DICKINSON ALUMNUS I I Vol 7, No 2 Carlisle Trust Company CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA Member Federal Reserve System Capital, Surplus and Profits over $500,000.00 Assets and Trust Fund over $4, 500. 000. 00 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Acts in All Trust Capacities MERKEL LANDIS. '96, President S. SHARPE HUSTON, '08. 1'rnst Officer R. S. J:IAY~, ·94: F. E. MASLAXD, JR., '18, Directors THE GUTH HOTEL Official Photographer WELLINGTON 17 E. High St., Carlisle, Pa. Carlisle, Pa. Mary Dougherty MacGregor '17 A Mark of Distinction and Good Service The Molly Pitcher FORMERLY HOTEL CARLISLE !loom with baLJ1, single rate .....•••••.•.... $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 Room with hath. double rate ....••.......... $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Room without bath, single rate ....• , , , , , .. , $2.00 Dining room service with moderate prices. Speclal attention to private parties and banquets. Dinner muslc every evening, 6 to 8 o'clock. BARTRAM SHELLEY, Manager. Come Back to Carlisle and Buy Your Clothes and Furnishings at less than City Prices KRON EN BERG'S CARLISLE, PA. "~he College Store /or Oller 50 yeara" PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. R. McWHINNEY GEORGE V. HOOVER Attorney-at-Law Attorney-at-Law 1303 Berger Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 201-202 Calder Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. ------------------- LESTER S. HECHT, '15 C. W. SHARP, '14 LAW, Attorney-at-Law Attorney-at-Law 215 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. H. L. DRESS FRYSINGER EV ANS Attorney-at-Law Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law 322 Land Title Building, Steelton Trust Co. Bldg., Steelton, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES G. HATZ ISAAC T. PARKS, JR., '97 Attorney-at-Law Attorney-at-Law 225-232 New Amsterdam Bldg., 201-202 Calder Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. CLAYTON HOFFMAN JOHN R. YATES, '16 Attorney-at-Law Attorney-at-Law 818 Munsey Building, Geo. D. Harter Bank Bldg. Washington, D. C. Canton, Ohio Specializing in Federal Ta111e1 GEORGE M. STEVENS '22L BECOME A LIFER Counsellor-at-Law and you won't have to Market at Fifth Street, pay any more dues. Camden, N. J. iC iC iC PROFESSIONAL CARD RATES Your payment will guarantee on request to the continuation of Alumni The Dickinson Alumnus work in the days to come. ·~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::IC.4(;)1~ ' ~ ~bt ~tcktnson arumnus Published Quarterly for the Alumni of Dickinson College and the Dickinson School of Law Editor - Gilbert Malcolm, '15, '17L Associate Editor - Dean M. Hoffman, '02 ALUMNI COUNCIL Terms expire in 1980 Terms expire in 19S 1 Terms expire in 1932 E. M. Biddle, Jr., '' '86 Robert H. Conlyn, ........• .'72 Harry B. Stock ..........•. '91 Harry L. Price, '' .'96 James Hope Caldwell, ....•. '80 J. Banks Kurtz '93, '93L Edgar R. H cckmcn, ''' '' '97 Frank R. Keefer, '85 George E. Lloyd '01 Boyd Lee Spahr, '''' ''00 S. Walter Stauffer, .'12 E. Foster Heller '04 Frank E. M.asland, Jr., ... '.'18 Charles E. Wagner, .........• '14 Leon A. Mcintire .'07 Wilbur L. Arbegast, . '29 GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF OF DICKINSON COLLEGE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW Honorary President Lemuel T. Appold President .•...... Justice John W. Kephart President Boyd Lee Spahr Flrst Vice-President .•.. Robert Hays Smith Vice-President , .. Frank R. Keefer Second Vice-Pres ..•.. Judge Fred B. Moser Secretary S. Walter Stauffer Treasurer Harry B. Stock Sec'y-Treas .••........ Joseph P. McKeehan ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Association Members to Elect Alumni Trustees . 3 College to Receive Portrait of James Wilson . 7 Prof. Prince Painfully Hurt in Motor Accident . 9 Dr. George Edward Reed Dies at 83 . 11 Prof. ]. Fred Mohler Dies After Short Illness . 13 Football Team to Play Fewer Games in 1930 . 16 Editorial . 18 Youthful Preacher Becomes District Superintendent . 21 Set Aside Room in Old West for Dickinsoniana . 22 Poet Laureate of '76-'86 Dies Suddenly . 25 A Part of Valor in the Spanish-American War . 27 Personals 29 Obituary 34 IC<s!A Life Membership $40. May be paid in two installments of $20 each, six months apart. Alumni dues $2.00 per year, including one year's subscription to the magazine. All communications should be addressed to The Dickinson Alumnus, Denny Hall, Carlisle, Pa. "Entered as second-class matter May 23, 1923, at the post office at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879." THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS February, 1930 Association Members to Elect Alumni Trustees PON the recommendation of the choice of desirable members of the Board U Alumni Council of the General of Trustees; would increase the interest Alumni Association the Board of Trust• of the alumni generally, and would re• ees will probably approve a new method sult in the election of trustees who for the election of alumni trustees at the would be more fully representative of mid-winter meeting on March 11th. the alumni of the College." Under the new plan the right to vote As the terms of the four alumni trus• for the alumni trustees will be vested tees have all expired, there will be an only in those who are members of the election this year of four trustees. But General Alumni Association, and only hereafter one trustee will be elected an• members will be eligible for nomination nually. A special meeting of the Alum• for office. ni Council will doubtless be held imme• For sometime the method in force has diately after the March meeting of the been to elect four trustees from four dif• Board of Trustees in order to select ferent districts. Cards were sent to all nominees for this year's election. Alum• of the alumni, asking them for nomina• ni are reminded again that to be a mem• tions in the district in which they resid• ber in good standing ·of the General ed, and after these nominations were re• Alumni Association, it is necessary to be ceived the election was held. either a life or an annual member. A Under the new plan the nomination life member is one who has paid $40.00 for election of alumni trustees will be for life membership, while an annual made by the Alumni Council of the member is one who pays $2.00 dues an• General Alumni Association. In all nually, within the fiscal year of the As• probability in the future these nomina• sociation which extends from Commence• tions will be made by the Council at its ment to Commencement. Whenever an annual fall meeting. Twice the number alumnus who has previously paid his of nominees to the number of vacancies dues is in arrears, a slip is enclosed with will be named. Ballots containing the the next number of the magazine sent to nominations will then be sent to the him. If an alumnus sees such a slip in alumni who are members in good stand• his magazine and feels that he has paid ing of the General Alumni Association his dues, he should notify the Dickinson either as life or annual members. ALUMNUS so that the question may be At the fall meeting of the Council. settled. Otherwise he will not receive President Boyd Lee Spahr of the Gen• the ballot for the alumni trustees nor the eral Alumni Association appointed as the ballot for the annual election of mem• committee George E. Lloyd, '01, Dr. bers to the Alumni Council. In this Edgar R. Heckman, '97, and Judge E. present year he will not receive the issue M. Biddle, Jr., '86. This committee of the new alumni directory which will will recommend this new plan for the be printed in 1930 and sent only to those election of alumni trustees at the meet• who are members in good standing. In ing of the Board on March 11th. In its limiting the franchise for members of report the committee will say: "In the the Board of Trustees only to the mem• opinion of the Council the changes sug• bers of the General Alumni Association gested would widen the field for the another right will be added and another 4 THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS chairman, Dean M. Hoffman, '02 and Frank E. Masland, Jr., '18. Honors Charles K. Zug, '80 The nominating committee will select L .. T. Appold, '82, Honorary the ten nominees to be voted on in the President of the General Alumni mail election, five of whom will be elect• Association and trustee of the Col• ed to the Alumni Council for the terms lege, who less than a year ago expiring in 1933. The ballots will be established the $5,000.00 William mailed to the members of the General K. Dare Honor Scholarship, has Alumni Association about the end of made another $5,000.00 gift to April. the College to perpetuate the memory of his intimate friend and At the Top in Masonry associate, the late Charles K. Zug '80. , HE highest chair in Masonry in The amount will be known as TPennsylvania is occupied by a Dick• "The Charles K. Zug Memorial insonian. William S. Snyder '94 of Fund," and the books of the Col• H arrrs. b urg, was invested with 'the o'ffic e lege now bear this notation: "A of right worshipful master of the grand fund of $5,000.00 established Jan• lodge of Pennsylvania, December 27. uary 1930 in memory of Charles Six years ago this honor was assumed K. Zug of Philadelphia, Class of when he was elected grand junior ward• 1880, Phi Beta Kappa, a member en. of the Alumni Council and for Mr. Snyder began his Masonic career many years a faithful friend and in 1898 at Newport, a short distance trustee of the College. The in• from his birthplace in Millerstown. come from this fund and from ac• After passing the chairs of Robert Burns cretions thereto to be used at the lodge at Harrisburg, he was made a dis• discretion of the President in trict deputy in 1924 being reappointed granting scholarship aid to worthy over a period of ten years.
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