Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org tftmee Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 43 No. 46 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12 PER YEAR Car. Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS December 1, 1988 ft k Cafeterias On Road To Making Profits tworeportssubmiued to the Board ria Department made a profit of of Education and the central $7,595 in October, and one of Higher Prices For administration covering Septem- $10,588 in September, attributed School Lunches ber and October, said there was an mainly to the increases in ala carte approximate65percentparticipa- and lunch prices. Consequently, Overtake Deficits tion of the average daily school the department, which had been attendance during October in the running a deficit, had a mid-No- lunch program. In September, it vember overall profit of $5,601. Increases in the school lunch was calculated at 64.5 percent. The director said total expense prices at the town's public schools Meal prices, including milk, for labor was $828 lower in Octo- have not adversely affected over- are $ 1.20 per meal at the elemen- ber than during the same month in all participation in the lunch pro- tary schools, and $1.35 at the 1987. Food costs also were down gram, the school system's cafete- secondary level. Milk sold sepa- $3,408 compared to the same ria director has disclosed. rately is 30 cents a carton. month a year ago. Director Sandra Masayda, in Miss Masayda said the Cafete- "Choices of government com- modities are not as extensive as they have been in the past," Miss Scholarship Pageant Slated Masayda said, "however, maxi- mum use is continuing to be made Saturday At High School of those items available to help Ten area young women will control food costs." compete for the title of Miss The cost of paper products is Greater Watertown 1989 during holding steady, she continued.The th^ annual scholarship pageant paper bid this year was awarded to AN AWARD OF ACHIEVEMENT was presented Monday night by Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the DuMouchel Paper Co., Board of Education Chairman John Beeler to the Griffin School fifth the Watertown High School audi- whereas in Ihe past the Eastern grade of teacher Girard Canty, here represented by student Jessica torium, 324 French St. Bag Co. had won the bid for sev- Putetti, for its Project Disposal project which resulted in a greater awareness among town officials of the types of foam and plastic The pageant, the 10th spon- (Continued on page 10) materials used in the school cafeterias. The class asked for the removal sored by the Oakville-Watertown of nonbiodegradable items it believes are harmful to the environment, Chapter of the UNICO Club, will Brogna Named such as plastic forks and spoons, and foam cups. (Vaiuckas Photo) offer a $1,250 top-prize scholar- ship to the winner, $800 scholar- ship to the first runner-up, and a Asst. Coach At $500 scholarship to the second^ Watertown High I School Payments Listing runner-up. WatenownHighSchool'smost The contestants, and what their versatile athlete of all time has Boggles Board Member talents will be, are: JcssicaGrilley, returned to one of his venues of 18, ofWatertown, gymnastics/jazz The innocuous little formality checks should strictly be an ad- stardom as coach of the boys jun- dance to the "Jellicle Ball" from ior varsity basketball coach. of approving School Department ministrative function for the busi- the Broadway musical "Cats"; bills at Board of Education meet- ness manager, and removed from School Superintendent Blaise Kelley Hughson, 20, of Water- Kimberly Groody A. Salemo reported at Monday ings came under sharp criticism the Board's meeting agenda. town, singing "New York State of from one of the members at Few questions over the bill '88 Pageant Queen night's Board of Education meet- Mind"; Gayle Antonio, 21, of ing Rico Brogna has been ap- Monday night's session. listing supplied to Board mem- "Romeo and Juliet"; Carolyn Watertown, flute rendition of "A pointed jay vce coach at WHS for "I don't know why a poli- bers at its meetings ever surface. Time for Us" from the play (Continued on page 11) cymakingbody approves the bills" Mr. Mullen once before addressed the 1988-89 season, atastipendof for the School Department, la- the matter and asked it be looked $1,326. mented member James B. Mullen into. First Marking Period Honor Mr. Brogna, a June graduate of Jr. He said okaying the routine However, School Superinten- Watertown High, currently is in invoices and sending out the dent Blaise A. Salemo said it has Roll Announced For Swift the Detroit Tigers' minor league beenrecommendedbytheBoard's baseball system. He lettered in legal counsel that the educating The Honor Roll students for the first marking period at Swift Junior three sports while at WHS—foot- ' ' : •••'"•• • body did have responsibility over High School have been announced by Principal Joseph A. Mercier. ball, baseball, and basketball— BethkhemNcws.....]4& 15 the bills. Furthermore, he said, the They are: and is Watertown's career point Births 7.I7&31 state Department of Education Grade 8, First Honors leader in basketball. Hook Report 23 knew of no school board that didn't Velena Chak, Bengt Enquist, Anne Evans, Kelly Freemantel, He willbe reporting back to his BridgeClub. /5 oversee its day to day school Brigitt Gugliotti, Heather Heverling, Robert King, Jennifer professional baseball training in Lautenschlager, Tara Lee, Danielle Saucier, Tim Scursso, Michael Calendar. IS&I9 expenditures. the early spring. "Given ihe opportunity of going Sharoh, Dawn Sharp, and Nicole Tsocanos. In other coaching appoint- Churches S&I3 between accuracy and consistency, Second Honors ments, Bob Rogers was named Classifieds 10&31 we always go with consistency," Kathryn Andrews, Antonia Antico, Daron Arisian, Kristine Baker, coach for the boys freshmen bas- Dining Out IS, 19 & 20 mused member Joseph Gugliotti, Peter Beaumont, Nicole Blanchard, Alicia Bodor, Derek Buono, Jen- ketball team, and Deborah Gugli- nifer Buono, Michael Caporuscio, Grace Cavallo, Christian Chance, LegciNotices II who chairs the Board's Budget otti was tabbed for the assistant Committee. Mark Chiaravalloti, Mario Cipriano, Carol Cole, Denise Collins, girls basketball spot. Both appoint- Music Notes 16 Jennifer DeAngelis, Caroline Demirs, Maura Diorio, Kelli Donahue, Mr. Mullen said the procedure ments are for 1988-89, and carry a Tim Dunbar, Jennifer Eazarsky, David Ebreo, Jason Geise, Robert Nevsbeat .5 is "hypocritical," since the bills compensation of $ 1,326. Gillette, and Hans Govertsen. Obituaries 4 & 6 likely already have been paid. Lesley E. Murray has been Robert Giesen, school business Also: Jessica Graboski, Jill Greene, Jason Guiditta, Leah Halfon, appointed a cafeteria aide at Police nloiter. 27 Rachel lacovone, Jason Krantz, James LaMadeleine, Rachel Lessard, Realty Neves - II manager, said the checks don't Heminway Park School for two officially go out until the day after Ashleigh Long, Marisa Longo, Christine Loomis, Kelly Lukosevage, hours per day at a pay rate of Servicemen 19 a Board meeting. Jennifer Mancini, Christie McGrane, Richard Maclina, Rita Noz- $5.83, effective Nov. 17. She re- zolillo, Tara O'Donnell, Catherine Orsini, Christine Palmer, Anna Showcase 29 Mr. Mullen also acknowledged places Miss Gugliotti, the coach, Spnrts,.,.,-, .. Mt-rtfi, Maria Perugini, and Andrew Pion. who resigned her aide position at (Continued on page 32) (Continued on page 10) Heminway Park. Page 2Property Town Times (Watertown, Conn.of) Decembe ther I , Watertown1988 Historical Society will beheld Saturday,Dec.3,from The bazaar will feature quilts, Thousands of Connecticutresi- Founded in 1947,TFThas evolved Christmas Bazaar 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the First Con- country crafts, baked goods, candy, dents receive home health care as- from a small Los Angeles-area The annual United Methodist gregational Church, DeForest St. Christmas decorations, and wood- sistance each day, and an impor- project to a nationwide annual "Dickens of a Christmas Bazaar"watertownhistoricalsociety.orgworking. A luncheon will be tant component of the care is the campaign. Ship Earlv And Save! served from 11 a.ra. to 1:30 p.m., service of a Homemaker/Health According to Cile Decker, re- and Santa Claus will be on hand Aide. gional manager of Coldwell Holiday Packages to Send? from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for pic- The day will honor the dedi- Banker Residential Real Estate, tures. cated people who serve clients residents who would like to con- The annual roast beef dinner throughout the state. Inobservance tribute but are unable to visit a Illnil INMMII will be held Friday, Dec. 2, with of the day, the Watertown Public collection center can arrange for Specializing in gift wrapping sittings at 5:15 and 6:30 p.m. Ba- Health Nursing Association will pick-up by calling any Coldwell & packaging for shipping bysitting will be provided for recognize the contributions made Banker office. With this Ad 50« OFF young children. to the community by its Home- Mothers Of Twins 1 package shipped Tickets will be for adults, sen- maker/Home Health Aide. The Waterbury Area Mothers Expires 12/10/88 ior citizens, and children. Call274- of Twins Club will hold its regular Conic Sec Our Fine Selection 3785 for reservations. Toys For Tots monthly meeting Wednesday, Dec. of Hand-Galled Gilts for Coldwell Banker will be join- 7, at 7:30 pjn. at the Waterbury Holiday Giving. Health Aide Day ing forces with the U.S. Marine Hospital, Room 275,64 Robbins Crestwood Plaza, Watertown The Connecticut Association Corp Reserve this holiday season St, Waterbury. Mon.-Fri. 9:30-6:00 of Home Care (CAHQ has de- in a local Toys for Tots campaign Sat.
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