724 APPENDIX III The following were elected on 21 April 1960 to Sub-Commission serve in their individual capacity as serve from 1 January 1961 to 31 December 1964 in experts. the place of those members whose terms of office ex- The Commission on Human Rights, at its fifteenth pired at the end of 1960: Albania, Canada, China, session in 1959, elected the following persons for a Ecuador, Israel, Sudan. three-year term from 1 January 1960 to 31 December 1962: Abdel Hamid Abdel-Ghani (United Arab Re- COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS public); Charles D. Ammoun (Lebanon); A. A. Fo- The Commission consists of 18 members, each min (USSR); Philip Halpern (United States); C. elected by the Council for three years. Richard Hiscocks (United Kingdom); Jose D. Ingles Membership in 1960: (Philippines); Pierre Juvigny (France); Wojciech To serve until 31 December 1960: Belgium, China, Ketrzynski (Poland); Arcot Krishnaswami (India); Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, United Kingdom. Franz Matsch (Austria); Vieno Voitto Saario (Fin- To serve until 31 December 1961: France, India, Iraq, land); Hernán Santa Cruz (Chile). Philippines, Ukrainian SSR, USSR. The Commission also decided, if the Economic and To serve until 31 December 1962: Argentina, Austria, Social Council agreed, to increase the Sub-Commis- Denmark, Pakistan, United States, Venezuela. sion's membership from 12 to 14. The Council ap- The following were elected on 21 April 1960 to proved this decision during its twenty-eighth session serve from 1 January 1961 to 31 December 1963 to and on 14 December 1959 elected the following addi- take the place of those members whose terms of office tional members of the Sub-Commission: Mohamed expired at the end of 1960: Afghanistan, China, Ahmed Abu Rannat (Sudan) and Enrique Rodríquez Netherlands, Panama, Poland, United Kingdom. Fabregat (Uruguay). The chief representatives for the Commission's six- The following members and alternates attended the teenth session, held at the European Office of the twelfth session of the Sub-Commission, held at United United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, from 29 Feb- Nations Headquarters, New York, from 11 to 30 ruary to 18 March 1960, were: Argentina: Mario January 1960: Abdel Hamid Abdel-Ghani; Omar Amadeo, Chairman; Mario Pico (Alternate). Austria: Sharaf, Alternate (United Arab Republic). Mohamed Felix Ermacora, Rapporteur (after 14 March 1960);* Ahmed Abu Rannat; Abdel Karim Mirghani, Alter- Eric Schmid (Alternate). Belgium: Jacques Basyn, nate (Sudan). Philip Halpern (United States). C. Rapporteur (until 14 March 1960);* F. de la Barre Richard Hiscocks (United Kingdom). Jose D. Ingles d'Erquelinnes (Alternate). China: Cheng Paonan. (Philippines), Chairman. Pierre Juvigny; Jean Marcel Denmark: Niels Madsen. France: Rene Cassin; Pierre Bouquin, Alternate (France). Wojciech Ketrzynski; Juvigny (Alternate); Aristide Issembe (Alternate). Jacek Machowski, Alternate (Poland). Arcot Krish- India: C. S. Jha, First Vice-Chairman; Amrick S. naswami (India), Vice-Chairman. Franz Matsch Metha (Alternate). Iraq: Ismat T. Kittani. Lebanon: (Austria). Mrs. Z. V. Mironova, Alternate; V. I. Georges Hakim. Mexico: Pablo Campos Ortiz;** Sepozhnikov, Alternate (USSR). Edward Rizk, Al- Pedro de Alba (Alternate). Pakistan: Aly Khan;** ternate; Khalil Makkawi, Alternate (Lebanon). Mizra S. A. Baig (Alternate). Philippines: Francisco Enrique Rodríguez Fabregat (Uruguay). Voitto Delgado, Second Vice-Chairman; Ernesto C. Pineda Saario (Finland), Rapporteur. Jacobo Schaulsohn, (Alternate). Poland: Zofia Wasilkowska; Eugeniusz Alternate (Chile). Kulaga (Alternate). Ukrainian SSR: Petr E. Ned- bailo; Gailiy E. Buvailik (Alternate). USSR: P. D. COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN The Commission on the Status of Women consists Morozsov;** A. A. Fomin. United Kingdom: Sir of 18 members, elected by the Council for three years. Samuel Hoare; Clive Dugdale (Alternate). United To serve until 31 December 1960: Argentina, Canada, States: Mrs. Oswald B. Lord; Chauncey G. Parker III China, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Pakistan. (Alternate). Venezuela: Carlos Sosa Rodríquez;** To serve until 31 December 1961: Greece, Israel, Manuel Quijada G. (Alternate). Netherlands, USSR, United Kingdom, United The Commission also has an ad hoc Committee on States. the Right of Everyone to be Free from Arbitrary Ar- To serve until 31 December 1962: Colombia, Cuba, rest, Detention and Exile. Its members in 1960 were: Finland, France, Mexico, Poland. Argentina, Belgium, Pakistan and the Philippines The following were elected on 21 April 1960 to (Chairman-Rapporteur). serve from 1 January 1961 to 31 December 1963 to * On 14 March 1960, Felix Ermacora (Austria) take the place of those members whose terms of office was elected Rapporteur to succeed Mr. Basyn, who expired at the end of 1960: Argentina, Australia, was unable to remain until the end of the session. China, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Philippines. ** Did not attend the session. The members and chief representatives at the four- teenth session of the Commission, held in Buenos Aires SUB-COMMISSION ON PREVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION from 28 March to 14 April 1960, were as follows: AND PROTECTION OF MINORITIES Argentina: Mrs. Blanca Stábile, Chairman, Mrs. The members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention Mabel Baldassarre de Kurrels (alternate); Canada: of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities are Mrs. Harry S. Quart, Second Vice-Chairman, Miss elected by the Commission on Human Rights, in con- Marion Royce (alternate); China: Miss Helen Hsieh sultation with the Secretary-General and subject to Ching Yeh (alternate); Colombia: Mrs. Anacarsis the consent of their Governments. Members of the Cardona de Salonia; Cuba: Mrs. Teresa Casuso Mo-.
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