BYSPXCHiTHffiHH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT No.F.2( I )r019-PC wing Islamsba4 the 24d JunG,2O2l NOTICf, Secon4 in camere, meetin8 ofthe Porlirmentrry ComDi(.a otr Natiooal S€cufity will be held on TLurrdry, the l"r July, 2021 at 03i00 p.E. in Committe€ Room No. 2, First Floor, Parliarnent House, IslarDabad with tlre followirg agonda:- 1) Briefng on current isgue3 of Nrtionsl Security; .nd 2) Any other item with the permfusioD of tbe Chdr, 2- The Honourable Membe.s and Sp€cial Invitees 6re rcquesbd to kindly mske it convenient to atl€nd the me.ting and in case ofany coflsEaint, a Member may nominate any other Membff witi written audDrization foa the instant mecting. LODlrr) SpecialSecr€rary Tele: No.051-9103192 (l) Mr. Asad Qrber, Spe8k€r, Nrtionrl Assembly ofPrkb.rn Chalrmsr (2) Mian Mulamnad Shehbaz Sharit MNA, Leader of rhe Oppositios in rhe Nationrl Ass.iobly Memtrer (r) Maldrdoom Shah Mahmood HNsain Qureshi. MNA, Minista for Foreigtr A&irs Memb€r (4) S€nator A?rm Khan Swari, Minister for Railways Member (5) Chaudhrry Tariq Bashir Che€ma, MNA, Minister for Housing atrd Works M€mber (6) Sheikt Rastid Ahm€d. MNA, Minister for Interior Member (?) t lr. Bilawal Bhutlo Zadrri, MNA Memb€r (8) lv{r. Asad Mehnood, MNA Memb€r (e) Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, MNA Memb€r (10) Mr. Khalid Hussain Magsi, MNA M€rbor (l t) Mr. Muhammad Akhtcr Mengal, MNA Member (12) Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Malar. MNA M€mbcr (13) Mr. Amir Haider Azarn Khan, MNA Melrbcr (14) Narxabzada Shazain Bugti, MNA M€mber (t5) Senator Dr. Shafizad waseem, L€ader of t!8.tls. m dle Serule MeEbcr (r6) Scnator Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, Leader& Opposition in the Seoate Membcr ( l7) S€mlor Shery Rchman Membcr (lr) Senator Azlm Nazeer Tarar Membcr (le) Senator Anwar ul Haq Kakar $0ii, Mcmbcr (20) Scnator Molana Abdul Chafoor Haideri mrbl Memb€r (21) Seoator Syed Fajsal Ali Subzwari Mcmber (22' Senaror Muhammad Tahir Bizinjo M€mb€r (23') Senaror Hidayatullah KIaI Mamber Q4) Sedator Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareqr Membar (25) Senator Keil Ali ASba Memb€r (26) Senator Muhtaq Ahmrd M€nb€r (27\ S6nator Syed Muzafar Hussain Shab Memb€r (2E) S€nator Muhammad Qasim M€Dber (2e, Scnator Dilawar Khan Special lnvitees (t) Mr. Muiammad Sadiq Sanjrani, Chairmaq Senete of Pakistar (2\ Mr. Muiarnmad Qasim Khan Suri, D€puly Spc8k r, National Assenbly (3) Mr. Penez l(Jtanak, MNA, Minister for D€fence (4) Mr. Asad Umer, MNA, Minister for Plaming, Dcv€lopment and Spccial toitiativcs (5) Mr. Fawad Ahmcd, MNA, Mitrisler for lnformation and Bm€dcasting (6) Mr. Shafqat Mebmood, MNA, Mini$.r for Fcddal Educrtion, ftofessional Trainan& Natio.)al Hcrilagc ard Cltlollc (71 Dr. Shircen M. Mazari, MNA, MiDisler for Humm Righls (8) Mr. Zaleer-ud-din Babar Awan, Advis€r to the Prine Minister on Parlianentary Aflairs (e) Mr. Ali Muhammad Khan, MNA, Mioislcr of Statc for Puliamertary Affairs ( l0) Malik Muha.nmad Amir Dogar, MNA, Special A$ristanl to Prime Minister on Political Affairs (11) Mr. Shahid Khaqar Abbasi, MNA (12\ Khawaja Muhanmad Asif, MNA (11) Rana Tanveer llussain, MNA (t4) Mr. Ahsan lqbal Chaudhary, MNA (r5) Raja Parvaiz Ashraf, MNA (16) Ms. Hinr Rabbani Khar, MNA P,I,O 2 No.F.2(l/2019-PC Wing Islmaba4 the 24t JuDc, 202 I 1'or itrn)rmation and nec.ssan rction with thc rmuest to axend th. metlnq ind hri.fth. Committ.e dn apcndi it.m No. (l li l. Sccrctary, Mini$y ofFor6ign Affairs, Government of Pakist n, Islamabad; 2. S€crctary, Ministry oflnrcrior, Covemment ofPakisbtr, lslamabad; 3. S.crcory, Mioist_y ofDcfrnce, Govemmenl ofPakistan, Pak Secrebrial No. II, Rawalpindi; and 4. Secretary, National Socurity Division, Govemnent ofPakist q lslsmrb.d. 50 COPIES OF THE BRIIF MAY Bf, PROVIDED AT THE EARLIEST (AI'NG WITH A SOrT COPY ON EMAI.L AT iftikL.r,shmedaor.lov.okt BOTH rN ENGLISH AND URDU FOR ADVANCE STIJDY Or THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMTT'TEE. @! l. Ad,lilional Secrelary (Admn), National Assembly Secrehriat, Islamabad. 2. Joirt Secretary (Finnce), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamsbad. 3. Dircctor Ceneral (11'), National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad to kindly plac. Notice on NA Web6ih and SMS to thc Mclrbcrs. 4. DirEctorCencral (lR), Nalional Assembly Secreh at,lslainabad. 5. Dircctor Gen eral (lr,{edia), Narional Assembly Secretadat, Islamabad. 6. Del)uty Secretary (AdmD.), National Assembly Secretsriat, lslamabad, to do the ne.dftl. 7. Chicf Cameraman, Nadonsl Assembly SecreEdat, Islamabad. 8. ChiciFinance and Accounts Officet Senale Secret dat, Islamabad. 9. Medical Superinlcndenl F.6. Polyclinic, Islamabad, through lrl-chargc Disp.nsary, Parliment Housc, Islamabad 10. Deputy Superintendent ofPolice (Secunry), PErliarnenr Housc. lslamabad. I l. Director, CDA, Parliamcnl }lous€, lslamabad, to do n€€dful througD a.ll thc coDccmed relating to Civil, Elecficdl & oth.' wo*a. 12. Direclor (A udio 'I ransn ission), Communicalion Uniq National Asscmbly S€cretariat, lslamabad. 13. S€rgeant-st-Ains, National Assembly Secretarial, Idanabad. 14. S€rgeant-at-A rms, Senale Secretariat, Islamabad. Copy forwirded for informrtiod tor l. Secretary to dre Presidenl, Presidenr's Secretariat (?ersonal), lslamabad. 2. Se.retary lo the Prime lviinisrer, Prime Minister's Omce, Islamabad. 3. Secretary !o tlle Honoun$le Speaker, Narional Assembly ofPakista!, lslamabad. 4. Principal StaffOllicer k, the Honourabl€ Chairman, SeDate ort&I&, lslamabad. 5. Dir.ctor Staff!o Lerder of the House, Senate of Pakistan, lslffid. 6. Direclor to Laader ofopposirion, Natioral Assembly ofPakistan, Islamabad. 7. Director Staffto l,eadcr ofopposirion, Senare ofPaki*4 Islarnabad 8. Dieclor to Deputy Spcakcr, National Assembly ofPatdaa.4 Islamabad. 9. Sr. P.S to Chief Whip, National Asse.mbly of PakistaD, Idrrrrlabsd. 10. Sr. P.S to Secretary, National Ass€mbly Sefletariat, Islamabad. I I . Direclor Slaff lo Secretary, Serate Secreladat, Islamabad. 12. S.P S to Adviser on L€g.ll and Consdtutional Matiers, National Assrmbly Secretariat, Islamabad. 11. APS lo Spe.ial Secrehr.v, National Ass€mbly Secretariar, Islarnabad. 14. P.S to Addilional Secr.t.rics (Committees.ilegjslarion/Sp€cial Initiarives), National Ass€mbly Secret!.ia! lslamabad. Corv rllo forwrrded for irformstlon tor l. Ac(ountant Ccncral Pakis&n Revenues, Islamabad g${kw (IFTIKHAR AHI}IED) Joinl Seqclary (PC) Tele: No.05.1:9?0f!12.
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