of the subtropical region of South Ameri- beyond the instrumental record, as well del Puerto, L, García-Rodríguez, F., Inda H., Bracco, R., Castiñeira, C., J.B. and Adams, J.B., 2006: Paleolimnological evidence of Holocene ca (i.e., the transition between the tropics as to design new strategies for the sus- paleoclimatic changes in Lake Blanca, southern Uruguay, Journal and the extra tropics) in deciphering the tainable development of ecosystems and of Paleolimnology, 36: 151-163. forcing factors of past changes in atmo- natural resources. García-Rodríguez, F., 2006: Inferring paleosalinity changes using the chrysophyte cyst to diatom ratio in coastal shallow temperate/ spheric circulation. Both Argentinean and subtropical lagoons influenced by sea level changes, Journal of Uruguayan Holocene paleolimnologi- Acknowledgements Paleolimnology, 36,165-173. PEDECIBA, SNI-ANII and CSIC-Program Piovano, E., Ariztegui, D., Bernasconi, S.M. and McKenzie, J.A., 2004: cal records indicate similar paleoclimatic Stable isotopic record of hydrological changes in subtropical trends, i.e. dominant dry conditions were “Contratación de investigadores provenientes Laguna Mar Chiquita (Argentina) over the last 230 years, The del exterior” (Uruguay) are thanked for finan- observed during cold phases, whereas Holocene, 14(4): 525-535. cial support. Part of this study was supported Piovano, E.L., Ariztegui, D., Córdoba, F., Cioccale, M. and Sylvestre, F., wet conditions prevailed during warm by Argentina through funding of CONICET (PIP 2009: Hydrological variability in South America below the Tropic climatic phases. To our knowledge, this is 5947; PIP 112-200801-00808), FONCYT (PICT Nº of Capricorn (Pampas and Patagonia, Argentina) during the last 13.0 In: Vimeux, F. et al., (Eds.), Past climate variability in South the first attempt to integrate paleoclimatic 25594 and PICT 2006-00625) and SECyT (UNC). America and Surrounding regions: From the Last Glacial Maximum data for the whole Pampean region. In ad- to the Holocene, Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series (DPER), pp 323-351, dition, our results underscore the need to References reinforce paleoclimate research at mid-lat- Bracco, R., Inda, H., del Puerto, L., Castiñeira, C, Sprechmann, P. and García-Rodríguez, F., 2005: Relationships between Holocene For full references please consult: itudes in South America, in an attempt to sea level variation, trophic development and climate change in www.pages-igbp.org/products/newsletters/ref2009_3.html Highlights: Paleolimnology Science fully appreciate natural climate variability Negra Lagoon, southern Uruguay, Journal of Paleolimnology, 33: 252-262. Results of recent sediment drilling activities in deep crater lakes ReinhaRd Pienitz1, m. melleS2 and B. zolitSchka3 1Aquatic Paleoecology Laboratory, Centre for Northern Studies, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada; [email protected] 2Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne, Germany; [email protected] 3GEOPOLAR, Institute of Geography, University of Bremen, Germany; [email protected] Long terrestrial sediment records from deep crater lakes reveal precious paleoclimate archives. Since the beginning of concerted efforts resulted in a composite sediment length icdp/front_content.php?idcat=722, or by to extract long continental paleoclimate of 107 m, potentially representing a la- contacting Bernd Zolitschka. archives from lacustrine sediment records custrine archive of southern hemispheric (see Leroy and Williams, 1996; Ariztegui, environmental change of the past ca. 80 Pingualuit Crater Lake 1999), the terrestrial paleoclimate com- ka. Core sections and sediments are now Pingualuit Crater Lake (61˚17’N, 73˚41’W; munity has made substantial progress in stored and archived in the GEOPOLAR 520 m asl, diameter 3.4 km, cover photo) providing precious paleoclimatic infor- lake core repository at the University of resulted from a meteoritic impact that oc- mation from a number of sites in both Bremen. Various non-destructive analyses curred ca. 1.4 million years ago. Due to its hemispheres. Here we report on the latest (multi-sensor core logger, digital photog- unique bowl-shaped morphometry (270 achievements and progress made in three raphy and radiography, reflectance pho- m deep, almost perfectly circular), the lake of these projects that concern large and tospectrometry, magnetic susceptibility, bottom should have escaped glacial ero- deep crater lakes. XRF scanning) are almost complete while sion. Based on a single punctual seismic sub-sampling of the cores is underway for survey, the uppermost 8.5 m of sediments Laguna Potrok Aike analyses of biotic and abiotic proxies (pol- were recovered (overall length of all sedi- The Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Ar- len, diatoms, chironomids, stable isotopes, ment sections = 11.2 m) through the ice at chive Drilling Project (PASADO) is a deep rock- and paleomagnetics, geochemistry, a water depth of 260 m by an international lake drilling project sponsored by the In- grain size, mineralogy, pigments, organic team in early May 2007 (Fig. 1b). High-res- ternational Continental Scientific Drilling petrology, microbial activity). Moreover, olution physical (CAT-Scan, Multi Sensor Program (ICDP), as well as the German and radiometric and luminescence dating Core Logger, diffuse spectral reflectance), Swiss National Science Foundations, Natu- techniques and tephrochronology will geochemical (ITRAX core scanner, carbon ral Sciences and Engineering Research be applied to assure the best possible and nitrogen contents, δ13C of the organic Council of Canada, the Swedish Vetens- time control. The analysis of this unique matter), and magnetic (magnetic suscepti- kapsradet, and the University of Bremen Southern Hemisphere sediment record bility, natural, anhysteretic, isothermal and (Haberzettl et al., 2007). Laguna Potrok will provide insights into lacustrine eco- saturation isothermal remanent magneti- Aike (51˚59.0’ S, 70˚21.0’ W; 113 m asl, di- system response to climate forcing since zations) analyses were performed. Two ameter 3.5 km, water depth 100 m; Fig. 1a) the onset of the last glacial, and will allow main lithofacies were clearly identified by is a late Quaternary volcanic crater lake correlation of this record with marine and the different measurements, which likely in southern Patagonia (Argentina). From Antarctic counterparts to detect land- represent successive interglacial-glacial September through November 2008, sedi- ocean-cryosphere-atmosphere interac- cycles. Most of the sediment consists of ment cores were retrieved by an interna- tions. Information on the latest progress light grey silts containing several angular tional team from all funding countries and of this research project can be found at rock fragments, characterized by very low the United States using the GLAD800 drill http://www.pasado.uni-bremen.de or organic carbon content, relatively high rig. A total of 513 m of sediments were re- http://www.icdp-online.org/contenido/ density and magnetic susceptibility, and covered from two sites in seven holes and therefore suggesting deposition during 117 PAGES news • Vol 17 • No 3 • October 2009 Figure 1: a) Laguna Potrok Aike in southern Patagonia (Argentina) (photo: Reinhard Pienitz, Université Laval); b) Coring of Pingualuit Crater Lake sediments in early May 2007 (photo: Veli-Pekka Salonen, University of Helsinki); c) Aerial view of the drilling platform on Lake El´gygytgyn in April 2009 (photo: Kristina Brady, LacCore, Minneapolis). glacial conditions. Interbedded between artificially strengthened to support the Their investigation will enhance our un- this facies are at least two, decimeter- 75-ton drilling platform (Fig. 1c). This “Rus- derstanding of the impact and shock Science Highlights: Paleolimnology Highlights: Paleolimnology Science thick, organic-rich and finely laminated sian GLAD 800“ was developed and oper- effects on such rocks, which has implica- intervals likely representing ice-free pe- ated by DOSECC and was permanently tions for comparative planetology. In addi- riods. This is supported by the presence imported into Russia, where it will be avail- tion to lake drilling, a 142 m drill core was of fossil pollen, diatoms, chrysophytes, able at no cost for the next five years for retrieved from the permafrost deposits and chironomid head capsules, as well as scientific drilling projects financed by the at the western shore of Lake El’gygytgyn. high biogenic silica content (up to 20%) major funding agencies of the El’gygytgyn The core contains coarse-grained, ice-rich in sediments from these two intervals. In Drilling Project: ICDP, the US National Sci- alluvial fan and near-shore lake deposits. addition, preliminary Infrared Stimulated ence Foundation, and the German Fed- Their investigation will provide informa- Luminescence (IRSL) dating indicates that eral Ministry for Education and Research, tion on the permafrost history and lake- the upper organic-rich layer has an age with additional financial contributions by level changes, both of which may have coeval with the last interglacial (Marine the Russian Academy of Sciences and the influenced the sedimentation in the lake Isotope Stage 5, MIS 5), while the age of Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and center. After drilling, the permafrost bore- the lower organic-rich layer is consistent Research. The project completed three hole was permanently instrumented with with an older interglacial, likely MIS 7. holes in the center
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