British Columbia Directory of Radio Ucluelet Vancouver Vanderhoof

British Columbia Directory of Radio Ucluelet Vancouver Vanderhoof

British Columbia Directory of Radio Trail Entertainment Inc. (acq 7-6- 2000; grpsl). Format: Drive time traffic, CKST(AM)- Jan 19, 1963: 1040 khz; 50 kw-U, DA-2. Stereo. Hm talk. J.J. Johnston, gen mgr; Shari Wong, gen sls mgr; Ian open: 24 300-380 W. 2nd Ave., Suite 300, V5Y 1C8. Phone: (604) Koenigsfest, progmg dir. 871.9000. Fax: (604) 871 -2901. E -mail: live Web Site: 1996: mhz; 13.5 kw. Hrs open: 1560 2nd Ave., CJAT -FM- 95.7 VIR Licensee: CHUM Ltd. (group owner, acq 2- 10-03). 1M4. Phone: (250) 368-5510. Fax: (250) 368 -8471. E -mail: Population served: 2,000,000 Natl. Rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. Radio Inc. Group Web Site: Licensee: Standard CFOX -FM -Co -owned with CHMJ(AM). October 1964: 99.3 mhz; 100 Format: All sports. News staff: 4: News: 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 40 4 -19 Natl. owner: Standard Broadcasting Corp. (acq -2002; grpsl). kw. 2,243 ft Stereo. Phone: (604) 684-7221. Format: AOR. *Bob plus; intelligent, socially conscious, older demographic. Neil Gallagher, Rep: Target Broadcast Sales. Formal: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Mills, progmg dir. gen mgr. Ethnic mus 2 hrs wkly. *Kevin Einarson, gen sis mgr; Darren Robertson, progmg dir; Larry King, chief of engrg. CHOM -FM- Aug 10, 1960: 103.5 mhz; 53 kw. Ant 2,026 ft (Digital CKWX(AM)- Apr 1, 1923: 1130 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N49 09 22 radio: 1463.280 mhz). Stereo. Hm open: 24 380 W. 2nd Ave., Suite W123 04 00. Hm open: 2440 Ash St., V5Z 4J6. Phone: (604) 300, V5Y 1C8. Phone: (604) 871 -9000. Fax: (604) 871 -2901. E -mail: 877 -4488. Phone: (604) 872 -2557. Fax: (604) 877-4494. Web Site: Ucluelet gmfmmail® Web Site: Licensee: CHUM Licensee: Rogers Broadcasting Ltd. (group (Western) Ltd. Group owner: CHUM Ltd. (acq 8- 23 -69). Format: Adult owner; acq 1989). Population served: 2,000.000 Natl. Rep: CBS contemp. News staff: 5; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Barry Radio. Format: All news. News staff: 45; News: 168 hrs wkly. Target CIMM -FM- Sept 1, 2006: 99.5 mhz; 180 w. Hrs open: 10760 Fundy O'Donnell, gen sis mgr; Cad LeGrice, prom dir; Neil Gallagher, gen men. Ted Rogers. CEO & chmn; Tony Viner, pres; Laura Dr., Richmond, V7E 5K7. Phone: (604) 220-8393. Fax: (604) 677 -6316. aud: 35 -54; mgr & progmg mgr; Clara Carotenuto, mus dir, Dave Youell, chief of Miles, exec VP; Paul Fisher, gen mgr & opns mgr; E -mail: Web Site: Licensee: Nixon, CFO; Gary progmg & news dim, Hick CIMM -FM Radio Ltd. Format: Var. *Matthew McBride, gen mgr. engrg. May Lam, prom mgr; Jacquie Donaldson, dir Dal Fana, chief of engrg. CFUN(AM) -Co -owned with CHUM-FM. Apr 20, 1922: 1410 khz; 50 Vancouver kw-U, DA -2. (Digital radio: 1463.280 mhz). 24 E -mail: cfunmailOcfun.cim CKLG -FM-Co -owned with CKWX(AM). Mar 1, 1980: 96.9 mhz; 100 Web Site: (Acq 1- 1 -73). Format: Talk. Target aud: kw. 2,500 ft TL: N49 21 29 W122 57 09. Stereo. 24 Web Site: 25-49; upscale, well -educated females. Format: Adult contemp. May Lam, prom dir, 'CBU(AM)- 1925: 690 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -1. (Digital radio: 1459.792 Doreen Copeland, mus dir; Rick dal Fama, engrg mgr. mhz). Hrs open: 24 Box 4600, 700 Hamilton St., V68 4A2. Phone: (604) 662-6000. Fax: (604) 662 -6088. Web Site: 'CITR -FM- Apr 1, 1982: 101.9 mhz; 1.8 kw. 170 ft Stereo. Hm open: Licensee: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Format: News/talk, variety. 7:30 AM -4 AM Univ. of British Columbia, 233-6138 Sub Blvd., V6T CKYE -FM- Feb 1, 2006: 93.1 mhz; 4.2 kw. TL: N49 21 17 W122 57 4G1. Phone: *Joan Anderson, gen mgr; Joan Athey, prom dir; Brett Ballah, news 1Z1. Phone: (604) 822 -3017. Fax: (604) 822 -9364. E -mail: 25. Hm open: 8383A 128th St. #201, Surrey, V3W (604) dir; Dave Newbury, engrg dir; Terry Donnelly, news rptr. Web Site: Licensee: Student Radio 598 -9311. E -mail: info Web Site: Licensee: South Society of University of British Columbia. Format: Div. News: 10 hrs Asian Broadcasting Corp. Inc. Format: Ethnic. Bijoy Samuel, gen MO! Target aud: General; campus/community. Spec prog: Black 18 mgr. CBU-FM- 1947: 105.7 mhz; 100 kw. 1,823 ft (Digital radio: 1459.792 hrs, Fr 2 hrs, Sp 2 hrs, East Indian 2 hrs, Greek one hr wkly. *Lydia mhz). Stereo. 24 Web Site: Format: Music. Tod Masemola, stn mgr & chief of opns; Luke Meat, mus dir. Elvidge, mus dir. CKZZ -FM- May 1991: 95.3 mhz; 75 kw. Hrs open: #20, 11151 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, WA 4S5. Phone: (604) 241 -0953. Fax: (604) 272-0917. E -mail: input Web Site: CJJR -FM- Listing follows CKBD(AM). CBUFFM- Dec 1, 1967: 97.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 1,823 lt (Digital radio: Licensee: Standard Radio Inc. Group owner: Standard Broadcasting 1459.792 mhz). Stereo. Hrs open: 700 Hamilton St., V6B 4A2. Corp. (acq 5-8-96; C$18 million with CISL(AM) Richmond). Format: address: Box 4600 V6B 4A2. Phone: (604) -6169. Fax: Secondary 662 CJRJ(AM)- November 2006: 1200 khz; 25 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N49 09 Hot adult contemp. Gary Sleight, pres; Gary Russell, VP & gen mgr. 662 -6161. Web Site: -b. Licensee: CBC. (604) 55 W123 02 28. Hm open: 110-3060 Nodand Ave., Unit 110, Burnaby, Network: Premiere Chaim. Format: Div. Stephane Boisjoly, Natl. V58 3A6. Phone: (604) 299.8863. Fax: (604) 299-3088. E -mail: gen mgr; Mario Deschamps, progmg dir. into Web Site: Licensee: I.T. Productions Vanderhoof Ltd. Format: Ethnic, Hindustani, Punjabi. Shushma Dab, CEO; Sudhir Datta, gen mgr. CBUX -FM- Sept 22, 2002: 90.9 mhz; 1.28 kw. Hrs open: 700 CIVH(AM)- November 1973: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -1. TL: Hamilton St., 4A2. Phone: (604) 662 -6000. Fax: (604) 662 -6335. V68 N54 01 00 W123 59 00. Hm open: 6 -10 AM Box 1370, VOJ 3A0. Web Site: www .radio -b. Licensee: Canadian Broadcasting CKAV -FM-2- 2007: 106.3 mhz; 9 kw. Ant 1,968 ft TL: N49 21 17 Phone: (250) 567-4914. Fax (250) 567-4982. E -mail: thewolf ®hwy16.ccm Corp. Natl. Network: Espace Musique. Format: Var, Fr. *Stephan W122 57 25. Hm open: 366 Adelaide SI. E., Suite 323, Toronto, ON, Licensee: Vista Radio Ltd. (group owner) Natl. Rep: Target Broadcast Boisjoly, gen mgr; Mario Deschamps, progmg dir. M5A 3X9. Phone: (416) 703 -1287, Fax: (416) 703 -4328. Web Site: Sales. Format: Modem country & best southern rock. Target aud: Licensee: Aboriginal Voices Radio Inc. General. Spec prog: Relg 5 hrs wkly. Gary Russell, gen mgr; Karen Format: Div. Roy Hennessy, opns mgr; Patrice Mousseau, progmg Fridleifson, gen sis mgr; Jacqui Ryks, prom mgr & mus dir; Bill Fee, CFBT-FM- February 2002: 94.5 mhz; 46 kw. Hm open: 24 #A301 - dir. news dir. 770 Pacific Blvd., Plaza of Nations, V6B 5E7. Phone: (604) 699 -2328. Fax: (604)4844912. E-mail: info @thebcet.00m Web Site: www.thebeatcom. Licensee: Focus Entertainment Group Inc. (acq 8- 3-01). Format: CKBD(AM)- July 13, 1926: 600 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -N. Stereo. Hm Rythmic CHR, Top 40. News staff: one: News: 2 hrs wkly. Barry Vernon open: 24 300-1401 W. 8th Ave., V6H 1C9. Phone: (604) 731 -6111. Duggan, pres; Jennifer Smith, VP & gen sis mgr; Chris Myers, progmg Fax: (604) 731 -0493. E -mail: 600am Web Site: dir. Licensee: Jim Panison Broadcast Group Ltd. (the CICF -FM- 2001: 105.7 mhz; 46 kw. Hrs open: 2800 31st St., VIT general partner) and Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. (the limited partner) 5H4. Phone: (250) 545.9222. Fax: (250) 542 -2083. E -mail: carrying on business as Jim Panison Broadcast Group L.P. Group vemonmail @slice Web Site: Licensee: Standard CFMI -FM- Listing follows CKNW(AM). owner: The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group (acq 1965). Natl. Rep: Radio Inc. Group owner: Standard Broadcasting Corp. Format: Hot Canadian Broadcast Sales. Format: MOR. News staff: 3; News: 6 hrs adult contemp. Gord Leighton, gen mgr; Larry King, chief of engrg. CFOX -FM- Listing follows CHMJ(AM). wkly. Target aud: 45; mature adults. Jim Pattison, CEO & chmn; Gerry Siemens, VP & gen mgr: Mark Rogers, gen sis mgr; Brian Pritchard, rgnl sis mgr; Sheila Dunn, prom dir; Gord Eno, progmg dir; CKIZ -FM- Nov 8, 2001: 107.5 mhz; 46 kw. Hm open: 3313 32nd 'CFRO -FM- Apr 22, 1975: 102.7 mhz; 5.5 kw. 1,005 ft Hrs open: Mark Patric, mus dir; Campbell McCubbin, news dir; Dave Linder, Ave., VIT 2M7. Phone: (250) 545 -2141. Fax: (250) 545 -9008. E -mail: 110-360 Columbia St., V6A 4J1. Phone: (604) 684 -8494. E -mail: engrg mgr. [email protected] Web Site: Licensee: Rogers program Web Site: Licensee: Broadcasting Ltd. (group owner). Natl. Rep: Canadian Broadcast Vancouver Co-Op Radio. Format: Community, news/talk, alternative Sales. Format: News, lite favorites of yesterday & today. Patrick pub affrs. Target aud: General; alternative community.

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