Sadat still firm Your noighbort’ vlowt: What fa your pot poeve? on Palestinians WASBINGTON (IIPI) - Egypt's the inherent right of self- President Anwar Sadat opened determination for all peoples in secret Middle East peace talks with different parts of the globe. " President Carter Friday by serving The reference obviously took in notice he will press his demand for Israel's refusal to allow creation of self-determination for the an independent Palestinian state, but Palestinians. Carter kept his own remarks con­ Sadat and Carter exchanged brief fined to a general pledge to promote welcoming remarks at the White peace through mediation. House minutes after the Egyptian "Obviously, the first responsibility arrived from Morocco, then flew by is for direct negotiations between the helicopter to the secluded, blocked- leaders involved in the Middle ^ s t . " off presidential retreat at Camp Carter said. “But I've committed our David in Maryland's Catoctin Moun­ own country to a continuing active tains for a weekend of talks. role in supirart of those negotiation^.' Egyptian sources said Sadat would I want to recommit our nation Arnold Rngiilr. FranroiM- Malliirii lioli Faiiclicr Vl'ilMon Drukin I’al Ko> Dal,. |)o|| urge Carter to "knock some sense today." \rnolil Rngiiix. 40 Greenfield Tolland Turnpike, Manchester — iUon Drukin, 45 N. School Manchester — "People who call into the Israelis" to get the stalled Drive. South Windsor — "The con­ "I don't like snow anymore." St . Manchester — "When people "We ll be discussing the best way the wrong number and rudely Middle Ea.st negotiations moving. stantly increasing tax structure at call or write about a complaint hang up " to maintain and even enhance the The Egyptian president, saying the all levels of government" Hull Fiiiirlier, 12 Laurel St.. and refuse to give their nam es" Ituli- Doll. Center Street, momentum that has already been es­ talks were at a "historic, crucial Manchester— "People just aren't .Manchester — "People who don't tablished." crossroads." hinted at the stand he l‘ riiMi'oi>«' >1 III liirii, 495 friendly enough " Pul Kin, 103 Prospect St . use signal lights when driving " will take in his arrival remarks. Reading carefully from a prepared "Like you, my dear friend, we text. Sadat told Carter, "We are now believe in human rights and respect at a historic, crucial crossroads" in for the dignity of man." Sadat told the search for peace. Carter on the cold, windy White ’- ' ' ' " i f House lawn, "Events have proven that the great "Like you. my friend, we cherish idea of peace is unfortunately fragile our land and .sacrifice our lives to de­ and vulnerable. We have to remedy fend it against any encroachment. this situation." Like you. mv friend, we believe in •Saying Egypt wants all peoples to be "free and secure within its own of Vtliage dharnt land." he added: "We want to create Cost increases a new Middle East where all nations, PRICEi FIFTEEN (IESTS including the Palestiniansi live I, OCWli, iMiTWUJAY.YBBI^ARy i VOL XCVil. No. I(» Effective Monday. Feb. 6, the together in harmony and fraternity." single copy price of the "God willing," he concluded 4 Manchester Evening Herald will somberly, "we shall overcome." be 20 cents. The brief White House ceremony The price adjustment is was unusually low key and informal necessary due to continued in­ — lacking even the customary honor Quola exceeded Consolidation urged creases in newsprint and other guard — in keeping with Carter's publishing costs. determination to keep publicity at a Home delivery price will re­ minimum and quiet privacy upper­ The Manchester-Bolton branch of main at 90 cents per week. most. Only journalists and a handful the American Red Cross received 192 of presidential aides witnessed it. pints of blood at a Bloodmobile held committee leaflet Friday at St. James School in Manchester. The total far exceeded By GRKG PEARSON solidation occurs, the district .said, comparing the district tax to firehouse would be maintained and the town tax. the 160-pint goal that the Red Cross Herald Keporler had set. manned by paid staff. The district "We re doing our best Nobody has The Committee for One operates an all-volunteer fire depart­ been dissatisfied. " Lassow said of Student blamed Manchester has issued a pamphlet ment. the district's lax about consolidation, and the Eighth It says that district volunteers will Commenting on the pamphlet. Utilities District also is expected to be retained and efforts will be made l.assow said. "All the innuendos and in high school fire Outside today issue a brochure on the subject. to integrate district officers into the half-truths can't convince the district Saturday sunny and cold. Highs in In a related development, the com­ Town Fire Department. to consolidate." mittee has named William Sleith to A 15-year-old Manchester High the upper-teens to mid-20s. Clear The pamphlet also criticizes the Lassow said that the district also counseling will be provided for the coordinate petitioning in the non­ School student has been apprehended Saturday night and very cold, lows district's method of taxing for plans to distribute a brochure about youth. The maximum suspension district section of Manchester. for starting a fire at the school Mon­ period by state law is 10 days. zero-to-lO-above. Increasing sanitary sewer use. consolidation to present its stand. The committee has been formed to He mentioned the five-mill tax day morning, School Superintendent Kennedy commended tne students cloudiness Sunday with high The district levies a two-mill lax support a consolidation move. It has James P. Kennedy said Friday after­ for showing “a mature and responsi­ temperatures in the 20s. Probability for sewers on all real and personal difference between the town and the noon. ble attitude" and the security per­ of precipitation, near zero percent organized a petitioning effort aimed property. Small families pay,as district, an item that is mentioned at obtaining signatures from ten per­ The fire occurred in a heating unit sonnel who helped bring about a through Saturday night. Northwest much as large families, the pamphlet frequently by district officials. cent of the voters in the district and says. r in a hallway between the first and se­ successful resolution to the matter. winds 10 mph or less through Sunday. District officials have spoken against ten percent of the voters in non­ cond period semester exams. School "Size of the sewer charge should be consolidation and have said that the district areas. and fire officials had termed the fire-^ based on extent of use, not on a flat district has to vote itself out of suspicious because of the timing and If these numbers of signatures are rate," it says. existence, according to the Town obtained, a referendum question on because of two other fires recently at The Town of Manchester's sewer Charter. consolidation will be placed on the the school. Damage by the fire was Winter Carnival rate now is based on 115 percent of A referendum, which would take ballot, probably in November. limited to the heating unit, but the water bill. This system provides place under the "Home Rule Act " of caused evacuation of the entire Consolidation would combine the a discount for large users but it will the General Statutes of Connecticut, Eighth Utilities District and the school while smoke was ejected from be changed because the federal would combine the votes of the dis­ E set for Sunday Town of Manchester. The town and government is requiring a flat rate trict and the rest of the town into one the building. the district now have separate fire Kennedy said that the youth was charge for sewer billing if a com­ vote. departments and also have separate identified as the person responsible The annual Winter Carnival, spon­ 1978 New England Skating Cham­ munity is to qualify for future federal A press release issued Friday by responsibility for sewer service in for the fire. He credited the sored by the Manchester’s Eighth pionship, will also perform. sewer funding. the Committee for One Manchester each area. members of the student body and the' Utilities District, will take place Sun­ Starting at 2 p.m., there will be The pamphlet also calls a two-mill announced the appointment of Sleith In its petitioning drive, the Com­ efforts of the security personnel at day starting at 1 p.m. at Union Pond skating contests. John Flynn will be tax for sanitary sewer service and also said that petitioning within mittee for One Manchester has dis­ the high school in helping with the ap­ and Annex. the director for the 6 through 10 age charged on all automobiles "grossly the district "is progressing at a prehension. Registration for all events will be group; Samuel Longest for the 11 tributed 3,(KX) pamphlets about con­ unfair. " faster rate than was anticipated. The youth will be turned over to the conducted from 12:30 to 1 p.m. The through 20 age group; Robert solidation. Durward Miller said. The Gordon Lassow. president of the "This consolidation movement is four-page handout does not list who Manchester Police Department for carnival will open with the start of a Froehlich, the 20 through 35 age district, defended the methods of coming right from the Eighth designed it, but Miller, co-chairman appropriate action, Kennedy said. cross country ski competition from group; and Willard Marvin, the 30 taxing by the district. District by means of the petitioning of the committee, confirmed Friday Manchester High School Principal Union Pond, under the auspices of plus group. "There are always inequities in and many district people have voiced that the handout is the work of the George Emmerling also indicated the Hartford Ski Club and supervised There also will be an ice sculpture any tax," he said.
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