/ * __^ *■ y ^ * * J, ^ 7 , t ~ ■" & ' ‘ " Céri r " 7~~ )~ " r" ^ ”" ‘ * ' ’ * _ -6j_rr_ ■■;■-■'- i . ' . 'fAj.-i'SW ii. .■ - - —i■ - w.Trtr-TrV-^afiftlpSs! . - . A* P-4/ # S | 1 ¿ ¡ ± £ K Z • ' *ur <, ^gtggy.’g-p^ * P 4 ‘ » - « a s s a i H sá t & öSBisasaasssss U m J m k .. XlllVutsiJil IfiLEferdtHcdid l i B n a á c u t Arômes Ai Adm lenkrl TfA Cranford Leape Presidttl PktrMc^eed Place To Lenox Ave. - 3 Performance! Officer« and Additional Dr c omjJete Surpràe Greeted Ed! plan, to Spend Part of HiaVn Retiring'. President Chapin Member of WamaoY Atnol* Ordinnacea For This and F or, il M anner. Many | rector» to Be Choaen at the McAfahon st Friday Night’» Here Thj, SnrfWr Presides at Biggest Affair •wy of the Local Pott, 'Storrn Sewer O n . Cheatnut April M eeting. Pageant to ' Ever given ty the Organi­ v n i‘ ' I Driving-Here With Boy». V. F. W„ W1H S p o * for .. Stnet Adopted On Final . Be July 7. I t ia doubtful if there' was a more zation. - ’ Dramatic' Club gavel - — —-r.— x surprised msn in Craqford l« t Frida, ( . J ^ * Mary Logan Tucker. R e a d i n g . r ig h t performance, on | with the approach df Spring. the night than Ed. McMahon of the OIU- [ ,0< What wss without ¡'a‘; doubt Um largest, sad (a many ways, (he JnUM y evenings of Istt jcrsnford painnt* Aseoclstioo is sc* yen offlce.wfihn he was presented with t i u tb * The Tttwnehip Oommlttaa Tuesday._. “* « » r ta n f ttp rtn t-l ttvely at wort Ujrto* ti*crau& 4 work s besutiful living room floor lamp ml!? ^ ^ successful affair ewer held by the .Mettle Neu setortey night at Till to a Bsoossto tn stt u*»|lor the river celebrstkn n h st will m recognition of his services in eonnec-1w,e. Ct*nior<i bave made up ^ekgue of the' Presbyterian chustfe. M em uvt K- TRtebUr, hMcrlaa or tiw nlgbt 'adopted • ardlnaniuia on final n^ 0Pv cMt held b m in JuOr.~^XiarTrtdaj uigut- jam w,ih -<i,.- fag - n . ^ tJjgivt fft the I * - B^>n tQ-gO—to Chicago -b y - train; marked the peaaing oi the. nltwteentla Auxiliary a t the leal Fat T««allm te r the- opening and Improve»... * fc^todetfliMettn* of tt* AnocUUon v ii held in Lions tlie week belore meet Mr. Martin yuid eventually drive year sutce the organlamon began its Y M enin d r Foreign W a n wffl doubla of Tukedo Place from. Manor tar Mary Lagan Tucker, president e« ... l-sw qC too Q)obi s Uttlihe Township Rom s ***** orginisstion He hurried :over to Hayashi's ie s - |ft^ ^be way .back -with him. The actlritlea During this period it has-had Ptaoe to ■ Lono« Avwnue and for a I ^ W i a n * J y given. and[ plans were practically cotnnleied tsurant from the. office, arriving lu st|(foun*sbers will go on camping tour-de ten 'pnaldenta. and the election of the K acknal setety. Dames of th e Loy- atorm-Beveee-ln Cheetnut atraet east»... t^ee.concerning some of the|theadopticuef « T in m a n “ ln ttm e- to sit down 10 jhr cflnner. As| brad-by-ependlng-acme- time at-DevtTs JudgeEd«mrdl5^ti"itiifc“a'i5«*ra , .¿!!A memorial card to A. B. | ih e organisetlaci" recently inboroar- he'*wsUed to h a place-tui ijuaed-what p**1? antl The Pells. of Wisconsin, at In new sunoundlnga. - ■e d Use beet known American a rty ta tha-River,. No obJeotion of any j^lpeg active In the work of | «ted under the lava or New Jersey appeared to be a large bundle ttand*|lbe conclusion of which theyTwill all A great tribute waa paid to the nr-' ora encased (n patriotic work and kind was made to-either ordinance. tmratkai, and prominent, ail wtth O. K. Wamer, A. A. Simth, Ed .tag on end.m the com er of the i aom .|l*r*v# c^st- tiring president, H. J.'Chapin, but tiwr na* prepared a very Interesting talk. The owaan of all preparty on Door- ~ Hta orchestra. waa placed ln|ward Kedenberg, ■ C. J.- Collins, and Fred.Lange thought he was going to| .Peril's Lake. Is one of the most beau­ wonderful attendance .regardless od 51» will broadcast from Boston vidi» taa. Way which «pans on the Doering l i t the pnwram, which was Charles SkUlman as director*. At the fall over tt and Inquired whai iu*ai.|Uful «pots ln the middle west. It Ilea many other attraettone an the sauw E u E f tta r tararira its the asm* talk property, Bprtogfleld Avenue, present­ eatedwlth theornantental] meeting lari Tliuradaylt.waadeclded >No. one answered and be suggested UiatjJdst .Sputli of fisraboo whloh ts. the. nlgM. Over 333 m en s a l down to d m - iromChrabeth. ed * .d e« 4 of dodleattan of the.street': »-designed-- ior-the«Iub-by4 to- tacreaie- thr-dlreenirate' “ra'-nme ,Ed-mlght-know;*—Ed'rreptteff"that''liefk*erth>V”okH-homer-Thc“1ik»r-ltM'-in-rtinv-old -homer-ThirtikeTteir-m nerm'WVfft-lfimyiard^llKln'M'Tiour This monogram likewise I member«. This governing body will did not but that lt looked like a harp. I the hollow of wlrnt was originally the all had-been fcerred and were ready for mg very popolar throughout thla part public etreet- Thle er«« referred to the »upon the curtain. [carry on the affairs of the association ' '"Oucu we are going to have some | t°P of a mountain. The geologist say the builneer of the evening The 1»* of thr rmntry and oommanU « 1 the Attorney and .Engineer. - - *>tay chosen to r last week's pres-1 Indefinitely, and under the provisions fancy tnusi^' he said. “It Jocks like |>lbat at one time th e mountains were dloe’ Aid -under the«, leadership of . Ura! ipecrihn dehw nd.have, been raoelved Notice of hearing on a proposed : >.wa* “John Ferguson,” 6y.8t. | of the .conatttution gUl be a eelf-per a Karp' but its too big for a Oaellcjamong the highest on the cbnUnent; Cufrler, did . thrroeelvce. prooX by (hr « a im from distant pointa. Ah change In plan forth*.track arrange-' ... .' , and whlTe It could hardlyIpejuatlng body.- • . -Harp*" W ith 'th at he concentrated his | Olaclers brought -down deposits »front mv srascnc number of people are listen, ment - from that approved by the Pub- -.... •, not only . In. the matter of the dmzwr lie . UUliue*:. Commission.—when^tliq - - the most ambitious of the I oncer* .Net Always Directors attention on the fried chicken and | the north and gradually filled In Urn tteelf. but in the expeditious, manner "in mg ra rm y •««* a* qui volume ar oom- *ULUeuifltcd.wU,irafcBi^4,„(i0km v.«l!J«l»^elecUd^Jii<t,,iu»l iMVB!i.v«jrrauictiare«fc«aU.¡retti hr triati (ndloafti, yrJAgfdgfflaare-sawssiremitaaiQiiAefwblstf««; - oroattog elimination wasrordersd, was , r difficultyaa-irofferr-cer-t regular meeting whlch was caBed tiy juwly -iomoufc - Q tíxet‘>T*m»*k$ ^ » reftlw irnmculEt póiftt whefe the lfeké is * JR«Ürítí Tlnr f ir itfm rniy ntglu Retirfrtt Presldedt B 'J " Chapin eiffi aet being April 13. The changes : t peculiarities hard for ev-lthe President and set for Friday, April made about the package but they went | located, the peaks were so high Uiey ed the meeting to order and a shore ™s Mvly ’the origin of the society of data onal all-star cast to deal 127th. at.the Township Booms. The con­ over Ed’shead. .. j escaped being entirely covered- with «hath Vln TocksL ia praaldmt- but promised ■. do not affect the general . business session was held. The nomi­ plan of the’elimination materially .but . st a company o l amateurs I stltutlon provides that the officers need ....-..Presentation a Sarprlsa - .- - (earth. The lake has no outlet or Ini nating committee, which constated ‘sg wilT (i*T"wunc aahém facte regarding *le It as successfully as Cran-1 not necessarily be directors ' and also At the concjuslbn of the dinner | let and la fed by-springs - psum v week in this country and the will give access, to the platform« from ' Mean. Warnock. Francis and Hageft Walnut avenue. ■ did, was little short of a I agovtdes that the number of . commit Oeorge O’. Teller, president of theclub, j Centuries ago the lake was part of made Its report, and stated that the amMaBti; erosimi elf Oria on the part 1 St, John Ervlne,' however! tees may be' as large as the work Jus. mm»« to make tile uaual ahnounce- the’course of the Wisconsin river, but of ■ putrMSsc American to offset lhe¡ln- A minor change In plans submitted ' League had been especially fortunate for th« Itahway Valley-Trunk Sewer Phis*work brother Helds, and] titles. The plans discussed Indicated ments ond It hegan to look a« thoughlthe acUQn Mt theLgladera.net only R<Hn<>e.,<i£..the.aulireralre.movasnanta ¡client his thesis In “John I that the'practice''would'undoubtedly h i Wrt g o ^ to m»tke a speech. ”W e |Ime<, ^ valleyi and ^ ltarcd o^ in-the- leadership, they, had- had-fee Use- wairpreeintedaMd apptovedby taeolu- ' “ ' past twoirears. but that the precedent ■fiat aie aiming to undermine thla not-»- playwright-In thelbe^to form -enough-committee*-with and- our Conatitotinn: -tloiL-iJidmQtlce-Drdered. sent, the other— ^ ¿ ° ^ thna'hS*Sf.T,w »««ntdn-topc borolUBged-lhe Imd beeti eel of rio third term, Il municipaiitire In the agroeffient.
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