g CO 13 rmot: ult111., E. 431Ne g (14 ' t4404A6 1°411 101 01,00) 1,1,0100 0000 MrIr.114 0..00 COCO. 0000 el 0 ;te 0 0. E. U3 0 0) 0 011,0) 000,0 OWN° 0000 In omm 0 0 010 .., .0.. N ;1E 000 m 0 oi - ON THE RADIO THIS WEEK .. TODAY, SUNDAY, JULY 11 TODAY, SUNDAY, JULY 10 INNTG-BiZat: Snow Ma LEADING EVENTS ON RADIO TODAY e,65rekt-1,7ZoreCa'.'''Wally MY MO A-14-1130003.1. 4:15.WOBS-Recorded Hits 7......-.6./F".."WOR-John Scott, sce Ne. .11WSPE .9 NE,.......P.52-1,0013.13.6-. Musical Events Aug Listedat Me Bottara of Sloe Page Religious Dismrse-V./.. WABC-Navs; Highway Frolics Dr. ;fames -"Tclellrt4ite,st WRISC 95.5 7:40 .R.74.-3,0D AEC. P Canon Louise Carlyle,.... 79.6.1R-Uc.,S. Pic::: Show in SCe119 John W. Pyle of Cathedral Of Won 96.3 600 PM..12:00 PK. 51.:35 A. 35..12 M.-InvItatiOn to Learning: lidoliere'S3.3:30-A215holOgyi Sir Laurence Olivier, 4:55.0R-Ne RePoeM9sws With GammaWNBC Mt 9,10 A.M.-IMMA. comedy, School for Wines-Walter and Jean from "Henry V"-Recorded; Maurice Evans in 6:00.1.0C-Bon,Sundos(See WEND 97.9 MS A.M..1:00 AN. WIWOLTIti: 217..e WOR-Lutheran Hour Kerr, guests-WCBS. "Richard II"; Voice of John 13.1157MOre, FrOM WQXR-Voloas In Chorus "1571k1Wsn'R WOMM 100. IWO Alrtar0021.L WCBS 1 SOO SOL-1200P.M. I2 M.-12:20.The Loading Question: Senators Barry M. SwISMINT-Weather and News MITC-0.,1 Randolph: Mut5 kta 0000-B. Xarb Timm law WCIir 1010L1.9 NO0 A.M.-I:DOILY. Goldwater and Lister Hill, discussing Public Power4-5-50011 Theatre: "The Snow Is a Shroud"-Reeorded 2:00-INNIC-CatholIc Moos Rev. lart Timm News Projects-WCBS. PNYWNIFC. eaI ROSANABC-Highway Frolics, win 111""?=',709:enr:i PlazoleV 01101 13-6:20mAreerleas Forum-WNISC. 'Wltrnt rialsT-115yLittle 12:20-T-The Eternal Light: "Words We Live By-7:84.100onvers000n: C/Ifton Fadiman chats with A Gale Soon SupporSng Cast of the DiMe"-Maurice Samuel, Capp, BennettGerf, Mark McCloskey-WNBC. Wailetti coil 10:4SINCOS-Sports-John Sert Mark Van Doren-WNBC. 8-20-80Iday With Garroway: He/en Mayes, Guy Lom SOONOR-Troe Ortealve thrteries 10:5SWNVC-Itens WM to 51 12:36-1:30-Amerimm - JewishCaravan:Al Bernie, m_irad WCBS-World Today; New, la00.1118C, WOR, WABC, bardo, A. B. C. Whipple, Mary Scott Welch, Doro- WQXR-The Ballet Stage News Reports BOSMQXR-Pop Concert Moishe Oysher, guests-WMGM. thy Vie/da-WNBC. 5:50-WOR-Olow Reports 1:0.011-01, Army Poor MIXR-New York ames 1.1:30-Man's Right to Knowledge: "Galileo," with9:SO40-Anther Mbefs the Crities: "End of Innocence,' EVENING rAIL=LItArr' s'ews MOSJVABC-Moods in Melody Walter Hampden-Columbia University Bicenten- by Jonathan Daniel.; Tames Michener-WOR. WCBS-News; String Serenade 11:07-WQXR-Glusle for Me Ordertra nial Series-WNBC. 8.0-9:45-Report From Washington: Rep. Frederic R INIXR-Sion Leant Plans s;,11agtf.rtt FAT141,1,.a:15-INNBC-Vignette of Maude 1:30-2-Cltinens' Union S.rchlight: Mike Quill-WNBC. Conde. Jr.-WI:ICA. 2:5E-WNIT-41PWS Repo. 10-10:80-Inheri0000e: "America's Greatest Bargain"- ZEltlar.P:arrg., WPBC-71:h's;Jimmy NO. WinetsTtinnitteds" /:35-2-PUgrimage: Discourse by the Very Rev. Dr. Story of the Louisiana Purch.e-WNBC. "rfet-ir.rtstGP4 MCC-Felksons Festi. WCOS-Muntyre Orthes. ames A. Pike and Rev. John W. Pyle, Cathedral/0-10:58-001gate University Conference, on America' WCBS-Ednie thweal WQM-New York Timm News t1:2SWABC-News Repo. of St. John the Divine-WABC. Foreign Policy, from Hamilton, N. Y.-WPTYC. NOMPIXR-The Vase Soak 10:0aWBOC-Inheritance Mee Rod ItiNMSOC-Music You Want 1:55-005eballs 015000-Pirates,Polo Grounds (Two rit--"erno rkrini mrk:sr Nor. Glow. wOR-Rarno Bible Class WOR-Weaure, Darla Mort 10:0340:20-Man of the Week: Jong. L. Murphy- 3:03-Bb1R-sunday amohNI WABF.Paul News Games)-WINICA; 2-Dodgers-Phillies, Ebbets Field 6:BANABC-Paul Harvey, Comments WCBS-News wARC-Dr. BIM Graham WCBS. WCBS-Cocktail Music 6:MVSNBC-NBC Concert Orrtmtra WEBS-Galen Drake (Two Games)-WMGM; 2:25-Yankees at WaShing-10:30.11-Neet the Pre.: Herbert Brownell, United Sommer Serim: Don Gillis, INHEC-Golg 000. ton Senators-WINS. States Attorney General-WNBC. '"-WWPTI:aorrFeLg"GIV." 11,45ANCOS-Waner Orcloes. 2:80-8-Y000h Wants to Know: Questions and An-11:1441:20-Vignette of Mande Addams: M.. Adrian gliWITO:Consez 12:00-WSBC, WOR, WC.-News swers-WNBC. Vanderbilt, Mrs. Oliva Wyndham, gu.ts-WNBC. ttteefZIttit'l&I ...r,grEvErTt! WrIXR-New York Times Mem WRIOC-4.mber Music Time WaVreeinesableCorm. 12,6SNNBC-rdosic won Want 4:00-WSBC-Week-End Domunentary WRIft-Son9 Class. 101S.WABC-Gmrse H. Combs WOR-Music From Canada: 11 V= %re s'"' MORNING WCBS-News; Karam Quartet 13:15-WNBC-Rev. Norman Vincent 8:30.NBC-Egbert a. Ummly 6:9S-WOR-Ra. Wismer, Sports 10,30-WRID-thet the Press (See WCBS-Dorwe Music Peale-Art of Living INABC-Martaes in Relfle to God 0,01.WOR-Back News Paralhorguretia C""'. gum wAsc-Reavor s"-17--G= agi=lbriter 7:00.WOR-Rod and Gun Club IMBS-Ta IL N. 00000- WARG-lialli0 Bible am 8:05.11XR-Breakast Symphony 8:25.3XR-Weather" " Report 19Wgi-Ile- exan er . , 1:00-WOR-Mr. Midnight WEALr."-Tnetti CHTur" WCBS-Juke Box Joey 1001Leo. WCBS-News Reports MONDAY, JULY 12 MONDAY, JULY 12 MORNING VCCOXII-Newn Dinner Concert 7:20-WOR-Aaswer Man tray.Rise Steve., merta. agOltantre,r4101sz EdWarlIS 4:06.2i5"-EL070=4"bolv 6:16.WHBC-Sports Daily 7:78-0501-Weather Report WigMarrthusters 4:15.WN3C-Stella Dal. .7,50.INNBC-Plorg. Beal% N " Tt.91Sw. 5,3S.WQXR-Your ListeNng ROoth 4:30.NBC-Young Widder Brown 6:MNRE2=rjartrgmTei" Hows 2:SS-MBS--Robert Troot, News 12.-WNSC-Joe Rase!, s.mrt. l'tg=ggrI3r0i111gre'S" WCBS-Galen Drake 6:28.WOXR-Weather Repo. 9'.92g3=0/0933. WQXR-Sews; SymPho. WQXR-Listeroing, JaCIIIRS Fray woxe-Trovels Music 10,00WNBC-Fibher McGee and illo1.1 4:45.1300-WOman In My HOuSe '"IfVCILIrrtntlfiLan Shaw ?V:"I""T""' WCBS-Owight Conke's Gents ":".28OVe"'FiedurL612 'La" 5:59. 11St pale till 0000-01,0 ,00,0,0,1 ElOS'02110-oi002enmilZ.ee r"" l=tn:r:rtm"rid 1:20-4VMD-Tm md Pm Show WCRS-whanes Collingswood PIC-PresidentErseranwer at tpg, Repo'rSs LontfreemRotzt,ers 17111.11(1.P. tHISZBC-71L-StarExtra .,. 7,6-0000-Plews Reports W`'..Irt.,...7".,pgwe WO/Or-Non au Orton WABC-Sreekiast Crub ;Along theLDansh 11:45-WCES-Sammy KaYP MING VATCa;'? ,t7 2171Firpro'ristlai,lirl OCHS-Woman _so "'IWN'OT"TO'rel:n loetderi:ir alS.WOR-Second Breakfast WOR-Ile Falcon llm'OOBO-See WABC-Nenry J. TaY101. WABC-Hrten Nall Show 9:30-WNBC-News; Jim C. Wtiredilews; Invitation11 001 0000-Idilt NMI Too WCBS-Music 'Til Dawn WOR-The racCanns at Home WeBS-My Friend Irma: With WCBS-Joan fawar. Show 111-±11Ing... WCSS-Pr.den WOOD-Ole l'oh Times NeWS WCBS-Tenrausee Ernie Show WINft-reSTSymp.nyHall 15,05-WSBC-Musio 9:45.=-ZECA:os'ragre'ties EVENING We/CR-Nem; On Stage 8an:1SWABC-AmeriC Music Hail: 7:1SNOR-Torlafs Nuinms,News I-Star Game Pr.. ri-f0.eft 1,"47CTINgrIror13.11 10:35.111100-Stan Freeman Show 7:55-OHNBC s."'25`len TI:grLd, 10:4S.WABC-Trasel Talk 1:00.0R-Mr. Midnight TUESDAY, JULY 73 TUESDAY, JULY 13 MORNING AFTERNOON WABC-Sports TodaY4 Bill Ste 13:00.WNBC-News; Allyn Edwards I3,00.WSBC-News; 2,,,Ett'gr "LI2Para0A0fttw WCBS-Lorvell Th011laS Ladd. 3:30.WISBC- ITZ182=111r. irg r413g:Orstrilingswood 9:201/11V-!172rF%1171724"SS9. looes-ggirrereemt EMPioriu-e 5'55...OR-Cecil Brown,Comments 7:00-WISIBC-Guy Lonstorslo Show 7:55.W000-News Repo. ZVTLIFILIrre'srlacCarthy 3:55-WhiBC- WOBSThis I Believe gc-b/okini,, and Peter11:00-WM, WOR, WABC, 111--"BZI -e'S"P7McCaray . Won-erg, 1501,0 8:0aWSBC-It Happens to You WCOIS-Sews: ab . WCBS-WPIV, Warren-News EVENING MR-lackey SPMene Sr30.01ewonstrminutes to Go W1117-7275L;°whs. Mart MXR-News;1,0000 5011 WCBS-Tenoe.e Ernie WiLBS-J. Cars. Show 8:istOPECA" 6:00.WNBCMCBS-Nem WOXR-News; To France, Masi 11:15-WS8C-Joe Hasel-Sports WABC-Ine rMgerolds 0"TATC-Ltir.ngh. ;hew 3:03.W WOR-News moor Human Site TOSS=PIDOn71,74"L" 9:4S-WABC-Envio D. Canham WOR-oRuhy Alert. 13:20-MBC-Tek and Jim Show WQRR-News; Dinner Concert 7...OR-Today, Nelms 160/012-News; synophaour HallIONO.VACTFibber=1: and Molly WABC-Mellow 31.s 8:15.N3C-Songs with Sinatra WCBS-Dwirtst Cooke's Gm. 2:75.glg:IfkL O=-NOsic show 3251B5Pe "14'411"rX,lea 01,0 Sam 2gErtb7Lt:Hayes 8:30-WW3C-Barrie Craig WABC-George H. Combs 11:20MNBC-Tex and Jinx SbOVI "'"V`PrietnkiarOlut7"'" wHIS-Cert Massey Nne 7:30.0R-Anover Man WCBS-Mh WCBS-Thrs Is New York 2'"-rAt"..141%41FMgazine 2'"tri001-="Vis 1.0.WOR-Spor. Mmic . INCBS-Hrten Trent 6r2S.WNBC-Light-Up Time 7:25-00 XR-W.ther Report 211.1t.L117"' 0000-Son;Kee0000-Son;'The Showcase 9:30TifeC7-"NeeTst trb LIOTGOy SignIVOM-Pfeather Rep.
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