The curtain of fire was so effective Assessment Reduced. that the Germans were unable to send The Supreme Court ordered the as- iiiiiimimiiii ALLIES food to the front line. Men in these PETITIONS FILED sessments on 5,471 acres of land ,in GENERAL AIM trenches were starving for days. Cleveland county belonging; to the REVENUE LookForThis Name The raids on German Drew Timber cut nightly County Company 9f trenches accounted for many of the from 55 an acre to $3 an acre. The BEING MADE ON 3 defenders of these positions, and also timber company had asked the reduc- BILL INTRODUCED enabled the British to observe the ef- tion from the lower courts, but in each fect of the artillery fire during the instance it was denied. The Supreme preceding day, and thus returned with Court reversed the decision, with in- CONTAINS 14,045 NAMES—TIME MEASURE DESIGNED TO PRO- Olives much valuable information. structions to make the reduction PBINCIPALFRONTS LIMIT FOR FILING IS DUCE $210,000,000 IN SUR-TAXES The number of prisoners taken in prayed for. There was no merit in JULY 7. ON INCOMES. and these raids has not been disclosed, the company’s contention that the cir- Pickles but the have been erred in it correspondents cuit court refusing to give — Offensive On Western Front Be- it's a quality mark for exception- permitted to say that men were cap- a trial by jury, however, the court ally good table dainties. the Ger- gan By British And French tured from every battalion in TO FILE ADDITIONAL NAMES held. MUNITION PLANTS ARE TAXED Out Manzanilla and Queen Olives, man line opposite the British forces. plain ot stuffed, ate from the famous On River Somme olive in Will Affect German Morale. Governor Pardons. groves Spain, The information thus obtained Substitute For Bill Killed 1915 On the request of Dr S. W. Colquitt, By It Carries a Non-Parti6an Tariff Com- shows that not a German regi- Lib^y’’ Sweet, Sour and Dill single Introduced physician at the state farm at Cum- Hsattna'I Legislature—Measure By mission and an Pickles are and firm. ment has been removed from this Anti-Dumping piquant Senator John I. Moore Passed mins, Governor Hays pardoned three Clause—Proposes to Abolish Your summer meals and front. The number of Germans op- negroes, Tom Nelson, Will Thomas SMASH GERMAN LINES Senate—Killed in House. picnic baskets are not com- front and in re- Stamp Taxes. posite the British and R. L. Johnson, who were affected plete without them. serve behind the lines was estimated with acute tuberculosis. The negroes Insist on Libby's at your a month ago at 800,000 were said by Dr. Colquitt to be a UNPRECEDENTED BOMBARDMENT Little Rock.— grocer’s. The sector of the German front on source of for tne other Washington.—A general revenue OF SEVEN DAYS PRECEDED danger prison- the The petition for the initiation of the M'Neill & which the British have assumed ers, as there are no separate tubercu- bill designed to produce about $210,- Libby, Libby THE ATTACK. proposed primary election law to be offensive forms a considerable bulge lar wards on the farm. 100,000 from increases in sur-taxes on Chicago submitted to the voters of Arkansas in the British line. The southern end Mrs. W. E. Smith of Hot Springs, incomes and special taxes on inher- at the general election to be held in rests on the Somme, which is a for- wife of an alleged auto bandit, who itances and war munition plants was November, has been tiled with the sec- lllllllll midable river in military operations, was convicted of grand larceny and introduced in the House by Demo- BATTLEGROWSMORE INTENSE retary of state by Joseph W. House because it breaks into many channels sentenced to one year in the peniten- cratic Leader Kitchin. It carries a for Rising Concern. a broad Jr. Stephen Brundidge. flowing thorugh marsh, espe- tiary, was pardoned. provision creating a non-partisan com- The petition contained 14,045 names, “So you’ve invested your money in a cially at places where it has not been John Grice of Pulaski county, who mission and an anti-dumping clause, Russians Continue Their new Drive South coun- a greater number than the eight per airship company?” surveyed. It is a broad, rolling was convicted in 1914. and and proposes abolishing stamp taxes of Dniester for in September, “Yes. If our airship goes up, the Having Captured 217,- over are cent of the vote cast governor j :ry which the British push- sentenced to three years for robbery, by eliminating schedules A and B of OOO Austrians Since time stock will go up.” June—Ital- different from the flat, 1914, which was 135,517. The ing. although was also pardoned. the Underwood tariff law. ians Continue Advance. limit for the petition is July 7. “But suppose it doesn’t?” marshy and bleak aspect of Flan- filing The measure will be taken up in is a substitute for “Then tire company will go up.” Its rounded chalk hills are The proposed law lers. New Roads Planned. the house by a special rule. iensely wooded. the bill which the 1915 Legislature Forty miles of the Jefferson High- BABIES AND GROWING CHILDREN At many points on this sector of failed to pass. The measure which London.—The grana offensive on way through Scott county is being sur- Defense Act in Force. need a tonic to tone up the system and the :he British front it is to see failed of passage was proposed by a western front began by the Brit- possible veyed under the direction of the State Chicago.—Recruiting for the regu- regulate the liver. Mothers are con- ish and he trenches of the Germans committee appointed by the Demo- wonderful success, French on both sides of the winding Highway Commission. Plans were lar army was stimulated by the re- stantly using with cratic state convention two years ago. and Fever Ton- River Somme, 60 miles north of Paris, ibout t'ue opposite slopes. A military filed by the State Highway Commis- ceipt by Captain Franklin R. Kenney, our “Plantation” Chill of the It was introduced in the Senate by ic. Pleasant to take—contains no Cal- has already resulted in a great wedge expert, writing offensive, says: sion for the first road to be built in in charge of recruiting in the Chicago “It is safe to the Germans nev- Senator John I. Moore and passed that omel. Price 50c.—Adv. being driven into the German lines say Crawford county under the new Alex- district, of advices from the War De- in house. a 16-mile er expected a great attack in this body, but was killed the along front, with Its sharp ander road law. The road will run partment that the national defense act Reticence and Discretion. ■ point five miles. !.. ttry. We may hope, therefore, for to Locke. in from is penetrating nearly from Mountainberg Surveys is force and that recruits “1 suppose you know the answer to Case Advanced. At 6 o'clock the British had i reduction of the German salient for a pushed were completed last week road to 21 years of age may be accepted about any question an interviewer here and the of better The Court advanced on from a short distance east of Albert securing Supreme from Conway to Cato in Faulkner without parental consent. could ask?” in- as far as strategic positions. Far more impor- the docket two cases of statewide Montauban, more than five county. “Possibly,” replied Senator Sorghum. miles ant than that, it is certain that this terest. One was that of State Auditor away, and had repulsed a Ger Throw Up Breast Works. “The fact that I know the real answer a man it t ack will be very' destructive to the Dickinson against Wash Clibourne, counter-attack on that village. Favrot to Leave State. Naco, Ariz.—United States soldiers so thoroughly Is sometimes what morale of the German troops. But state game warden. The suit ! Both to the north and to the south deputy Leo M. Favrot, associate supervisor are erecting a line of breastworks makes me a trifle diffident about ex- what must be borne in mind now is to determine whether a number of other villages, including! was brought of rural schools, tendered to George near the United States immigration pressing myself.” :he much greater length of front the could be drawn from the state Hebetrun, Serre, La Boisselle and Ma- money B. Cook, superintendent of public in- office. This action followed reports British hold. We attacked on about fund for of the game metz, had been swept out of German ! game prosecution struction, his resignation, to take ef- that 1,500 Mexican troops are within LIVER PILLS one-quarter of the length of our and fish laws. The lower court held BOND’S hands, some of them only after de- fect August 1. Mr. Favrot will accept a few miles of Naco, Sonora. Naco ront.” it could, and the state appealed. termined resistance by their de-’ that a similar position with the superin- residents are organizing a company of ARE THE BEST fenders. tendent of public instruction In home guards. They are made especially for Head- About the Duck. Fricourt. three miles east of Albert, | Mr. Cook to New York. Louisiana, his home state, and will aches, Biliousness, Constipation, Diz A little schoolgirl in Michigan has was still in German possession in thej State Superintendent of Public In-j move to Baton Rouge about August Consulate Destroyed.
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