2 International Bureau for Children’s Rights Table of Contents Message from the President . 3 Make Children’s Rights a Reality: Initial and Specialised Training Message from the Director General . 4 in Police Academies in West and Central Africa . 16 Board of directors . 5 Programme for Children Team . 5 and Armed Conflict . 20 Interns 2011-2012 . 6 Programme on Children and Justice . 23 Mission and objectives . 7 Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime . 25 The IBCR exists because… . 7 Programme Combatting Sexual Exploitation of Children . 26 Action in four main programme areas . 8 Our areas of expertise . 8 The Fight Against Child Sex Tourism . 28 Key Events of 2011-2012 . 9 The International Bureau for Children’s Rights’ Fundraiser in November 2011 . 32 Promotion of the Convention on the Rights of the Child . 12 Revenues and Expenditures . 33 MANARA Project “The Lighthouse” in Acknowledgements . 34 the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) . 12 Annual Report 2011-2012 3 Message from the President Jean-Pierre Rosenczveig President Board of Directors of the International Bureau for Children’s Right’s President Children’s Tribunal of Bobigny Paris (France) Dear Friends of the International Bureau for Children’s Rights, More than ever, our main objective continues to be the promo- tion of the contemporary, universal Convention on the Rights of Over the past 12 months, our team carried out the mission of the the Child, permanently integrating these rights into the practices International Bureau for Children’s Rights in several countries of professionals, on the one hand, and within government poli- worldwide . cies, on the other . As President of the Board, but also a seasoned professional working towards justice for children, I can attest to As President of the Board of Directors, I warmly welcome the the genuine desire of the Bureau’s team to achieve this ambi- many collaborative projects undertaken with local nongovern- tious goal, while, at the same time, securing returns on the funds mental organisations, as well as international organisations and granted to the IBCR each year by development agencies and agencies . private donors . The Bureau has capitalised on its field experience through col- Based on my obervations, I want to congratulate the team .Year laborative actions to defend the rights of children . Thus, UNI- after year, under the warm and demanding leadership of Direc- CEF-Burundi was confident in our ability to carry out an initial tor General Nadja Pollaert, they succeed in convincing public rapid assessment on the commercial sexual exploitation of girls agencies and private donors of the high quality of the IBCR’s and boys in Burundi . The United Nations Department of Peace- approach . More than ever, it is our responsibility to not only keeping Operations called upon our expertise to improve and develop the know-how, but to also make known the work that revise their peacekeeping training programmes . Our collabora- we undertake to benefit children . tions will continue into the next fiscal year, in particular, those with UNICEF and Save the Children West Africa . I would also like to thank our Board members who provide expertise and dedication to the International Bureau for Chil- After several years of advocacy, the Bureau is now in a posi- dren’s Rights . tion to work together with police academies in West Africa to integrate both basic and specialised training on child rights Finally, I would like to thank all those who have honoured us and police intervention into their curriculum . with their material or moral support . I encourage them to remain such indispensable pillars, no matter the size of the stone car- This collaboration with training institutions will enable us to ried to the building . Once again, through reporting on its annual influence the approach of police officers when they encounter work, the Bureau hopes to persuade its supporters that they have children in conflict with the law or child victims and witnesses of made the correct choice; to invite them to continue their support crime . We are convinced that working with the police is essen- and to encourage them to convince others of goodwill around tial to the effective protection of children, since law enforcement them to bring their stones, no matter how small . constitutes the first point of contact for children, well before the intervention of legal and social work professionals . Paris, May 2012 4 International Bureau for Children’s Rights Message from the Director General Nadja Pollaert Director General of the International Bureau for Children’s Rights The whole team at the International Bureau for Children’s Over the course of the year, we were able to defend and promote Rights has had a year full of rich experience with our partners in children’s rights through various media outlets . West and Central Africa and the Middle East and North Africa . This report takes stock of the activities and achievements of the We are particularly proud to have an increasing presence in the International Bureau for Children’s Rights (IBCR) from 1 April field and to be collaborating with national organisations work- 2011 to 31 March 2012 . In addition to an account of activities, ing to defend children’s rights in their own countries . the reader will find a wealth of information on the International Bureau for Children’s Rights, its mission and goals, and the Upon reviewing the Annual Report, the attentive reader will personal contributions of certain members of the team, whether note the diversity of our partnerships and the wealth of produc- they be staff, interns or Board members . tive collaborations that we have established to strengthen the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child This document also offers, as is customary, a summary of last and its Optional Protocols . year’s financial results . I take this opportunity to warmly thank the members of the Board for their support and always well- The International Bureau for Children’s Rights has grown, both informed advice . I would also like to thank our funding part- at the project leveland with respect to our team . However, we ners for their confidence, especially the religious communities continue to preserve a human approach at the organisation, in Quebec and Canada for their unwavering support . Thanks which allows us to retain our flexibility and gives us room to to the governments of Canada and Sweden for their support of manoeuvre in order to undertake actions in which we believe! our projects . Finally, a thank you to the incredible team at the Bureau for its professionalism and its high quality of work, in This year, we were particularly concerned by the fact that there particular, the 40 interns who, throughout the year, have gener- are more than 300 child victims or witnesses of commercial ously volunteered their time and expertise to the Bureau and sexual exploitation in Burundi . These children recounted their its cause . difficult experiences frankly and directly, and we were moved by their articulateness . Montreal, May 2012 It was a year of great gifts as well, notably from the private sector in Quebec and Canada: Agence BCP gave its time and expertise to generate a Facebook campaign to combat the sex- ual exploitation of children in travel and tourism . Several travel agencies have committed to promote this campaign on their websites . Annual Report 2011-2012 5 International Bureau for Children’s Rights Board of directors Consultants and Collaborators Arar Abderrahmane ; Nazim Ahmed Ali ; Docteur Salah The Honorable Jean-Pierre Rosenczveig, President Arafat ; Marianne Bauer (DPKO) ; Christiane Beaulieu Ms. Moushira Khattab (until December 2012), (Aéroports de Montréal) ; Semia Ben Masseoud ; Michelle Vice-president – United Nations Liaison Berg ; Sergent Détective Guy Bianchi (SPVM) ; Susan Bisell (UNICEF New York) ; Docteur Jane Blackburn ; Kristina Dr. Najat Malla Mi’jid (from December 2012) Boyce (Travel CUTS) ; Jenny Brasebin ; Guy Bruneau Sister Sheila Sullivan, Treasurer (ENPQ) ; Christina Clark Kazak (York University) ; Yvan Mary-Anne Kirvan, Vice-president – Programming Conoir ; Daniel Cyrenne (Voyages Arc en ciel) ; James De La Cruz (INS) ; Brigette DeLay (UNICEF) ; Aissatou Diatta ; Sébastien Caron, Vice-president – Fundraising Danielle Dugal ; Emma Dunet ; Ibrahim Faltas (Save the Mr. Jean-Miguel Petit (until December 2012) Children) ; Docteur Jean-Yves Frappier (CHU Sainte-Justine, Administrator Montréal) ; Michel Gagnon ; Arlène Gaudreault (Association Mr. Benoît Van Keirsblick, Administrator québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes) ; Soumahoro Gbato (Save the Children) ; Rita Gédéon ; Hamida Goufi ; Nadine Grant (Plan The Honorable Anne-Marie Trahan, Administrator Canada) ; Milena Grillo (Fundación Paniamor) ; Eva Aby Mr. Jean-Baptiste Zoungrana, Administrator Halaweh (MIZAN) ; Sameer Nooradeen Hassan ; Wajdi Ali Hasson ; Martin Hebert ; Patricia Herdt (OIF) ; Srood Ismael Jalal ; Sanna Johnson (Save the Children) ; Yves Olivier Team Kassoka (UNICEF Sénégal) ; Malek Kefif ; Yahya Adnan Lafta ; Charles Lajoie (CIC) ; Widia Larivière (Fédération Nadja Pollaert, Director General des femmes autochtones du Québec) ; Mahamane Laouali Madougou ; Djanabou Mahonde (UNICEF Niger) ; Ann Luc Ouimet, Director of Administration Makome (DPKO) ; Claire Malbouires (Francopol) ; Anne Guillaume Landry, Directorof Programmes – Convention Marcotte (Aéroports de Montréal) ; Julie Médam ; Docteur on the Rights of the Child – Children and Armed Conflict Najat Maalla
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