THE BEKMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER. Vol. LXXXVI-No 21. HAMILTON, BERMUDA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1913. SINGLE COPY, 3d.—20s. PER AKRUM NEW YANKEES MANAGER IN The Antarctic Expe­ MEXICAN REVOLUTION 1 BERMUDA. dition. THE ROVAL GAZETTE Co., Limited. CHANCE AND PARTY AT THE Trace Concluded and Broken BRUNSWICK. London, Feb. 15.—In a despatch MADERS WILL NOT RESIGN. Pitchers and Mayers to Follow This from Christ Church, Commander Evans Week. narrates tte adventure of tte Northern SPECIAL ANMOIHCEMENT. and Western parties of the Scott Expe­ dition showing (hat ttey underwent Mexko Cky, Feb. 16.—Hostilities .Amongst tte arrivals on the Arcadian were resumed with fierceness in the on Monday were Mr. Frank Chance, many perils and hardships. Commander Evans says that Lieut. Campbell and Mexican capital to-day after a truce manager of the New York Americans, which lasted only a few hours. An together wkh Business Manager Irwin, his party were always under tte impres­ sion that tte Terra Nova had picked armistice signed at two o'clock on Sun­ Roy HartzaH, his utility infielder; day morning by tte representative of TfifE ROYAL GAZETTE COMPANY, LIMITED, beg to announce to PhU Schenk, tte ground keeper, and Capt. Scott and lus comrades up. Both parties were engaged in scientific both sides agreeing to suspend opera­ their patrons and the public generally that from Saturday, March 1st, 1913, the club's high salaried cook for the tions for twenty-four hours was broken scene of action at Hamilton. The play­ research. They found fossils tending thc following rates for subscriptions and occasional advertisements will ge I to prove that South America and Aus- before noon. Soon tte sound of heavy ers ordered to .sail thfe week are as cannonading announced the return trf into operation:— follows: I tralia were one time connected through ] tte Antarctic Continent and that twke tte Federal troops to their positions in Catchers Ed. Sweeney and Charley j during the history of tte world tte front of tte arsenal. The President Stsrertt, Pitchers Russell Ford Ray I Antarctic had a temperate climate. this morning reiterated his refusal to Yearly Subscription .£1 0 0 Keating, Jack Warhop, Ray Fisher, I Tte various parties made valuable comply with tte .Senators that te re­ Half-yearly Subscriptions 10 0 George Davis, and George Mc Connell. I sckntific observations and collections sign. He decl-ared that te still was Nal Chase and Trainer Charles Bar­ ] of fossils and other specimens and even able to dominate and that given time Quarterly Subscriptions 5 0 rett wffl have charge of this party on I tte southern party which lacks a geo- he would crush the Rebel forcss. Gen­ board ship. The other men will depart j logist made collections with excellent eral Diaz had not shown himself to be on March I. Sweeney will come here I judgment. Commander Evans de- greatly in favour of tte armistice but These rates include postage and delivery, and if prepaid will be from Chicagb, Sterrett from Princeton, I clares that it was humanly impossible consented to it out of respect for tte Subject to the following discounts:— N.J., McConncll from Anderson, S.C., for the base parties to save Capt Scott efforts of tte American Ambassador Ford from Denver, Col., Davis from aud his comrades according to a des­ and the Ministers of tte Powers to Lancaster, N.Y., Fisher from Middles- patch to the Daily Mail, which adds bring about a cessation of hostilities boro, Vt., Warhop from Freeport. III., that Surgeon Atkinson alone examined until the foreigners aad other non-com­ Yearly Subscriptions 10 per cent. and Keating from Bridgeport, Conn. tte bodies and performed tte last batants still within tte zone of tte fight­ Half-yearly " 71 " Tte only palyers still unsigned are Ray rites. The others were obliged to ing could be removed to a poskion of Caldwell and Catcher \Villiams, but I withdraw from the tent. Commander comparative safety. Tte American Quarterly •* 5 " ttey will te in line in a few days. [ Evans is also quoted as denying the Ambassador and the German Minfeter Chance and party are staying at tte 1 reports of dissension among ttemembers called on tte President and on General New Brunswick. I of tte expedition or that tte supporting Huerta and asked that tte military dis­ Chance is anxious to have his j.itchers parties tampered with the fuel. He positions of tte Government fordces work out before tte other players so j said that Captain Scott forbade search- should be so arranged as to render un­ SINGLE COPIES Ud. EACH. that they can strengthen ttek legs as I ing parties to leave the ba.se to seek him. necessary the firing over the residential well as thek arms. I Some of the members of tte expedition qu.artcr, that a free zone be fixed, and said tb txpect Ihat a searching enquiry will that the Government unite with tte "It is usually tte cast Americancommittee in I he establishment ADVERTISING RATES.—Special quotations, for contract advertising manager, that pitchers 3aign of untruthful result from the cam of centres for the distribution of food about thek legs during spring to the poor. This had akeady been covering a period of three months or longer, on application. training season. I have ruirot:rs which is hi mg carried on. led to Christ Church, N. Z., Fob. 15.—Corn- agreed by General Diaz provisionally. Occasional advertisements, limited space: leave here oa Saturday because the I There is little actual suffering from lack time is hanging heavily on my hands. I mander Evans wher questioned yester- day a-, to :he suggvs ion that the bodies of food or shelter within the city but Work gets more resul.s than talk antl I there is a vast amount of discomfort I mean to get out on thc field. of Capt. Scott and I is comrades should Minimum rate, 1st insertion, 2s. bd. be recovered said " The best people to and great danger to those who remain. 2nd " 2s. 6d. "As I said before I am curious to I judge ere those who served under Capt. find out how my legs will tehave wten j •?cott. Had we tee 1 in the same place Mexico City, Feb. 15.—Tte Rebel I tegin playing again and there's noth­ a^ the vicums we si iould have wished guns in tte Arsenal have teen in spas­ Continuations after 2nd insertion subject to discount of 33-. per cent. ing like finding it out as quicklv as pos­ our bodies to remai modic action during the greater part sible. If I feel sure of myself I "will take j of tte night occasionally developing had given our best ei oris in a cause we possession of the first base so earnestly believe* a very galling fire which provoked a Notices of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 2s. each. will put Chase on second ft; 1 lo vigorous reply from the Federal artil­ perimenL But if I can't j nnstlf lery. Tlie incessaat bombardment of Domestic Help advertisements, Is. each. Chase will be a fixture at fii 'ba se and tte National Palace and other Federa i I must then build up tte of thc ARCTIC \ATROl. positions and tte fierce reply of tte infield around him. Federals are construed as an indication By order of the Directors. pitcher that the President has not resigned. "Wa must have all of out Lt r.clon , Feb. 15..—Tt e Board of fine trim wten the season begins Trade announces that the whaling ship It is thought that this report of hfe re­ JOHN F. EVE, Manager. cause that means a lot to any ball club. Sco'.ia formerly emplloyei d in the Sed­ tirement from office has been nothing If you can keep the enemy from hitting tish Antarctic Expei ition has b?en en- niore than a strategical move on tte 1st February, 1913 -279tieL 1 mth. 'sart of the Rebels. Tho hostile forces and making un six lo> tn gaged to patrol tht ice mrkns in the yourself. I ;nd to pUching Xorth Atlantic for ; Seed each otter this morning in^rkieml- o: y tte same positions in tte centre of tte material ear o that I will ave five f yir g wireless stavio on American t who r_n take Mexican capital as they have held all or six regular workmi coast and steamers of the location of THE ..U.S.* PARCELS POST. gSRnEraiSara.3ikR=ri§Sa^ ttek turns atl s.-ason. Pract ; makes icebergs and of sim through tte week of fierce street fight­ lar dangers. This ing. The Thkd Secretary of the Amer­ perfect and tte more 1 pitc r works is in accordance wi h tte negotiations on! providing ican Embassy, Mr. Henry Tennant, Th:- I ui ted »States tes just started the more effective he bt recently entered in o by the British a Parcels Post, and the Postmaster- m of course he has tte g< ("overn ment and t accompanied by a messenger in an auto- ie North Atlantk moblie last night, was stopped in the General posted the first parcel. The S.S. Lines. The So tia will te eqipped American papers are getting some fun with a powerful vi street and robbed. You will want rekss installation. out of the new scheme, as ttese quota­ Ste will leave Dund •e at an early date. New York, Feb. 15.—Special des­ tions show:— FIRE ALARMS FOR BERMUDA. patches received here from Mexko City early thfe morning report that tte Fed­ Our informal ion" is thai about 89,977 m An Important Subject For All of erals were making a midnight attack men received tte first package sent by s THE "LADY OF THE LAMP." parcel post.
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