Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 6, 2003 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 114th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 09-114 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] FIFTY CENTS Westfield Republicans Defeat Democrats To Take 7-1 Majority on Town Council By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL he is “so proud” of the candidates without whom I wouldn’t be stand- “has been a wonderful experience.” and LAUREN S. PASS Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and that this was, “collectively as a ing here. I want to thank my brothers “Don’t be sorry for me because I good a group of candidates as we’ve who were always willing to help me have had a great time running…it It was a Republican sweep across ever had.” when I needed them. My dad ran for was worth it either way,” he told the the board in Westfield’s four wards Westfield Republican Chairman council about 40 years ago and lost, crowd. on Tuesday night giving Republi- Jon Bramnick said, “To our four new but served this town in many other Newcomer Kehoe Rothfelder cans a 7 to 1 majority on the council council people, a great job done. We ways. He died 10 years ago, so dad stated that she hoped “I’ve contrib- for the next two years. now have republican representation now we’re one and one,” Council- uted something to the dialogue.” Incumbent Peter Echausse won the for the entire town of Westfield and man-Elect Ciarrocca stated. Mr. Owens, who lost the election First Ward over Maureen Kehoe I am very proud of it.” “When I look around this room, I last year to Rafael Betancourt, stated Rothfelder, 1072 to 694. In the Sec- “I am really flattered. I want to think ‘Wow, I am a part of this’ that it is “something to just keep ond Ward, Jo Ann Neylan won over thank my wife, Colleen, for allowing (Republican Party). Thank you. working for.” David Owens, 901 to 860. In the me to run and for doing all the behind Mayor McDermott it will be an honor Republican Mayor Gregory Third Ward, Mark Ciarrocca beat the scenes work,” said Councilman to serve on your council,” Council- McDermott told the crowd, “I want to David Haas, 959 to 900. Newcomer Echausse. man-Elect Foerst said. thank the top of the ticket, Tom Kean James Foerst beat incumbent Susan Councilwoman-Elect Neylan said, Councilwoman Jacobson, who has for his support. Tom Kean and Jon Jacobson, 993 to 918 in the Fourth “I am honestly touched and honored served on the council since 2002 Bramnick worked very hard. I am Ward. to be here. This has been an incred- said, “I worked really hard this looking forward to the next two years.” Each of the winners will serve a ible experience. I want to thank my time…we did what we could do…I Patrick Connor for The Westfield Leader four-year term on the Town Council. husband and children and all of my was a good councilwoman.” She Approximately 38 percent of vot- HUGS ABOUND...Republicans James Foerst and Jo Ann Neylan embrace family for their support. I want to added that she would miss serving on OTING ESULTS following their council win. ers turned out for the election this MS V R thank all my friends and all the people the council but that she will now find Robert Viglianti, Mayor - 987 year. who have been there and I will take time for her family. Accepting defeat for the party, Robert Messler, Council - 979 this job and do my best to represent Councilman Haas, who has served William Lane, Council - 984 Westfield Democrat Party Chairman all of you.” on the council since his appointment Kenneth Rotter told the crowd that “I had the best campaign team in January said that campaigning, Republicans Kean, Muñoz and Bramnick Triumphant in D-21 Senate, Assembly Race By BETSEY BURGDORF Assemblyman Bramnick also re- energetic even after Ms. Steinberg’s campaign received no official sup- and ED COONEY sides in Westfield and is a practicing defeat was final. port from local Democrat groups, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader attorney with a firm in Scotch Plains. Ms. Steinberg attributed the individual Democrats in elected po- As the numbers rolled in on Tues- He and his wife have two children. group’s sustained energy to a sense sitions supported Ms. Steinberg. day night, it became obvious the Assemblyman Muñoz is a trauma of accomplishment in getting her “Every municipal chairperson, Republican team of Tom Kean, Jr. surgeon at Newark’s University of campaign as far as it went. with a few exceptions, was behind (31,206), Dr. Eric Muñoz (26,898) Medicine and Dentistry in New Jer- “Union County politics is a very us,” he said. and Jon Bramnick (26,024) were sey (UMDNJ). He and his wife reside closed venue,” she said later. “We Ms. Steinberg arrived at the res- going to emerge the winners in the in Summit and have five children. tried to reach out to people in the taurant just after 10:30 p.m. and ad- race for State Senate and Assembly Ms. Steinberg failed in her bid to community, and I feel that our suc- dressed the members of her all-vol- for District 21 over Democrats Frank attain a seat in the 21st District of the cess in doing that is the reason for the unteer staff. McIntyre (14,095), Ellen Steinberg New Jersey State Assembly. She ran sense of accomplishment.” “All you have to do is look around (19,073) and Norman Albert without the support of state or county Campaign manager John Brach, you; we have good people involved David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader (15,670). Democrats, but was still able to drum who was also in attendance at Café in the process. And you each have to With overwhelming numbers com- THE WINNING TICKET...The four Republican Town Council candidates in up considerable support with a Z, said that while Ms. Steinberg’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Westfield won their election bids. Pictured, left to right, are: Mark Ciarrocca, ing in, supporters attending the Elec- grassroots campaign. Third Ward; Jo Ann Neylan, Second Ward; Peter Echausse, First Ward and tion Night party held at Mount Carmel “We had a lot of people who be- James Foerst, Fourth Ward. Hall in Berkeley Heights, began cel- lieved in us,” said Ms. Steinberg. ebrating long before the final votes Members of Steinberg’s campaign were tallied. By 10 p.m., the incum- met at Café Z in Union to await news bent team joined the crowd to offi- of the decision. Throughout the night, cially accept their triumph. volunteers trickled in with high hopes “Thank you for all your hard work, for their candidate. for getting out there and guarantee- Much mention was made about ing victory from the top to the bot- the grassroots nature of Ms. tom of the ticket,” Senator Kean be- Steinberg’s campaign. She received gan. no support from the Union County “We have some hard work ahead Democrats, who at least one cam- of us, some hurdles…we’ve got to paign volunteer blames for Ms. help set the direction for the state to Steinberg’s loss. make sure the government is smaller, “The people responsible for this smarter, more efficient and actually loss are the Union County Demo- works to serve the people,” he con- cratic Chairpersons. They spent their tinued efforts impeding the campaign,” said Assemblyman Bramnick thanked Sandford Wieger, a longtime friend his family for their support, as well of Ms. Steinberg’s. “Win or lose, as the senator by saying, “Under the she’s still the biggest winner.” leadership of Tom, Jr., this district is Stephen Yellin, secretary of a re- very fortunate…we have learned a cently formed group called the Union great deal.” County Young Democrats, was also Assemblyman Muñoz added, “I in attendance. He exemplified the want to thank everyone. You guys are infectious enthusiasm clearly appar- really great. Thank all of you who ent in the crowd. put us where we are. Tom, Jon and I “I’m comfortable she’ll buck the will make you proud.” odds and win the general election,” Senator Kean is the son of the he said. former Governor Thomas Kean, who As the night wore on, it became serves as Co-Chairperson of the Lauren S. Pass for The Westfield Leader apparent that Ms. Steinberg would Betsey Burgdorf for The Westfield Leader A SAD NIGHT...Westfield Democrat Chairman Kenneth Rotter, front right, Homeland Security Organization. not emerge victorious. The New Jer- CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES...Tom Kean Jr., left, Dr. Eric Munoz, center and announced to a crowd of supporters that the Democrats had lost their bids for The senator resides in Westfield with sey Network called the election in Jon Bramnick celebrated their victory for the State Senate and Assembly in seats on the Westfield Town Council on Tuesday night, as candidates Council- his wife and two daughters. He cur- favor of Assemblymen Muñoz and Berkeley Heights on Tuesday night. man David Haas, left, Councilwoman Susan Jacobson center and David Owens rently serves as the Republican look on. Not pictured is candidate Maureen Kehoe Rothfelder. Bramnick at approximately 10:20 Deputy Whip. p.m. The mood at Café Z remained Union County DEMs Will Continue 9-0 Rule On Freeholder Board; GOP Had ‘Rough Night’ By MATT MARINO and FRED ROSSI For the Democrats, the evening Linda Stender, Assemblyman Jerry cans discussed closing Runnells Spe- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader began with little fanfare.
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