; iwiii." of the nd condition of 10' TioanleTu. fclkaM Tie Htka, HaPublicwait. i; Kiac Street. Qoaolala. Lewis' Shop. Will RRKWKKdCO. JO'ii- - - ew r - - "-- ercoud-San- i Thai lepraey is owe ki ka seen it B MO! bay aad .11 Parnitare. fly Shipping and foRttalssiM Mfrrhams, IHi. O. Si. CDaWaKwojaK. 1 PI . A CO.. I OJIttoM. - well imagine, and it is ttaneenssArj to dearth it. Sl i'hihidrlphia Board of nderwrilf rs. t M r- v.v tit Callrurato Scteet. Saa Praaclsco. ly Bat ,a too Jaaseiiec Jekewaboy Dherruinsala. a HOMEOPATH 1ST, 63 FORT STREET, 4 (iKXTS far the Hawaiian Island.. m; gr Pilot BreadBaiters.and Oacker. always on kaad. Corae of A JJT ly staunrn m refnre for tbe detitute and siek ia Bombay, tko L HosoLtnjT. H. Bt and ly Mcrclinnt Tailors. A. Naaiaa Berct.ata Street o40 uaV42 KMfef.atjto&t St., Mr. ... lUiodoM P. EVERETT. l ot(jaUtr dtur. ly I. ee en tbe aatb- nty of the Tne. of IwHim. oar that v , TRAXS-AT- ANTIC MM of tk-- Am wee. I d MITKCmIiAEGBI o A. W. PKIRVE ek CO., ForwardiDt; and ronnaUsion .Herr bant, tkor an (wax one kuoJroJ aad twotsty ofrr ALKX. CA.VPBELL, IKPOKTESS AKD COXKISSIOX JIXSCEASTS. L. a Co..) FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, aoeom- - (JaccoMOri to C faniua 403 Kronl Ureal, orurr of Clay. loo fed at tko praawot tiair. .karinr iu aeaaty Uowatale. Oaka. U. L oka ly . OF ar.tMBI'atO. - . tor; reeky wseep. wfth an roittoatiroly asaber of Ship Chssdleri and General ComtnUsi on Merchant-- AN Kit AM M.M llati.w mff oaal Merclinnt Tailor. i it o 1 tkt AoalM SttU Wurtt. si kd nui.niwt, of I.laa.1 : - a -- mm tko poo. .no flo4. Tko leper! lire in what I . U lll l HCOt'K. ALSOJrts far o. 8 Nuurtiiu RttMta lioaolola. Kisus aad Fiiroiture. on liberal trrma, to sir. AVer Par.kalar alleaUaa paid to 1: acJ nif 1. Ait ly S73 Honolala. Hawaiian ,n :.. ly M ly . Prod ace. are ealied ckawlo or oaU. ooio aiz toot lone by ire AITOKSET AT LAW. HILO. HAWAII. ll. UACKFELO A it... Acenta. May JO. lTa, adll-l- y lee: wioe. and tko lo'titolK a u m foil that often two eSM' MIU Proeapily CollrrterL. ly BDefAU ir. o'haixoru, X II O n A N LACK. R. S. HOWLAND, I il i i Ml M J brport are crowoed iato one of theav They arc with- Sarcoasor lo Joka Nelll. itotot Ill) I IM.II V If .V t O.. Attorcoy aad Solicitor, CALIFORNIA. sbipplBg aad ('issloa Tlfrclunt, out forauare rr or. a eookiar ateasil.. bat oaek of ! aataorlaM to Uad froai SwwO to IU.IMO. oo atortaac. achlnist. Lock and Cun Smith mPOBTKaS AKD DEALERS IK HABDWAB.E Machine, rvpaired: Deal.r . stporttac COMPANY. poaww riee witk of FrMkolds at Iowmi of iatereat. 5.wtac n"SUEANCE -- Prwsat Strew., near reltttoraUa. thow t a'l 'woj two of and three pice fate, tr :.r.i-- PI.. MACniVKS. o, " My. Cattery. Drr Gooda. fajal. aad OtU, aad Geaer.! l SITTING i X ' 1D London, and la ail of AnmrslU, ir idfi-l- OP THat intoilr ' are--, food. Tney eoa-.i- tt o. 0&, tM Ktr,. parti 4d. Fort Street, lioaolola, II. I. r1HK m;:iisu.m:i). ai.knts SAM kMAtCiaCO. which to pay for faei to their Ktuff Street. Iloaolmla. ly M lVaiUiiiy, been au4k.u-fae- to i Uba K.. .. ,r :. karr laaur. v3Scr on Fort &tr.t. (oPioaito Ur. Ira Pecla-n- t of dwl. wotoen aad children, tbe children beiar cV M 11 1 oa Car gas and Treaaur., from lloaolala RJtFkJU TO 31. n CO. Ctor... Honolala. Stt Jm U KT BOI'O LIT A U A II la to all UBIHtl part. f tk. worni, aad etc. .area. A t'.o vf.prine opthe Ben and wotoon. rotor of them iiV ly H. HACITBLP A CO. G.AM, nowtoad. BnltoraV C. BrawM Ov. B'l.ia IKPOBTTBS AKD WHOLXSALS DEALXSS II. I. II. Bartlett A Swan, - Owea A Clark. born Dbarratoaaia itaclf. for no Mparation THEO. imiKS, C re ene l betar ia the "ALLER, Proprietor Wax. H. Crapa, " A A. MaarKW, Poartk Mat to In raabtoosble Ootbiac. Bat.. Cap.. Boots. Sh and 'Lrrz Gazu A Cu. ll-- UK of aezea if atLaspted, or it ereo J.stua MARBH Wtii E.TIL.H IMI Cm Mak. t. tbe teeto. tbourbt eeery tt-I- t ri Geat'rO.ra'. Farawkiac GoooX Kli.r- - lAMIyl s "tree.. llonnlnln. w:-- ' - eaore Block, Huandala. U 1. IMPORTER AKD COMMISS10K MERCHANT. evf-tn- of tky oaoL of. VnfortnBate creatnref their limbe wat- ta kUAe.'. stnru Street. I N SU E COMPANY. te 'aAJt... I FIRE ANf!E rd til: oo't the oauide of tke boke retcaik. or eba aao Aonrr rot riiov; St Co.. BOOKS & STATIONERY. Til l MIHKiHi.KU hTlnK BkCRRA ap--; U.J", aad tka Lirerpxd I'limmlfn. ! rMk woliea oat of all foras of Ktob," sit or lie aaoat as B. sxitr.MX. HONOLULU BAKERY. j Till: mil J ..KUli f th RtlOVR LVkDlMay. RB ry .rf tv..t ue u iiikur rinAoj Atr. u Slowe uj Br tela Batlltl The Basis of Our Business. PMwaw . - . ' tn I thay choose, without asperruion or aiedieal earc. ex- aBut tka t 'EECA1T AKD DEUGGIST. lufEtt. .tuJ fit Mrcli ndla aixfeti thntein. ui tb uvt "Tw Manarae.nre an saek B adt. .nd 302Cora.rof King and MwmIm Strrets, llooolula. taRxW FtHWT Be Ik to. fruin one cbartUble pbyticiaa whose f IMU.F Itrilkt. (xartkCUlnVTB Rpi'l Ml lb Vt .a eaa be Aon. kwre m wall M ataawkere. aad pia1' cept natoe it Fort and Hotel Street.. Hoo Oakt-- Carr loll. &I F. A. iCHAmtf MR A CO. beraky directly baaell our cust. txers and Mrt. i.l.toi. own saeceinc !y. They BftRTLETT SALOON. U.M withheld at hi. feqaMt are Kaepa apaa ..are Sntnratay oOSo ly C E. WUUAM. lUmMtotoktoBtoO IBM. by frieadj aad by no roiaisxer of any zs o-rx- i KKt OVI). Ta liny anal Sail Booka aad Stalktoery Tinted ao rr tt Or. w. or. n.. MAHTJFACTBRER, IMPORTER AKD DEALER Pa A. II 1 I I I K. I. to tke of Betakl aad i to AXES. X NMlu mak. Idwmi rauaaa-- 1 . i.M They Timea cmai. Corner of Hotel and Fort Streets, of n. Wa.e-U.n- i on come to us lo prehrMic. to Inst. lifioa. are abandoned.' say. the of bkowv la Farnitur. rrrrr Farnilure l. K XT V ra, i.adini AFiek-bo- p of llrrmru Borl f udrwr Itr rkosreat and heM of ALES. WINKS and SPIRITS F.wtStteet opptits Chase's rh,tnej.pli Gallery. ..;,-f- V India, ' of tied aad asaa . aad were i: not that tbe ATTOKKET ARB COCKSELLOB AT LAW. Toe AftDt of lt Uxwarvl ( wntrr. W W. manafactara aad import .very deacrlplioo of Sta- tour, tke AAA Ijr Ih. old nd an lloir-- BtraaX, near Fort, 4 Jr alwas to be at Bar. it at. Acent ttt VsRaboa f I n k m v tionery, carrying larsw srocka of Paper. aod Blank lbamasaala thaa tke half of a t cell in StlH riBUC. ooou) Order from ta.otb.r I.Ian. 1. promptly .tteaded to. fly Bararop. CUiBN MMJaViuAt CiktMpBatat WllblQ J riakjir iota Booka uf.mrowu aMaafectare, lakK SAarea, wx Aad Arent tor takiar. Arkaowledsments of Iastruaieati F1.14 I1EU V WICIiIl, ItMratK tb a t . wkark to lie. aad a haadfal of rice with which to .as-M- of tb abovo ii. .1 . of UaajVerwiltrra, will b mt to be tke o' tke Island , WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET.

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