Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-20-1955 The Ledger and Times, June 20, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 20, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2386. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2386 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Beleetea As A Best 'All Rolind Kentuele, _18, 1955 CortithttnIty NewSpiter Club aven 7athy Largest Largest Program t Circulation In The Circulation In The iws City; Largest City; Largest ne.ly Circulation In .iss Marlowe Circulation In The County The County Sweeney ince OW Gnited Press IN OUR 760 YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, June 20, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LXRVI No. 146 nt Labor Leader Wok Local Boy Is 'DIDN'T MEAN TO SHOOT ... GUN JUST WENT OFF' 3-3 Tie In Win iade Pleads Guilty Argentine South Breaks Awarded SPRINGFIELD, III., June 20 RR — Evan R. Dale, 39, southern Dictator Over North In Classic Here Illinois common laborer boss now under a 15 - year sentence for Lives An apparently unbeatable com- a terrific rally and they whittled )Scholarship labor racketeering pleaded guilty to today May bination of Dick Johnson and Leo the South's lead down to one and was sentenced to 10 Get Boot Byrd rallied the South forces here Hunter years imprisonment for income 4 Ise Maddox Hancock of Saturday to break a 3-3 game tie The enthusiasm of, the crowd of •irray is tax evasion eters one of eighteen Ken- 'MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay gel — in the Nerth - South Clessic, about 5,000 was at fever point -alley High U.S Dist. Atty. John B. Stoddart Diplomatic sources School graduates who said today 79-68. as it seemed that the North would save been Jr said the six counts to which President Juan D. awarded scholarships Peron may be The South ran up a corriforfeble overtake the South after trailing "'es the University Dale pleaded guilty total nearly stripped of power under a cam- ,nd of Kentucky's lead and held it for most of the for the entire game. Qolle(e of $200.000 in taxes and penalties. paign by Gen. Franklin Lueero 1 Engineering. to way only to see a spirited North Byrd and Johnson again took Announcement Dale was sentenced to five years restore order in Argentina. of the awards squad steadily cut the margin to over with excellent assists from was made by Daniel V Terrell, and fined $5.000 on the first five counts. Lucerce, 57, staunchly Catholic within one point. Orby Arnold of Mayfield and Bailey lean of the College of Engineer- These counts covered about war minister who Sparkplug of the South team was Howell of Middletown. Tennessee, 'mg. $160.000 for the years 1948 through now heads all Argentine armed and security a determined and unruffled Leo and finished going away. k Fourteen of the scholarships are 1952 Dale was also sentenced to forces as chief of the "Forces Oits Byrd, who received the honor of Gene Mathis, Calloway County's being supported by the Depart- five years on the sixth count. Represston," may have to ease out "Mr. Basketball" from Chuch Tay- entry of New concord, got to ,. Anent of Highways and the re- with the sentences to be served Peron to win support of all lor, internationally known basket- play less than a minute in the iining four are being sponsor- consecutively of for a total of 10 late. branches of service, the diplomat- ball expert. Time and again Johnson closing second of the game, due ed by the highway indairtry. years. es sources said. and Byrd would come down the to a sprain received in penctice I Under the plan by which the court to rack up another score for last week. However he snatched scholarsbips were awarded all re- Thomas R. Curran. United Press Hides face in police car. Officer Cabay's body Iles on pavement Where the Rebels. two rebounds in his brief appear.. 'tipients will work for the Ken- Rev. John Deal he was shot down. Cathy,r vice president for South Byrd poured 28 points through ance. teoky Department of said 29-YEAR-OLD Mrs. Bernice Seay is shown !n custody in hook filletwaes Attending School in a telephone eonversationAmericasaid Chicago after admitting she held Patrolman the hoots with nine goals and Following the game general chair- this summer and each summer from Buenos Aires Donald Cabay's gun when a shot from it killed him near her apartment. with the Unit- Mrs. Seay, mother of a ten of eleven free throw's. man James M. Lassiter. introduced until graduation and for one 6-year-old son, said she and Cabay had some year ATLANTA. ed Press in New York that Buenos drinks, went to his apartment, and that he was taking tome ' Ga. — The Rev. her home His dribbling exhibition in the seve,ral dignitaries including Gover- after graduation. Aires was filled with suoh rumors later and made advances, She sobbed she "Lifted" las gun, but "didn't mean to shoot him . John Deal of Hazel. Ky., is one . closing two and one-half minutes nor Lawrence Wetherby. The boys but that there was no confirma- . the gun Just went off" (international Sound thow t of 240 Methodist ministers now photos) of the game netted him several were presented with their playing tion. Nest attending a supply pastor's school • foute from North squad who made uniforms, a handsome jacket and Eight Girls Curran said dispetshes report- In offered by the Candler School of vain attempts to steal the ball. plaques ing the imminent fall of Peron Airman "Confessed" Degree Is Received r oods Theology at Emory University. The South gained an early lead, Leo Byrd of West Virginia re- Project were "pure guess work." Hue he Clue The special school operei -tune Anniversary To Waging Germ By Local and held a 40-30 lead at the hell ceived the "Mr. Basketball" honor said the army appeared to be Person even The Kirksey Junior 13 and will run to July 1. time, from Chuch Taylor. 4-H foods loyal to Lucero as chief of Amen- Warfare, Report woject has eight Twelve classes are given in such At the beginning of the final Former North - South partici- et girls eneellel. tine's military and security ',forces lathe 'hey are Janet Like. Barber, Ray, areas as Bible, preaching, pastoral Of UN Is MADISON. Wis — Mary A. stanza the South stood 64-50 Shortly panb present were Howie Crit- and noted that Peron gave as- WASHINIGTON — An Air Program udith Hargis. Gail Trease. Jennifer care, and speech. and creiite earned Wolfson, 310 N. 14th St. Murray, after the final quarter began how- tenden, Arch Dees, Coach Jack surances to the army that all reb- Force spokesman said today that , tiley. Deanna may be applied to a five-year Kentucky, was ever. Ryan and Ruklick 'of the Story and Coach Lawrence Mc- Smith. Carolyn els would be given a fair trial. awarded the Bach- program of conference cortespon- °apt Harold Fischer Jr. jet fight- ws )leaner and Sandra Belcher The elor of Arts degree at tne Univer- North squad sparked their team Ginnis. diplomatic sources here Observed s er ace, "confessede under heavy • The girls have learned that if dence courses taken by the supply sity of Wisconsin's aneual com- rosily biased their belief on evidence the i preesure to waging germ warfare he *even basic foods were e3ten ministers mencement late Friday afternoon, iss Marlowe "revolutionary process" is still on In Korea before he was released • the right amounts, the Th# number attending shows 3 SAN FRANCISCO. June 20 ge June 17, at the University. food in Argentina. on the repressive by Red China. South (79) emecl provide the gain of about 50 over last summer's — Diplomats of the world's great nourishment measures taken by the govern- More than 2.:100 students filed school. rewording to Dr Aiwa Floyd. powers met here today on toe Sweeney ieeded by the body every lly. ment and on the fact that Peron's The spokesman also said that across the platform to receive Player GA-M FA-M 'TP director. Classes are taught by 10th birthday of the United Nations. nee rhey plan to try to imprave their violent speeches suddenly became Fischer and three other American diplomas Bachelor degrees were Orby Arnold 10-0 74 4 Emory theology professors Two hopeful they could ease the cold aye sating habits conciliatory. pilots who were released with the awarded to 1.500 students, while Leo Bird 17-9 11-10 One lesson was on prepar.ng visiting professors for the eurrent war in the same spirit in- whicli Swee City. Iowa, ace They also noted there has been also "con- some 500 men arid women received Roger Lee Casida 0-0 0-0 0 session are Dr Richari Gillespie they made plans to preserve peace it Ind serving fruits. Demonstretime no announcement on the activities fessed" to "violating the Manchu- higher degrees wpre awarded to 2-1 3 Columbia Theolepcal Sem- 10 years ago Bill Graham 7-1 vere given on baked. apples, baked of the of the Argentine General Confed- rian border by flying _across the 1.500 students, while sonic 500 men 0-0 oeaches, inary.
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