THE THE;-BOON-TOR KLY ''BULLETIN OAri'lBON. '•'.HIM VOLUME TWENTY-NINE NUMBER EIGHT THOMAS H. TRENHOLM, Editor BQOMTON.N.J.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1023 CHARLES L. GRUBB. Aseo. Editor SINGLE COPIES THREE CENT3 Elks Plan Annual , "Out of courtesy to the Ameri- Large Crowds at "A Hallow E'en" subject for can Legion, and. in appreciation Dover Overwhelms of the service of the American Wednesday night." .Mro'Haina Minstrel Show Soldier rendered the World in Revival Meetings the great War, the Hains Even- will speak on the question: "Can Boonton High gelistic Campaign will NOT Promises to Surpass All Other conduct any meeting Monday Mr. Hains Expressed Delight the Dead Communicate With the night, November 12th." Dover T&kes Another Step Events of Its ^ at t^e aize of His Uving7" Toward the State r Kind. .: Audience. , Championship. NEW NIGHT SCHOOL TEACHEK COMMUNICATION What . promises to surpass any Hains Evangelistic Campaign now Minus the valuable assistance of minstrel show' that has ever been At a meeting of the Boonton Board in full swing. The. old Methodist As a Voter Sees the Candidacy of two of the regular backfield stars, held in the Town of- Boonton will of Education held on Friday' evening Church was crowded to its capacity E. B. Mott for County Clerk. Fraser and Draper, Boonton High • be the third annual frolic to be last in the Lathrop . avenue School, Sunday night to welcome Edmont | was decisively beaten by Dover, 32 . given by Boonton Lodge No. 1405, there was a discussion over the fact Hains. Preceding the main meeting Because of his willingness to help that a number of young men who are a well-attended and enthusiastic pray- to 0.' The game was far from one- • B. P. O. Elks, to be held in the others, and partly by his long service sided, however, and the defeat suffer- Darress Theatre on Monday and employed -on .working papers failing er meeting was held in .the Lecture in the office of County Clerk, E. Ber- to attend- the continuation school as Room under the leadership of Rev. red was not as bad aa the advance Tuesday evenings, November 26th provided for in their papers and it tram Mott probably has one of the arid 27th. Exalted Ruler Elmer W. McCain. By the time the people of largest number of acquaintances and dope had said U would be. Boonton was claimed they were attending the the prayer meeting came up stairs to High went In and forgot they were Romine has appointed ^his -general movies instead of going'to school. The the main auditorium the auditorium personal friends of any man in Mor- committee and the various sub- matter had been taken up with the ris Co. He began at the. bottom of playing one of the contenders for the was well filled. Mr. Newton was State championship. How hard they committees to handle all the neces- employers, of these young, men who leading the congregation in song'when the ladder learning all the details of sary details for. the big minstrel have promised to co-operate Avith the Mr. Hains arrived in the Main Audit; the office of County Clerk to which fought is witnessed by the number of show. Dr. Summers will get to- Board.' orium, Mr. Hains then called for the he was later elected and which he injuries received by Dover, due to the gether an array of talent'full of The local Board of Education, pcopje to praise God by singing the hs_ filled in the most capable and fierce tackling of the Boonton line. life, jollity and pep. The chorus upon recommendation of Supervising Doxology. The walls of the church businc33 lige' manner for a number lion, Guise, Howell and Parker, tho I will be up to the minute and the (Principal Albert S- Davis, authorized rang with praise. Then Mr. Hains of years; in the duties of the office best backfield Dover has ever posses- songs and jokes that will be put him to.add another teacher to the opened the campaign with,prayer, fol- that the State official who examines sed, spell the cause of Boonton's de- over will prove a sure cure for the night school faculty. The school'now lowed by Rev. McCain and Rev. Foun- into County, affairs, has reported the feat. Howell ripped off brilliant line blues. ... has an enrolment of seventy-eight, of tain. The people were then seated plunges, caught nifty forwards and office of the Clerk of Morris County performed ' various, _ stupendous whom for£y are in the Americaniza- and sang lustily "All Hail the Power as 100 per cent efficient. tion class. The board voted to pay of.Je^us Name." ichievements in thej&Falm of the'pig- The two former shows given by ikin not .the least oFwhich were two the local Elks were the talk of the part of the expenses of each teacher Every man or woman, who buys who attends the session of the State Mr.,Hains expressed delight at the property knows that it is absolutely ;nd runs of sixty and forty yards' town for a long time after they High ^School Association in New size of the congregation. He said respectively. were over, and it goes without sayT that he never began a campaign in necessary that the deed for it must Brunswick next .Saturday. bo properly recorded in order to make In-the second half Dover played ing that those who were fortunate any town where the preparatory work - EDMONT HAINES jtraight football and in this mode of enough to witness them will be on Mr. Davis also reported that there was so nearly perfect. He praised the the title good. play Hon and Slater starred. Hon by hand to sec the third edition, with are now 122 pupils in the high school Ministers for their efforts and results ALL ELITES LOSE During the years Mr. Mott has been his plunging and mixing of attack, many added recruits. Tickets will from out of town, producing a revenue already gained. He expressed delight Personals TO VON A. C. County Clerk hardly a single material and Slater through his educated toe. be on sale by members of the lodge of $12,200. In the grades there were at the Bize of. the choir, and called for error in recording has been made and The Boonton line repelled for a time twenty-six, at §75 a year. On recom- a still larger one. In response to this The * All-Elites of Boonton' .* keptall business inquired, received prompt within the next day .or two. • Mr. Miss Harriet Davis, v,of Now the fierce attack of the reinforced Aaron Baach, is chairman "of the mendation of the finance committee it call the choir doubled at the close of 2,500 people in a constant uproar and courteous attention. Dover line, but the fierce drive of the was voted that insurance amounting the meeting. ... Haven, (Conn.) Normal'School, spent Sunday afternoon when\*_^hey dis- Don't the people of Morris County committee on tickets and is ably e backfield and the concentrated lind to $330,000 on the schools and equip- the week-end with her father,, Mr. played the fiercest sort of retaliation think it far better to continue to be assisted by a bunch of "live wires." ment be taken out for five years, when Mr. HaitiB expressed, his .apprecia- tlnrry.A. D&vis,' of Myrtle avenue. plunges slowly mowed down the 16cal tion for the Boonton Times. He sayB to the destructive line :plungtag of sure of the correct recording of their stars. ' BOY OUT OF REFOMATORY - the policies, are made out to the sat- Mr. Clark' Grubb, ot Neyark, vis- the monster backs of the Dover team; property by a man who hns shown his that it is not often that a newspaper ited Boonton relatives, ^ert, the Boonton, as usual, showed Its fa- WILL RETURN isfaction of the board. It is expected ;; : v Although badly battered in body and worth, and ability, rather than to to be settled finally in November. is interested enough to give an Evan- week-end. .'• ;v '~.\"!',$H£• ' mous fighting: spirit and played its gelist an Editorial, «uch as the Boon- spirit the boys emerged whole from take any chances on another man with usual plugging game.- "Buck" Ra- Just recently released from the , Mr. -and* Mrs.' W. .Rusgp' Prall the first quarter and with the score little or no knowledge of the technical Mr. Davis stated that an Armistice ton Times gave Mr. Hains. He ex- and children, of MontcTair,"Bpent the chelle, the .versatile Soph., played a * State Home for Boys at Jamesburg, Day program is being arranged for on pressed his appreciation also for the standing a scoreless tie. They had and important work of. this .office. ,- James LaRose, of Boonton, was.re- week-end with bis parents) Mr. and accomplished this seemingly impos- smashing game at left half. On the the morning of November 9, to which space that the Boonton Times had Mrs. W. R. Prali, of Cornelia street. The office is not a political one and first play of the game he tore • * committed to that home until he ia the public is invited. The action of given the campaign in their. Friday nible feat against a team which aver- while, Mr. Mott (as all good citizens through the line for twenty yards and sixteen years of age, after which he Miss Alice Fanning, of Pine, street, ages 183 pounds. -. • . Mr. Davis in engaging Mrs.
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