VOLUME XXIII NO. I SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WINTER 2010 INSIDE THIS Interstate 385 rehabilitation off to fast start ISSUE By Bob Kudelka Texting Ban .................. 3 t was after midnight when Mass Transit ................ 4 Laurens County Resident IConstruction Engineer Nick Flower Man ................ 11 Waites drove his truck down the Snow hits SC ............ 12 wrong direction on northbound Ben Sawyer Bridge ... 14 Interstate 385. Although he was driving along I-385 a stretch of highway that nor- Rehabilitation ......16-17 mally gets 20,000 vehicles per Detour Suggestion ...... 18 day at high speeds, Waites was District Pages .......24-30 perfectly safe. The highway had just closed. Viewpoints ................. 31 But Waites knew the eerie Waxhaws artifacts ..... 32 calm would soon be broken as an extensive milling operation would begin after daybreak, the start of a fast-paced project des- tined to take its place in SC trans- portation history. On 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 4, SCDOT for the first time took the unusual step of closing down ROB THOMPSON/THE CONNECTOR Haulers from several states are used to transport concrete to the Global Positioning System (GPS) paver a portion of interstate highway from two concrete plants on the I-385 project. The paver uses GPS data, rather than traditional string lines, for rehabilitation. to guide it. After several meetings with design and construction staff, as 385 that will not require exten- approximately eight months and “We wanted to make sure the well as the public, SCDOT engi- sive maintenance for decades to reduce the overall construction contractor understood how seri- neers came up with a plan to “get come. duration by well over one year. ous we were that he had to be in and get out quickly,” and to The plan is to finish the 15 Using this construction plan finished by Aug. 15. Normally provide a rehabilitated Interstate mile-mainline construction in will also greatly reduce costs. incentives would be in the $5,000 The total savings attributed to range, but we felt the numbers this closure plan is $34.6 million should be increased since we’re ARRA Update when compared to a traditional detouring around 8,000 cars a staged construction plan over day.” three years. The $34.6 million In addition to saving time and in savings will go toward needed money, closing down northbound highway projects in the Upstate also provides safety for motorists including the widening of I-385 and workers as interstate work near Woodruff Road. zones increase possibilities of Realizing the importance of crashes and injuries. keeping the project on schedule, For Waites, who is overseeing SCDOT has included some of its the construction for SCDOT, the biggest incentives ever. For every project is an exciting challenge. day the contractor finishes ahead Three weeks after the inter- of the Aug. 15 deadline, there is a state closed, Waites was pleased PERMIT PERMIT NO 108 COLUMBIA, SC US $25,000 incentive; for every day that the contractor had accom- PRSRT STD PRSRT past Aug. 15, there is a $50,000 plished some major tasks despite POSTAGE POSTAGE PAID disincentive. heavier than normal rainfall. “That’s a big motivator,” said “It was very important to get Rob Perry, SCDOT Program Manager for Project Upstate RPG See I-385 on page 16 GRAPHIC BY ROB THOMPSON/THE CONNECTOR who oversaw the preconstruction. 2 SCDOT l THE CONNECTOR l WINTER 2010 counties of the state. That deci- Secretary Limehouse said the sion was based on the desire to ARRA funds are helping to put Stimulus funds at one year provide work and improve roads a dent in the list of projects that all across South Carolina. How- have been waiting for funding. ever, the law only permits ARRA However the needs for South Car- funds to be used on highways and olina’s large 41,000 mile state- All ARRA funds have been put to work bridges that qualify for federal maintained highway system are By Pete Poore that didn’t receive ARRA funds enhancement projects. SCDOT aid. South Carolina has more than still great. “Our highway system will still move up on the priority chose to use those funds for the 20,000 miles of roads that could is the infrastructure for economic he American Recovery list and get done sooner because construction of sidewalks. not receive ARRA funding, and development in our state and it and Reinvestment Act the ARRA-funded projects will The SCDOT Commission most of those highways are in ru- needs to be safe and efficient. (ARRA) was signed into be completed and checked off the made a decision based on staff ral areas. We appreciate what ARRA has Tlaw on February 17, 2009. Just list,” Limehouse said. recommendations to fund re- South Carolina received $41 done for South Carolina by cre- one year later, SCDOT has obli- SCDOT’s ARRA-funded proj- surfacing projects in all 46 million in mass transit ARRA ating highway construction jobs gated the $463 million in ARRA ects were placed into funds. Of that figure, approxi- and improving our transportation highway funds, and $16.6 million four general catego- mately $25 million was system, but our current needs to in mass transit funds allocated to ries; highway resur- distributed directly by bring the system up to standards the agency on the anniversary of facing, bridge re- the Federal Transit is calculated in billions of dol- this legislation. placements, Authority to large and lars over a period of decades with In February of 2010, ARRA safety im- small urban transit our present funding levels,” said funds were designated to assist in provement providers. SCDOT’s Limehouse. the funding of the I-385 widening p r o j e c t s Mass Transit Divi- Limehouse is hopeful that project in Laurens County, which and inter- sion has used the legislation being considered by completed the obligating of all state main- remaining $16.6 Congress will create an “ARRA ARRA highway funds. t e n a n c e . million for the II” scenario that would provide Transportation Secretary H.B. The Act re- improvement more opportunities for job cre- Limehouse Jr. described the im- quired each of nine transit ation and further improvements pact of ARRA on South Carolina. state to also facilities and in the state’s highways and public “The ARRA funds have allowed set aside has taken de- transportation. us to nearly double the work we a small livery of 71 A complete look at SCDOT’s can do with our federally-funded p e r - replacement ARRA funding picture can be program for this fiscal year. The c e n t - vehicles for found on the SCDOT web site at: significance is that twice the work age of public transit use. www.scdot.org. will be done, but other projects funds for South Carolina Winner of awards from S.C. Division, Public Relations Society Department of of America; Carolinas Association of Business Communicators; S.C. Press Association and AASHTO. Transportation Editor: Stan Shealy Commission Photography / Layout Editor: Rob Thompson Editorial Board: Pete Poore, Bob Kudelka, Jane Mayberry, Bonnie Cramer, Tasha Crumpton, Peter Tarpley, Zoe Cook and Cody Daniel H. Isaac Jr. Henry H. Taylor Eddie Adams Crouch. 1st Congressional District 2nd Congressional District 3rd Congressional District The Connector, an employee newspaper of the South Carolina Department of Transportation, is published quarterly. All news items may be reproduced with credit to The Connector or the source. News, photos and information to appear in The Connector should be submitted to Stan Shealy, Office of Communications, S.C. Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 191, Columbia, SC 29202, no less than three weeks prior to date of publication. Copy should include the name and phone number of the source or person submitting the article. For inquiries regarding news copy, telephone 737-1270. All materials submit- ted become the property of SCDOT unless their return is stipulated. The Connector is distributed free by mail to employees and to others upon request. South Carolina H.B. “Buck” Limehouse Jr. is the South Press Association Carolina Secretary of Transportation. Associate Member F. Hugh Atkins Sarah B. Nuckles Marvin Stevenson Ken Willingham 4th Congressional District 5th Congressional District 6th Congressional District Commissioner At-Large SCDOT l THE CONNECTOR l WINTER 2010 3 Make yourself count in the 2010 census By Michael Sponhour S.C. Budget and Control Board ou will be seeing a lot of Angela Morales and Co- rey Watkins around South YCarolina this spring. Morales, Trade Specialist II at Richland Maintenance, and Watkins, Trade Specialist III at Lexington Maintenance, are fea- tured on six billboards encourag- ing South Carolinians to respond to the 2010 U.S. Census. The boards are located in Oconee, Greenville, Berkeley, Charleston and Richland counties. In Rich- land County, they are featured on billboards located at 2203 Two Notch Road and another located on I-20 miles east of US 21. The billboards are part of the state’s effort to boost its census response because data from the PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF SC BUDGET AND CONTROL BOARD once-a-decade count of the na- Angela Morales, left, and Corey Watkins are seen on billboards across the state to promoting participation in the 2010 census. tion’s population helps our state Full_2.pdf lina loses out each year on at least simplified 10-question short form receive its share of federal fund- More information about the cen- Ten minutes is all it takes to an- $60 million in federal aid that is and your answers are entirely ing. And one of the biggest cat- sus can be found at the national swer the 10 questions on the cen- distributed using census popula- secure.
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