Section rosse Pointe ~ws A 30, .. ,' Copy 42 Pag6s-Three Sections PwlllSlheli ., S.canll Crall Matter .t the GR05SE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1981 $1) Per 'Y,ar VOL, 42-NO. 31 Post Offlc •• t DetroIt, MlchliOIl GP Theatre Public Hearing 'needs place ~ Set For Condos to call home By Susan McDonald will step down when his term ex- pires in November, said he "will not By Joanne GouJeche The Grosse Pointe Park Coun- be the one to change zoning in the cil sent plans for a luxury condo- city. A place to call home. That's minium development along Jef- "This is a single-family city, and I what the Grosse Pointe Theatre f€,r<;on Avpnll€, haf'k to ito nl "n_ ,hill" iL ~llUuiu May diaL ..."y," i' ..,. ~lOp~S to say aoout the former ni~g co~mis~ion 'f~~~evi;w: ~nd terson said. Grosse Pointe Nursing Home on set a public hearing date on the proposal sometime this October. At Monday's meeting council mem- Fisher Road in the coming bers Ann MacDonald and Douglas months. 'The proposed development - the Graham asked builder Scott to keep first Cor "cluster housing" on the lake in mind a single family development 'I1he theater 'People appealed to shore in the Pointes - includes 36 as an alternative to .the condo pro. Grosse fointeCity council members units contained in 18, two.story brick posal when they appear before the last week to use the home as a re- veneer buildings. The price range per planning commission in October. hearsal hall and were ,greeted with unit is $200,000 to $400,000, according an initial enthusiastic response from to builder James Scott, of Webber city fathers. The sit~ of the OOme is Place. zoned single-family and would requ~re a special zone variance from the Scott, who has been a builder for Vaughan council at a special public hearing 32 years in the Grosse Pointe area, Aug. 17 at city offices, 17147 Maumee. helped develop the Glancy estate, and Photo bV Tom Greenwood has built homes on Mischa Lane, -energy post . The theater needs a ''Jl:ome'' to ,,-Soon to be nothing more than a memory; subdivision'. John Gehrke, developer for lool 'Mooreland, Briarcliff, Fordcroft and store costumes, set dressings and to the mansion 'that once belonged to Winifred Services, owners of the property, hopes to have in the University LIggett School area, rehearse its five major productions Dodge Seyburn, 16850 Jefferson, now belongs'to five homes built in the subdivision by the end aecording to his son Lawrenee Scott, • eaoh year, aocording to GPT members. hi$tory. The I8.bedroom chateau was completely of this year. The homes will cost in the range a partner in the building firm_ nomInee of $250,000. torn down last week to make way for an 18-10t Scott also owns three Elbow Room Senate confirmatlion hearings are , Membel'5 now meet monthly at .tJhe restaurants and the Georgian Inn in scheduled this week in W'lShingt(ln, Grosse PQinte War Memorial and have Roseville. D.C. for assistant ~retary of energy be~n ~attered around the GrOsse nominee William A. Vaughan, Gen- Pointe area since the theater's incep- The condo development is proposed eral -MoloY'S ~ol'lporation's energy tion more than 30 years ago, says Woods okays beer, wine .at Bonanza for the Morrison estate, between manager .. Gwen Samuels, a theater spokesman. Bishop Road and Ellair Plaee in the If ,the 46-year-old lawyer ~rom Park. According to the youll'ger scott, . a1 dining rooms to be used for pri- - Grosse Poin"te Farms wins senate ap- By Gregory .Jakub who was concerned about the com- the area is' not feasible for develop- "We don't have any of.fices. We just proval for the $52,750 federal post, plicated maze of businesses and in- vat-e function!S such as rotary meet- ment' as single family residences with want a place tu call home," ~s. he will. among other -duties, be re- The Grosse Pointe Woods vestments that -the Bonanza owners irlgs and sports banquets. Beer and today's building prices. I. ~amuels said sponsible for kee1>ing the nation's , Council has aPl=-'oved the trans- are involved .in, finally said he was wine would be available in those , fer of a liquor license formerly satisfied with their financ.ial status. rooms and also in the main cafeteria- "Condominiums are .the corning strategic petrdIeum reserve filled. The the&ter group, along witlh other style dining room by' request from \ held by the defunct Gabby's thing. People just can't afford to sup- Vaughan \'"as named to his present local arti.,ts ,were booted out of the The license transfer approved July waitresses, BieUield said. port the large homes anymore," Scott Gmsse Pointe Academy in April be. Restaurant to the owners of the 20 must be confirmed by the State Bonanza Restaurant on Mack. Th,e license transfer brings the said. "There is definitely a market cause the academy's board of direc- Liquor Control Commission. Once ap. for thcm herc." tors wante<! to Use the build'ing for 'a proved, Bielficld said he plans to ex- number of liquor serving establish.- The approval ended a three, month "broader community. u~e.H pand the Bonanza with two addition- (Continued (In Page '7A) , He said the Birmingham, Bloom- stand-off between the council and field, Rochester area has a "tremen- one of the Bonanza owners, Jay Biel- Then, eadier this lIlont!l, the thea. dous number" of these types of, de- .field, a West Bloomfield attorney, ter 10~t out on its bid to P\l'rchase the velopment, - 'several designed by who challenged the council's initial Old Kerby Scihool in Grosse Pointe Smith, Schurman an,d Associates, the denial of the license transfer on April same firm that is working on plans I Farms when it appeared 'before that League forum tonight cccnmunity's city coun~i1. 6. for the Morrison estate. Grosse Pointe Park voters they are being adequately protect- The younger Scott said the 2,800' On that date, some councilmen said will go to the polls this Tues. ed dU1'ing a toime of -increasing At last week'" council meeting in they disapproved Bielfeld's transfer subUIDban crime. square feet condominiums would be the City, G'P'f member Dale P~gg request QecatJSe 'tbe1"i11ckeq financial day, Aug ..4, t<? select six can~ surrounded by an existing greenbelt . saoid the nursing horne's board of information about the trio that oWns didates for city council who- • Kerc:heV:i Improvement. and-. that will not be disturbed if construc- trustees have aeceiPted the ,theater's Bonanza. Bielfield said that was in- will run-off for three seats in other federaI programs, which tion is allowed by the city. "You can't cJffer to purvhase the buildling at 315 sufficient grounds for denial since the 'November general elec- were the center of controversy even see the estate now, and that Fisher Road. such information was never formally tion. Tonight, the League of duril1lg the Pa1'k's 1ast general wouldn't change," he said. election, are ,being !l'eevaluated requested by the council. Women Voters will give the The development would contain its under the Reag-an administration. Vaughan According to tne home's executive public a chance to meet, hear own street, going down the middle director, Joseph Mash, the home has Bielfield pressed his ease during and question the candidates of the lot, with units facing onto that, GM post in 1976 and was cited last been vaeant sinee 1979 and: attempts several confrontations with the eoun- • Group >homes' for mell'taUy- at a public forum at 8 p.m. rather, than Bishop or Ellair. Traffic year by Modern Industrial Energy to renovate tlle home have been un. eil and was finally aSked to supply handicapped il&sons, which are additional financial information about in the Park Municipal Burld- being openea in severa[ subuI1ban would also travel ~hat street, past a magazine for keeping the au!omaker's successful becaUse of exorbitant costs private gatehouse at the corner of and, run.ins with bureaucratic red _ ownership and details about how beer ing. communities, have become a 'Con- energy costs low. Jefferson. The e'nel'gy nominee joined GM in tape. The properly has been a nursing and wine would be dispensed. cern to Park residents 'because The forum will be moderated by 1970 as an attorney on the corpora- home since 1960, Mash said. , of state plans to locate a home for City administrators like the $9 mil- The coun.til said it wanted to be Frances Schonenberg. Chairman of tion's Legal Staff and a year later VOitel' Service' for the LWV is the retarded 'On Bedlford Road, lion proposal because it would in- sur,e of the financial status' of the ap- More homes for persons with vari. was appointed: attorney-in-cl1al'ge of GPT members say !if 3<15'FJsh-er Lenore A. Marshall. Voter oguides crease the tax revenues to the city plicant since the former owners of ous hand:ca.ps are e~ted to be from the land, from the current $14,- , the environment'al law section. Roi<d becomes their hew horne, pro. compiled 'by the LWV are available For 10 years Vaughan instruc- the license, Ga:bby's Restaurant on. pro,p'Osed'by .fue staote in the future. 000 to more than $90,000, according was ductbns and general memOership .Mack near Morass, went bankrupt at the city hall and 1~rary.
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