In This Issue: $200,000,000 SPENT EVERY YEAR FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF LISTENERS DOES GIANT STATION SPELL THE END OF ~HAIN RADIO? "CALL OF THE CHILDREN" BRINGS BEST LOYED MOTHER TO THE AIR YANKEE YS. BRITISH BROADCASTING ~ )Y.. ..... _-'" Contb•• L. Kaufmll. Generill Roy D. Br.... dley. son of Nho attended in • T LAST. the great day is at hand! In the next late himself or herself upon a real achievement. in the by the great interest in this conte"t, and by the many A issue of RADIO GUIDE. 1;7 clever and fortunate face of very heavy competition. excellent entries received. Not only from the United men and women will see their names listed-as Serving under General Keehn's chairmanship. are Statcs and Canada, but from foreign countries in many ",inmors of the IO,lXlO Radio Stations Trail Punle Con­ Mrs. Ernest Byfield, Dr. Preston Bradley, Mr. 1-1. L parts of the world. first-class solutions were sent in. test.., 'Tis Pleasant, sure. to see one's name in print," Kaufman and Judge Joseph Sabath. Watch next week's issue. dated Week Endmg May as Lord Byron wrote-and it is especially pleasant when The judges expressed themselves as being amazed 26. for the winnersI one's name is printed alongside a listing of prile money. representing a victory won by hard and honest effort. During the past week, the Board of Judges has been sitting in final sessions of analysis and judKment of the thousanc.b upon thou..ands of entries which, during man}' hu~y days. ha\·c been c1a~:iificc.J carefully under thf.ir formal direction. This c10sinR chapter in radio's greate:">t puzzle con­ Sert';ce is the function. to which tbi! department mcmbers, so that no two men play successive pieces test. commenced with a luncheon of the Board of Judges IS de'L'oted. Ustellers, radio extCutives and sponsors may Billy thinks the radio audience is tired of name bands. in the beautiful Eastman Casino of the Congress Ilotel, read here importunt items 01 comillg e'L'ents-may keep and that it prefers novelty. The spon::.or wants \VooU· in Chicago, informed about programs In tbe malting, ANY hour cott to fill in with patter between numbers The Then the judges retired to the Chicago offices of ahead. screen test that Ray Perkim took for Universal turned RADIO GUIDE, at 423 Plymouth Court. out okay ... There is no signed contract. but the Yacbt Ilere, with the Chairman, General Roy D. Keehn, Club BOJs have a verbal agrt"ement that they \\-iJi sitting as "chief justice," this final court of radio appeal HE same day Tune Rich renewed her radio contract on a thuteen weeks program with an option for IT reviewed all the evidence and brought forth its verdicts. Tto run through the summer months. she signed to Borden l\onesuch Mincemeat company in the fall .. The ceremonies of judgment opened with the formal star in a play which will open June 2 in Chicago. A big time sponsor is flirting with joseph Regileas, wh<. reading of the rules of the competition~ by the Chair· Her private office in Radio City will remain vacant until introduced vocal instruction on a morning program m<ln. fall, when the ~how opens on Broadway. She will make over WOR ... Block and Sully have a clause in their Almost without debate, it was agreed that in her hroadcasts from Chicago durmg the summer ° •• Pcbeco contract that provides they may leave with the interests of complete fairness. these should not be DOll Destor will open the Pennsylvania roof, May two weeks' notice, the only such contract in radio with construed liberally, but strictly. 28, and remain there until he leaves for Iiollywood to the exception of Al jolson's. The clause was inserted ThIS deCISion of the judges had this very im­ ".lak.e a picture with jack Be.nny '... BPlY. Art;t, audio so the comedy team could go to Hollywood when called portant cffect: As a result of it, thousands of other­ t10nmg a new show on NBC entitled Eight m One:· to make a picture with Eddie Ca1zlor, and provides that wise correct entries were eliminated-be<:a.usc of minor has hit on a novel radio idea, and the show is sold if the when they return to New York they :-.hall finish the flaws or departures from the "letter of the law." A prospective sponsor can purchase thc services of Alex­ unexpired portion of the thirteen weeks for which theX premium \vas thereby put up on correctness and neat­ a'lder Woollcott. Artzt has a 39-piece band. and each signed ... George Givot, the Grik hambcssidor, wil! ness; and as a result, every prize-winner may congratu- succeeding number will be played by eight different take over the automobile spot vacated by Al Trahan . •• $200,000,000 lJearly for Listeners AH E figures hardly tell the story of th~ tremendous THE STATION COST: Preeminent in a Sunday entertainment spectrum i. forces brought into play to providc-tJtt:i daily radio A 54-statio IT h,.,kup $12,500.00 the hour that has been starring Eddie Cantor, I '" ..Bfare of the nation. Ilowever, they are convi.uciflg1y Remote control pickups 'or (for out of town) of the most expensive program . impre~si\'e when it is realized that upwards of ?;200,(X)(),­ line charges in city 150.00 to $1.500.00 your entertainment He is, or Ila~ 000 arc .... pent annually providing free Madia entertain­ Cost of theater. if uc;ed 50.00 to 750.00 Cha~e &. Sanborn over a nationwide networK ot '" .....-­ ment. This grO',\ figure is spent in two general directions. ~Iailing and printing tickets. 80.00 tional Broadcasting Company. In addition to WEA that of paying' for air time, and paying for talent. Co~t of special announcer •. 50.W to 500.00 in New York, fifty-three of the highe~t powered ~tatio Often the cost of talent rar exceeds the station Sound effects ••••.....••.•• 100.00 a performance in the country tie lip for simuhaneous broadcasting charges im'oluJ. The artist's "stipend" is now one of this feature-all of which represent plenty of ca:ih the deep, dark :-.ecrets of the sponsor. No longer. does Scripts ..•.••.•.•.••••••••.•. 100.00 to 1,000.00 the line. In round figures, 12.500.00 is spent every we he boast of paying Sir llarry Lauder $15,000 forabaut Music .....................•. 50.00 to 50000 for one broadcast. A lot of coffee and Chinese twelve minutes of entertainment-not in this day and Special arrangement of music. 20.00 to 250.00 must be sold to meet that bill. ' age, when decreased diddends are a tender spot with Gag men .........•.......... 25.00 to 1,250.00 The Cantor hour of humor, huffoonery, philosop stock and homl holders of big corporations sponsoring Dramatic scripts for three min- music and the ribbing of Rubinoff and his violin, W radio programs. ., he salaries of great stars are \\-his­ ute comedy sketch 0 •• 150.00 the incidental guest :itars. musical directors, orche pered. and subject to gross exaggeration; but despite Sponsor's production director. 25.00 to 500.00 leader. soloists, arrangers, sound effect men, royal' the change in times they still appear in the aggregate, Dramatic cast .....•......•.• 22.00 per person paid for music, continuity writers, production men, d like the computation of a national debt. matic cast, ~cript writers-and in the event of a rem Th('re arc a thousand incidental expenses in connec­ The star performer .......••• 2,000.00 to 10,000.00 pick-up from some far flung point, a studio standb tion with the program that run its cost to staggering Guest artists. two or more •••• 350.00 to 1,000.00 makes one recall that it is not the original cost but proportions. The magnitude and cost of a radio extra­ The orchestra leader .•••••••• 250.00 to 4,500.00 upkeep that runs into real monev. vaganza need not necessarily be an index to its appeal Instrumental soloists .. 250.00 to 25,000.00 Cantor is reported to he cOlnpensated at c10Sf or popularity, but in recent years the~ elements have (Paderewski asked $10,001.00 a performance. Huhinoff and his violin been synonymous. The most successful programs have the latter) all of the "incidentals" get a goodly purtion of ane been the most expensive. Turn the "J\lIKEroscope" on 22-piece orchestra . 18.00 to 250.00 ;,000.00. Before going into the details of a prOf a few of the biJ.:-time radio presentations, and sec how per man set-up. the people who sponsor Eddie Cantor, "St.1 much it costs to make them tick and click. Brands," also have two other hours on the air Consider for a moment the staggering cost of a typi­ Newspaper advertising and 50.00 to 1,500 total expenditure of $1.778,250.<Xl for station fa cal hour on any of the three large networks: publicity , per ~how and an equal amount, if not (Continued on Pag 2 The Fascinating Romance fAL 00LSON and RU BY KEELERJ !he young \audt"\'ilJian the need for obtaining J. larger his praises remained unsung the next day by the hard.... Illcome, anJ he:: made every eltort to beuer hi conditiun. cned critic:-.? . By con'itant sludy he impron~d hi:-- hlackf3cc tech­ I t would be some years before AI readlc,1 ... tardom. nique to .. u~h a degree that be~inning with the '()vem~ In the meantime he de\ oted himself to "ork.
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