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Editorial: Unless otherwise stated, bylined articles, as well as product and service descriptions, reflect the author’s or firm’s opinion. Inclusion in ComputingEdge does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the IEEE or the Computer Society. All submissions are subject to editing for style, clarity, and space. Reuse Rights and Reprint Permissions: Educational or personal use of this material is permitted without fee, provided such use: 1) is not made for profit; 2) includes this notice and a full citation to the original work on the first page of the copy; and 3) does not imply IEEE endorsement of any third- party products or services. Authors and their companies are permitted to post the accepted version of IEEE-copyrighted material on their own Web servers without permission, provided that the IEEE copyright notice and a full citation to the original work appear on the first screen of the posted copy. 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Unsubscribe: If you no longer wish to receive this ComputingEdge mailing, please email IEEE Computer Society Customer Service at help@ computer.org and type “unsubscribe ComputingEdge” in your subject line. IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. IEEE Computer Society Magazine Editors in Chief Computer IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE Pervasive Computing Jeff Voas, NIST V.S. Subrahmanian, Marc Langheinrich, Università Dartmouth College della Svizzera italiana Computing in Science & Engineering IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Security & Privacy Lorena A. Barba, George George Pallis, University Sean Peisert, Lawrence Washington University of Cyprus Berkeley National Laboratory and University IEEE Annals of the History IEEE Micro of California, Davis of Computing Lizy Kurian John, University Gerardo Con Diaz, University of Texas at Austin IEEE Software of California, Davis Ipek Ozkaya, Software IEEE MultiMedia Engineering Institute IEEE Computer Graphics Shu-Ching Chen, Florida and Applications International University IT Professional Torsten Möller, Irena Bojanova, NIST Universität Wien 2469-7087/21 © 2021 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society January 2021 1 JANUARY 2021 � VOLUME 7 � NUMBER 1 8 20 29 Embedded 6G Vision: Turning a Artifi cial An AI-Driven Smartphone Intelligence: Decentralized Selfi e Into a The ARTEMIS Network Studio Portrait Vision and Service Architecture Embedded Systems 8 Embedded Artificial Intelligence: The ARTEMIS Vision DIMITRIOS SERPANOS, GIANLUIGI FERRARI, GEORGE NIKOLAKOPOULOS, JON PEREZ, MARKUS TAUBER, AND STEFAN VAN BAELEN 14 Developing IoT Systems: It’s All About the Software THOMAS KUBITZA, PATRICK BADER, MATTHIAS MÖGERLE, AND ALBRECHT SCHMIDT Mobile Computing 20 6G Vision: An AI-Driven Decentralized Network and Service Architecture XIUQUAN QIAO, YAKUN HUANG, SCHAHRAM DUSTDAR, AND JUNLIANG CHEN 29 Turning a Smartphone Selfie Into a Studio Portrait NICOLA CAPECE, FRANCESCO BANTERLE, PAOLO CIGNONI, FABIO GANOVELLI, AND UGO ERRA Automation 37 Intent Classification for Dialogue Utterances JETZE SCHUURMANS AND FLAVIUS FRASINCAR 44 White Learning: A White-Box Data Fusion Machine Learning Framework for Extreme and Fast Automated Cancer Diagnosis TENGYUE LI, SIMON FONG, LIAN-SHENG LIU, XIN-SHE YANG, XINGSHI HE, JINAN FIAIDHI, AND SABAH MOHAMMED Ethics 51 Is Your Software Valueless? JON WHITTLE 55 Shaping Our Common Digital Future SUSANNE BOLL Departments 4 Magazine Roundup 7 Editor’s Note: What’s Next for Embedded Systems? 58 Conference Calendar Subscribe to ComputingEdge for free at www.computer.org/computingedge. Magazine Roundup he IEEE Computer Society’s lineup of 12 peer-reviewed technical magazines covers cutting-edge topics rang- Ting from software design and computer graphics to Internet computing and security, from scientific applica- tions and machine intelligence to visualization and microchip design. Here are highlights from recent issues. a production cyberinfrastructure this article analyzes how IBM, led for the acquisition, processing, by Bouças, regained Brazilian mar- Real-Time Systems and delivery of data from large kets and expanded its operations Implications in the scientific facilities—using expe- in the country through the polit- Blockchain-Based Vertical riences from the National Sci- ical negotiations it entered into. Integration of Industry 4.0 ence Foundation’s Ocean Obser- This article analyzes how IBM, as vatories Initiative. This paper a US-based multinational IT firm, The Industrial Internet of Things also outlines new models for data first installed itself in Brazil’s inter- (IIoT) is expected to attract signif- delivery and opportunities for war authoritarian regime, helping icant investments for industry. In insights in a wide range of scien- restructure Brazilian administra- this new environment, blockchain tific and engineering domains as tive and financial apparatuses to presents immediate potential in the volumes and variety of data its advantage. applications of the IIoT, offering from facilities grow. several benefits to industrial cyber- physical systems. Read more in this article from the September 2020 Spatialized Audio in a Custom- issue of Computer. IBM’s World Citizens: Built OpenGL-Based Ear Valentim Bouças and the Training Virtual Environment Politics of IT Expansion in Authoritarian Brazil Interval recognition is an impor- Data Cyberinfrastructure for tant part of ear training—the key End-to-End Science This article from the July–Septem- aspect of music education. Once ber 2020 issue of IEEE Annals of trained, the musician can iden- Large-scale scientific facilities the History of Computing analyzes tify pitches, melodies, chords, provide a broad community of the politics of IBM’s expansion in and rhythms by listening to music researchers and educators with interwar Brazil. It does so by focus- segments. In a conventional set- open access to instrumentation ing on Valentim Bouças, IBM’s first ting, the tutor would teach a and data products generated representative in Brazil and an trainee the intervals using a musi- from geographically distributed outstanding figure in IBM trade cal instrument, typically a piano. instruments and sensors. This press materials for the rapid pace However, with the emergence article from the September/Octo- at which he grew IBM’s Brazilian of new technologies such as vir- ber 2020 issue of Computing in operations. Grounded in the ear- tual reality (VR) and areas such Science & Engineering discusses liest recorded moment in which as edutainment, this and similar key architectural design, deploy- IBM was first threatened with trainings can be transformed into ment, and operational aspects of expulsion from Brazilian markets, more engaging, more accessible, 4 January 2021 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2469-7087/21 © 2021 IEEE customizable (virtual) environ- of ProxRM structures, neural net- manipulation/analysis and
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