L-_ _ 'l_H_ERE_ 's _MucH To Do 'IRis UNE, CHECK DWERSIONS, PAGE 1211 •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• 87th Year, Issue 20 ©1997 June 6, 1997 Newark, Dei. • 50¢ TmsWEEK -Climate at CHS much CORY SHELDON improved, WINS STATE Vann says GOLF By PATRICIA A. KOLY TOURNEY. 21 NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER OHNNY VANN walked slowly into hi s office in Chri tiana High School with track and foot­ IN LIFESTYLE Jball coach David Jone . The two men were try­ The St. Mark's High ing to find a way to fund a trip to Here hey Park for baseball team (top) cele­ the gi rl '. track team , who beat Glasgow 's champi ­ brates a 6-3 victory over on relay team thi ye(!r. Brandywine Saturday at - "[ am so proud of thi terun," DOWNES Frawley Stadium. The Va[ln ai d a he glanced over win gave the Spartans crisp white budget form . their fourth state baseball Vann i wrapping up hi · first STUDENTS championship. year a principal of CHS . He aid , Newark High's Julie Marx "The road wa bumpy at fir t. but (center) walks off the everyone ha adapted well to Mr. , TAKE field Monday while the Vann 's new rule ." Alexis I. DuPont girls' Vann aid that once Christiana soccer team celebrates hi gh student realized that he wa , OFF. 10 go ing to take a tough stand on vann its goal that gave the Tigers the state champi­ "nonsense" and that fighting onship. would re ult in expulsion or alter- IN THE NEWS The St. Mark's High soft­ native placement, the fighting stopped. ball team piles on top of "That wa the tone we wanted to set," said Vann . winning pitcher Dana "We wanted the other tudent . ee that the di rup­ Travis after the last out of tive ones were no longer here." NEWARK'S TOP the state championship Vann . aid that as principal, he doe not enjoy POST STAFF PHOTO BY KELLY BENNETT game SatUrday. doing thing like that. "I am an in tructional leader and my job is to encourage tudents to remain in school," he aid, "but I have to think about the COP COULD majority of students." Vann aid that the kid have adju ted to the tricter policie because of their con i tency and HIT THE fairness. "When kid ee that you mean bu ines , ROAD. 3 they re pect that," he added . See PRINCIPAL, 6 ...,_ FoUR (OR FIVE) Oh, what a WARS DRIZZLE tangled web ••. TOAN By MARY E. PETZAK NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER END. 4 CCORDING TO THOSE INVOLVED, the two ethics comp laint filed again t city coun­ Acilman Harold Godwin took eparate cir­ INDEX cuitou and unrelated route. to reach city hall in Newark within 24 hour of each other. PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE NEWARK POST BY JOHN CHABALKO NEWS 1-7 On May 27, civic activi t Shirley Tarrant filed paper in POLICE BLOTIER 3 The thrill of ·victory ••• which . he alleged that Godwin OPINION 8 attempted to block the appointment N ONE of the bigge t weekends of High School Softball Tournament. of Univer ity of Delaware profe - LIFESTYLE 10 he year for high school ports, St. The Spartan · ba eball team, behind a sor Le lie Gold tein, nominated by councilmember Nancy Turner, to THE ARTS 11 a Mark's High and girl occer were two-hit pitching effort from ophomore Brian the biggest winners. Hudock topped Brandywine 6-3 and gave the city Board of Ethic . DIVERSIONS 12 The Spartan captured tate titles in both outgoing coach Tom Lemon a tate title According to Tarrant, Godwin oftball and baseball. It was the school's sev­ (fourth overall) in hi final game. a ked that the item be removed CROSSWORD PUZZLE 13 enth and eighth tate championships of the Newark High dropped a 4-3 heartbreaker from the counci I agenda on two SPORTS 19-25 chool year - a new record. to defending tate champ and unbeaten occasions and sent a memo to Godwin Freshman Dana Travis pitched a two-hit­ Alexis I. DuPont in the two-day, eight-over­ other councilmembers objecting to OBITUARIES 26 ter a St. Mark' bested defending champion time state championship girls' soccer game. Goldstein not being "politically neutral." REAL ESTATE 27 and previously unbeaten Brandywine 3-0 in The game was the longest ever (boy or Tarrant tated that she believe the real reason the championship game of the Delaware girls) in Delaware high school soccer history. CLASSIFIEDS 28·36 See ETHICS, 5 • I ... PAGE 2 • NEWARK Posr • juNE 6, 1997 Tradition You Can Trust ~COPY MAVEN With over 100 Years of service, Minster's Jewelers continues to offer Yf!U the fi.nest jewelry, diamonds, colored gem stones and watches at the most excepllonal pnces. Custom Designs and Jewelry • FAST COPY SERVICE w~ • CUTTING, FOLDING Repairs on Premises • COLOR COPIES • POSTERS &. BANNERS • FAX SERVICE • DESKTOP PUBLISHING LIAJtf!)J Newark Shopping Center • BINDING, STAPLING • COPYRIGHT RESEARCH • Newark, DE Jewelers since 1895 136 E. Main Street • Newark, Delaware 19711 737-5947 (302) 456-9100 • Fax: 302-456-9104 Over 25 dealers Tool and EcJuipment O!Je 7yme 7/n!J'rues 1/taue Sbeut Rentals Cool Music for Hot Summer Nights Outside Antique Show ~~ · - l'ltttif1«4 <?)If. Home •Industry •Contractors 16 rooms of antiques and Small Engine Repair May 17th 9a.m.-5p.m. collectibles nestled In a turn of the (Rain date: May 18th) century Victorian home. join In our Anniversary NEWARK RENTALS INC. Celebration! Mai nstreet Galiena Newark Night! Special! Millcreek ~hopping Center Newark DE 19711 . 4563 K1rkwood llwy 280 East Main St. • Newark, DE :109 Sandy Dr. ( ) j _ W1th th1 s Coupon Wihnington. DE 19808 (302) 733-7677 Sandy Brae Industrial Park 302 69 3334 <302 > 995-6611 Exit 3 on 95 Sooth-273 Wesl about 5 miles Newark, DE :19'7:13 - Buy 4 CO's get one Free! OI'EN on Newark Night (Not g od with any offer - Stamps will not be honored with this special.) 10 am- )68 8547 • .:l-4100-U:l-18'7:1 - 20% off all Com ilation CO's NEWARK NITE * *SIZZLES! Joinlis!fun, * * games and prizes. Newark Nite 1997 * Entertainment Saturday, June 14, 1997 4> COPY MASTER Grand Prize is a vacation for two Highlights For All your document needs in Dewey Beach pl~s $25 in food certificates. 5:00 The Antique Auto Display Mike Mason and SPeCial DiSCOUnts Sign up Thursday, Friday or Saturday For UD Students and Faculty * Southern Pride 329 Newerll Shopping Cenler at the Newark Grotto Pizza Location. The Condors (NEXT TO THe CINeMA) Newerll, DE 1t711 Blain Newnum and For More lntonro.tloll * Drawing will take place Newark Nite. Blue Grass Friends Cell (302) 369-5545 FAX (302) 381HH1 6:00 The Juggling Hoffman, Rain Date June 21 6:30 The Larry Unthank Group 7:15 Professor Hitt, Brough~ To You By the Magician Newark Deltone Barber The Shop Quartet Newark Business I * 7:30 Dallas and the Stillwater Band Association , Jah Roots ·Grotto 8:30 Vic Sadot 's Planete Folie &The City of Band Newark * ~d~!:: * VI6IT THE 6HOP6 AT THE NEWARK 6HOPPING CENTER! fun filled NEWARK NITE June 14th- fun for the entire family! • Minster's Jewelers • Q -Stix • T' Adelphia • Hardcastle Gallery • M.T.j. Music • Nationwide Insurance • C.R. Wings • Sign-0 -Rama • Woolworth . • Ski Bum • Quickstop Food Mart • Ambassador Travel • Newark TV • Copy Master • Great Atlantic Shirt Co. • Free Parki • Food • Entertainment • Games • Music I ~ I \ I I .... 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He Newark Busine Association and Fraternal Order of Police leader To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1-800-220- to make aid the operator of the Copy Maven, said, and police supervi or call d to 3311 . Cost is $15.95 per year to New Castle County addresses . To begin a subscription, Thi . tim next week, Newark's Roanoke "he's been very responsive to the prote. t the headline and tated simply call. respected police chief may b County job need. of the busine , community "he i n't my and a lot guy ' pondering what he described a. a offer him the Hogan and it' a plea ure to work with hero!" To place a classified: Call1-800-220-1230 "most difficult de ision." opportunity to him.' The other finali . t i. the 51 - To place a display ad: Call 737-0724.
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