REDD Readiness Preparation Proposal For Uganda SUBMITTED TO THE FOREST CARBON PARTNERSHIP FUND June 2011 Disclaimer The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in the Readiness Preparation Proposals (R-PPs) submitted by REDD Country Participants and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use. The boundaries, colours, denominations, and other information shown on any map in the R-PPs do not imply on the part of the World Bank any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Acknowledgements Uganda’s REDD –Plus Readiness Proposal (R-PP) has been prepared by REDD National Focal Point and approved by Government of Uganda. The preparation of this REDD-Plus Readiness proposal was funded by FCPF (through WorldBank) and Royal Norwegian Government. The Government of Uganda greatly values this contribution. The REDD-Plus Readiness Proposals formulation process was overseen by the Ministry of Water and Environment and managed by the R-PP Secretariat hosted by National Forestry Authority. The REDD National Steering Committee oversaw the preparation process while the REDD Working Group coordinated and facilitated stakeholder participation in the formulation of the R-PP. The R-PP formulation process engaged an extensive Stakeholders’ consultation process ranging from policy level to forest dependants country wide. The Government of Uganda would like to acknowledge all individuals and institutions who have contributed to the planning and production of this R-PP. The contribution of R-PP Secretariat (Mr. Xavier Mugumya, Mr. Alex Muhweezi and Ms. Sheila Kiconco) who managed the R-PP process and prepared this document is greatly appreciated. Finally, Government of Uganda looks forward to implementation of the R-PP in collaboration with all Stakeholders. Hon. Maria Mutagamba Minister of Water and Environment Acronyms ACODE Action Coalition for Development and Environment CARE CARE International (Uganda Office) CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBOs Community Based Organizations CCU Climate Change Unit (of Uganda) CFM Collaborative Forest Management CFR Central Forest Reserves GHG Green House Gases CRGMS Conflict Resolution and Grievances Management System CRM Collaborative Resources Management CWA Community Wildlife Areas DDP District Development Plans DFS District Forest Services EA Environmental Alert EAC East African Community ECOTRUST Environmental Conservation Trust of Uganda ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility FIEFCO Forest Income Enhancement and Forest Conservation Project FSSD Forestry Sector Support Department GIS Global Information System IGG Inspector General of Government IPCC Inter-government Panel on Climate Change IPM Integrated Pest Management ITFC Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JMR Joint Management Reserves LFR Local Forest Reserves MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries MEMD Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development MOFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MOV Means of Verification MRV Measurement, Reporting and Verification MUIENR Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources MWE Ministry of Water and Environment NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Development Services NAFORRI National Forestry Resources Research Institute NARO National Agricultural Resources Organization NDP National Development Plan NEMA National Environment Management Agency NFA National Forestry Authority NFP National Forest Plan NFTP National Forestry Tree Planting Act NGOs Non – Government Organizations NORAD Norwegian Agency for International Development PFE Permanent Forest Estate PMA Plan for Modernization of Agriculture RACS REDD Communications Strategy REDD-COP REDD Consultations and Outreach Plan REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation R-PIN REDD Project Identification Note R-PP REDD Readiness Preparation Proposal RSC REED-Plus Steering Committee RWG REDD-Plus Working Group SESA Social and Environmental Impact Assessments SLM Sustainable Land Management SNR Strict Nature Reserves SP Strategic Plan THF Tropical High Forests TORs Terms of Reference UBOS Uganda Bureau of Standards UNCCD United National Convention on Climate Change and Desertification UNFCCC United National Framework Convention for Climate Change UWA Uganda Wildlife Authority UWASP Uganda Wildlife Authority Strategic Plan WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WMD Wetlands Management Department WRI World Resources Institute WRs Wildlife Reserves Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION 13 CONTACT INFORMATION 13 R-PP DEVELOPMENT TEAM 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 15 COMPONENT 1: ORGANIZE AND CONSULT 18 1A. NATIONAL READINESS MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 18 1.1 The R-PP Formulation process 18 1.2 The process for achieving Uganda Readiness for REDD-Plus 21 1.3 Summary activities during the R-PP implementation 21 1.4 Outputs from R-PP implementation 22 1.5 Institutional mandates and participation in R-PP formulation (2010-2011) 22 1.6 Institutional mandates and participation in R-PP implementation (2012-2014) 23 1.7 R-PP implementation Supervision, Coordination and Monitoring (2012-2014) 27 1.8 Consultations and Feedback into REDD-Plus Strategies 30 1.9 Policy, institutional and legal provisions and requirements for R-PP implementation in Uganda 33 1.10 Policy and legal frameworks likely to hinder R-PP implementation 36 1.11 Relationship between REDD –Plus and Uganda’s Forestry and Development Policies 36 1.12 Addressing Key social and environmental risks and potential impacts 37 1.13 Qualifying Uganda’s REDD-Plus Readiness Proposal 37 1 B. INFORMATION SHARING AND EARLY DIALOGUE WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS 40 1. 14 Information sharing and Early Dialogue with Stakeholder during R-PP formulation (2009-2011) 41 1C. CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION PROCESS 50 1.15 Stakeholder Consultation and Participation during R-PP Implementation (2012-2104) 50 COMPONENT 2: PREPARE THE REDD STRATEGY 65 2A. ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE, FOREST POLICY AND GOVERNANCE 65 2.1 The Situation analysis 65 2.2 Forestry resources base in Uganda 73 2.3 Forestry Policy and Governance 87 2.4 Forest governance in Uganda 93 2.5 Stakeholder mapping 98 2.6 Proposed activities and budget for the R-PP period 99 2B. REDD STRATEGY OPTIONS 100 2.7 Potential strategies for addressing the drivers of deforestation and degradation 100 2.8 Process for finalizing REDD-Plus Strategy options during 2011-2014. 104 2C. REDD IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK 109 2.9 Implementation Framework during R-PP implementation 109 2.10 Implementation Framework for Uganda’s REDD-Plus Strategy 111 2.11 Implementation Schedule and budget 112 2 D. SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 114 2.12 The Social Environmental Impact Assessment process 114 2.13 SESA related provisions of Uganda’s Policies and Laws relevant to REDD 116 2.14 Framework for integrating social and environmental considerations into REDD –Plus strategy and its implementation 118 2.15 Action Plan for developing the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) 119 COMPONENT 3: DEVELOP A REFERENCE LEVEL 124 3.1 Definitions 124 3.2 Activity and Emission Data in Uganda 126 3.3 Capacity for Reference Level 128 3.4 Developing the Reference Level 129 COMPONENT 4: DESIGNING A MONITORING SYSTEM 134 4A. EMISSIONS AND REMOVAL 135 4.1 Process of designing MRV 135 4.2 Data collection methodologies 138 4.3 Defining mandates during the design of MRV 139 4B. MULTIPLE BENEFITS, OTHER IMPACTS AND GOVERNANCE 143 COMPONENT 5: SCHEDULE AND BUDGET 146 5.1 Over-all budget 146 5.2 Detailed Budget 148 COMPONENT 6: DESIGN A PROGRAMME MONITORING AND EVALUATION FRAMEWORK 169 6.1 M&E Framework implementation modalities and responsibilities 169 6.2 Information management system and procedures 170 6.3 Reporting and accountability 170 6.4 The Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 171 7. REFERENCES 178 ANNEXES 182 8.1 Annex 1: Composition of Uganda’s REDD-Plus Working Group 182 8.2 Annex 1(b): Terms of Reference for Strengthening National Capacity and Readiness for REDD-Plus. 184 8.3 Annex 1(c): Terms of Reference for developing Conflict Resolution and Grievances Management System for REDD-Plus. 185 8.4 Annex 2: Relationship between R-PP and Forestry Policies and Programmes in Uganda 187 8.5 Annex 3: Outreach and Participation Plan (March 2010) 195 8.6 Annex 4: Expanded Consultations 200 8.7 Annex 2(a): Terms of Reference for completing the Assessment of relationship between Land Use, Forest Policy and Governance and REDD - Plus Strategy 205 8.8 Annex 2(b-i): Terms of Reference for Taskforce to finalize the REDD-Plus Strategy Options and develop REDD-Plus Strategy for Uganda 206 8.9 Annex 2(b-ii): Terms of Reference for developing Risk Assessment and Management Framework 208 8.10 Annex 2(c): Terms of Reference for developing REDD-Plus Strategy Implementation Framework 208 8.11 Annex 2(d): Terms of reference for developing ESMF 211 8.12 Annex 3 (a): Terms of Reference for Reference level 213 8.13 Annex 3(b): Terms of Reference for designing Monitoring Plan (MRV) 215 8.14 Annex 4(b): Terms of Reference for designing Monitoring Plan for Multiple benefits, Other Impacts and Governance 217 9. APPENDICES 219 List of Tables Number Title/Description 1 Provisional list of potential Implementing Institutions during R-PP Implementation 2 Composition of REDD-Plus Steering Committee (until December 2011) 3 Analysis of Policy and Legal Framework for R-PP
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