Juveniles Destructive $7590 For Building ' 1?5 Cliffwood Beach At Wafer Works Siie Householder Demands Middlesex Rd. Structure Protection; Special To House Pump, Used Officers Are Named -Foi Recreation, Voting Juvpr,iii> delinquency was de- clared--!©- be-- running wild in; -Member-National Ed itorial'Association^=^New^Jersey~Fress~Association — IVlonnnouth County Press Association An ordinance to appropriate Ciiffwccc" Bench by n liousehol- 57500 and bond the borough for $6500 of it was introduced at; dcr, ]>5.-s. Raymond Ryno, 231 87th YEAR — 13th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1955 Single Copy Seven Cents Broocifi&e Ave.. who appeared council meeting: so a building before ti.e Mntawan Township to house pumps for the new wa- (.^tnmittee yesterday. ter works and provide a voting Alarm, But No Fire! Officer Sent On Raid and recreational center at the Mrs. KyiiO claimed that for Housewives Aroused Recreation Group 'owner Alice Dawe property on the li:\v months she had been A brief, but exciting, few Patrolman Robert McGow- moments occurred at the close iii, Malawan Police, receiv- Middlesex Rd. can be erected. a rctSrleni. of Cliffwood Beach, The borough bought the land the if.nct' in iront- of her home of the Union Beach council By Marlboro Roads Planning Projects ed instructions from Chief meeting Thursday night when John J. Flood yesterday aft. rom Mr. Dawe when the new and ;-i)c houte next door had water works was first project- been twii down by vnndnls Ihe four Union Beach Fire Gravel Just "Red Dirt" To Meet With Other ernoon to be ready for a raid Companies were called out to be staged that night at ed. Public hearing on the her inciJ box hud been rifled re- Organizations; Have measure is Oct. 11. peatecJy, iinri it bore marks of shortly before 9 p.m. after a To Them, Sifting Into which the police might en- being i*ot at by a ,22 rifle. short circuit set off a fill' Homes; Garbage Hit Baseball Diamond counter resistance and even Councilman E. Story Hullock, She nrJded ht-r screen had been siren located »u top of the shootinir. He was directed to chairman of the fire commit- ripped r.nd windows smashed. Lavolc Laboratories plant on A delegation of angry house The Recreation Commission report to headquarters to gotee, recommended the purchase ' "$t fce-iri she felt it deplorable Florence Avc., which adjoins wives set off a stormy' debate of the Borough of Matawan has nut lo the site or the raid of a Ward LnFrance fire en- a res.rent "hud to take a gunlhc council meeting room. at the Marlboro Township Com- announced that in the near fu- around 7:30 p.m. gine for the M. E. Haley Hose. to bee" lo be sure of Ills or Firemen broke through one mittee meeting Thursday about ture it plans to hold a meeting Co. Net cost lo the borough the work being done on town- Patrolman McCowan follow- her safety through the night. uf the doors a! the plant and with representatives from var- ed orders, arriving with a is $16,050. Mr. Hallock explain- dragged water hoses and oth- ship roads and the quality of ed, as the manufacturer has She cicclm-ed she had com- the gravel used. ious local organization interest- shotKiin, as directed. A fel- plained to township police and er fire-fighting equipment in- ed in recreational activities. It low officer then drove off allowed a municipality discount Mrs. Mary Eckel, spokesmen of $2320 and granted S1O0O for, was not blaming them as they to the building, but after ati is hoped that as a result of such with him to the site of the intensive search found no cvl- for the housewives from Tice- the old truck being turned in. were too few in number to pa- FIGHTS a meeting, a variety of pro- raid. Same question of wheth- .dence of a fire. town Rd. related the harrowing new lruck wl b e a tri le trol properly tin area the size jects can be planned for theer they had jurisdiction must , " P of the township. Capt. J. Ed- The estimate of the dam-conditions they had been endur- YGURE liave entered the officer's horsepower, have a two stage gar Wilkinson, of township po- age included—one damaged ing nil summer long. She de- benefit of all age groups in Ma- mind as they drove into Mai centrifugatifl l ffiri e pump, a 500 lice, snid he had been on the iloor, some puzzled firemen clared the road was torn up in tawan. (lison Township. Ion booster tank and all "ac- and several confused borough May under the township's $72,- TO KNOW! cessories. The old truck is a fY>k since Aup. 1 but had not The Commissslon up until this They wound up at Coby's officials. G50 program and never put in l!)43 Diamond T Ward La- received complaints about ju- time has acquired a four-acre ltcstaurant, Route 3-1, where veniles in more than a few rou fit condition again. Of par- Prance. ticular grievance was the qual- Iratt on Middlesex Rd., near Mayor Snufforil W. Scbunck, tine instances. Ravine Dr. This land has been Chief Flood, Magistrate Jam- An ordinance lo vacate Ma- Supported Ii>- VFW Members ity of gravel used, according to ple Terr., a street mapped but Mrs. Eckel. She averred all (.he cleared and graded, and a Lit- es II. Martin, Councilman Officers of Guadalcanal Post, tawan Twp. Police tle League baseball diamond Victor Armellino, ami 20 more never developed or taken over housewives had had to keep by the borough, ran into unex- f!45, Veterans of Foreign Wars, their windows closed through has been marked out. Within sucsts awaited them. The present supported Mrs. Ryno's a few days this diamond will "raid" was a bachelor's din- pected opposition at the public ' Oppose Civil Service the heat of the summer lest this hearing. Fred H. Haseman, an contentions that vandalism was "dirt" raised in the wind by be completed by the addition ner for Patrolman McGow- rampant. They submitted the of lop soil and the planting of an. He was told he could put Oak St. resident, objected he Issue Statement Asking passing atttos cover all their had purchased his property names of four officers of their home furnishing with a silt. grass seed. Arrangements al- away the shotgun without Post for confirmation ns special Voters To Oppose It; Madison GOP Picks iPresbyterian Building so have been made for the erec- fear of ambush. with the understanding that c'/icein: Charles Candiloro, Cruefriipft uiver.ivPKs WnrnineWarning- Children could not play outside tion of dugouts for the players. there was a street adjoining it because 0[ dust clouciSp jt was Patrolman McGowan was and he wanted to know what Vincent Gaunt, Robert Wheel- ISy the time the baseball sea- feted In celebration of bis er, and Robert Fletcher. They Members of the police force averred. Connelly To Run jCampaign Osiens son starts next year, the boys would become of the property in Matawan Township came out Otis Seaman, of Long Branch, forthcoming marriage Sun- when Maple Terr, is vacated. pointed out that, difficulty with of Little League age will have day, the township staff of specials this morning in opposition to atownship engineer, held the con- MHS Grid Star Seeks Special Gifts Phase their own diamond scaled to I'art of Land Goes to Haseman was Unit, men could not be onproposal to put township .em- tractor could not do anything Collectorship; Becker Begins Today; Aim Is proper size. John Givcns, borough attor- ployees under civil service. about the dust conditions until duty diiys when the damage Endorsed By Assn. $90,000 "Victory Goal" Plans also are going forward ney, assured htm half the land was beiflf: done as they had toThis referendum will appear on more rain fell. This brought, a Little League To area of the street, as it borders work. They declared some of the ballot at the Nov. 8 elec- scornful rejoiner from the for addition facilities to be lo- his property, would revert to Petition of James G. Connel- The special gifts phase of thecated In the Middlesex Rd. Bre- their number were Dn night tion, Mrs. Rose K. Wenzel, housewives that work on proly- . Laurence Harbor, was punet w building program for the Mr. Haseman and the other shift at their plants and this township clerk, confirmed yes- jects like the Garden State on file in the Middlesex Coun- First Presbyterian Church, Ma- tt, as well as two smaller Expand In Matawan half to the owner on the other marie it easier to get coverage terday. Parkway was never held up be- ty Clerk's office Thursday of- tawnn, will open today accord- tracts within borough limits. side. This appeared to satisfy tlie area' at all hours. The statement Riven out by cause of lack of rain. ficially designating him as Re-ing to George H. Ritter, gen- Commission Members Terriers Given Dinner Mr. Haseman and the ordinance The commission, at present was passed on final reading. The VFW members also re the officers is: "The member- Knginccr Explains publican nominee for the office eral campaign chairman. The By Mothers Last Night; mimitii Mayor John Mar?., jr. ship of the Matawan Township Mr. Seaman explained there of collector in Madison Town- campaign proper opens follow- is composed of Anthony Nuc- The council received a letter that if they could pet title to Police Department has agreed are two kinds of road gravel, ship in tlie Nov.
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