In this issue: Design: Art or Object? Texas Art and Architecture Art in Architecture Art by Architects Architect Six Texas Museums Mansbendel, Woodcarver N0. 1 VOL. 28 JAN./ FEB. 1978 Contents 3 Tnas Archlttct is the official pubhcalion or The Texas Sociely or Archnecl\. TSA is lhe omcial or­ Design: Work of Art or aaniuuon .,r the Texas Rea,on or lhe American ln­ ,11,ute or Arch11ec1,. Working Object? .. 10 Des Taylor Editor-In-Chief A report 011 the A I A DeiiR11 Co11- Larry Paul Fuller Managing Editor f ere11ce in Warhingron D.C.. where Michael McCullnr Associate Editor John I a,h Advertising Director that regulllrly posed queHion wm Kay Payne Circulation Manager left 11n,1111wercd once ,1~ain. llydcr Jo,cph Brown, AIA E:dilorial Con,ultant Art and Arch itecture: Editorial Policy Committee Rivalry or Symbiosis? . .. 14 Mort I cvy. Chairman Jack E. Mee~ J,1d, Craycroh Jack M11<hdl A look at an apparent dil•,•rR<'IICe < r.111,t K,·nn,·d~ Jim Fo,h.·1 of l'iewpoint between arti.rt Pt\. l nrcnntrn I nrry Cinou and architect. Hn,n ,on n~u,t.·\ Tn11r Arr/111tct i, published ~ix time• yearly by the Art in Architecture: le,." S.m<ty or Arch11ecl\, 2121 Auslln Na1lo113I Does it Fit? 18 Bank Tower, Conarcss at Sixth, Austln, Texas 78701 1 clcphone ~ 12 •478-7'86. Sub,cription price is S6.00 A II a11alysir of large-.rc,ilt• art a11d per yc.ir for addr"\e, wnhin the con11nentnl Uniled itr role in em•iro11me11tal deri(l11. S1a1c, c"cpttna H awnil and Alaska Ed1tllrrnl con1rohu11on\, corre,pondence, nnd adver- Art by Architects: A Portfolio . 21 11sin11 malcnal 1nv11<d by the editor. Usually, no pay­ men1 will be m;ide for nriicles Publi•her Jives per­ A wi111pli11,: of pure art from 13 mi,,ion rnr reproduction or all or pan or editorial T,•xar practitioners of the applied. malenal hc1cin 1r publica11on cred11 is glnn Tna.r Arch/tut nnd the author when indicated. Publicallons Shelter for Art: Six Texas which normally pay ror article, arc requested 10 Art Museums 27 11ive conilderatlon 10 the aulhor or reproduced byline feature material A rtudy of rix Terns art mmeumr. Appearance, or nnmes and pictures or produc1, e\l'mplifying contact hetwee11 art nnd services in e11her editorial or adver1isln1 doc• a11d architecture i11 its most nol comti1u1e an endor,emcnl or same by either 1hc intimate form. Texas Society or Architects or the American lnJtilutc or Architect, Nor docs editorial comment neccnarlly Mansbendel 35 rellcct an nfficlal opinion or eilher or11nnl7atlon. A look at the prolific career of Swiss TSA Officers immivant PC'fer Mamhe11del who le/t l1ir l'rc,1on \.I Onllnn. I AIA. llnu,wn l're'1dcnt mark ar a Texas woodcarver i11 fine C,cur~c l ovin,. I A IA. Abilene l'rc'ldcnt ll«1 1t,m1e1 a11d huildi11gs throughout the Wilh.,m II llnll;ind. ("orpu• Chm11 Vu.:t Prc,1drnt Hate. John Only Greer. Cnllc~c ',1a11nn Vice-l'rc'1d<ni Oo<>ne Powell, San An1nnio Vice President In the Mainstream 38 Jame, II Meyer. Kich.irdwn ',c<tCl,lt'r The Wake Forert Fi11e ArH Center i11 Bob Mc<Seumith, I uhh<,ck T1nsurcr llal Bu,, I AIA, Au,1111 All\ Rr11l11n•I llir«tnr Wi,wo11-Salem, S.C.. one of tlm•e Fint Jay W 0 .11ncs, I AIA, Honor Award win11ers i11 TSA\ /977 Au,tm A I A l\tKl"n•I I )If<'( 1111 de1·iRt1 awards compt•titio11 I h 111, St 1hl A11 tin lmmnlt1lr 1•11 1'1t hh:nl It I ,yl1•1 ,\u 1111 I• 11ll•t llirC'(IOf Projects m Progre s 41 lure In the New l ttcr On the Cover: Plwtog11111/11•1 fo, Coming Up: / hr /111, l1 A ,,,fl ln11r 11/ \\ I I I l',1'<> ('11.11>h'1 0 I\;\ 1 r 1111 1 11 //I /1111! "' m11,/1 , 111111/ Robu1 I , '-lunu , or, w,,nh ( 11.,,,11·, th/\ /\Hlf' f < OI < I 11 ti\ rr/111 {l//1111 111 11, 11111 //1 "Ir, 1111, r '" Kenneth 8cnt\Cn, rAIA I lou\lon Chapter <':r111/,I \11111,hr"'I, I >.,n O~dcn I o-...·er Rio C,r.inth: th 11111/, /1111 l11 11I,,, 1 l'""l"1 tJ, 1111d o/ < lu11lrf l ,111/,) V,1llcy Ch:ip1er f•Ttll tit/1111 / I (IIUI ti, I {J/1//111'< f \ltl/ 1/111'\• , In,,, wt, r, l11 1/11111 fom 1\11lls I 111">1><>< ~ Chapter to,, I /11 11/wto 11 11011 11/ ;, lrrtl,,, 11 11to11/d I"' 111111/\' John Moore ~,,rthr.l\l I t , .1 Chnpu.•r '''""'"' '''"'"Jlh11llf" ',,,,.,.,. J.1mt"> Dn,kcrv 'i 111 A111nn10 Chap1er ,1h1tlltrt ''""' nf 0 Ru C11•<1dc St,111h" "' I l"'- , , Ch ..tr,tcr Uol/ W1•1t11h,1/'1 "II', 1/ of till I' c111 111 Jim 011<:hc I~• " l'anh indlc Chapter frp11t of l/01nt,111'1 C 1111tr11111111,11> 1l1H John l}udln \\ ...,, Chap1,·r \\.- , I, ' ·" (.'hap1er \1111, 11111 Kenneth I "hi J (, l)l\1111 II \\ I, hlln I 111' (."hap1cr 1),1\HI 11, .... 0111 \ IXIOtlOn (I( 1 I ,11 < h.1ptrrs/ AIA I xn s Architect The ualit Lif It is customary, and logically so, for the incoming TSA president to be afforded use of this space in the year's first issue of Texas Architect as an opportunity to outline goals and expectations for the coming year. This cour­ tesy generally is proffered regardless of what the overall theme of that particu­ lar issue happens to be. From my own perspective, however, "Art and Archi­ tecture" as a theme for this issue is particularly pertinent and appropriate to what I have to say. For one, I always have been an advocate of the arts in general and have subscribed to the view that art and architecture are perfectly compatible, if not one in the same. So this will serve as an endorsement of the subject's significance as the focus of this issue. Secondly, the theme of "Art and Architecture" tracks very well with the theme I have proposed for our activities within the Society this year-"Texas: the Quality Life." Art, whether in general or in the context of architecture, is a source of enrichment, a means of transcending the minimal, the mundane, the mediocre. It is a major aspect of what we envision as the quality life. As a professional organization, and as individual architects, we are also interested in finding other ways to enrich the lives of Texans, to help maintain and improve the quality of life in our state. One obvious way is to strive for quality in the practice of architecture. Ours is a time in which mediocrity has somehow been elevated to a level of acceptability. It would behoove us as a profession, and our clients as well, to insist on quality and only the highest standards of professional competence. To that end, TSA will be providing for its members this year many opportunities for professional development and, on a trial basis, will be offering seminars for clients who want to learn how best to work toward quality with their architects. On a more general level, we are encouraging better communication be­ tween the architectural profession and all other segments of a given commu­ nity. That would mean more involvement of architects in community affairs, more intensive interchange with citizens regarding what-from varying per­ spectives-should be done to maintain and improve the quality of life within the community. In some of its seventeen chapter areas statewide, TSA will be lending is support this year to specific programs-such as seminars and town meetings-designed to faci litate such an interchange. In other cases, we would hope that, on a less formal basis, strides will be made toward better commu­ nication in the interest of quality. We will all be moving toward the ideal expressed by "Texas: the Quality Life" if we do what we can to make 1978 a quality year. Preston M. Bolton, FAIA President Texas Society of Architects January/ February 1978 3 first Baptist Church - Dallas BEA UTIFUL, ORIGINAL, FUNCTIONAL Allan Spillers-Design International DIRECTIONS.. .with Precision Graphics A si ngle stripe or a series of insets, very simple Give us the opportunity to tell you the exciting or unusually complex ... graphic design with story of Precision Graphics and its unique and carpet is as limitless as one's imagination. original application to your projects. Precision Graphics meet the three most important criteria of space designers and their clients. 1. Aesthetics - take a plain product- carpet­ UNICO and add dimension to it. CARPET COMPANY 2. Longevity-guaranteed for five years. Importer.. and d1stnbutor<; of unique commercial carpets. 3. Cleanability-extra dense fusion bonded 3860 Dalla., Trade Mart • Dallas, Texas 75207 • (214) 747-2486 In Houston (713) 493-03-12 carpet is easy to maintain. C,rcle 2 on Reader /nqu,ry Card Art and Architecture An Introduction By Larry Paul Fuller "Art and Architecture." The subJect itself I many-faccted­ "tangible speculation"-and on completed design expressions in lile a masterful painting, an intricate building-yet one which the form of plans, sections, axonometncs, elevations and worl..­ we approach cnthusi~t1cally as the theme of this issue. For at as ing drawings. Drawing is the language of design. Yet we are not our conviction that, whatever el,;e we might choose to ob:.erve surprised to find certain architects engaged in non-architectural about architecture.
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