I I If You want to-dn- SECOND Notvs, totlny you II ml It in EDITION THE STAR THE HAWAIIAN STAR. I I The Star Has Always Been Prosperous, Worthy of Patronage VOL. XIV. HONOLULU, HAWAII, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1006. No. 4519 THE MONGOLIA THEBUFORD TWO DAMAGE SUITS IS IN TO MIDWAY DAMAGE SUIT TFN THOUSAND The transport Butord will go to Mid wny to bring back the passengers from ST SEA LEG the wrecked S. S. Mongolia. Cable orders to this effect wore received at the FDRL0ST local depot quartermaster's ofllce this afternoon from. Washington. The ves- sel will on coal depart probably tonight morning JP tako more and or tomorrow for Midway. She was scheduled to depart fur Sun Francisco nt C p. m. today DEPUTY HIGH SHERIFF CHARGED WOMAN WHO FELL OFF MAALAEA. sailing BY CURIOUS FATALITY MONGOLIA GETS AGROUND AT but that has been cancelled. WITH SWIPING A HERD OF LANDING SUES INTER-ISLAN- D MIDWAY A FEW HOURS BEFORE SISTER SHIP IS HOGS. COMPANY. FLOATED FROM WAIMANlALO REEF MONGOLIA WRFJCK INDIRECTLY DUE TO WRECK OF MANCHU- suit has been filed in the circuit The Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation RIA ON THIS ISLAND. BUILDINGS court against Georgo Sea, deputy high Company Is asked to pay damages In tho sum of $10,000, In a tiled In sheriff, demanding $3,000 damages from suit tho circuit court Maul, injuries plain- coincidence, probably unparallel- - ity Mongolia of for By a Mint the should have been for alleged unlawful seizing of a herd tiff claims to havo received by falling' In the history of any other steam- - wrecked a few hours before her sister cd of hogs on Maul. The plaintiff Is Tarn oft the wharf at bay, In Au- ehip company, about tho time that the ship was floated It was due to the BLOWN Maalaea but UP gust, 1803. Tho plaintiff pas- biggest steamer In the Pacific Mall Manchuria's Mongolia See Ah MI. Sea recently went to was a accident that tho senger on the Klnnu and was landed successfully floated her got aground. clrcum-shl- p Maul with an execution against Ah Ml fleet was sister Under ordinary at night and while attempting to go got aground at Midway island, stances the Mongolia not rounded up a lot of 1' would havo IN HAVANA and cattle and further ashoro she fell off the wharf occurrence is a most peculiar one near MIdwny. She ventured It had been hogs and sold them under execution. and broke her leg, wjilch was subse- certainly must havo had a most planned to S. S. and have the cable Restorer (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) Tarn Sco Ah Mi now declares that tho quently amputated. depressing effect on General Manager go from Honolulu and meet the Mon-- E. hogs were his and that Sea seized them Mrs. Sllva says that tho company P .Schwerin of tho company. golia off Midway and take General HAVANA, September 17. An explosion occurred here today wrecking In fact It Is safe to say that the cable- - Manager Ward, wife, daughter and and converted them to his own use. well knew the condition of the Maalaea two buildings, killing six people and wounding many others. bay landing and that It was guilty gram from Honolulu announcing the secretary from the Mongolia and con- - The rebel leaders at Bojucal havo decided not to accept the peace terms The hogs consisted of a herd of 2S3 successful floating of tho Manchuria vey them to Midway as Ward as tho of negligence in not providing her with offered by the government. i animals. They were sold under exe- proper probably fol- - manager of tho guidance from tho end of tho yesterday afternoon was Cable Company has to cution by Sea for about $700, but tho by one inspect wharf where she landed, to a place, lowed an Instant later from the cable station at Midway, MANY TURKS KILLED. alleged owner declares that they were safety. IMldway announcing that the Mongolia The necessity of using tho services of of In addition to the $10,000 of tho valuo of $3,000 and asks for damages, hospltajex-pense- .was aground. When the news of the the Restorer In trying to float tho Man alio asks $300 for s. Judgment against Sea for that sum. Ash-fo- Mongolia was Involved PORT SAID, September 17. Mutiny has broken out aboard a Turkish J. L. Coko and C. W. rd grounding of tho first churla tho Restorer remaining J. L. Coke is his attorney. are reported In Honolulu yesterday after- - about this island. Arrangements were troopship here. Many were killed. her attorneys. noon, tho report could scarcely bo ere- - therefore made with the cable author! "dlted. People thought that The report ties at New York by the Pacific Mall BRITISH FRIEND OF .AMERICA IS' DEAD. was a joke. But It proved to be too steamer to have the Restorer remain HOPES FOB THE M1LVAIN true. by the Manchuria as tho Mongolia GIBRALTAR, September 17.' -- Admiral Chichester of the British navy is WMIS It Is a fortunate thing for the Pa- - would put Ward and party ashore at dead here today. V clflc Mall Company and the . under- - Midway. writers however that Captain John The Mongolia made Midway Island BRYAN STUMPING. WRECKED SHERIDAN - 9 TO FIGHT AGAIN aietcalf tho salving expert Is in Hono- about o'clock Saturday night. But RALEIGH, N. C, September 17. iW. J. Bryan is stumplnsr the State. lulu. Ho and his assistant Captain she does not appear to have grounded Plllsbury have completed one of the until 2 a. m. of Sunday. Midway Is WILL PROTECT BRITISH CUBAN QUARTERMASTER PEOPLE SAN most brilliant and successful pieces of a very peculiar place. Sand Island on INTERESTS. CHALLENGES DICK SULLIVAN TO WASHINGTON, D. September 17 Tho United States Government will salving In the history of merchant ma- - which the light house and cable sta C. GUINE OVER HER PROSPECTS. A GO AND protect British in Cuba, as as possible during present In- WANTS FINISH THIS rino oy lloatmg the fllancnuria nna "re tocateu is surrounded by a Interests far tho i'" surrection. I COAL TO BE JETTISONED TIME. Metcalf hns now been directed to take coral reef about 40 miles In clrcumfer- o charge of the Mongolia. He will leav once. The light Is visible about 10 Mon-wre- ck BOILERMAKERS STRIKE. Within two days for tho scene of tho miles distant but from where the Within ten days It is thought the R. S. Mcllvaln has challenged Dick and Is hoped ho will add to Kolla grounded is 6 miles. transport Sheridan may be In Honolulu it Therefore Sullivan t,o another fight and says ho his long list of successes tho most dlfll the Mongolia could not have been over SPRINGFIELD, 111., September 17 Three hundred bollermakers on the harbor. This was the sentiment of cult victory of all. miles from the reef when the Midway Wabash road have struck. the employees of some of tho quarter wants It to be to a finish. Mcllvatn's Tho Mongolia lies In a very bad post- - light was sighted. How tho Mongolia master's department this morning. Yes- friends and backers insist that tho tlon it Is reported, and water is in came to strike the reef cannot be posl- - terday three pumps were started pump- decision of Referee Woods on Satur- hatch No. 3. There Is deep water by tively stnted at this time. There is a ing water out of the Sheridan in sev day was "rotten" and Vnat either a her stern and if the weather does not .heavy current setting about Midway eral of tho compartments. Tho water draw should havo been declared or tho cliango for the worse she may be saved antl the boat might have been carried FIGHTS was reduced nt the rate of a foot an men should have been ordered to fight Tho remote situation of Midway onto the reef before tho man on the hour. It Is now thought "that thero some more, when the fifteenth round from Honolulu, about 1,150 miles or a bridge was aware of the proximity of 8iH will be no further difficulty In controll- - found both of them strong. They also four days journey, makes the situation the reef. It Is Impossible to discern ing tho water and soon lifting the declaro that Mcllvaln had the worst of the Mongolia very serious. the reef at night. The probabilities are Sheridan out of her present bad post- - of tho referee's rulings all through tho Advices of tho wreck were received that the Mongolia stood on and off AGAINST OF FOOD tlon. The diver has not yet discovered fight. yesterday by Mrs. Captain Porter tho during the night, for it was 5 hours any big holes In her bottom The colored fighter Is not apparently wlfo of tho master of tho unfortunate from tho time she sighted Midway, un- - This morning the steamer' Iwtilanl bunged rrp much, and botn ho and his vessel. She Is at the Moana Hotel til she grounded. departed from Honolulu for the wreck, friends of tho Sheridan are sore over 7 waiting for his return from the Orient. Considerable disagreement exists ro- - taking the scow Melnncthon In tow. A the result of the Saturday fight. They She received a cablegram from her gnrdlng tho accident. Some are in- - force of 20 stevedores left by her also. are arranging so that ho can stay hero to THB SHORTAGE husbanl stating that tho vessel was cllned censure tho captain of the The scow Is to bo used in putting about , or return, nsd say they are ready to on Midway but the pas- - vessel but seafaring Ul 2.700 tons of coal out of the wrecked that other men who Sheridan.
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