Inter-Fraternity Senior Auction Sing Tonight tTOfje Batotbgoman To Be Tuesday ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS Z— 528 VOL. XXVII. DAVIDSON COLLEGE,DAVIDSON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 No. 30 Administration Makes Direct liil«»r-Frnl«Tiiilv Sin« First Fraternity Sing Plans For Centennial Will Be Held Tonight Commencement Period On Steps Of Chambers 120 Seniors Make Up Centen- f-r k . Nine Fraternities to Compete nial Class; Will Graduate Honor VocaI|y. for Silver onJune 3 ComedyShows Awards Loving Cup TRUSTEES TO ATTEND Rich Student PrCSCMlli'd To FOREMAN TO PRESIDE Dr. Lingle Will Deliver ■j/~w rf-* /-^t *--\ f Pfohl, Robinson, Riker, Baccalaureate Sermon In Rush Week KU II* i.adCtS Dickenshertz to Judge Final- plans for t In- com- Davidson's nine national fra- Masquers Twenty-three Fei ■ will inauguatc rheir an- mencement of the Centennial Will Present Cadets Given - " class arc being made by the Burlesque Monday Special Recognition nii.it j111.r fraternity sTrfg FotTJI at s o'clock on Chambers sti Administration. An outline of il What would you 35 vim' i ' vent, ladet Majoi Iv. Spencer, the first of i:~ kind the program was contained in ;i Samuel ■ entered small Presbyterian tn be 11eld in the Carol 15, Cadel lii si SergeanJ Hay, ill. Wttl In the bulletin published* this college, fur gentlemen, ami John presided week, and fuller details will lie anil Cadet Private George D. IImi.iii over by Dr. K. I. Fore- your father p r o m is e >\ the |man. of the faculty. Professor found in the commencement school a now gymnasium pro- received the medals of the best | " of the Alumni Journal, senior cadet, best junior cadet,J James Christian Pfohl will issue yidedyou pledged a fraternity -em ib.- Mum'c Department, 1 and besj drilled freshman, respect- which will be released about —any fraternity! Such is tin Judges the middle of this month. ively, at the last drill of the year tor the event will be Miss plight (farcially speaking) of "ir.ice Robinson,of the Davidson's one hundredth gradu- Victor Ar- which was held Monday, May 1.1. Queens Mu- ating class, up of one hundred Pendleton Lincoln . ~:V Department,Mis -Pmnklin Rik- made thur III, forthcomiHg Presentation of medals annually in the jr » ' ;er, voice instructor twenty seniors, will receive S^^^^H I^B place at at Davidson: and Red:and Masquers' farce, ' ' takes this time, and the Black ALA. V UKfj Professor Dii ken«hrrt/. choral their diplomas from Chambers Au- majority ol the awards are kept land "Solomon Without Wives". director at Catawba College. Fra- ditorium on the morning of June 3. Playing opposite -e> ret uniil the time of tlcir be- V. P. L. Arthur ternitu-s will be judged ou oripi- Begins May 30 Vamp, stowal. At this time, Company A 111 will be Miss Vivian who! May moon next week the nine Davidson frnternitiei will inaugurate their annual nality, ability to suik'. arrangement! The commencement program be- white, Under a warm received the awards for haying is "slight, and flighty," the inter-fraternity linga, of to in either of the Carolina*. Prof. J. C. Pfohl, left, of songs, direction, tone. gins with a meeting of the execu- the first its kind be held both the best-drilled company, un- and Fra- three requisites of the perfect in- 1 affair, department is donating Foreman, ternities appear—in tive committee of the Trustees at is in charge of the and his music the cup. Dr. Kenneth J. der Cadet Captain Stuart Roscoe will the follow- genue (which means heroine). The j middle, be master at event, Sherman, of Montgomery, Ala., right, ing l'i Kappa Alpha, 2 p. m. on Thursday, May 30. will of ceremonies the while Charles Oglfsby 111, order: Phi third leading character is Hans place front of Building.— (Photo by and the best-drilled Friday morning, May 31, the en- is student organizer. The sing will take on the steps Chambers platoon, Gamma Delta. Phi Delta Theta. Deutsch, Vic's roomie. These three j Lytch, Jr.), Courtesy Charlotte under Cadet First Lieu- Sij;ma Alpha Kpsilon. Kappa trustees will meet and Angus Photo of Observer. Sittcrson, j Al- tire board of parts will be played by Pat Ru- tenant Beechcr W. Friday night the annual meeting pha, Pi Kappa Phi. Sigma Phi FCp- dolph, Joe Robinson, and Dick Medals were presented the! Sllon, lieta Theta l'i. Kappa ?ifima. of the Alumni Council will be held. Cobb, respectively. Other charac- members of the rifle team for ex- Saturday, 1, Day. At the conclusion of «the >ing, June is Alumni ters arc: Dr. Abbott, dean of the cellency iii marksmanship, Those re- Hundreds of former students arc Proposed Dance Plan Rejected IProfessor Pfohl will present a lov- Presbyterian college, ceiving were: small to he these medals Cadet ing cup to thi1 winning fraternity. expected to return for this occa- ("adel played by Hill Summers; Ur. Con- Captain Walter I-:. Kun/. This cup shall become the perma- sion. Class reunions will be held Sergeant sonants, German prof, to be played Pan-Hellenic Project Defeated First I'. II. Hollilipkl, Ga- nent possession of any fraternity and the alumni will welcome the f Sergeant Holm, ; by lioyd Flynn ;and Chambers G. By Votes in Two Fraternities det W. .1. Cadet after three successive wins. class of 1940 into their member- Duke' Summer Stud R, Chambers, associate professor of Gilliam Sergeant William Eagan, Ca- As an added attraction, the Dav- ship at the annual alumni lunch- bibliographical history (which Pan-Hellenic Council's proposed Corporals ' det K. K. llallard and ■ idson Symphonic Band, under the eon. Saturday the seniors will hold really librarian), to plan of fraternity guarantees for Malcolm Kunz; Private First; means he Has Soft Life Cadet of Mr. Pfohl; will give a Class Day exercises, and Saturday Is Auctioneer was ' direction played by a dark horse. dance tickets defeated when it Class Southgafc Jones; Cadet I'ri- shorl concert. evening the Davidson hand will pre- ' support ■ The plot centers around Vic III, failed to gain the of all 'vates William 1.. BarjTeV, Jack W. To enter competition sent a concert. Spieling Englishman to Sell Student Reviews Routine in each fra- who is rushed by every fraternity, nine chapters on the campus. Davis, Jr.. II. Vincent DcWitt, lid- ternity LJngle Retiring Summer School must adhere to certain rules his] Senior Goods Greek groups re- ■ naturally, hut who conceals Seven local ward J. Erwin, Jr., Robert A. ,set up by the Dr. Linglc, who is retiring this plan, committee that is in identity, or something. Then Miss ported in favor of the and By BOB CARVEY Gowdy, ('. Alexander McArthnr," charge of this occasion, In brief summer after eleven years as presi- By BILL TARLETON two Vamp scene, etcetera, voted against the proposition. Killus D. Wilson, S. Terry Withers,■ enters the Hi-ho— 25, 25, 30, 45, 50, do I As we 1tun w cai v minds these rules are: (I) Each fra- dent of Davidson, will deliver the . W. Heated debate was wide-spread with and etcetera. The scenes are laid at The (alter exams) to the William W. Wood, Jr. ternity will have ten minutes baccalaureate sermon at eleven hear 55 cents? (ioiiiK once, twice, the indicating summer from Little Wreck, the small college over campus, that months, many students will look Cadet Major Samuel R. Spinier■the beginning ol the first song. o'clock Sunday morning, June 2. In ; three times. Sold to the Kent for the issue may possibly remain a town's local restaurant the fra- 55 forward to sweet days ot tel.ix;t- was promoted lo the rank of cadet '. (-'I Although each fraternity may Chambers Auditorium, Sunday cents. live one for some time. ternity lodnc of Upsilon Upsilon i look, sonic- colonel. Cadet hirst Lieutenant enter a quartel none rep- night, the Davidson-Queens Sym- The Annual Senior Class Auction However, lion while others will shall be Upsilon ; ami a room in Linger since the plan requires iin.ti;iiie, resented entirely by phonic will present a Ij will lie held next Tuesday nis'it, ulial reluctantly, I to a Tom Hackney was made cadet cap . four men. (3) Orchestra Dormitory. In The Little Wreck,! the unanimous support of all nine at graduation May 21, on the steps of Georgia few weeks in summer school either lain. Also captain was In leasl one number there must concert. Final exercises original songs, groups,.the council lias abandoned made cadet one of the three dormitory. here, at Davidson or otherwise. < be at least three-fourths of the fra- and the presenting of awards and It,", sung all action on affair for the ( adet (first Lieutenant Robott I. "Take It or Leave is by the re-st Jus) to l,t those I-iiow thai have lernity represented. (4i Fratcrni- medals will conic Monday at eleven None other than "Duke" Gilliam, year. Nellie, the waitress, to he .played of the never attended one of Kellogg. sjlies shall draw for places i>i ap- o'clock. the man of many trades, will act proposal these sessions \ by lid To give you an idea Essence of the defeated following ■ (5) Jackson. as auctioneer. His rambling words where every oneis vitally interested Immediately the prcs- 'Veatance. A loving cup will be of the songs, "Take Itor Leave It" was that each fraternity should presented to the winner., picked will begin promptly at 7 :M) and in milking up a tew quality points cntalioii of the various various opens like this : guarantee the 'council the sale of by indue-, to become "graduating" and getting .i <"iii'li ol hours while awards, 1 tk^e their it, will continue until all 30 set tickets for each clam.
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