tt,rjl \ ' ,--) ''" ,l National Highway Authority FR{$r"un*,vwt$w*u"r'$Yg REQUESTFOR PROPOSAL FOK DETAILED DESIGN trOR DIIALIZATION OF KIJTJZDAR_ CHAMAN SECTIOI\ OF N-25ALONG WITH THE TECHF{ICAI, STUDY & DETAIL DESIGI\ OF ALTERI{ATIVE ROUTE AT LAKPASS & TUI\NEL AT KHOJAK BYPASS June, 2016 I 'l'cohnical l)ctailcdl)csign lbt Dualizal.ionol' Khuzdar - ChamanScction of' N-25 Along With the Study& DctailDcsign ol' r\lLclnatir,el{outc at l-akpess&'l'unncl at Khojah l}y'pass Tableof Contents DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. DetailedDesign for Dualizationof Khuzdar- ChamanSection of N-25 Along With the TechnicalStudy & Detail Designof AlternativeRoute at Lakpass& Tunnelat KhojakBypass APPENDIX (D GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAII NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 27-MareArea. G-9/1. PostBox No. 120i, ISLAMABAD Dated the Ref No. LETTER OF INVITATION (LOD To, All prospectiveconsultants Gentlemen! We extendwarm welcometo you and invite you for participatingin this project. We hopethat you will live up to your reputationand provideus accurateinformation so that the evaluationis carriedout 'Just and transparent".Please understand that the contentsof this RFP, whereapplicable, shall be deemedpart of the contractagreement. An exampleto this affectcan be the contentsof your work plan and methodologywhich you shall be submittingin your technical proposal.Since that is the basisof the selection,therefore, it shall becomepart of the contract agreementsubject to approval/revisionsof the sameby NHA duringthe negotiations.Similarly, all other servicesand the content contributingto servicesshall be deemedpart of the contract agreementunless it is specifiedfor any particularitem up-frontin your technicalproposal which obviouslywill makeyour proposala conditionalproposal whereby, authorizing NHA to may or may not considerto evaluateyour proposal.Please understand that if no suchmention appears up- front (i.e.on front pageof technicalproposal) then it shallbe deemedthat the consultantis in 100% agreementto the above.You arealso advised to kindly readthe RFPthoroughly as it candrastically affectthe pricestructure for variousservices which may not be appearingdirectly in the termsof reference.In the end,we appreciateyour participationand hope that you will feeda goodproposal to meritconsideration bv NHA. t. INTRODUCTION 1.1 You arehereby invited to submita technicaland afrnancial proposal for consultingservices requiredfor the assignmentnamed in the attachedLOI Data Sheet(referred to as "Data Sheet"hereafter) annexed with this letter. Your proposalcould form the basisfor future negotiationsand ultimately a Contractbetween your firm andthe Client namedin the Data Sheet. t.2 A brief descriptionof the assignmentand its objectivesare given in the Data Sheet. Detailsare providedin the attachedRFP for designservices provided in the Documents, andwill becomepart of agreementsubsequently. 1.3 The assignrnentshall be implernentedin accordancewith the phasingspecifiedin the DataSheet. r.4 The Client has beenentrusted the duty to implementthe Projectas ExecutingAgency by Governmentof Pakistan(GoP) and funds for theproject shall be arrangedby the Client. 1.5 To obtain first-handinformation on the assignmentand on the locai conditions,you are - DetaileclDesign for Dualization of Khuzclar Chaman Section qf \115 {tqng With the Technical Study & Detail Design of : " . Alterrrativel{oute al. Lakpass & Tunnelat KhojakBypass .. .': .: , encouragedto pay a visit to the Client before submittinga proposaland attenda pre- proposalconference if specifiedin the Data Sheet. Your representativeshall meet the namedofficials on the dateand time specifiedin the Data Sheet. Pleaseensure that these officials are advisedof the visit in advanceto allow adequatetime for them to make appropriatearrangements. You mustfully informyourself of localconditions and take them into accountin preparingyour proposal. t.6 The Client shall providethe inputsspecified in the Data Sheet,assist the Consultantsin obtaininglicenses and permits needed to carryout the services,and make available relevant projectdata and reports. t.7 Pleasenote that: i. The costof preparingthe proposaland of negotiatingthe Contract,including a visit to the Client,are not reimbursableas a directcost of the Assignment,and ii. The Clientis not boundto acceptany of the proposalssubmitted. i.8 The namesof the invitedconsultants are given in the DataSheet. 1.9 We wish to remindyou that in orderto avoid conflicts of interest: a. Any firm providing goods, works, or serviceswith which you are affiliated or associatedis not eligibleto participatein bidding for any goods,works, or services (otherthan the servicesand any continuation thereof) resulting from or associatedwith the projectof whichthis assignmentforms a part;and b. Any previousor ongoingparticipation in relationwith the projectby your firm, its professionalstaff, its affiliatesor associatesunder a Contractmay result in rejectionof your proposal.You shouldclarify your situationin that respectwith the Clientbefore preparingthe proposal. ) DOCUMENTS )1 To preparea proposal,please use the Documentsspecified in the DataSheet. 2.2 Consultantsrequiring a clarificationof the Documentsmust notify the Client, in writing, not laterthan twenty one (21) daysbefore the proposalsubmission date. Any requestfor clarificationin writing, or by cable,telex or tele-faxshall be sentto the Client's address specifiedin the Data Sheet, The Client shall respondby cable,telex or tele-faxto such requestsand copies of theresponse shall be sentto all invitedConsultants. At any time beforethe submissionof proposals,the Clientmay, for any reason,whether at its own initiativeor in responseto a clarificationrequested by an invitedconsulting firm, modify the Documentsby amendment.The amendmentshall be sentin writingor by cable, telexor tele-faxto all invitedconsulting firms andwill be bindingon them. The Clientrnay at its discretionextend the deadlinesfor the submissionof proposals. 3" PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL It will consistof two parts- Technicaland Financial 3.1 TechnicalProposal lN,., " 1 Detailed Design for Dualization of Khuzdar - Chaman Seetion'of N-25 Along With the Technical Study & Detail Design of ,, ' AlternativeRoute at Lakpass& Tunnel at Khojak Bypass .:,:i,tl: ,. 3.1.1 The TechnicalProposal should be submittedusing the format specifiedand shall include duly signedand stampedforms appendedwith the RFP.This is a mandatoryrequirement for evaluationof proposalsand needs to be filled up carefully. 3.L2 For TechnicalProposal, the generalapproach and methodologywhich you proposefor carryingout the servicescovered in the TOR, includingsuch detailed information as you deemrelevant, together with your appreciationof the Projectfrom provideddetails and a. A detailedoverall work programto be providedwith timing of the assignmentof eachexpert or otherstaff memberassigned to the project.This will alsoprovide the Clientan opportunityto effectivelymonitor work progress. b. Total numberof man-monthsand project duration as per TOR. Clear descriptionof the responsibilitiesof each expert staff memberwithin the overallwork program. d. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of all Key Staff membersand an affidavit that proposed staff shall be availablefor the assignmentduring the project durationand their presentplace of duty may alsobe specified.The Consultantsare advised to suggest suchnames that shallbe availablefor the Assignment. The technicalproposal shall include duly filled in formsprovided with this RFP. The name,background and professional experience of eachexpert staff memberto be assignedto the project,with particularreference to his experienceof work of a naturesimilar to thatof theproposed assignment. Current commitments and past performanceare the basic criteria of technicaL proposal.You arerequired to providethe detailsof presentcommitments/on- going jobs as referredin the Form A-10 of technicalproposal. Further, the basisfor the pastperformance is the reportfrom DesignSection and ConstructionWing of the Client. 3.1.3 In preparingthe technicalproposal, you areexpected to examineall termsand instructions includedin the Documents.Failure to provideall requestedinformation shall be at your own risk andmay resultadversely in the scoringof your proposal.The proposalshould be preparedas per RFP and any suggestionor review of staff etc. shouldbe clearly speltout in form A-4. This will be discussedat thetime of nesotiationmeeting as and when called. 3.1.4 During preparationof the technicalproposal, you mustglve particular attention to the followine: A The Firm needsto be registeredwith PakistanEngineering Cor.rncil (PEC). b. If you considerthat your firm doesnot haveall the expertisefor the assignmentyou may obtaina full rangeof experienceby associatingwith otherfirms or entities.You may alsoutilize the servicesof expatriateexperts but only to the extentfor which the requisiteexpertise is not availablein any Pakistanifirm. You may not associatewith the otherfirms invitedfor this assignmentunless specified in the DataSheet. In caseof Joint Venture, the proposalshould state clearly partners will be "Jointly and Severally"responsible for performanceunder the Contractand one partnerwill be "solely" responsiblefor all dealingswith the Clienton behalfof the JointVenture. His "special Power of Attorney" on this accountis to be enclosed.JV will be got 5 Detailed Design for Dr.ralizationof Khuzdar'- Chaman $ecliorr..OfN-25 Along With the Technical Study & Detail Design ol AlternativeRoute at Lakpass& Tumrelat KhojakBypass " ',' ' registeredby PEC. Lead
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