
NASA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NASA TM-88428 EVOLUTION OF A METEORITE CRATER AS A PROCESS OF RANDOM DISPLACEMENTS I. T. Zotkin, A. I. Dabizha ,' (NASA-TM-88428) EVOLUTION OF A METEORITE N86-26561 j CRATER AS & PROCESS OF RANDOM DISPLACEMENTS (National Aeronautics and Space : AdministratioE) 18 p HC. A02/BF fl01 CSCL< 08G Unclas G3/46 43341 Translation of "Evolyutsiya meteoritnogo kratera kak protsess sluchaynykh peremeshcheniy," IN: Meteoritika, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, No. 40, 1982, pp. 82-90, &82 -47142) (UDC 551.311) NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20546 JUNE, 1986 STANDARD TITLE PAGE 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Cotolog No. NASA TM-88428 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Dote June 1986 EVOLUTION OF A METEORITE CRATER AS A 6. Performing Organizotion Code PROCESS OF RANDOM DISPLACEMENTS 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Zotkin, I. T. and Dabizha, A. I. 10. Work Unit No. 11. Contract or Grant No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address NASW-4006 The Corporate Word 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 1102 Arrott Building Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Translation 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome and Address National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D.C. 20546 15. Supplementary Notes Translation of "Evolyutsiya meteoritnogo kratera kak protsess sluchaynykh peremeshcheniy,'' IN: Meteoritika,Akademiya Nauk SSSR, • No. 40, 1982, pp. 82-90, (A82-47142) (UDC 551.311) 16. Abstroct An. examination of the ages and sizes of 114 terrestrial impact craters shows that their aging kinetics can be described by the diffusion laws. The macrodiffusion coefficient which determines random displacements of mineral masses on the earth has a mean value of 0.02 sq m/year. The amount of matter in a crater that contains information about the impact event decreases with time according to the 1/T law. The basic characteristic parameter of a crater is its initial area, inasmuch as sufficiently large craters are nearly surficial formations. The relaxation time of a crater is proportional to its initial area. 17. Key Words (selected by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Unlimited. 19. Security Clossif. (of this report) 20. Security Clossif. (of this poge) 21- No. of Page* 22. Pric.' :-. Unclassified Unclassified 18 2 NASA-HQ L-'~i ^ I'• -^-^- ^^^^*^wSEK~ G?3u- "i"i «*r'i «•'•••^i^j^i?"'?B?' "^" IJ' **-"••!"•* **^u * "ir ~"*« EVOLUTION OF A METEOR CRATER AS A PROCESS OF RANDOM DISPLACEMENTS I. T. Zotkin, A. I. Dabizha The V. I. Vernadskiy Institute for Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences Information on crater age and dimensions plays an /82* important role in the study of terrestrial metorite craters (as is the case with any geological object). Unfortunately, reliable evaluations of absolute age are available for only a small number of actual craters (Table 1). However, even this little information allows us to establish certain parameters. For example, an analysis of the distribution of cosmogenic structures on the Earth's surface according to age T and dimensions D [Fedynskiy et al., 1978; Zotkin et al., 1978] makes it possible to state that the ratio T/D2 or its inverse ratio plays a substantial role in the study of these objects' evolution. In particular, the virtual absence of craters for which T/D2 > 100 years x m~2 indicates that the lifetime, or the true relaxation time, Te , of craters as geological objects on the Earth's surface is determined by the value of D2, i.e. area S (Figure 1). From research [Fedynskiy et al., 1978], we know that 7V-50S. (1) where Te is expressed in years and S in m2. *Numbers in the margin indicate pagination in the foreign text. TABLE 1 RELATIONSHIP OF METEORITE CRATER AGE AND SIZE /83 6 fc 2 3 **MeTOA Kparep, wecro T Hccne- D. KM ' rOA • Aoea- / i flMTeparypa HMfl 1 2 3 4 5 6 I flpflblMrtbl, CCCP 0,002 20 n 6,37 KauiKaw, ArtMee. 1961 Havitand, USA 0,011 1000 r 10,52 Robertson, 1978 Dalgaranga, Australia 0,021 25000 r 72,21 Barringer. 1967 fl CMXOT3-AnMHb, CCCP 0,026 32 n 0,06 1>eceHKOB, 1947 l^ Dogubayazid, Turkey 0.035 56 H 0.05 Sander. 1972 ^ Co6oneBCKMM, CCCP 0,05 200-250 r 0,10—0,12 XpHHHHa, MeaMOB. 20 1977 Campo del Cielo, Argen- 0,07 3.95 103 r 1.02 Cassidy, Renard. 1973 tina 10 MnyMerca. CCCP 0,08 6,03 • 103 y 1.02 Cepe6pnHbiM, HyMHuMr, 1976 Wabar, Saudi Arabia 0,09 (6,4 i 2,5) • 103 T 1,01 Storzer, Wagner. 1977 3 U Kaanvi, CCCP 0,11 2,66- 10 y 0,28 Cepe6poHbiM, nyHMMHr, 1976 Henbury, Australia 0,15 (4,2 ± 1,9) • 103 T 0,24 Storzer, Wagner. 1977 Odessa, USA 0,17 22 -10s r 0,97 Barringer, 1967 Boxhole. Australia 0,18 50-103 H 1,97 To we 22 Aouelloul, Mauritania 0.25 (3,25 ± 0,5) -10' T 66,46 Storzer, Wagner, 1977, Monturaqui, Chile 0,48 1-10' r 5,53 Engelhardt, 1974 Temimichat, Mauritania 0,50 (2-51-10' r 10,19 Fudali. Cassidy, 1974 Wolf Creek, Australia 0,85 (100-110) • 103 r 0,18 Hodge. 1970 Wipfelsfurt, West Ger- 0,85 14,8-10' r 26.72 Classen, 1977 many Darwin crater, Australia 1,0 (0,74 ± 0,04) • 10' T 0,94 Storzer, Wagner, 1977 Pretoria Salt Pan, South 1,1 1,0-10* H 1,05 Classen, 1977 Africa Barringer, USA 1,2 30-103 r 0,03 WyMBMKep, 1968 Z>3 Hummeln, Sweden 1.2 (500 ± 100) -10' r 442 Carstens, 1975 I"! Ta6yH-Xapa-O6o, MOH- 1,3 30 • 10« r 22.61 UlKepnH, 1976 i't roriMH Tremorgio, Swiss Alps 1,4 ( 20-50) -103 r 0,01-0,03 Bachtiger, 1977 Liverpool, Australia 1,6 (150*701-10' r 74,64 Guppy et al., 1971 Talemzane, Algeria 1,75 1,0-10' r 0,42 Classen. 1977 13 3anaAHan. CCCP 1,75 (169 ± 5) • 10' p 70.30 Baribrep, Pn6eHKO. ^* 1977 Lonar, India 1.8 50 • 103 T 0.02 Frederiksson et al.. 1973 Tenoumer, Mauritania 1.9 (2.5 i 0,5) - 10' r 0.88 French et al., 1970 Roter Kamm, South 2,4 < 70 • 10* r 15,48 Waddington, Dence, West Africa 1975 |«f lUyH3K, CCCP 2.5 12- 10' r 2.45 3>enbflMaH M np.. 1979 ' Holleford. Canada 2.5 (550 150) -10' r 112,1 Dence. 1965 Kelly West, Australia 2.5 550- 10' r 112.1 Tonkin. 1973 1' POTMMCTpOBCXaH. CCCP 2.7 (95-106) • 10' p 16,60 Baribrep, Pfl6eHKO. 2$ 1977 lit 3eneHbiS Tan, CCCP 2.5 (100-135) • 10' r 65,02 To we 2ft. West Hawk, Canada 2.7 (100 ±50) -10' r 17,47 Robertson, Griewe. 1975 B.P. structure. Libya 2,8 < 1 20 - 1 0' r 16.25 French et al.. 1974 Sreinheim, Germany 3.0 (14.8 i 0,7) • 10' r 2.09 Engelhardt, 1974. Stor- zer et al., 1971 »") TyceBCKMii. CCCP 3.0 <65-10' r 9,20 Macaw-rue M AP.. 1978 1 Poplar Bay, Canada 3.0 (100i50)-106 r 14,15 Trueman. 1976 New Quebec, Canada 3.2 110* r 0.12 Dence, 1965 Jeptha Knob. USA 3.2 350-10' r 43.54 Classen. 1977 ORIGINAL PAGE-'IS OF POOR QUALITY / , ! 2 4 ! 3 6 1- I 5 / ~T r^ ~~rI~ "" 11 Skeleton, Canada 3.5 • ' 600 • 1 0" r 62,39 Wndclington, Dence. 1975 Flynn Creek. USA 3.8 (360 t 201 • 10" r 31.76 Roddy, 1968 Kofels. Austria 4.0 (8,9 i 2.9) -10'? T 0,001? Storzer, Wagner, 1977 He Rouleau, Canada 4,0 < 300 • 10' r 23.89 - Caty et al., 1975 Gow Lake, Canada 4,0 1 50 • 1 0' r 11,94 Thomas, 1977 '' , & MMUJMHB Topa. CCCP 4,0 350 • 10" r ' 27.87 MacaiiTMC M ni'., 1978 21 Brent. Canada 4,0 (414 i 20) • 10" P 32.96 Hartung et al.. 1971 >* Knpflna. CCCP 4.0 (440-500) 10' r 35,03 MacaiiTMC M nP-. 1978 2,7 30 MnbMHUbl, CCCP 4,5 (395-400) • 10* r 24,85 BanbTep, PuSeHKO, 25 1977 Mien, Sweden 5,0 1 20 • 1 0" P 6.11 Bottomley et al., 1977 (92 i 6) • 10' T 4,69 Storzer. Wagner, 1977 •j» KypcKan, CCCP 5.0 < 200 1 0' r 10,19 MacaiiTMC n nP-, 1978 37 Crooked Creek, USA 5.0 (320 i 80) • 10" r 16,31 Engelhardt, 1974 Pilot, Canada 5.0 (300 .'. 150) • 10" r 15.29 To we i^ 1 Saaksjarvi. Finland 5.0 <330- 10" P 16,82 Bottomley et al.. 1977 •y MMsapaw, CCCP 5,0 (SOO • 80) • 10" r 25.48 MacaiiTMC n nP-. 1978 37 35 >KaMaHLUMH, CCCP 5.2 (1,07 i 0,05) • 10'' T 0,05 Storzer, Wagner, 1977 Decaturville. USA 6,0 (500 i 50) • 10' r 17,69 Engelhardt. 1974 Kentland, USA 6.0 <450 • 10' r 15.92 BonAyMH, 1968 H 2 Serpent Mound. USA 6,4 270 • 10" r 8,40 To we 22. Wetumpka. USA 6.5 < 70 • 1 0" r 2.11 Neathery et al.. 1975 Middlesboro, USA 7.0 < 500 • 1 0' r 13.00 Engelhardt, 1974 3** EeeHMMMe-CaanaTMH. 8.0 < 65-10' r 1,29 MacaiiTMC M np., 1978 37 CCCP Elbow, Canada 8.0 (70-80) • 10" r 1,39-1,59 Robertson, Grieve, 1975 5$ BanpHMCKao, CCCP 8.0 (130-195) • 10' r 2,59-3,88 MacaiiTMC M np., 1978 ^7 Lac La Moinerier.
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