f 8 NEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1875. Ford J MoLean W P eotton 17 ski seed cotton 24 skz cotton seed 56 hbds [CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE.] ligbt. Weather clear. Arrived—Schooner Fred LIST OF LETTERS MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. •agar and sundries Dunbar, Conner*, master, six dors from Ruatan, Foster T MeVean C K LOWER COAST—Steamer Walloon—20 bales mom thence across the Chattahoochee to the head with fruit: schooner George V. Jordan, Duncan, Ford Cantata J Nnsh C K tierces refined sold at lilic, and there Is an active 30 bbls potatoes and sundries master, twenty-two days from Boston, with a Remaining la the New Orleans Pestoflce Foster IB Nenlegging John MONETARY. job trade at that price. waters of the Ocmulgoe, and down that cargo of ice. sailed—Ships l'aibet and Malta and Uncalled ler fer the Week Ending Foley D Newman George W HAM.*—Are in supply and very dull at 13)»c (f* fi) RECEIPTS BY RAILROADS. stream to the sea. hath David McNutt. „ , Fowler Ang Neis F NEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN OFFICE, ] for choice sugar-curciL 25 tierces sold ou private Vicksbdho, February V'.—Up— Frank Pargnud, Staturday, February 20, I&75. at 6 Gardner Pat Neuhus J MORGAN’S LOUISIANA AND TKXAS RAILROAD, It is proposed when the river and harbor at 12 M. No boats down to-day. Weather clear P. M. Graham James & Co Nelson J E Saturday BvKxiae, February 20, 1875. Louis­ February 20—1 bale cotton 16 hhda sugar 4 bbls cis­ bill reaches the Senate, to add to it an and cool. The river has fallen OLe foot ten Inches. (The Poslofflce remains open on Sundays from 10 Gamble George A Nicholson F G The money market continues quiet and easy, iana rectified is quoted minimally at $1 0581 tern bottom 151 bbls molasses *49 bbls beef 767 amendment appropriating $600,000 for the Ubmphis, February 20.—The river fell seven A. M. to to 12 M.] Gaffney T Nitaohe F with a moderate demand for discounts at the banks and Western at $1 0881 10# gallon. head cattle and sundries commencement of this work and its prose- inches. Weather clear and pleasant. Departed Oallegsr P Kecolh B and limited offeriaga on the street, and without BREAKFAST BACON—la in supply and very dull NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD. Feb­ Port Gibson, for Arkansas river; Quickstep..lor LADIES’ LIST. Gaatert K Noyes W L quotable variation In the rates of commercial sig­ at 12Sc # ffi. ruary 20—372 bales cotton 5 bfida tobacco 212 bbls oation during the present year. White liver; Tolle. ter New Orleans, and Arling­ Grady William Nolan Bd nal ure*. We contiBue to quote first class paper PIG P< iRK- la selliug iu half bids at $ 10 25810 59 whisky 10 tea hams 102 pkgs tobacco 50 tee lard 447 ton. tor Cincinnati. , . Abadle Mrs Kair Sarah Mrs Gamble George A Nostman Charles and collateral loans for sixty days at 889 f cent 4? #ha f bbl. bxs cheese and sundries Ginoissati. February 20.—River nine feet seven Arceno B Miss ^Kennv Mary Ann Miss Garberino A Nobles R H annum, A1 do at 10812,|snd second grade at 15818. SPARE RIBS—The market is bare. The last iu NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS RAILROAD, Feb­ NEW YORK. inches and falling. Ice thawing all day. Depart- Anderson J Mrs w Killy Mrs Oetb FO Oakloy R W The few transactions in mortgages are in .first firsthand) so'd at $3, aud dealers are retailing ruary 20—18 hhds sugar 22 bbls molasses 3 half bbls cd-Charles Boda anti for New Orleans. Angell Miss Keen it A Mrs Greene B H O’Brien M R class at 9810 f cent f annum; other grades are them at $ in# bbl. molasses and sundries Bank Htntement. Pitt^bcro. February 20.—Snowed all last night Assrliot Rulalit Miss Kinsley Elisa Mrs George William O denthal H apparently without any movement. FICKLED PlGS' FEET—Same in barrels were re­ NEW ORLEANS, ST LOUIS AND CHICAGO RAIL­ and thia morning and t hawing. Weather colder Abbott S J Mi s Kline Mshala Miss Gregory A O’Neil Thomas ceived. and sold at $9 # bbl. ROAD, February 20—1259 bales eottou and sundries Nkv. York, February 20 —The following tc-niclit. Kiver two f«et eight incliea. Anigues Cat! in Miss Kuster John Mrs Glendining J L Oliver W D NEW ORLEANS CLEARING HOUSE. PIC'KLBD PIGS’ 1 UNGUES—The market is bare, is the bank statement: Loans increased Cairo, February 20.—Arrived—James Howard Barton Lelia Miss Langwith M Miss Greenbo »er R Ourzsair P Clearings. Balances. aud they are much Called for. The la it received from hew O: leans at 6 A. M. No departuria. River Babcock George W Mr* Landry Flies Gernen J G O'Brien J M Februaw 20................$I,265,8cg 02 $150,436 15 $1,750,000; specie decreased $3,250,000: legal Bat table Adelaide Miss Latte Eliae Mrs Name time last week. 1 979.449 65 258 371 83 sold readily at 7c apiece. tenders decreased $2,500,000; deposits de­ thiiteec feet live inches and filling. Wea'ner Barnia Mami Mias Laughlin Mary Mrs Greene F O Otto J A COW PEAS—Have commenced coming in by creased $2,500,000; reserves decreased cloudy. Mercury 41°. No ice in the Ohio to day. Balv Phillis Mrs Lewis K Mrs Greuuan James O’Brien James Total last week...............U74.357 4t 1.191,965 18 rail Hi:d Carolina were offered bv the car load at LonsviLLK, February 20.—River stationary, with Brandeuburg Elizabeth Leach Lizzie M;ss Gertciser P OpDece S Total week before.... 10,187 192 78 868,422 57 $1 60# bushel, but have mostly gone into store O UKNT—VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS TO $4,875,000. six feet in the caual. Weather cloudy, rather cold. Mis Leflwich Lillie MUs Gleeson John A Osebwald C J We are indebted to Mr. I. N. Maynard, manager unsold, though there were some sales to dealers at rerent, furnished or unfurnished, No. 128 Para Raised Paper, Navigation partially resumed. The Louisville, for Brady Alice Miss Lee Martha K Gibson F Orser S of the New Orleans Clearing House, for the follow $1 15# bushel. It is yet too early for much de- nierT street, next door to the corner of Race street, A certificate of Erie railroad stock for N«w Orleans, wss neatly through the canai at Baruum N M Mrs Leot Mrs Girven S Paber J P fug comparative atatement of the associated bank* mum). Stock 4000 bags; mixed and clay held at $2. opnosite Annunciation square. Terms moderate. dark. The exporter Las arrived, and ii repairing Baldwin Mrs Little Lanra Mrs Gilbert L Pareti D for tbe week ending to-daj: CORN IN SACKS—Light supplies have furthtr le!8_______________________________ 200 shares raised from a two bharo certifi­ broken wheels. Bacon Mary A Mrs Lima Mrs Gregory C Paiadot H Decrease. strengthened prices, and we note a still further ] cate was discovered this morning. Thus Evansville. February 20 —Weather cloudy and Babcock Maria Sirs Lanis JuliaMUa Gleam Dr Padilla T Specie................................................... $45,000 advance of 283c V bushel. Tbe demand is good. far only a single fraudulent* certificate lias moderate. River falling slowly, with nine feet. llaly Maltha Mrs Lovie H K Mrs Gill W Place A H fc Co Currency.............................................. 10,000 4150 tucks soid. of which 2000 choice white at 87c; 70 KENT, FURNISHED—ONE LARGE come to notice. It is possible that other The ice ;s thinning out. Beiger F N Mrs honey Mrs Gorduer M Paine II A Loans...... 500 while and 230 mixed at 88c; 150 fancy yellow at 1 front room, suitable for a single gentleman, Berlin P M Mrs Mainland James Mrs Gould C Paterson H P Deposits................................ 245,000 90c, and 250 yellow mixed and 1060 w-hite and in a private family. No. 7b7)j Magazine street, cor­ raised certificates are in circulation. MARKETS. Benson Clara Miss Mathews Bridgeit Mrs Goodrich Ali Payne J Goldopenedat 114)48114?4 against 114)t at New white mixed at 90c # bushel. Tho market closed ner of Washington. f«21* AnotherilSpnnUh Outrage. m Beil Anna Miss Malouy Maggie Miss Godefray F Phelps, Dodge 5; Co York, and after a tair business closed at 114H8 at 90c # btishei for yolioiv aud white, Benten Lucy Miss Maddox Rmnitt R Miss Goldsmith Pecot J T 114V;, against IMS in that market. The sales BRAN—None in first hands, and iu request. The o r u en t.- a desirable cottage to Captain H. A. Dean, of tho schooner Domestic Markets. Grolard Joseph Pe’.le* C A last sales f.orn first hands, on Thursday, were at rent, situated on St. Andrew street, between John E. Sandford, which arrived here yes­ Briaut Mollie Miss Blaster Mrs Guerin M A IVyroux P O dimmed up $58000, embracing $12,000 at 114S; $1 73 # 100 l*i.-. Yesterday a dealer resold some ou F New Vo k k , February 20.—The Poet's financial Brick e Aitney Mrs Blayne Harriett Guste K 1'encheou p $5000 at 114S; $1000, $1000 aud $2000 at IMS; Rampart and Franklin streets. No. 469, at $15 per terday Irtim Havana, complains that the article Bays. Monday next is a legal holiday, and Bitten ham John Mis Blarks Emma Miss $9000 and $15,000 atll4S81US; aud $3000 at IMS- the lauding at $1 85 81 90, aud re.'used $1 85 for month; will rout It lor less to a prompt paying Oubemator St Tor:y Persey H more.
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