INDEX1 A African Americans, 15, 407–418, Abbott, Stacey, 302, 308 423, 424 Abbott and Costello Meet slavery, 411 Frankenstein, 114 slaves, 410 Abbruscato, Joseph, 95, 99 Africans, 37, 181, 415, 424–426, Abhinavagupta, 25–27 431, 435 Abject, 407–418 Afro-Caribbean, 224 Aboriginal, 9, 61–74 Aftab, Kalem, 474 Aboriginalism, 68 After Globalisation, 199, 200 Aborigines, 62, 66, 69 Agamemnon, 113 Abraham, Nicolas, 193, 450 Age of Enlightenment, 424 Acker, Kathy, 377, 378 Ahmad, Aalya, 14, 15, 365 Ackroyd, Peter, 349n3, 448 Aickman, Robert, 264 Acoustics, 457–466 Aiken, Conrad, 265 Adams, Carol J., 262 Ajvide Lindqvis, John, 196 Adolescents, 101–110 Akkok, Raziye, 287n2 The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Alaimo, Stacy, 282, 489 Fathom, 166 Alcott, Louisa May, 9 Aeneid, 343 Aldana Reyes, Xavier, 6, 250, 309, 397, Aeschylus, 113 398, 467n4, 485 Aesthetic/s, 21, 22, 24–30, 30n1, 128, Aldiss, Brian, 303 166, 251, 457, 458, 460–465 Alexie, Sherman, 9, 56, 57 Afghanistan, 328, 334 Alfred, Edgar, 207 Africa, 181, 182, 199, 331, 425, Algeria, 328 426, 435 Alien, 115, 503 African American Civil Rights Alimardanian, Mahnaz, 71 Movement, 294 Allman, Eileen, 128 African American Literature, 15 Almagro and Claude, 157 1Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2018 511 K. Corstorphine, L. R. Kremmel (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-97406-4 512 INDEX Almanac of the Dead, 57 Auld, Tim, 152n22 Almond, Steve, 480 Austen, Jane, 4, 161, 165, 168, 177n1, Althans, Katrin, 61, 64, 65, 68 219, 220 Amateur Porn Star Killer, 252 Auster, Paul, 476 The Ambassadors, 467n2 Australia, 9, 15, 65, 328, 437, 438 America, see United States (US) Australian, 61–74 The American Imperial Gothic, 334 The Autobiography American Indian, 9 of an Ex-Colored Man, 423 American Psycho, 261, 370, 372, 374, Autun, Honorius de, 124n4 379–382, 384–385, 387, 387n2, Aylward, David, 368 392, 469–478, 480, 481n3 Ayrton, Michael, 340 Americans, 45, 46, 49–53, 55, 77–88, Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, 207 279, 411–413 American Sniper, 327 American terrorism, 328 B The Amityville Horror, 52, 262, 266 Bachelard, Gaston, 253, 277 The Amulet, 266 Backscheider, Paula R., 139 Andersen, Hans Christian, 91, 93 Bad Blood, 423 Animal horror cinema, 258 The Bad Seed, 236, 244, 260 Animal Horror Cinema: Genre, History Badcock, Hendley., 412 and Criticism, 258 Badley, Linda, 324 Animals, 13, 33, 35, 49, 205, 215, Bahloul, Joëlle, 442 216, 257–271, 271n1, 271n4, Bailey, Sara, 114 278, 284, 315 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 8, 69 Animal Studies, 258 Balderston, K.C., 392 Anita Blake, 382 Baldick, Chris, 2, 318, 395 Annabelle, 251 Ballard, J.G., 351n21, 387n1, 441 Anolik, Ruth Bienstock, 292 Balon, Rebecca, 411, 417 Anouilh, Jean, 409, 418n4 Bank, L.A., 423 Anson, Jay, 52, 262 Banks, Iain, 260 The Antelope Wife, 56 Bann, Stephen, 304 Antichrist, 281, 284, 286 Bannet, Eve Tavor, 168 Apess, William, 55 Barad, Karen, 484 Apocalypse Cow, 266 Barbauld, Anna Laetita, 156, 394 Appleton, Jay, 275 Barber, Paul, 206 Arata, Stephen D., 331 Bárðar saga, 40n6 Archambault, Angela M., 467n9 Barker, Clive, 7, 14, 250, 266, 366, 368, Aristotle, 113, 124n3 372, 373, 387n1 Armitt, Lucie, 93 Barker, M., 394 Armitt, Lucy, 99 Barker, Pat, 195 Árnason, Jón, 37, 41n10 Barlett, Brendan, 102 Arnold, Martin, 35 Barone, Matt, 499 Arthur Mervyn, 317 Barrett, H. Clark, 358 Asma, Stephen A., 356, 358 Barry, Peter, 282 Asma, Stephen T., 268, 317, 360, 361n2 Barthes, Roland, 348, 506 Atherton, Gertrude, 78 Basile, Giambattista, 91 Atonement, 195 Bassett, P.S., 413 Aubrey, Frank, 489 Bataille, Georges, 378 Auerbach, Nina, 212, 216, 383, 387n3 Bate, Jonathan, 127, 282 INDEX 513 Baudrillard, Jean, 502 Bixby, Jerome, 260 Baxter, Tara, 481n3 Black, Holly, 221 The Bay, 258 Black, 330, 411, 415, 430 Baynton, Barbara, 64 Blackmore, Leigh, 251 Bear, Greg, 307 Blackwood, Algernon, 249, 277, 278, Bearheart, 54–56 282, 489, 490 Beauty and the Beast, 91 Black Christmas, 464 Beck, Ulrich, 224 Blackfella Bloodsuckas, 72 Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth, 224 The Black Forest, 158 Becker, Susanne, 94 Black Hawk Down, 327 Beckford, William, 330, 331, 334 Black motherhood, 410 Bee, Trisha, 393 Black slaves, 330 The Beetle, 173, 331, 332 The Black Tapes, 466 Bell, Alden, 334 The Black Valley, 158 Bell, David, 286 The Blair Witch Project, 49, 279–281, Bell, Vikki, 388n5 287, 395 Belle Assemblée, 156 Blake, Linnie, 309 Bellin de la Liborlière, Louis François Blake, Marc, 114 Marie, 170 Blake, William, 287n1 Belling, Catherine, 323 Blakey, Dorothy, 168 The Bells (Lewis, L.D.), 140, 146, Blanton, Dennis B., 286 148, 149 Blatty, William Peter, 16, 461, 462, 464 Beloved, 329, 411, 413, 416, 419n9, Bloch, Robert, 253, 261, 368, 373, 444, 428–430, 441, 442, 451, 452 445, 457, 461, 462, 467n5 Bemong, Nele, 386 The Blood of the Vampire, 331 Benang, 65 The Bloody Banquet, 132, 133 Benchley, Peter, 269, 282 The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, 99 Benjamin, Walter, 441, 450 Bloom, Clive, 2, 393–395 Bennett, Jane, 494 Bloom, Harold, 136, 400 Benny’s Video, 271n8 Bloomfield, Dennis A., 324 Benson, E.F., 267 The Bluest Eye, 198 Berger, John, 258, 271, 271n1 Blum, Virginia, 234 Bergland, R.L., 53, 55, 288n7 Blyton, Enid, 276 Beville, Maria, 184, 476, 479, 481n2 The Boats of the “Glen Carrig,” 489 Bevington, David, 114, 116–118, 123, Body horror, 489 125n14, 125n15 The Body Snatchers, 335 Beyond Fantasy Fiction, 306 Boguet, Henry, 135, 136 Bhabha, Homi, K., 62 Bolt, David, 291, 292 Bharata, Muni, 21, 22, 26–29, 30n1 Bond, Elson, 224 Bhayānaka, 8 The Bone Clocks, 351n24 Bible, 113, 122, 123 Book of the Dead, 367 Bienville, Jean-Baptise Le Moyne, 399 Books of Blood, 7, 366, 372 Bierce, Ambrose, 78, 128, 260, 279, 486 Boone, Ezekiel, 268 bin Laden, Osama, 327, 335 Boot, Max, 333 Birch, Dinah, 249 Booth, Michael, 140 The Birds, 258, 267 Borges, Jorge Luis, 345 Birth of a Nation, 430 Borlase, James, 64 Bishop, Kyle William, 220 Bornstein, Kate, 388n4 Bittacy, David, 489 Borwein, Naomi Simone, 9, 61–74 514 INDEX Botting, Fred, 2, 175, 222, 225, 229, Buckley, Matthew, 150n2 305, 329, 336n2, 345, 346, Bugliosi, Vincent, 380 350n13, 350n19, 394, 454n4, Bulgakov, Mikhail, 265, 476 457, 458, 460 The Burden of Being, 55 Boucicault, Dion, 139 Burke, Chesya, 394, 423 Boudreau, Kristin, 416 Burke, Edmund, 6, 21, 24, 29, 169, 463 Bourdieu, Pierre, 7 Burkholder-Mosco, Nicole, 234 Bowers, Fredson, 128 Burns, Sarah, 445 Bowling for Columbine, 371 The Butcher Boy, 261 Bowring, Edgar Alfred, 207 Butler, Erik, 205, 206 The Boy, 251 Butler, Hannah, 227 Boyd, Brian, 361n1 Butler, Judith, 378, 388n4, 483 Boyden, Joseph, 55, 56 Butler, Octavia, 214, 215, 423 Boyer, Pascal, 358 Bynum, Leon, 413 Boyle, Danny, 150 Byron, Lord, 207, 208, 475 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 404 Byronic vampire, 209 Braidotti, Rosi, 222, 494 Brannon, Robert, 471 Brantlinger, Patrick, 175, 176, 331 C Bratton, Jacky, 152n19 The Cabin in the Woods, 252, 284 Breathers, 221–223 Caleb Williams, 170, 172 Brent, Linda, 419n10 Callus, Ivan, 228 Brereton, Joel P., 23, 25 Camilla, 58n1 Brightman, Robert A, 58n6 Campbell, Joseph, 104 Bristow, Joseph, 183 Campbell, Mel, 67 Brite, Poppy Z., 14, 378, 379, 382–384 Campbell, Norah, 306, 307 British Empire, 331 Campbell, Ramsey, 12, 249–254, 368 British Imperial Gothic, 328, 331 Canada, 15, 437, 438 Britton, Andrew, 366 The Candy Meister, 55 Brockden Brown, Charles, 170, 463 Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge, 50 Brodber, Erna, 435 Cannibal, 49, 97, 223, 224, 282 Bronson, Charles, 135 Cannibalism, 97–99, 113 Brontë, Anne, 239 Capote, Truman, 234, 380 Brontë, Charlotte, 174, 206, 239, 435 Carey, M.R., 223, 226, 227, 334 Brontë, Emily, 174, 175, 239 Caribbean, 199, 434, 435 Brooke, Rupert, 182, 183, 186–188 Carlisle, Anthony, 324n5 Brooks, Max, 196, 220, 223–225 Carmilla, 173, 211, 331, 434 Brophy, Philip, 365, 368, 372 Carpenter, John, 115 Brown, Brockden, 330 Carr, A.A., 55 Brown, Charles Brockden, 16, 51, 317, Carroll, Jonathan, 263, 267, 268, 270 318, 325n8 Carroll, Joseph, 355, 358–361, 361n1 Brown, Dan, 438 Carroll, Noël, 67, 73, 110, 124n2, 181, Brown, Jennifer, 97 185, 267, 288n5, 378, 503, 504 Browne, S.G., 221, 222, 224 Carse, Wendy, 234 Bruchac, Joseph, 55 Carter, Angela, 14, 99, 340–344, 347, Bruhm, Steven, 237 349n6, 350n9, 350n10 Brummett, Barry, 386 Carter, Kevin, 350n15 Buchanan, Daniel P., 58n7 Caruth, Cathy, 451 Buckley, Catherine, 221 Carver, Mrs., 316, 324n5 INDEX 515 Case 39, 237 Class, 483 Castle, 445, 446 Clayton, Jack, 234–236, 242 The Castle of Lindenberg, 157 Cleary, Sarah, 15, 391 The Castle of Otranto, 166, 167, 392, Clermont: A Tale, 177n1 395, 398, 423 Clery, E.J., 168, 395, 396, 399–401 The Castle of Wolfenbach, 177n1 Clover, Carol J., 133, 278, 280, Cat Out of Hell, 265 281, 378 Catto, Bonnie, 343 Club Dead, 214 Cavallaro, Dani, 340, 341 Coats, Karen, 95 Caveney, Graham, 387n2 Cobain, Kurt, 465, 466, 468n11 The Cavern of Horrors, 158 Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome, 221, 225, 277 Cazdyn, Eric, 199 Cohen, Leonard, 199, 200n3 Céline, 191, 199 Cohen, Roger, 472 Cell, 307 Cokal, Susann, 465 Censorship, 9 Colavito, Jason, 404 The Ceremonies, 78, 265, 284, 286, Colebrook, Claire, 494 288n6 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 168, 171, Ceremony, 54 195, 245, 391, 399, 400 Cereus Blooms at Night, 435 Collier, Eugenia, 429 Chakravorty Spivak, Gayatri, 246n3 Collier, John, 267, 283 Chan, Queenie, 65 Collingridge, Peter, 472, 474, 478 Chandler, Marilyn, 79 Collins, Margo, 224 Chapbooks, 10, 11, 155–162 Colonial, 15, 434–436, 438 Charmaz, Kathy, 102 Colonialism, 14 Chatwin, Bruce, 65 Colonization, 9, 15 Chaudhri, Anna, 92, 93 Columbus, 48 Chevalier, Jean, 275, 283, 284 Coma, 318, 321, 323 Cheyne, Ria, 292 Compora, Daniel P., 91 Chikwava, Brian, 437 Connell, R.W., 388n4 Child, 15, 107, 108, 233–238, 345, The Conqueror Worm, 4 415, 491 Conrad, Joseph, 5, 11, 181–189, 193, Child-doll relationship, 251 199, 328 Childhood, 233–235, 237, 238, 245 The Convent of St.
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