Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 11-18-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 18, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1975 Volume 57, Issue 62 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 18, 1975." (Nov 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Gus says if Harrell collects, the VailY13gyptian University may have a real finan­ cial exigency. TuHd8y. Nov. 18. I97S-Vol. 57. No. 62 # SIU sued Mine search for $650,000 continues ., by ex-teach~r for diver By 'Lenore .8ohota By Scatt G. Bandle Daily Egyptian Stafr Writer Daily EgypUan Staff Writer A $650,000 law suil was filed against The search continued Monday for an SIU Friday by onc of the 104 Faculty S1.U student who has been missing since members terminated in Junt". 1974 Saturday after taking part in a scuba following the University's declaration diving 'expedition in an' old lead mine of a "financial exigency r OO Robert B. Harrell. former assistant near Bonne Terre, Mo. professor of English. filed the suit Michael Sprenger. 19. a freshman which charges the University with from Crystal Lakt.· majoring in willfully misrepresenting the existence­ marketing. was still listed as missing of a financial : ~p.rgency when it by authorities as the search moved into dismissed the 104 faculty member s. its third day. The University declared a "financial , exigency" in 1973 following a $2.7 John F. Katilius. 19. a freshman from Cicero majoring in cinema - and.... million budget cut and announced that it wouJd terminate the contracts of 101 photography, had also been reported teachers, including 29 faculty members missing Saturday but was discovered with tenure. drowned that afternoon . Harrell. now Jackson Cou nty clerk. is Both sludl'l1lS werE.' IIIt'mbers of tht.· the only member of the Carbondale 104 Delta Xi Fralernity House and werE' who has not reached a settlement with part of a 26-person group from the Stu SIU . Egyptian Divers Club that went diving The suit . filed in Madison County Cir­ in the Bonne Terre Lead Mine. cuit Court. charges thal former President David Derge. former Vice The l~year..old mine is a tourist s il t· President for AcademiC Affairs Keith Leasure and the Board of Trustees :~~:r:;~p ~~:.; e~fh~ ~".!ds ;::e~ "knew or should have known that no richer vein of ore. The first two levels financial exig ency existed." are open for tourists while the last threE.' Harrell is seeking 5650.000 in flooded levels are open for scuba damages and reinstatement as a diving. a new attraction that started tenured professor of Engtish teaching last summer. the same classes he had befor.,.. his dismissal. Law officials said that out of the 2,000 SIU Legal Counsel John W. Huffman people who have dived in the mine. said Monday that he could not comment Mirror man these are the "first accidents since il in HarTell's suit because the University first opened for business. had not been officially notified of its Thomas Hackl. senIor in ad­ mill formation the band used Sgt. Gary Yates of the Bonne Terre ministration of justice. reflects on Saturday in their last" per· filing. Police Departm~t . who is leading the Harrell taught at SIU from Sep­ his last notes as a Marching formance of. the year. (Staff photo search. said Monilay that law officials tember. 1964 to June. 1974. He was Saluki. Hackl designed the wind- by Jim Coole) do not know what happened to the two president of the local chapter of the men . American Association of University Professors. "Kalilius" was round at the third level. Harrell said he feels he has been "e,· Attorney fee collection frl feet below the water level in a lremely patient " in trying to reach a re~tricted area. The 'areas for diving settlement with !~e University. are well-lit ad have signs all over. I "Their offers have never been don't know what happened ." he said. anywhere near satisfactory," he said. may violate res~lution Vevon Sierman. 22. Route 1. president "and I have never been approached by of the club, also said he dit l not know him (President Warren W. Brandt) By Ken Temkin Board's resolution does not take into ac­ what happened to the two men . He since he took oCfice a year ago." Daily Egyptian Starf Writer count the intent and circumstances described them as "very good divers. Harrell said he was offered a job in surro und in~ that particular situation." calm and level-headed." the English Department prior to the SIU administrators max have jumPed But if the language of the board's The members of the club are all ex' start of fall semester but was only the gun in adding $1 to student fees to resolution is read to mean what it given seven d;lys to r.espond he finance the SIU.c students' attorney perienced divers. To join. a persOn wh~ch says-as opposed to what the board must present a certificate that shows he said was not enough time to straighten program. may have meant to say-then the fee out his affairs in the county clerk's of· According to the Board of Trustees has passed a scuba-diving course and was collected without the a'uthorizalion then take the club's own safety course. flee. resolution which authorized the of the trustees. said Sierman. ; Harrell said the position would have students' attorney fee . collection of the Accoriling to the.board·s Charter and limited him to teaching English com· fee is contingent upon the approval of Code of Policy. collection of the fee is Yates said that expert teams in scuba position courses which he said is "ab- the program. under the direct and complete control diving have been brought down from St . surd" for a person with a doctorate and The students' attorney program is yet of the board. Louis and Chicago. Law officials also 10 years of experience. to be approved by th-e board. Under the heading " General Policies said that numerous air pockets are - " I had a better job than that as a But. President Warren Brandt said applicable to student fees and scattered in the nooded regions of the ' graduate assistant ... ·Harrell said. board approval of the program is not - charges." the board's Code of Policy mine and they hoped that Sprenger is inl . Harrell is represeuted by attorney necessary for the fee to be levied, states. "All student fees and charges one of them. Yates said the student had Carl Runge of Eas~St . Louis, the same Branat said approvaLof thexesolution shall be fixed only under the authority about an hout" of air in his tanks. or- atlorney who represented the .Car· which sets up the fee and, contains the of the BOard of Trustees. That authority ficials at the mine site said the search bondale 104 in a suit CUed by the Umver· contigency clause is approval enough may be the direct statutory authority of would continue. sity in 1973. for his administration to charge' the $1 the Board of Trustees 'to fix and Peter J . Carroll. faculty advis..r for Stu filed suit ali.inst the Carbondale refundable fee. c6I1ect..!fecs· or may be authority the club. has refnained at ' the mine 104 in December. 1973 seeking a " We 're talking about semantics deleg!lted to its chief officers in specific since Saturday with six_ other elub __ declarat!>ry judgement from the co.urt here." Brandt said. policies adopted by the Board of members who are participating in the a~proing--the terminations on the The wording of the document tr--Trustees. " search. gr s- of denlonstrable ~ financial specific, tiowever: The students' attorney fee falls !DIder Katilius is survived I!y his paren~ e gency. but the suit was dropped in • " All provisions contained within this the gwdelihes of. "General Stud",!t Mr. and Mrs. John Katilius. Sr .• and J e. 1974 befo,"" financIal exIgency resolution (proposal for institutioo. of Fees" which are noted specifically m t"" sisters. Karen aud KrUtine. ~roven . the Stu-C students' attorney feel are the Charter of the Board of Trustees as A wake will be held fer him fr~m 2 Ifahelt declined comment on how he contingent upon the approval of the ''fees Jor student acttVities; fees· for p.m: to ,7 p.m. ~ at PetIaas will prove that no fmanclal emergency S1U-C students' attorn~ program ...... studi!iit fac:ilities such as student '-""OIl Funeral Home, 1410 S. 5Gtb sr.. CIcero. elUJled. Board Legal Counsel C. Richard buildings or field houses or stadia or Services will start at ,:. a.m. Wed- ~ Some 01 the Carbondale 104 were Gruny offered this explanation for ~ other recreational facilities; student . neoday at the r......aJ bome ebapeI with lIiwi! positiona elsewllere in the Univer- ClDIltingency clause: _ . • . welfare 'lees; (audl. ..similar fees for 'a ReeIirrection IIaa beiIII uId at 10 lity. Othon were Jiftll • lump 9IIIIii'-, "'lbe . fee had 0 be implement"" 5UPIilIes and materials." a.m. at St. Anlbanya..ds u.s. -.II , . alary ~ ill lieu oI __y~r t",:- . before students started to pay their fees Ii is further stipulated in the Code Ave. He WID be buried _ u.;: qp.ja fIf miDatIaD not.ice GIl the COIIdItion thlit far fan .""ester.
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