m FACTS WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 Vol. 60. No. 24 Price FOOT Cent* Tiinirc Draft Board Will Investigate All Local Hospital Miss Helen Jurewicz Cases of Men Asking Exemption Breaks All Records Safe in London NationalGroceryOpensNewSaper Good work is being done by the Orders came from Washington members explained, was made in or- iftiW—» County Industrial Com- this week that will set the I der to make it possible for all mem- For Maternity Cases Market; Robert Beattie is Manager mlaton under the direction of Peter Draft Otoard at the biggest tack it bers cf the Board to give details of If. Kroeger and through this agency has been (assigned since Its organiz- exemption applications careful study a large number of industries, which ation, when it was ordered to proceed and at the same timedto hwe the Nineteen Babies Born at Local At the corner of Broadway and night have been located elsewhere. four checkers who add up the pur- Immediately with an extensive inves- facts upon which the applicant bas- Hospital First Two Weeks David street this morning, the new- chases of customers, and three* floor have been interested in establishing tigation to cover all men under its ed his claim for dependency, avail- est unit of self service food stores factories In the county. able for use during the investigation. In July . men who are busily engaged in put- Jurisdiction who hove been granted was thrown open to the service of ting the packaged goods on shelves Hone of the lactories has been lo- deferrment because of dependency One factor that considerably in- the public by the National Grocery reclassiflcatlon of the men Another record for maternity oas- and display racks. So far as possi- cated in this city, but this is not the claims. es has' been hung up at the local Co. The store will be operated un- ble, it is the policy of the National fault of Mr Kroeger and his aides. The orders specify that the Board Memorial Hospital, where 19 babies ler the management of Robert A. is to investigate each case where a wives of men already inducted into Grocery Company to use local resi- rather the fault lies with local resi- were born during the first two weeks Beattie, who has been conducting dents' in the operation of their dents, because they have not Inform- man acquired dependents since the service are constantly making tele- of July. ihe National Grocery store Just phone calls and addressing letters branch stores. This has not been ed Mr Kroeger of local sites wail- date of October 16th last. All recent This surpasses all previous records across the street from the new loca- put into full operation here due to able. marriages of men who are registered to the commanding officers under tion for the past five years. whom their husbands are serving, and the fact that many of the par- the scarcity of such help in this city Considerable benefit might be de- in the draft will be investigated, and the Board will give each of them claiming they are dependent upon ents are residents of nearby munici- The new branch is the forty-first and vicinity. rived if those owning factory sites, their husbands far support, and ask- palities, is probably explained by the unit of the chain of self-service Mr. Beattie. who or those interested in them, were to individual consideration with regard to reclasslflcation under the revised ing that they be discharged. Mem- fact that last year the local institu- branches being established by the I has for several send Mr. Kroeger a description of bers of the local Board have explain- tion attained a rather unusual re- National Grocery concern in this weeks been taking the properties in which they are in- regulations. There are no set rules for these investigations and each ed that "such a procedure is useless, cord when 232 maternity cases were state, and the seventy-seventh be- training for his terested together with a photograph since the army officers have no au- handled without a single fatality. ing operated in the metropolitan new position, is a of them. ' ease must be studied and a deer ion with relation to reclasslftmtion of thority in this direction and the as- The births were: Mr. and Mrs. B. area under the control of the com- graduate of the • ¥ • signment of men to service is solely Jankowskl, of Dayton st., a girl; Mr. pany. It is the first of all the units South Amboy High Young officers of the defense ar- the man involved rendered lndivu- under the Jurisdiction of the various (.nd Mrs. Walter Llvlch, 57 Second where the batcher department Is School, Class of my seem to be desperately trying to ally. draft boards. ft, Keyport, & boy; Mr. and Mrs. under the exclusive operation of the 1934. He has lived win the confidence of the selectees The regulations require that where Martin Kirchner, of 734 Catherine owners and marks the beginning of in this city since under them and in their endeavor the investigation reveals the slight- The next group of men will be sent Mlas Helen Jurewlcs est indication that a man may hwe by the local draft board on Tuesday st., Perth Amboy, a boy; Mr. and i new policy recently adopted by the 1939 and now re- to win them over, some of them are morning, August 5th, and will con- Mrs. Roy Mathews, of Keyport, a Joyful news came this morning to owners as regards the handling of sides in President demonstrating their lack of know- married with the idea of evading the boy; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newman. the meats departments. Heretofore, Park. On gradua- training in the army service, that sist of eleven men. At the present Mrs. W. Qrembowltz of(Augusta st., ledge of the art of handling men. time the board his 42 men in Class 35 Broadway, Keyport, girl; Mr. ana the meats department was usually ting from the lo- Several times we have talked re- he be immediately placed In * class- in a cablegram from Miss Helen Jur- ification for early service. Nothing 1-A, but a number of these are 28 Mrs. Lewis Kovacs. 81 Center St., ewicz, her niece, a Red Crass nurse, handled as a concession of one type cal school system cently to inducted selectees return- years of age or over, and as the re- Perth Ambsy, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Ig- or another, with the store ownership Robt. A. Beattie he Joined the Na- ing from camp who during the co- but written statements with regard who sent word from London that she t>» dependency will be accepted, it sult of recent orders from the draft natius Spina, 21 Dohm St., Sayre- being connected only in a more or tional Grocery concern's ortaniat- urse of their conversation have headquarers in Washington, have vine, boy; Mr. and Mrs. John Wyz- was safe in the English Capitol. lew indirect way. It is said that the tlon and has remained with them mentioned the fact their officers was provided, and regardless of their merits, no claims will be otherwise been eliminated from coll for the owski, 349 Neville St., Perth Amboy, Miss Jurewicz was a passenger on future policy of the company will bs continuously since that time. have said that the army has been balance of July at least. boy; Mr. and (Mrs. Lawrence Cav- an American ship bound for England toward direct control and operation made over completely and now it is considered. This ruling, the Board niugh, 332 Second st., South Am- with the concession policy being dis- The local store is newly buili which sailed from a southern port on throughout and is replete with the a mark of distinction to wear the joy, a boy. June 5th. She was reported missing continued as the contracts expire. It uniform, whereas in years gone by. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, 220 is not planned, it Is understood, that latest conveniences tor handling food on July 9th. products. It took the contractors the soldier was looked down upon as David street, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. The ship WHS slid to have been tor- the meats will be discontinued as a an undesirable. John Jacko, 485 Sayre avenue, Per- store attraction, but ionly that the something less than two months to John T. Coughlin's JAMES W. HACKETT pedoed by a German submarine. dismat$le the old bulld^ms which oc- It's very important to make a sol- th Amboy, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Stan- The nursese in the contingent method of handling Is to be changed dier feel proud of the (uniform he ley Walcaik, 236 Cedar street, a boy: with the National concern installing cupied the site and put up the new aboard the torpedoed boat were en- structure of concrete and tile with wears, but it seems rather undiplo- Number First Local FUNERAL HELD Mi. and Mis. Frank Brennan, 230 route to England to help the staff Its own butchers In the stores. matic on the part of these young 0m street, boy: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ornamental terra' cotta facings and of the American Red Cross-Harvard The local branch will have five de- plate glass windows. The new place officers to give these selectees the liam COnvery, 600 New Brunswick Hospital somewhere in South Eng- partments or divisions of activity Impression that the institution with Number Drawn avenue, Perth Amboy, girl; Mr. and marks a very decided improvement HERE WEDNESDAY land.
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