ST Express 510 Everett – Seattle Adult fares $3.25 Port Effective October 2, 2021 – March 19, 2022 Gardner EVERETT Wetmore Rockefeller Lombard Fulton Connecting routes Hewitt Port Mountlake Terrace Gardner EVERETTWall St Freeway Station Wetmore Rockefeller Lombard Fulton Connecting routes Pacific AvePort CT Hewitt Gardner EVERETT111 130 415 871 Wetmore Rockefeller Lombard Fulton Connecting routes Mountlake112 410 Terrace435 EverettWall St Station FreewayHewitt119 Station413 810 METRO Mountlake Terrace Pacific Ave 34th St CTWall St Freeway Station 111347 130 415 871 PacificST Ave112 410 435 CT Everett Station 510 511 513 111 130 415 871 119 413 810 112 410 435 512 Everett Station 34th St METROLynnwood TC 119 413 810 South Everett 347 CT 34th St METRO Freeway Station ST 107 120 402 821 347 510 511112 130513 421 855 ST 113 196 510422 511 513 Lynnwood115 201 TC 425512 South Everett CT 116 202 810 Lynnwood TC Freeway Station SouthST 107 Everett120 402 821 CT Freeway112511 Station513130 535421 855 107 120 402 821 Lynnwood TC 112 130 421 855 Ash113 Way Park196 & 422Ride 115 201 425 113 196 422 Mountlake Terrace CT 116 202 810 115 201 425 Fwy Station ST 109 119 410 860 116 202 810 511112 196513 413535 880 ST 115 201 415 511 513 535 Lynnwood TCAsh116 Way 202Park &810 Ride ST Ash Way Park & Ride CT MountlakeSHORELINE Terrace Mountlake Terrace511 513 532 CT Fwy Station 109 119 410 860 109 119 410 860 Fwy StationSouth112 Everett196 413 880 112 196 413 880 Freeway115 Station201 415 115 201 415 ET 116 202 810 116 202 810 ST 29 ST SHORELINE 594 SHORELINEST 511 513 532 511 513 532 South532 Everett South Everett FreewayEverett Station Station Freeway Station ETCT ET 20129 270 280 29 594 512 ST 202 271 Blue Line ST ET 532 532 3 6 8 29 9th Ave 5th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave7th Ave Ave Terry 4 7 18 Everett Station StewartStewart St St Everett Station CT CTSKAGIT TRANSIT 90X 201 270 280 201 270 280 202 271 Blue Line 3rd Ave 4th Ave ST 202512 271 Blue Line 532 Sounder N Line ET 5th & Pine St Howell St ET 3 6 8 29 9th Ave 5th & Pine St 5th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 7th Ave ISLAND Ave Terry 3 TRANSIT6 8 29 9th Ave 4 7 18 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 4124StewartStewart 7St St 18 Stewart St SKAGIT TRANSIT 4th & Pike St Pike St SKAGITAMTRAK TRANSIT 90X 3rd Ave Lake 4th Ave 90X ST Seneca St 3rd Ave 4th Ave Washington ST 532 Sounder N Line Marion St 5th5th && PinePine StSt 532HowellSounder St N Line 5th & Pine St Cherry St Howell St Legend ISLAND TRANSIT ISLAND TRANSIT 412 4th & Pike St Pike St 412 Elliott Jefferson St Bus stops only AMTRAK 4th Bay& Pike St Pike St AMTRAK Lake Seneca St in this direction S Washington St Lake Washington Seneca St Marion St Washington Cherry St Bus stops in ST ExpressLegend bus fares S Jackson St bothLegend directions Cherry St Adult $3.25 Elliott Jefferson St Bus stops only Lumen Field Bay SelectWeekday trips PM only only ORCA LIFT/Youth $1.50 Elliott T-Mobile Park Jefferson St Bus stops only in this direction Bay S Washington St Mapin not this to direction scale Senior/Disabled $1.00 S Washington St Bus stops in S Jackson St Bus stops in both directions S Jackson St Lumen Field both directions SelectWeekday trips PM only only T-Mobile Park Lumen Field SelectWeekdaysoundtransit.org/ride-with-us trips PM only only Map not to scale T-Mobile Park BGet updates soundtransit.org/subscribe Map not to scale Southbound | WeekdaysRoute 510 To510 Seattle Everett – Seattle Everett Station South Everett Freeway Mountlake Terrace Freeway 5th Ave & 5th Ave S & S Bay C1 Station Bay 3 Station Bay 6* ^ Pine St* Jackson St* C 4:13AM 4:23 4:31 4:58 5:05 C 4:30AM 4:40 4:48 5:15 5:22 C 4:42AM 4:52 5:00 5:27 5:35 C 4:55AM 5:05 5:13 5:40 5:48 5:17AM 5:26 5:35 6:05 6:13 5:32AM 5:41 5:50 6:21 6:31 5:48AM 5:57 6:06 6:38 6:50 6:04AM 6:13 6:22 6:54 7:06 6:18AM 6:27 6:36 7:09 7:25 6:33AM 6:42 6:51 7:24 7:40 6:50AM 6:59 7:08 7:41 7:57 6:58AM 7:07 7:16 7:49 8:05 7:14AM 7:23 7:32 8:05 8:21 7:45AM 7:54 8:03 8:36 8:52 8:17AM 8:26 8:35 9:08 9:24 C Trips begin at Hewitt & Fulton in Downtown Everett 7 minutes earlier. ^ For service to Northgate Station, transfer at Mountlake Terrace for a southbound ST Express 511, 512, 513 or CT Route 810, 871. Northbound | WeekdaysRoute 510 510 Seattle – Everett To Everett Northbound Weekdays Mountlake Terrace 4th Ave & 4th Ave & Howell St & Freeway Station South Everett Freeway Everett S Jackson St Pine St 9th Ave Bay 7*^ Station Bay 6* Station* 2:30PM 2:36 2:39 3:01 3:15 3:31 2:46PM 2:52 2:55 3:18 3:32 3:48 3:00PM 3:06 3:09 3:33 3:49 4:06 3:16PM 3:22 3:25 3:49 4:06 4:25 3:32PM 3:38 3:41 4:05 4:23 4:42 3:49PM 3:55 3:58 4:22 4:40 4:59 4:06PM 4:12 4:15 4:39 4:57 5:16 4:21PM 4:27 4:30 4:54 5:12 5:31 4:37PM 4:43 4:46 5:10 5:28 5:45 4:53PM 4:59 5:02 5:26 5:44 6:01 5:10PM 5:16 5:19 5:42 6:00 6:12 5:26PM 5:32 5:35 5:56 6:14 6:26 5:42PM 5:48 5:51 6:12 6:30 6:40 5:57PM 6:03 6:06 6:27 6:40 6:50 6:13PM 6:19 6:22 6:43 6:55 7:05 6:28PM 6:34 6:37 6:58 7:10 7:20 6:53PM 6:59 7:02 7:22 7:34 7:43 ^ For service from Northgate Station, passengers should take an ST Express route 511, 512 or 513 bus and transfer at Mountlake Terrace. * This is an estimated timepoint for public guidance only. Buses will proceed on arrival to the next timepoint. This may be before the time shown on our schedule. ST Express 512 Everett – Northgate Adult fares $3.25 Effective October 2, 2021 – March 19, 2022 Connecting routes Northgate Station Connecting routes CT 810 860 880 Northgate Station EVERETT Port 821 871 CT Gardner Wetmore Rockefeller Lombard Fulton METRO 810 860 880 HewittPort EVERETT 20 301 320 348 821 871 Wetmore Rockefeller Lombard Fulton Wall StGardner 40 302 345 METRO Hewitt 67 303 346 20 301 320 348 Pacific Ave Wall St 75 304 347 40 302 345 ST 67 303 346 Everett Station Pacific Ave 511 513 75 304 347 ST Everett StationMountlake Terrace 511 513 34th St Freeway Station Mountlake Terrace CT 34th St 512 111 130 415 871 Freeway Station 112 410 435 CT 119 413512 810 111 130 415 871 South Everett 112 410 435 Freeway Station METRO South Everett347 119 413 810 FreewayST Station METRO Ash Way Park & Ride 510 511 513 347 164th St SW ST Ash Way Park &Lynnwood Ride TC 510 511 513 164th St SW CT Lynnwood TC Lynnwood TC 107 120 402 821 112 130 421 855 CT Lynnwood TC 107 120 402 821 113 196 422 855 Mountlake Terrace 115 201 425 112 130 421 Fwy Station 810 113 196 422 Mountlake Terrace 116 202 115 201 425 Fwy Station ST 116 202 810 511 513 535 ST 511 513 535 SHORELINE Ash Way Park & Ride SHORELINE CT Ash Way Park & Ride 109 119 410 860 CT Northgate 112 196 413 880 109 119 410 860 Station 115 201 415 112 196 413 880 116Northgate202 810 Station 115 201 415 Roosevelt ST 594 116 202 810 Station 511Roosevelt513 532 ST 594 SouthStation Everett 511 513 532 U District Freeway Station South Everett Station ET U District Freeway Station Station 510 29 ET ST 29 UW Station 532510 ST DOWNTOWN UW Station 532510 DOWNTOWN Everett Station SEATTLE Everett Station SEATTLE CT Capitol Hill Station 201 270 280 CT Westlake Capitol Hill Station 201 270 280 Westlake 202 271 Blue Line Station ET 202 271 Blue Line Lake Station 3 6 8 29 ET Washington 4 Lake7 18 3 6 8 29 Washington 4 7 18 SKAGIT TRANSIT University Street SKAGIT TRANSIT University Street 90X Station 90X LegendStation ST ST532 ExpressN LineLegend bus fares ST 532 N Line Elliott Adult $3.25 Elliott ISLAND TRANSIT Bay Pioneer Bus stops only Bus stops only ISLAND TRANSIT Bay Pioneer ORCA LIFT/Youth412 $1.50 412 Square in thisSquare direction in this direction Station AMTRAK AMTRAK BusStation stops in Senior/Disabled Bus stops$1.00 in both directions both directions ID/Chinatown SelectID/Chinatown trips only Select trips only Station Station Lumen Field Lumen Field 1 Line 1soundtransit.org/ride-with-us Line T-Mobile Park Stadium StationT-Mobile Park Stadium Station BGet updates soundtransit.org/subscribe To Angle Lake Map notTo Angle to scaleLake Map not to scale Southbound | WeekdaysRoute 512 To512 Seattle Everett – Northgate Everett Station South Everett Freeway Ash Way P&R Lynnwood TC Mountlake Terrace Northgate Station Bay C1 Station Bay 3 Bay 1 Bay D3 Freeway Station Bay 6* Bay 3* 8:37AM 8:46 8:54 9:02 9:06 9:25 8:48AM 8:57 9:05 9:13 9:17 9:37 8:58AM 9:07 9:15 9:23 9:27 9:47 9:08AM 9:17 9:25 9:33 9:37 9:57 9:18AM 9:27 9:35 9:43 9:47 10:07 9:28AM 9:37 9:45 9:53 9:57 10:17 9:38AM 9:47 9:55 10:03 10:07 10:27 9:48AM 9:57 10:05 10:13 10:17 10:37 9:58AM 10:07 10:15 10:23 10:27 10:47 10:08AM 10:17 10:25 10:33 10:37 10:57 10:18AM 10:27 10:35 10:43 10:47 11:07 10:28AM 10:37 10:45 10:53 10:57 11:17 10:38AM 10:47 10:55 11:03 11:07 11:27 10:48AM 10:57 11:05 11:13 11:17 11:37 10:58AM 11:07 11:15 11:23 11:27 11:47 11:08AM 11:17 11:25 11:33 11:37 11:57 11:18AM 11:27 11:35 11:43 11:47 12:07 11:27AM 11:36 11:44 11:52 11:56 12:17 11:37AM 11:46 11:54 12:02 12:06 12:27 11:47AM 11:56 12:04 12:12 12:16 12:37 11:57AM 12:06 12:14 12:22 12:26 12:47 12:07PM 12:16 12:24 12:32 12:36 12:57 12:17PM 12:26 12:34 12:42 12:46 1:07 12:27PM 12:36 12:44 12:52 12:56 1:17 12:37PM 12:46 12:54 1:02 1:06 1:27 12:47PM 12:56 1:04 1:12 1:16 1:37 12:57PM 1:06 1:14 1:22 1:26 1:47 1:07PM 1:16 1:24 1:32 1:36 1:57 1:17PM 1:26 1:34 1:42 1:46 2:07 1:27PM 1:36 1:44 1:52 1:56 2:17 1:37PM 1:46 1:54 2:02 2:06 2:27 1:47PM 1:56 2:04 2:12 2:16 2:37 1:56PM 2:05 2:13 2:22 2:26 2:47 2:12PM 2:21 2:29 2:38 2:42 3:03 2:27PM 2:36 2:45 2:54 2:58 3:19 2:43PM 2:52 3:01 3:10 3:14 3:35 2:59PM 3:08 3:17 3:26 3:30 3:51 3:15PM 3:24 3:33 3:42 3:46 4:07 3:31PM 3:40 3:49 3:58 4:02 4:23 3:47PM 3:56 4:05 4:14 4:18 4:39 4:03PM 4:12 4:21 4:30 4:34 4:55 4:18PM 4:27 4:36 4:45 4:49 5:11 4:34PM 4:43 4:52 5:01 5:05 5:27 4:50PM 4:59 5:08 5:17 5:21 5:43 5:06PM 5:15 5:24 5:33 5:37 5:59 5:22PM 5:31 5:40 5:49 5:53 6:15 5:38PM 5:47 5:56 6:05 6:09 6:31 5:56PM 6:05 6:13 6:22 6:26 6:47 6:19PM 6:27 6:35 6:44 6:48 7:08 6:39PM 6:47 6:55 7:03 7:07 7:27 7:00PM 7:08 7:16 7:23 7:27 7:47 7:20PM 7:28 7:36 7:43 7:47 8:07 7:40PM 7:48 7:56 8:03 8:07 8:27 8:00PM 8:08 8:16 8:23 8:27 8:47 8:21PM 8:29 8:37 8:44 8:48 9:07 8:42PM 8:50 8:58 9:05 9:09 9:27 9:02PM 9:10 9:18 9:25 9:29 9:47 9:24PM 9:32 9:39 9:46 9:50 10:07 9:50PM 9:58 10:05 10:12 10:16 10:33 10:20PM 10:28 10:35 10:42 10:46 11:03 10:50PM 10:58 11:05 11:12 11:16 11:33 11:20PM 11:28 11:35 11:42 11:46 12:03 * This is an estimated timepoint for public guidance only.
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