~\)f>LIC Sc Page 10 May, 1980 REDSKIN TALK t~~~~ 79-80 Athletic Season Goes Down in History by Gi l Clo ud. Long Jump: 3rd Grade - Scott Edwa rds (Briarglen). Duana L eist (Briarglen). 4 th Director of Athletics Grade · Stephen Taylor (Grove). Stac ie Watson (Grove). 5 th Grade -Tommy McCune (Grove). Rosemary Del eon (Roy Clark) . 6th Grade ­ The 19 79-80 Athleti c Season is now history a nd it has been David Ribble (Roy Clark) . Tracy Walker (Peters) one of th e most o uts ta ndi ng seasons in Un ion Redskin a nnals. 40 Yard Dash: 3 rd grade girls - Dianne King (Boevers. 4 th grade girls -Kim Cloud These are th e accomplis hments of 19 79-80: (Peters) 400 Meter Ru n: Boy- To ny Jackson (Grove). Girl - Jamie Bollinger (Briarglen) Football: 8-2 record - best smce 1966. Two A ll-State selections. Super-Sta r Relay -Briarglen Published by Union Public Schools I Tulsa, Oklahoma May, 1980 2 Soft ba ll: District champions. Regional runner-ups. Record of 13-11. Won I 00 Yard Dash · 3 rd grade-- Boy · Dustin H ulet (Grove). ngirl -Marianne Gray • 4 th in the O.U To urnament. (Peters). 4 th grade - boy · Kyle Brown (Grove). gi rl - Stacie Wa tson (Grove). 5th 3. Cross- Country (Boys): Regional champions. won th e Jenks Invitational. grade · boy - Andre McQuietor (Roy Clark). girl · Cherm aine Miller (Briarglen). 6th fin ished 6th in the state. grade · boy- Jeff Pa rker (Grove). girl -Em ile Rya n (Peters) Grove Retires After 35 Years at Union Cross-Country (Girls) : Won the Ediso n Invitati onal. the Pryor Invitat ional. 5 0 Yard Dash· 5 th grade girl - Mo nica Day (Beevers). 6 th grade girl - Tashanda Robert B. Grove is a name with tradition. He e ncouraged me to go into pre-med. but the first year I was the Jenks Invitati onal and won the State championship. Three gi rls were Dixon (Peters). 3 rd grade boy - Dustin H ulet (Grove). 4th grade boy · Stephen Ifs a name that has a famil y traditi on of educati onal leader­ carrying 17 ho urs a nd pl aying on the basketball team. named to the State Cross-Country All-State T eam. They were: Rachel Taylor (Grove) ship. It's a name that graces a seven-year- old eleme ntary school "The only D I had on my transcript was in chemistry. I hadn't Williams (she was also 3 A State Champion). Julie Schock and Margi t Verhu lst. 400 Yard Relay · 4th grade - boys· Grove. girls - Pe ters. 5 th grade - boys · Beevers. 4. Wrestl ing: Regional Champio ns. 3 rd in State T ournament. 2 nd at Union well- known for a n already well-established traditi on of high had it in high school a nd othe rs in the class had." Aft er girls · Briarglen. 6th grade - boys - Grove. girls · Peters Tournament. 2 nd at Yukon T o urnament and 3rd at J enks To urnament. 60 Yard Dash- 5th grade boy- Lance Hulet (Grove). 6 th grade boy · Jim Murray academi c excell e nce and achi evement. And it's a name that has graduating from Northeastern in 1937, with a major in science, 5. Bas ketball (Girls): Fourth in the Metro Tournament and 4 th in th e Webster (Peters) established a tradition of a well-loved man who, wi th · concern Grove fo und a jo b teaching at Berryhill. A. F. Hyden, the Tourney. T ea m Results - Grove Elementary - 4th Consec utive Championship. and aff ection, worked with Union students for thi rty-five years. Superi nte ndent. had been Grove's principal at Garnett Swi tch. Bas ketball (Boys): 3 rd in th e Webster T ournament. 6. Gymnas tics: T ook 3 rd place trophy at Jenks Mee t aga inst 9 teams: took I st Comment Luckily fo r Union schools, whe n Robert B. Grove retires July 1 The second year at Berryhill he was promoted to hig h school place at a quad meet here aga inst Kingfish er. H ennesy and Stillwater: took that traditi on won't stop. Superintende nt Dr. Wesley Jarma n and principa l. 3 rd place against Ediso n & Jenks. 2 nd place aga inst Broken Arrow & Wi ll The 1979-80 athletic season has been a good one. All the Union Board of Educati on have persuaded th eir number one In 1940 he married Mildred Waggone r, also a teacher. Their Rogers. All gymnists qualified for state & 2 qualified for U.S.G.F. State. indications point to the future with more success in the athletic advisor to contin ue on a part time basis as a fin a ncial consulta nt. daughter Madelin e, was born in 1942 and Bobby Junior was 7. Baseball : Record 22- 12. Regional runner-up. 4th in th e Metro T ournament. program. On behalf of the staff. I would like to thank all the 1st in th e Bixby T ournamen t and 2nd in the L awton T ournament. Grove has been Associate Superintende nt of Finance for the born two years late r. Whe n the children started to school, 8 Trac k (Boys) . Attended 12 track meets. Received 8 fi rst places. 2 second patrons that have contributed to the program this year and hope past five years a nd during his forty years in educati on has gain ed Mildred went back to teaching, first at East Central a nd th en places. I fourth place and of the 13 boys who qualifi ed for the state mee t. 8 that this support will grow each year as Union continues to be on an understanding of school finan ce that few others in the state whe n the district was annexed to Tulsa district, at Holm es and boys placed. We were conference champions and regional champions. the movet have attain ed. the n Cooper. She retired last year after 27 years. Track (Girls) : Wo n 2 nd in the Rogers Invitational M ee t. 3 rd in th e Memorial P.S. Season footba ll tickets go on sale July 17th! The tall, lean, good-humored ma n came to Union in 1945 as Until 1959, whe n he beca me Union Superinte ndent, th e Invita ti o nal. 3 rd in the Walt Barham Relays and 2nd in the regional at Webs ter. igh School Principal, coach, and part-time scie nce teacher. In Groves owned a home near Will Rogers High School. Madelin e 9 Golf: 3 rd in the Regional. q ualified entire tea m to the State Mee t. PAT-ON-THE-BACK 959 he became S uperintendent and led the district thro ugh the gr aduated from Will Rogers, but son Bo b came to Union as a I 0. T ennis: Although inexperienced. th e tennis team continued to improve At the request of the Grove Elementary staff, a special PAT-ON­ earl y years of growth until1 9 75 when he asked the board to seek sophomore and graduated with the class of 1962. Madelin e later throughout the year. Dual wins over Owasso and Sa nd Springs were the THE-BACK goes to the school's phys ical education instructor a replacement for the superinte nde ncy. graduated from Okla homa State University and ma rri ed Don highlights of the tennis seaso n. J eannie Buck. "For the fourth consecutive year, Grove Well-kn own as the district's reside nt histori a n, Grove has been Derrick, a pro footba ll player turned coach. who now is prin cipal Scholarships to date: J e ff Leiding (Unive rsity ofT exas). Mike El ementa ry has triumphed in the Union District' s El eme ntary worki ng for some time to preserve pieces of Union history. A at Ce ntral Junior High in Bartl esvill e. She teaches Kin dergarten Henl ey. Mike POindexte r (Okla homa State Uni versity). Steve Track Meet," said Faye Pride, Assista nt Princi pa l. "We feel the former Broken Arrow Superinte nde nt, J . L. Ho ll a ba ugh, is still and the couple has two children. Henderson (So utheastern State University). Stepha ni e Gri ssom credit sho ul d go to our great kids a nd th eir super coach, J eanni e livi ng in Broke n Arrow and has made himself ava il a ble to Grove Bob Junior studied engin eering at Okla homa State University (Oklahoma City Universi ty). Buck. Her personal a nd professional deJ ication shows by a ll the in reconstructin g much of the Union past. "One day he asked me and also marri ed a n educator. a n English teache r. He served as a The eleme ntary program was expa nded thi s yea r to include hard work above and beyond the call of duty and in the student's if I remembered when the cyclone hit the old two-story building," second li e utena nt in the Na ti ona l Guard, the n went to work at boys a nd gi rl s basketball. This progra m will grow each year a nd performance. We feel very fortunate to have Mrs. Buck as our said Grove. " I' d forgotten a ll about that. It knocked off one corner (Continued o n page 9) enha nce our basketba ll program in years to come.
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