Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977 7-22-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 22, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1977 Volume 58, Issue 186 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 22, 1977." (Jul 1977). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Egyptian 80uthem Illinois University FI'idIIy. JUly 22. Im-VeA 511. No 186 $248 allocated by GSC for CARE demonstration By .... Mert .. provide private support ror t!niversity SIIIdeM Writer activities which cannot be financed bv 1lIe Graduate Student Council voted state funds. Wednesday to give the Coalition The University pays the salaries of Against Racial Exploitation (CARE) secretarial and accounting personnel al S24I to help finance a protest clemoo­ the roundation but members of the stration against the SJ U Foundation board of governors. who also make up next Wednesdav. the investment committee, are not CARE was formed recently to put paid. public pressure on the SIU Foundation Joseph Goodman. director of the SI U to seU its stock in companies which do FOUndation, said earlier he does not business in South Africa. know which firms do business with S-cool tUn'S Raj Ayyar. graduate student in South Africa and "cuuld care less". Using the air-conditioned comfort of Faner Hall's study area. John J'hilosophy. introduced the resolution to He said the investments do not con­ Kassis. junior in Physiology. catches up on his studies. There are fund CARE. stitute complicity in policies or racial only two weeks left in the semes1er. Ayyar said the m~ given to CARE segregation practiced by the South would "operationaw.e· a previous GSC African government. resolution condemning the SJU Foun­ Regardins prot~ts which have swept Egypt says Libyan invasion datioo's inW!5tment policy. universities with similar stockholdings William Ogonowski. a member or the this summer. Goodman said. "It's a CARE coordinating committee. tpld the petty political issue. Students are just beaten back; uur not declared GSC that the group needed the funds to Iookin" ror an issue to raise their voices CAIRO. F.~:vpt IAPI-Libva launC'hed Wall "In rf'tallallon for I.Ih\"an purchase advertising and posters for atM.-it. an armored and aerial atta(,'k acr(l!;S the the upcoming demonstration. aj!grt'Sllion and mlf'ndPd 10 ~t'l:ure Got.lIrnan said the foundation would bordPr into F.gypt but was bfoalf'Tl ha('k Ef,!\'pfs W('!o;It'rn horder .' Eugene Agee. assistant coordinator not davest the holdings unless ob­ with the los!. of 40 lank.'; and Iwo plant'S. The most ~riOU'" of the previous af the Black Affairs Council, told the j«tions touched orr a decrease in F.gypt claimed Thu~da~' GSC that BAC was giving CARE funds donations. dashes took placf' tWl) days a~o and led "There has been fighti~ but we have to the dt'lltru('tion of 20 libvan militarv but that it cuuld not afford eo fund the "It would have to be an issue 01 organization completely. not declared war." an ~YJ)tian miUtao· vf'hicl('!o; an(l their crews and left nint­ signirK:ant magnitude that WOUld give spokesman told ~ Associated Press P:~tlaft!l tff'R. '("alro radio said. resolution passed 14 10 14 The to with the ......tioa • black eye... and make Cairo radio _id a lal1f4MlCal. battle F4fYJJt a~ Libya .. WedItesday til abstentions. people quit IiYinB c:ontribut~ Good­ took place about 350 miles west 01 Cairo !leritillf( toO mrerthrow PresidPnt Anwar 1lIe GSC passed a resolution on July' man said. near the villa~e of Salum. clos.! to the­ Sadat by ~~a.in. in a "Iarge-sc:ale "unequivocally" condemning the SIU Clyde D. Maulding, treasurer of the l.ibyan border on the Mediterranean terrorist plot" with Moslem fanatics Foundation's stockholdings in com­ SJU Foundation at Carbondale. said the St-a. The radio said ~yptian forCE'S took w'ho t'arlier this month kidnaped and panies which operate in South Africa, SIU Foundation's h!lldings in prisoner 12 Libyan solmers from the 9th killed Sheik Mohammed laham. rormer and deInaadinI that the foundation c:wnpanies which do business in South Armored Division and :JO saboteurs Egyptian religious affai~ minister "SP\ier aU such dubious ties." Africa have decreased from just over IJ F4tYJ)t said no EI(Vptian soldiers were F.gypt and l.ibya announced plans to ··It cannot be justiraably claimed that million in rlSCal vear J976 to about killed but that several wert' wounded form a union in August 1972 but lhe the financial aclva... ages aceruing (rom $500.800 at this tone. and one lruc'k was lost mef'gf'r plans soon fell through with these investments outweigh the element I.ibvan I.eadt'r Moammar Khadafv Maulding said the SIU Foundation in­ Libya had no immediate comment af racial exploitation promoted by such The reported clash between the two a("{,Using F.gypt of adoptinf,! C'orrupt investments.·· the resolution said. "The vestment committee decided to sell Arab nations was the fourth border Wf'SIt"I'TI ways. 23,0lI0 of its 311,2!N shares of Ashland Oil ties run counter to all liberal incident in a month bfotween oil-rich In 197:1 Khadafy <it>nouncM Egypt for humanitarian ideals which this Univer­ Co. stock in February J977 because the Ubya and economically troubled Egypt committee felt it had too much money af,!rt"t'inf,! to a e('ast'fire with Isra ... l sity sets before itself." The two had planned once to unite and follOWing the Oclobf'r :\tiddle East war invested in one company. The SJU Foundation is a nonprofit form ODe' nalion. C'harg('!o; haw' het>n tradM WIth 10· organi7.ation authorized to solicit and 1lIe committee also decided to Sf'1I its An t:gyptian military communique C'reasing frt"Qupnc~' over Itlt' last IhrPt' receive gifts for the University and to 3D shares of stock in Xerox Corp. ~id EItVP"s ('ounteratlack Thursday vpars WPSD: 'Saturday Night Live' is nasty ByAMrta ......... for its first season. one ef which was for WiUiams noted that "Gunsmoke." In a related matter. O.L. Turner. fiItaIf Writer Chevy' Chase as supporting actor. aired in the same timt' slot by an area president of WSIL-TV in Harrisburg. NBC's "Saturday Night." a program "It was a good show with Chase on CBS affiliate was getti~ higher ratings III., which opPrates on channel 3. said popular with its limited local audtenCe. it." Williams said_ "It seems to me af­ than "Saturday Night.' Tuesday that his staion has not yet con' was canceled last month by WPSD-TV ter Chase left. they had to get nasty to In February. "Saturday Night" was sidered ('anceling an ABC program because the show became "nasty," the get funny." seen in about 25.000 househokb in called "Soap." station's general manager says. A statement from Fred Paxton. WPSD-TV's viewing area. Williams The series. scheduled to begin in mId­ John Williams said the program may president of WPSD-TV, said the said. September. is described by the Sew be put back on the air if the show is program had passed boundaries beyond At the same time. reruns of "Gun­ York Times as featuring such chara('­ cleaned up. which television should not go. smoke" being broaOCast by KFVS-TV ters as "a tennis professional who WPSD-TV's broadcast area includes "In our opinion it did so when it made in cape Girardeau. Mo .• were polling provides sexual services to a mother Southern Illinois. 1lIe station., located in nippant jokes about a tragic airline about 52,000 hou.seholds, Williams said. and her daughter. a black servant who Paducah, Ky. and transmitting on crash where dozens of people were Williams said WPSD-TV will not lose becomes a clearing hou.se for racial channel 6, canceled the program in killed and hundreds were left many viewers by canceling "Saturday slurs and a homosexual youth who is June. grieving." Paxton said. Ni~t." partial to wearing his adering mother's Tt-e show. aired live from New York "It did so when it made sick jokes , It's got a very loyal audience. but clothing." City. received several Emmy Awards about a little girl's eyes being stapled ifs a small audience." he said. The Times story reported that two shut. It did so by creating songs and In p~ of "Saturday Night" the stations out of ABC's 195 affiliates have skits as excuses for discussing mastur­ station will be showing a halfilour already canceled the new show. bation. singing about oral sex and p'rogram called "Disco 'rr followed by The storY also said that ABC has {ius telling about fitting women with 'top flight" movies from the J950s and given statiOns in the Central time 7.or~ t~.rio working models of male sex organs." fiOs. Williams said. the option of broadcasting the program 'Bode Williams said the decision to cancel He said if the show is cleaned up by at 9: 30 p.m .. instead of 8: 30 p.m. "Saturday Night" was a personal one next season., WPSD-TV will consider Turner said that WSIL·TV has not made by the president. broadcasting the program again.
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