Post-Sveconorwegian exhumation and cooling history of the Evje area, southern Setesdal, Central South Norway KIRSTEN HANSEN, SVEND PEDERSEN, HENRIK FOUGT& PETER STOCKMARR Hansen , K., Pedersen, S., Fougt, H. & Stockmarr, P. 1996: Post-Sveconorwegian exhumation and cooling history of th e Evje area, southern Setesdal, Centra l South Nor way. Nor.geol. unders. Bull. 43 1, 49-S8. Fission track (Fl) dating of apatite and sphene from mon zoniti c dyke rock s in a M iddle to Late Proterozic intrusion from the Sete sdal region, southe rn Norway, ind icates coo ling fro m intru sion tem peratures to tem peratures of the surroundi ng s of ap proximate ly 250°C bef ore 800-600 Ma. Fluid incl usion stud ies suggest th e crusta l de pth to have bee n in th e or de r of 4-5 km at the time. Apati te FT result s indi cate th at during th e Palaeozoic th e rock s w hich now occ ur in the southern Sete sdal regi on were subjec ted to heating above th e closi ng temperature of apat it e. Apatite FT-length di stribution s and fi ssion track ages of nearly 300 Ma indicate that th e regi on had been buried t o a depth of more th an c. 4 km before th is tim e. Kirsten Hansen and Svend Pedersen, Geologisk lnstitut, 0 sterVoldgade 10, DK-1350CopenhagenK, Denmark; Henrik Fougt, GEUS, Thoravej8, DK-2400Copenhagen NV, Denmark Peter Stockman, Carl BroAnlceg as, Granskoven8, DK-2600Glostrup, Denmark. Introduction dominantly acidic but with basic components associated with plutonic rocks and interlayered immat ure sediments The Precambrian rocks of the Telemark-Agder-Rogaland (Pedersen & Konnerup-Madsen 1994a,b). area of southern Norway were formed during the Middle During the last part of the Sveconorwegian Orogeny, Proterozoic and the geological picture which appears rocks belonging to the Setesdal Igneous Province today is a result of deformation processes during the (Pedersen 1988) were emplaced into a heated crust. The Sveconorwegian/Grenvillian Orogeny (see, for instance, Setesdallgneous Province is divided into an older group Berthelsen 1980). The effects of Caledonian deformation consisting of a complex of granodioritic and dioritic have not been documented within Central South rocks, and a younger group which includes a series of Norway. The Precambrian evolution was followed by the complicated minor and generally bimodal (granit ic/mon­ formation of a sub-Cambrian peneplain which was cove­ zonitic) subvolcanic rock complexes (Pedersen & red by Lower Cambrian continental and shallow-marine Konnerup-Madsen 1994a). Minor bodies of granitic and sediments up to the Caledonian Front (e.g. Oftedahl monzonitic composition occur throughout the area sug­ 1980). The sedimentary record from both within and out­ gesting that additional bimodal bodies may be present side the Oslo Rift indicates that sedimentation continued below the present-day surface. Associated with the bimo­ into the Permian; and a sub-Permian peneplain was for ­ dal rock bodies are the famous Iveland-Evje rare mineral med in the Oslo Rift representing a major phase of erosi­ bearing pegmatites (Bjerlykke 1934, Barth 1947, Fougt on of older sedimentary rocks (sandstones, limestones, 1993, Stockmarr 1994.). shales and phyll ites). Bjerlykke (1983) suggested on the The present study includes a number of fission track basis of sedimentation features and sea-level changes (FT) age determinations on apatite and sphene from that basinal subsidence occurred in the Oslo region in monzonites from one of the bimodal complexes, the Cambro -Silurian time. Hevrinqsvatn Complex (Fig. 1), w hich belongs to the In the southern Setesdal area, which is considered younger group of magmatic rocks within the Setesdal here, pre-Sveconorwegian rocks include supracrustals Igneous Province. The geology of the Hevrlnqsvatn and granitic to granodioritic intrusions with an assumed Complex has been stud ied by Pedersen (1975, 1980) who maximum age of 1350 Ma based on Rb/Sr whole-rock also carried out age determinations on the rocks. Rb/Sr analyses (Pedersen 1980). This age has recently been w hole-rock age studies yielded ages in the order of 900 to reconsidered by Pedersen & Konnerup-Madsen (1994a,b) 950 Ma (Pedersen 1980). and a more realistic age of 1290 Ma has been calculated. Reliable ages greater than 1290 Ma in the Telemark­ Agder-Rogaland area are rare although higher ages have The investigated area been obtained on zircons and baddeleyites from Telemark (5. Dahlgren, pers. comm. 1995). The major The Hevrlnqsvatn Complex (Fig. 1) includes rocks of gra­ crust-forming event apparently took place 1150-1100 Ma nitic and monzonitic compositions. The outcrop pattern ago and included the accumulation of volcanic rocks, indicates that the monzonite is situated below the grani- 50 Kirsten Hansen, SvendPedersen, HenrikFouqt & PeterStockmarr GU-BULL 43 , 1996 .' :::I N 1km H0VRINGSVATN COMPLE X ... PEGM ATI E • MONZONITE / // j~~\ GR A ITE OLDER ROC KS ~ PORPHYRIC t:=j GRA OD IORITE ...... " (DEF ORMED ) t<id AMPHIBO Ll E D GNE ISSES Fig. 1. Geological map of the Hovrngsvatn Complex. Sample localitiesare indicated (A= 1095, 8= 1092, C=91585, D= 91594, E=91602). te, and that the present level of erosion is close to the te/granite body. A younger element is that of a horizonta l roof of the int rusion.An important feature of th e system of monzonit ic dykes which is interpreted as for­ Hovringsvatn Complex is the development of cone sheet ming part of a bell-jar structure. Along with the se two systems inclu ding granitic as well as monzonitic sheets. dyke systems, irregul ar minor bodies of monzonite or These cone sheets clearly cross-cut the main monzoni- monzonite associated with granite are abundant . The NGU-BULL43 1,1996 Kirsten Hansen, Svend Pedersen, HenrikFougt& PeterStockmarr 51 youngest rocks belonging to the Hevrinqsvatn Complex tes, and this especially affected the monzonitic dykes and are peqrnatites. These occur in swarms especially in the resulted in very complicated fold patterns. The southern part of the complex. granite/monzonite body as well as the host gneisses, on Rb/Sr whole-rock age determinations by Pedersen the other hand, were defo rmed to only a minor degree. (1980) yielded ages of 945 ± 53 Ma (2a) for the Estimates ofthe PiT conditions from stud ies offluid inclu­ Hevrinqsvatn Comple x granite and 900 ± 53 Ma (Zo) for sions in the pegmatites indicate a minimum temperature the monzonitic cone sheet rocks, respectively. Initial Sr at emplacement of 430° C and a pressure of 1.4 kb. The isotope ratios are 0.7041 ± 0.0007 for the granite and same studies indicate that the lowest temperature in the 0.7040 ± 0.0002 for the monzonitic rocks. Rb/Sr ages on pegmatites during their formation was 280° C (Fougt minerals from two samples of the granite yielded mineral 1993). This also means that the temperature in the host isochron ages of 921 ± 34 Ma (zo) (whole rock - biotite: rock could not have been higher than 280° C at that time. 929 ± 20 Ma (2a )) and 853 ± 28 Ma (zo) (whole rock - bio­ A combination of the fluid inclusion study and KlAr tite: 874 ± 28 Ma (2a)), respectively. A KlAr age on biotite and Rb/Sr age determinations indicates that the crustal from the last sample yielded 856 ± 62 Ma (Pedersen cond itions 850 Ma ago corresponded to a temperature of 1973). This age is in accordance with earlier published 250-280° Cand a depth of around 4-5 km (equal to 1.4 kb) KlAr ages on micas from pegmatites immediately to the (Fougt 1993, Stockmarr 1994). south . A biotite from Haverstad yielded 871 Ma (Neumann 1960) while a muscovite from Iveland gave 847 Ma (Kulp & Neumann 1961). Outside the Fission track (FT) studies Hevrlnqsvatn Complex minor monzonitic and granitic bodies occur. These may belong to the complex or possi­ Previous fission track (FT) studies in southwestern bly to other, subsurface plutonic massifs. Scandinavia Field relationships suggest a rather elevated tempera­ ture and a moderate pressure in the region during the Zeck et al. (1988) reported FT ages from the Fenno­ intrusion of the monzonitic and granitic melts. Within the scandian Shield west of lake Vanern, southern Sweden. Hevrinqsvatn Complex irregular contacts between the Sphenes yielded pre-Caledonian FT ages and apatites intrusive rocks and their host are seen especially when post-Caledonian FTages and skewed FTlength distributi­ the host has an acidic or intermediate composition, whe­ ons. Their data suggest cooling below c. 250° C at c. 680 reas intrusions in rocks with a basic composition exhibit Ma ago and a post-Caledonian burial depth of 3-4 km. more or less rectilinear contacts . Internal contacts (1) bet­ Hansen (1995) recorded similar burial depths from the ween granite and monzonite and (2) between different island of Bornholm, which are due to a blanket of overly­ pulses of monzonite show very intricate structures, some ing sediments of c. 4 km thickness. of which may be primary, i.e. flow-related structures. The evolution of the Oslo Rift has been investigated by These contact relations and the presence of abundant Rohrman et al. (1993, 1994a) employing FT dating analy­ xenocrysts of alkali feldspars and quartz from the granite sis. The ages obtained for the rift flanks and floor yield a in some types of monzonite suggest that the granite was thermal and uplift history related to the rift evolution not quite consolidated when the monzonite intruded. In compared to the surroundings. Rohrman et al. (1994b, a single case, eutectic melting ofthe host - a gneiss with a 1995) investigated the morphotectonic evolution of sout­ granitic composition - during intrusion of a 5 m wide hern Norway and considered the post-Palaeozoic history monzonitic dyke can be demonstrated.
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