RARITAR TOWNSHIP MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN: NEWSPAPER LARGEST - \ • IN- ..;; GUARANTEED THIS AJREA • ; CIRCULATION The Voice of the Raritan Bay\ District" VOL. V.—No. 25 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS RARITAN APPROVES 4Miss America' Drops In. For Tea FORDS LIONS' CLUB PAIGNS NEW TAVERN HOURS . PICNIC NEW RELIEF RESUMESJESS10NS UNION FIGHT LOW Saloons May Now Open LOW STRUCK Tribute Paid To Late Dr. TO BE AIRED . From 7 A. M.to 3 The ATTRACT Miller At Opening Next Morning IN RARITAN Meeting Tuesday BYRECORDER RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The BIG THRONG .FORDS—The Fords Lions Club Board of Commissioners of Rar- resumed its regular semi-monthly Republicans Show Scatter- itan Township, in regular session Case Total Is Smallest In dinner meetings Tuesday evening Fords Factory Employe! Tuesday night, adopted on final 1,000 Expected Sunday At at Thomsen's community hall in ed Signs Of Lile But reading an ordinance providing Years, Commissioner New Brunswick Avenue, following Resent Efforts To Or- that taverns in the township re- Fords Men's Club Out- the summer recess during July main open daily from 7 A. M., to Troger Declares and August. R. L. Predmoxe, elect- ganize Them, Is Claim * Foes Still Sleep ed president in June/presided at 3 A. M., and Sundays from noon ing At Varady's the session. until 3 A. M. A moment of silence was observ- WILLKIE'S CANDIDACY • According to Township Clerk 480 PERSONS ~ON ROLL ed out of respect for the late Dr. OUT-OF-TOWN PICKETS Wilfred R. Woodward, the ex- HENDRICKSQN SLATED Theodore Miller, a member of the GETS BRISK SUPPORT tended hours will go into effect ten I •T'rv UJ? MAIM SEPTEMBER 1,. HE SAYS club, who died last week. ACCUSED OF ASSAULT days after publication of the or- TO BE MAIN Howard W. Sharp, "chairman of dinance today. the organization's eyeglass com- Lethargy Locally, Laid To - The amendment to the local or- Private Employment, Work mittee, announced that a pair of Owner Declares No Strike dinance was submitted to the State Softball Game Is Among glasses had been obtained for a Fact G. 0. P. Cannot ;• Alcoholic Beverage Control Com- Relief Responsible For needy case during the summer re- Exists; Alleges Arm mission for approval. The ap- Features Of Program cess. Letters of thanks were author- proval was granted. Decrease In Load Broken In Fracas Lose Town Control .• . Of Sports Events ized ^to be forwarded to Joseph The new ruling also provides RARITAN TOWNSHIP— Com- Bacskay, Jr., of the Fords Coal FORDS — Pickets, employes for taverns to remain open 24 missioner Henry Troger, Jr., di- Company, and Dr. Axel Nelsen for FORDS — Although the gen- FORDS—Nearly 1,000 persons hours on New Year's Day, except rector of public affairs and chair- their cooperation in assisting the and employers at the Mold- are expected to attend the fourth eral election is less than tw.p when, that holiday falls on a Sun- man of the township's relief bu- Boy Scouts of Troop 2 to prepare ed Fashion ,Co., of 2 Grace Street, months away, and it ias presiden- day, in which case establishments annual picnic of the Fords Men's reau, told members of the Town- for their annual camping trip. Fords, will appear at the local po- Daniel Sandojff, of Beech Street, tial year, there are very few signs must close from 5 A. M., until Republican Club at Varady's ship Commission Tuesday night lice court before Recorder Arthur of, political activity in Woodbridge noon. Grove, upper Ford Avenue, this that relief cases in the munici- was proposed for membership in the club. Brown today to give the court an Township, a community, which; as No objections were heard at the .place, Sunday afternoon, Sep- pality reached the lowest ebb in years Tor the month of August. He , President Predmore appointed opportunity to attempt to untangle a rule, takes its politics seriously. public hearing on the ordinance tember 15. Anthony Aquila and Committee- reported 480 persons on relief a mass of charges and counter- which was solicited by the licensed man Charles J. Alexander to pre- Outside of a few "Wilikie for The affair will get under way rolls on September 1. charges, the outgrowth of union beverage association of the town- pare a program for the September President" buttons seen in and at noon, rain or shine, and will ship. According to Commissioner 24 meeting. activities. around the town hall there is no be attended by Senator Robert C. Hendrickson, Republican guber- Troger, the total on relief drop- The group decided to place a The Molded Fashions Co., manu- sign of the usual debate between natorial candidate, and county and ped 26 persons during the month. team in the Middlesex County facturers of ladies' coats, has been Lions Bowling League again this candidates as in previous years. ocal candidates. The decline started early this year. in business in the Township for the ANNUAL PIG ROAST The report submitted by the com- season. In case you may have forgotten Final arrangements were com- past three years, employing 30 op- there is a Township Committee missioner was prepared by Wil- pleted at a meeting of the or- liam H. Oltman, township relief erators. The employes do not be- election in November, too But ON CLUBCALENDAR ganization held Wednesday night administrator. long to a union and as fax as could lack of interest may be caused by ,in the New Brunswick Avenue DUDASH IS CHOSEN Private employment and the be determined, none of them are American-Hungarian Dem- headquarters. Wilson Johnson is the fact that the balance of power, work for relief program of the on strike at the present time. general chairman. now in the hands of the Republi- ocratic Unit To Sponsor .1 township is believed to have conr FIRECO. TREASURER The pickets, all out of town resi- cans, will not change regardless,of Joseph Ma£usz is chairman of tributed largely toward the de- dents and not employes of the Event Sunday the sports committee, assisted by the outcome of the Township'Com- Staff Photo by Vecsey. crease. Named To Post By Raritan Township factory, say they are Nicholas Elko. One of the fea- mittee race. FORDS The American-Hun- Cost of relief administration representatives of the Garment tures will be a softball game be- Miss Frances M. Burke Unit Succeeding Lako; John Bergen, first ward and garian Democratic Union of Fords, during- August amounted to ~$3,- Workers' Union and have been tween the Old Timers Club of Charles Alexander, second wardj 357.68. This figure is more than sent here to organize the local Keasbey and Hopelawn will spon- Iselin and a team made up of .: Social Is Planned both Democrats and Samuel Far- ,000 below the general average shop. They charge that Joseph. sor its second annual Hungarian •employes of the Township Road CLARA BARTOiN — Arrange- i rell, third ward, Republican, are Our 'Photographer's Still Talking during the past few years. Rothman, .owner of the sliop-, ia* seeking re-elections. pig roast at Fords Park this Sun- Department. ments for a game social to be held manufacturing goods fox a concern ~ Andrew Aaroe, Republican, will day. : ...,-.-..-' Prizes will be awarded for vari- Thursday evening, September 19, To Himself- And Ifs No •.W§mder! that is on strike. try his luck again in the first ward Louis Halisky, chairman of the ous athletic events during the af- at the^ Amboy Avenue firehouse, SLIGHT INCREASES were completed at a meeting of as will Frank Wukovets', Demo- committee in charee. announces a ternoon. Free dancing will also Owner Claims Injuries ' Raritan Engine Company No. 2 crat, in the third. Aaroe was de- be featured on the day's program. 'Miss America' Stopped In Town For Lunch And She's varied program of athletic events Monday night. In the meantime, several 'blows feated by Conrniitteeman Bergen have been struck. Yesterday morn- and entertainment. Other committees include kitch- A Dish You're Not Apt To Forget Any Time Soon!, NOTED IN SCHOOLS The resignation of John Lako, two years ago and Wukovets bow- .—.— • . | ing, after Captain John Egan and - Halisky is being assisted by Mi- en committee, Harvey Wissing, treasurer of the company, due to ed to Committeeman Rankin last Detective Sergeant George Balint chael Boross, Stephi'ji Horvath, chairman, Herbert Cline, William AVENEL-^'Taint often us photographers get extra- business matters, was accepted "by fall. • • Enrollment On Fourth Day left the scene, JAothman alleges he George Balogh, John Ava Maria, Larson, Frank Kaminsky, Elmer the organization. Joseph Dudash swellegent assignments. But, Wednesday afternoon we was attacked by the pickets and Fetter Newcomer Frank Kalman, Louis Nagy, An- 1,784 Compared With was elected to fill the vacancy. Anderson, John Peterson and got. one. It was a honey, too! Imagine posing "Miss claims he has a fracture of the Isft The newcomer in the field,is:Le- drew Nikovits, John Ludas, Dan Wesley Christensen. Dudash, who is also foreman of Roy Fetter, of Iselin, who will seek Hegedus, Alex Kondas. Michael Pe- "1,775 Last Year arm. - % Refreshment committee, Charles America" of 1940, winner of Atlantic City's annual beauty the department, reported that a to wrest the seat fromCommittee-, tersak, Vincent Balogh, Stephen , RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Super- Both the girls employed in the Fritz, chairman, Harry Anderson, pageant, for a picture! Ain't you all jealous? hydrant at Saffron Avenue and man Alexander in the second ward. Balogh, Andrew Roman, Charles intendent of Schools Fred A. Tal- King George's Road lacks sufficient shop, and the pickets, insiat they Chris Lehman, Fred Christensen What little activity there has Morocy, Michael Sirko, Kalman Frances Marie Burke (she told us to call her bot told members of the township water pressure.
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