![Arxiv:2004.07325V1 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 15 Apr 2020 3+ Ybalo3 [1, 2]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Experimental observation of magnetic dimers in diluted Yb:YAlO3 S. E. Nikitin,1, 2 Tao Xie,3 A. Podlesnyak,3, ∗ and I. A. Zaliznyak4, y 1Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, D-01187 Dresden, Germany 2Institut f¨urFestk¨orper- und Materialphysik, Technische Universit¨atDresden, D-01069 Dresden, Germany 3Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 4Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA We present a comprehensive experimental investigation of Yb magnetic dimers in Yb0:04Y0:96AlO3, an Yb-doped Yttrium Aluminum Perovskite (YAP) YAlO3 by means of specific heat, magnetization and high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements. In our sample, the Yb ions are randomly distributed over the lattice and ∼ 7% of Yb ions form quantum dimers due to nearest- neighbor antiferromagnetic coupling along the c-axis. At zero field, the dimer formation manifests itself in an appearance of an inelastic peak at ∆ ≈ 0:2 meV in the INS spectrum and a Schottky-like anomaly in the specific heat. The structure factor of the INS peak exhibits a cosine modulation along the L direction, in agreement with the c-axis nearest-neighbor intra-dimer coupling. A careful fitting of the low-temperature specific heat shows that the excited state is a degenerate triplet, which indicates a surprisingly small anisotropy of the effective Yb-Yb exchange interaction despite the low crystal symmetry and anisotropic magnetic dipole contribution, in agreement with previous reports for the Yb parent compound, YbAlO3 [1, 2], and in contrast to Yb2Pt2Pb [3, 4]. The obtained results are precisely reproduced by analytical calculations for the Yb dimers. I. INTRODUCTION information storage schemes with coherent and entangled photons [7{11]. Rare-earth based insulating crystals such Rare Earth based systems have recently been widely as Yb:YAP (Yb-doped Yttrium Aluminum perovskite, considered among the leading candidates for quantum YbxY1−xAlO3), Yb:YAG (Yb-doped Yttrium Aluminum information storage and processing [5{9]. In rare earths, garnet, YbxY3−xAl5O12), or Nd:Y2SiO5 are well known strong relativistic spin-orbit coupling ties the spin and laser materials with high quantum efficiencies, long re- the orbital angular momentum together, so they form a laxation times and narrow optical transition lines in the multiplet of total angular momentum, J , often with large near infrared range overlapping with telecom wavelengths J . In the presence of crystal electric field (CEF) the [12, 13]. Quantum repeaters [6], teleportation between (2J + 1)-fold degeneracy of the orbital multiplet is lifted distant condensed matter qubits [10], optical preparation and the states of the rare-earth ion are split in energy. In of coherent dark states [14], quantum photon teleporta- the case of Kramers ions, such as Ce3+, Nd3+, Dy3+, Er3+, tion and storage in a quantum memory [15], and quantum Yb3+, the CEF level splitting retains Kramers twofold storage of entangled photons [16] and an all-optical re- degeneracy and the lowest doublet can be well separated trieval [17], were all recently demonstrated in rare-earth in energy from the rest of the multiplet, forming quantum laser materials. degree of freedom that can be described by an effective Recently, magnetic quantum doublet degree of free- spin-1/2. These quantum doublets are protected by time- dom in materials with 4f ions with odd number of reversal symmetry and can form entangled spin states. f-electrons, such as Ce3+, Nd3+, Yb3+, etc., which Their peculiar coupling with external electromagnetic filed is described by an effective spin-1/2, came to promi- is governed by the angular momentum, J , conservation, nence in the context of novel quantum magnets. thus offering a route towards protected quantum states in Among these are two-dimensional triangular-lattice sys- rare earth ion magnets, which are suitable for solid state tems [18, 19], three-dimensional pyrochlore-lattice spin- quantum information processing and storage. liquids, e.g. Ce2Zr2O7 [20], quantum dimer mag- In the case of 4f ions with non-zero orbital angular net Yb2Si2O7 [21], one-dimensional spin-chain antifer- momentum, the CEF splitting is typically only a modest romagnets (AFM) Yb2Pt2Pb [3, 4], YbFeO3 [22] and perturbation to the dominant spin-orbit splitting. Con- arXiv:2004.07325v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 15 Apr 2020 3+ YbAlO3 [1, 2]. Traditionally, the physical realization of sequently, in an ion such as Yb , there are a number such systems were found among the 3d-electron (mostly of J ! J ± 1 optical transitions at slightly different Cu2+) materials, such as frustrated spin-liquid can- wavelengths, which can be individually addressed by pho- didate herbertsmithites (see Ref. [23] and references tons. The compatibility with optical technology makes therein), two-dimensional Heisenberg AFM PHCC [24] Yb and sister rare earths (Ce, Nd, Er, Dy) attractive for and Cu(DCOO)2·4D2O[25], one-dimensional spin-chain incorporating in optics-based quantum computation and materials SrCuO2 and Sr2CuO3 [26{29], etc. These ma- terials, however, usually have significant disadvantages, which complicate their investigations: (i) a small mag- ∗ Correspondence to: [email protected] netic moment; (ii) a very strong exchange interaction, y [email protected] typically J > 10 meV, which means that one has to ap- 2 (a) (c) ply an exceptionally high magnetic field to influence the Monomer (Yb1 ) |S=-1/2〉 ground state. In rare earth based systems, on the other z +g½ m B|J =-7/2〉 hand, the overlap of the 4f electronic wavefunctions is Y/Yb |S=±1/2〉 B |Jz =±7/2 small and effective spin interactions are often quite weak, 〉 -½ m gBB |S=+1/2〉 c Al z making detailed magnetic field studies possible [1{4]. |J =+7/2〉 YbAlO3, an end member of Yb:YAP family of ma- a b O Dimer (Yb ) terials was shown to be a good realization of S = 1=2 2 |Sz =-1 one-dimensional antiferromagnet, which exhibits spinon (b) (d) tot 〉 |Jz =-7 100 tot 〉 confinement-deconfinement transition and quantum crit- |S =1,Sz =0 m 10-1 tot tot 〉 +gB B icality in different regions of its phase diagram [1]. Its |Jz =0 10-2 tot 〉 physics can be reasonably well described by a combination -3 z 10 |Stot =1,S tot =±1〉 of nearest-neighbor intrachain exchange interaction along 10-4 |Jz =±7 -gm B % tot 〉 B D D0 z Probability -5 ± the c-axis and weak in-plane interchain dipolar interaction, 10 |S tot =+1〉 -6 z 0.02 92.16 % 7.37 % 0.44 % 10 |Stot =0〉 |J =+7 which stabilizes the magnetic order below TN = 0:88 K. It Monomer DimerTrimerTetramer tot 〉 Yb Yb Yb Yb |Jz =0 is worth noting that this is an unexpected result because 1 2 3 4 tot 〉 the crystal structure of YbAlO3 does not naturally imply any \special" chain direction (this is similar to what was FIG. 1. Crystal structure and energy levels of Yb dimers found in Yb2Pt2Pb [3]). Moreover, while the symmetry of in Yb:YAlO3. (a) Orthorhombic perovskite P bnm crystal structure of Y Yb AlO where Yb form chain segments Yb site is very low (Cs) and the CEF environment induces 1−x x 3 an exceptionally high magnetic anisotropy of the ground along the c-axis. (b) Calculated probability for Yb ions to form n-mers of different length; the ratio n·P (Ybn+1) is constant state doublet (gz >> gxy), the analysis of INS spectra and (n+1)·P (Ybn) critical exponents has shown that the intrachain exchange and equal to the concentration of Yb, x ≈ 0:043. (c) Effective interaction is very isotropic, 0:88J < J < J . spin-1/2 energy levels of the ground state doublet of an isolated xy ∼ z ∼ xy 3+ We note that low-dimensional S = 1=2 magnets re- Yb ion and (d) splitting of the Yb dimer levels in the main at the cutting edge of the solid state physics for presence of XXZ interaction, Eq. (1), and magnetic field, B. the last decades. Depending on dimension of the lattice they can host exotic ground states and excitations. For down to 1.8 K. Specific heat measurements of m = 11:5 mg sample of Yb:YAlO3 were carried out using a commercial instance, two-dimensional triangular AFM is predicted to 3 host entangled quantum spin-liquid ground state. One- PPMS from Quantum Design with He option. Magnetic dimensional spin models show no magnetic ordering down field was applied along the easy a-axis. to zero temperature and exhibit fractionalized spinon Neutron scattering measurements were performed at excitations. Even the simplest toy model { a dimer con- the time-of-flight Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer sisting of two spins coupled by an AFM interaction has (CNCS) [31, 32] at the Spallation Neutron Source at an entangled ground state, = p1 j"# − #"i, which Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Data were collected 2 with a single crystal Yb:YAlO sample with mass around has no clear analogy in classical physics and presents a 3 0.6 g, which was aligned in the (0KL) scattering plane. useful two-qubit model for quantum information science Triton - Cryofree dilution refrigeration system from Ox- (QIS). Hence, studies of these systems presents significant ford Instruments was used to cool the sample down to interest. T = 0:1 K. The data were collected using fixed incident In this work, we investigate the magnetic Hamiltonian neutron energies of E = 1:55 meV (λ = 7:27 A)˚ and of Yb-Yb effective spin interactions in Yb:YAlO by mea- i i 3 E = 3:32 meV (λ = 4:96 A)˚ resulting in a full-width-at- suring the diluted sample, Yb Y AlO (x ≈ 0:04).
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