r. 20 • 2008 ---RRRRRREEEEEEFFFFFFEEEEEERRRRRREEEEEENNNNNNCCCCCCEEEEEESSSSSS--- GHEORGHE VLĂDU łESCUł (Romanian Academy), ALEXANDRU BOBOC (Romanian Academy), FLORIN CONSTANTINIU (Romanian Academy), CRISTIAN PREDA (University of Bucharest), LAURENTIU VLAD (University of Bucharest), VLADIMIR OSIAC (University of Craiova), CĂTĂLIN BORDEIANU („Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi) ---------IIIIIIIIINNNNNNTTTTTTEEEEEERRRRRRNNNNNNAAAAAATTTTTTIIIIIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNNAAAAAALLLLLL AAAAAADDDDDDVVVVVVIIIIIIIIISSSSSSOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYY BBOOAARRDD--------- MIHAI CIMPO I President o f the Academ y of the Rep ublic of Moldavia ION MACOVEI, Ambasador , Ministerul de Externe al României MICHAEL R ADU, Senior Fellow , Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA Co-Chairman, FPRI’s Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security, Philadelphia, USA YOHANAN MANOR, Professor, University de Jerusalem, Israel President, Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP) JOZE PIRJEVE C, Professor, University of Trieste, Italy PATRIC IA GONZALEZ-A LDEA Professor, University Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain OLIVER F RIGGIE RI, Professor , University of Malta CRISTINA BE JAN, Wadham College, Oxford, Great Britain MARINA PU JA BADESKU , Professor , University of Novi Sad SLAVCO ALMĂ JAN, Professor , University of Novi Sad, Serbia President , „Argos” Center for Open Dialogue, Novi Sad, Serbia NICU C IOBANU President, „Libertatea”Publishing House, Novi Sad, Serbia ---------EEEEEEDDDDDDIIIIIIIIITTTTTTOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIIIIIIAAAAAALLLLLL BBBBBBOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDD--------- Editor in chief: AUREL PIłURCĂC Deputy editor in chief: ION DEACONESCU Editorial board: CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, MIHAI COSTESCU, ANCA PARMENA OLIMID, COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE, CĂTĂLIN STĂNCIULESCU, CĂTĂLINA GEORGESCU, TITELA VÎLCEANU, MIHAI GHIŢULESCU NNNNNNOOOOOOTTTTTTEEEEEE oooooofffffffff ttttttttthhhhhheeeeeeeee EEEEEEDDDDDDIIIIIIIIITTTTTTOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIIIIIIAAAAAALLLLLL BBBBBBOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDD Revista de Stiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques was evaluated and authorized by the National Council of Scientific Research in Superior Education (CNCSIS) in the C category – periodical publications of national interest (May 16 t h , 2005) AAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDRRRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS University of Craiova, 13 A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania, Tel/Fax: +40251418515. © 2008- Editura Universitaria All rights reserved. All partial or total reproduction without the author’s written agreement is strictly forbidden. ISSN: 1584-224X http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/ CONTENTS CCOOOOPPEERRAATTIIIOONN AANNDD IIINNTTEEGGRRAATTIIIOONN::: B U I L D I N G T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O M M U N I T Y WALTER COUSINS , SEPE. Social, Economic & Political Evolution 7 CRISTINA PIGUI , ational and international Law Relationship. The Application of the International Decisions Concerning the Private Person 12 Situation in the ational Legal Order CONSTANTIN FOTA , GATT – Mon amour (pages of an unwritten book) 36 CEZAR AVRAM , ROXANA RADU , European Union’s Common Agricultural 45 Policy: Evolution, Objectives and Future Perspectives CCOONNFFLLIIICCTTSS AANNDD TTHHRREEAATTSS::: P I E C E S O F T H E G L O B A L P U Z Z L E 5 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice . R evue des Sciences Politiques • Nr. 20 • 2008 University of Craiova • Faculty of History, Philosophy, Geography• Political Science Department HHIIISSTTOORRYY SSTTUUDDIIIEESS::: F IRST S TEPS IN R O M A N I A ’ S M ODERNIZATION GEORGETA GHIONEA , The Involvement of Politics in the Development of the Banking System 112 ARCISA MÎTU , The Support Law of the Crown Domain 118 LOREDANA MARIA ILIN GROZOIU , The Premises of Constitutionalism in 124 Moldavia 6 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice . R evue des Sciences Politiques • Nr. 20 • 2008 COOPERATION AND INTEGRATION : BUILDING THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SEPE Social, Economic & Political Evolution Walter COUSIS * Abstract : The following article emphasizes a broad view of history and of today’s stage of the Western World and, especially, of the European Union recognising the theory of natural evolution. The author’s point of view is rather sceptical considering that we have failed in the history. But also, that federal union must not mean the deliberate or thoughtless destruction of the fascinating diversity of the national life of its Member States. We must forever treasure and safeguard the richness and traditions of the European way of life . Keywords : history, evolution, peace, cooperation, union. hen Wallace and Darwin shook Awareness of our SEPE has clearly not the world with their theory of been a conscious driving force, with the W natural evolution, they had still Commission interested in such mighty dealt with only part of the evolution of one matters as jam-jar labels, the noise of lawn- particular species, homo sapiens, because mowers and the contents of icecream and man is a political as well as a natural animal. sausages. Fortunately, man’s natural evolution Throughout history I see no evidence has needed neither his knowledge nor his in the conduct of our affairs, national or consent. Unfortunately, his peaceful social, international, to suggest any knowledge of economic and political evolution requires the forces governing mankind’s SEPE. both. Hence we have the strife, bloodshed Intense nationalism is still rife – though the and misery of the past – and of the present. religious divide may eventually prove to If it is important that man should un- be much more difficult to overcome. derstand his natural evolution, it is vastly Even within the European Union, na- more important that he should understand tionalism is still a major obstacle to further his SEPE, for his continued existence now progress. depends upon it. World peace and the Brotherhood of * Walter Cousins – founder, in 1957, of the Man are civilised, intellectual concepts, European Federal Union Movement in the however blurred in our minds; and stages U.K . This article is reprinted with publisher’s toward their realisation can no longer be permission, from Bulletin européen. Edition safely left to emerge merely as a by-product française, mars 2008, no. 694. of man’s primitive instincts. Blindly, we have reached our present stage of develop- 7 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice . R evue des Sciences Politiques • Nr. 20 • 2008 COOPERATION AND INTEGRATION: Walter Cousins ment, but only at staggering cost to others to it politically, or stubbornly refuse to – and to ourselves. acknowledge the need; and this refusal is If we take a broad view of history, it is almost invariably based on outdated so- possible to trace the thread of man’s social, vereignty. The concern that world leaders economic and political evolution through have for long expressed regarding the family, tribe, city-state, petty kingdom and balance of trade is one clear indication that great nation. The movement is world-wide, they are not really aware of the funda- though the speed varies with the circum- mental issues confronting us. stances. All such changes have actually Posterity will laugh at Europe’s pre- taken many centuries, but clearly there is a occupation with exports and will quote it common, underlying force behind them. as an example of insularity and ignorance The process of mankind’s SEPE is at of SEPE. Countries that depend on exports times hard to detect, because it has always are economic and political anachronisms. depended upon a number of factors, parti- We need new thinking. High exports are cularly the ease of communicating, but clear evidence that economic development however slow, it has always been present. has outgrown the economic and political Furthermore, of great importance, it is not bounds of the nation. This sometimes results the haphazard business that it at first in war as the nations concerned endeavour appears. That it has been accompanied by to safeguard their foreign markets or sources war or threat of war at almost every stage of raw materials. is only because we have hitherto been For countries that share common ignorant of the forces involved. interests and cultures and which together At every level, mankind’s political form a compact geographical region, the development has always been marked, ini- sensible way to overcome the problem tially, by the need for cooperation, usually without a lowering of standards is to create for defence, a higher standard of living, or a political union whose members share a for both. This cooperation, if successful, common purse, thereby automatically easing has then led to economic and political ties, the situation for all members. A common and, ultimately, to economic and political purse is much more important than a common union, usually achieved, hitherto, by war. market. Of course, such a movement would The greater the problem, or more simply be an extension of the thread of complex the situation, the greater has been SEPE that can be traced throughout history. the need for cooperation and eventual uni- In Europe we have recently seen interna- fication. Unification makes further progress tional cooperation on an unprecedented possible, further and wider cooperation scale, even in peace-time. Such costly and essential and yet further unification with its highly complex projects as the “Concorde” increased capacity and potential inevitable. airliner and the Channel Tunnel have Hence we have the growth of larger and more clearly followed the pattern in the techno- powerful economic and political units. logical field, as has the Common
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