University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 10-13-1966 Kabul Times (October 13, 1966, vol. 5, no. 167) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 13, 1966, vol. 5, no. 167)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1328. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1328 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,j ,,'i'\'" '/ ;:'~If - (,' " ',rj, \~.. ~)t" , : , , .. ,1".11 I I' ',;-c( ." '.; , , I I , \t 'J , ,<,1,::/:1" ~,:;.,'" I ~', ~i~: .lj' ,~ l , , • ~. ~ " \ . tl PAGE t ,,I 'f I '•I ,I; \ OCTODER 12,'1 IfDIIOI I I ( . ,~ I ~ II.' t I,~", . "t 'i/Il t'&\1 ell; ii,' 'r , I ',liIk:I:'£~'ib';~,;~" ~di',;\:JiWif','" World Briefs ~. ~ 'R'~'Odl'i-' ~ ~ ,'ft"~~'J' I" (~ :, BRUSSELS, Ott. 12, (OPA),­ '0"i.ilJ... I!:O" 'n" :'K~ trw.... '. 1\': •. " II8'18n")ft=.\.. I ,I"',,' M , , Danish Ilrime Minister Jens Otto ., f_ \ t' . ~ . : ill ')- ~ \ •• -, • \ ;r.~, J' ·!"'~l: .; Krag arnved here Tuesday for tWD' '~r days of talks with Prof, Walter Hal­ t ,:i1..t" I,' - Ji.. 'ttli'> I I'R \0;, rt E"-"'" eliI' ISleln, President of the European \).,n~~L:'r~" ~,e ",~~'''~~~1~P'.J,,1 ',~ , '1'J.J r';\it " , ,,~. , ES ,,/,l\ Economic Community (EEC), OD ,"'~"~I: hi".~ ~::i!!i!Yo~Tu' ~J,Jj~li. ~4 .....~ I I , ,., , , " ," .. ,~ . " ' fUlure EEC relations with Denmark Prime, MJiIlster Wilson met ."lr,t,\,W8!IUJIWl•..rS " • .. ,'; ·.p',i,SMiI ' , and the seven-nation European Free "co~dete4 ~tal~) ,flIiai.:olfer, ,for a semtment with th,e ltreak· r,':r.?,.,~" a. ... ' ~ ~ \ , Ttade Association R~e'sIail ot"~~~i~:,S~th. - .... \ '. 17 t.' I • J. I away' trectme ':, • ~ ., ~ I • , They consideredl the proposals, Th'una~, They will probably re­ •} j I I .' .J. !" J "(.f f' (OPA),~ r ,~ ,'~' • ',I :/. ~ i • . '\..;' .... II, BElGRADE, Oct 12, of Commonwealth SeCl'lltary Het\- I BCIt" :ifremiel' Smltb in Salb!>ury Economic prtvlIIges hitherto grant­ bert Bowden who' rtitt:n't1ed to Friday, ' v6L, V,,'~~~~~6~::~' l' :.:;J:,,~' ,. I,,'" KABUL, ~~IiRSDAY, OCTOBER'13, 't.',966' (MIZAN 21, 1345, S H.) PRICE Af ~ ed to senior government offiCIals aDd London two wejlks ago after meet· , ,If Smith reacts- fa'!ourably to parliamentarians in Yugoslavia will ings in Salisbury with the Snilth the' Whitehall proposalS; Bowden ,,,-,,,,,,,!,-~!' ~'~.'!~~'!\'!"'!'''-''''--'''--~'!'"----;''''-''!'''''''~-'':''~~'''.'''''''''"!'''-----~----------_._------------~------_ be abohshed as from November I, •. .. ildVernment, I .' 'will probably make another Visit the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug 'H'l\f..~'KI'NG'S Bowden's draft proposals· ,are to'RI!opes!... , "', 'BIRTHDAY Princess Here reported Tuesday As from that understood to rep1'!!sent the. ~ur- , Reuter !,dds: Edw~ ~aths date the offiCials and dcleaates Will theiit the LOndon government Conservative \>pposltlon, J!~ have to pay for then private tele­ can go to meet demands by the 'may split wide open over Rhode­ MARKED TOMORROW' For Three..Day J t ,'" •, phone call!; conducted from their wliit'e-supremist governtnent m sla, for the second year running homes. 'Salisbury. ,~t ItS annual conference openliig Buz~a.shi B~gin Official Visit The two outstanding questIOns m BlackPO<lI. Contests At TEHRAN, Ocl 12, (Reuter)- KABUL. Oct 13 -JfRt-I Pnncess on which Qi'eeinent is requlred The 5ll-year-<>ld Conservative Shams Pahiavi of Iran arrived here Iran has made representations In. from Smith 'remai\, the method ~hi~f will ,a~? face widespread Bag-raini GroundS At 2P.M. '. thiS mornmg on a three-day offiCial Tehran .and New Deihl about cer­ Mobammad OSm~ A~ari ~esterday opened Ot~' 'Al1Wnui of return to legalitY and unlm- 1D~lrect cnticl9ll1s of his leader­ " KARUL, Oct. 13, (Bakhtar)•..l lain aUeged restrictioos by tbe Mfiilster of Edqeatlon VISit She was received as she step­ Salon at Nej'at IDgh Scbool. peded progl'ilss to majoritY rule, shtp as a whole during the four· Tomo~w Is tbe 53rll birth anniversary of BJs.'Majesty the KlJig, ­ Indian government on Iraman na­ The propolals studied at Tues- day party meeting at this north­ ped out of the plane by HRH Pnn­ tlooals liviDa In tbe South Indian FtOm left to rlgbt: BallzuUah, art teacherat Nejat school, MIniSter of information and On thiS 'occasion a book will be opened In Del·Kusha, Palace In ('ess Bllquls Culture Mohammad Osman Sldky; Dr, Anwarl,and Madame Shoukor, the president of tbe Art day night's m\!l!ting will come be- west coastal resort, which omclals of the rank of dlre!'tor above, military omcers stale of Andbra Pradesb, a Foreign fore a full cablriet meeting on But the pote?tlal f1ashpoint of ariel As the two Prmcesses Inspeeted M 100Stry spokesman announced AssOciation, the conference IS over the party's of tbe rank of lieutenant colonel and above, deputies of the Wolesl a guard of honour. the notIonal an­ Tuesday, He added tbal the ISSue ,...-----:....----...,.-.-.....---;,-.w::::-:---:-- stand on ·the year-long ll1iod~ia Jlrgah and Senatots will recotd their feUdtatlons to IDs Majesty thems of Afghanistan and Iran were was under neaotlatloo bO,th in Teh- played ° ° °4+~ independence crisls.:...an emotion· between 8 and 11 a.m. - ' I Ot U de F' I UN C Debate ran and Delhi. Brown's Speech Brl aln n r Ire n omml..~ ul issue for ct>nservatlves, who The book Will be open ,for A Kabul Cit) traffic Office an- Noor Ahmad Etemad!. ActlOg Jramans resldiog an Andhra Pra­ I. NEW YORK, Oct 12, (Retder).- This was the provlalon for the re- have m'any: close family ties with mernqeni of the dlplnmatic corps nouncement ,says all cars, pn- Pllme Minister and Minister of desh have been complainma 10 Ihe (Co",d, from pagt I) stationed in Kabul from 11 a,m vate or government, should go Foreign Affairs. Ali Mohammad, th{' Tranian Government about alleged J>s a priority meaaure on dIS­ Britain's hope that the Commonwealth Confere~ deeWons on ~~';;' ~e iho:.::;~::u~aWbOo;W:~ R~I~r~:lI:::'t:;:;er Com- to 12 noon, ' through the Yak Lenga pass lJe- MUlisler of Court. some other mem­ work and reSidence ptrmlt restric­ armament the world powers Rhodesia would blunt tbe fo~ of the mWtant anti-Colonlal as· chooslna not to return for the loss monwealth Secretary and long- At ~ p,m four Buzkashi con- fore I p,m and all trUCKS, buses oel s of the Cabinet and their wives tions Imposed by tbe local IndIan should ag~ on a treaty to ban sault In the UN were qWckly dashed yesterday when the Trustee- f theIr property standing suppol"ter of white set- tests between 8 teams from the and taxis hy 12 30 pm the Iranian Ambassador m Kabul authontIes the speard of nuclear weapons ship Committee opened debate on the problem, ,0 tiers m Africa, organised a meet- northern provinces will begin in The bus fare from Jade Mal- .Hld hiS Wife and members 'of the This should be followed by a Delegate after delegate m the ed to us beyond doubt that true Blahtl said "another example o~ ing of conservative right-wingers Bagrami. wand, near the monument. to dlplomalic rorps. the Mayor and ROME, Ocl 12, (OPA) -Italy" treaty bannmg all nuclear tests 119.NatlOn bOdy urged the British allies of the movement hardly the l"'""POnalbUity of the laraell last weekend which "demanded HIS Majesty the Kmg. members Bagraml Will be 2 afghaOls The Govel flOI of Kabul were lOtroduced PreSident G'luseppc: Saragat gave and a mOVe to bnng Chma Into government to move to end the eXIst In United Kingdom govern- authorities" waa their dtsregard for that the party leadership would of the royal family, and HRH taxI fare IS 3 afgham per km bv PrlO£ e5S BilqlllS to tlRH Pnn­ 10 a banquet Tuesday honour of dIsarmament nesotlatlons white rebellion, ment CIrcles" U,N. resolutlOtlB and their unceas- oppose apy compulsory ,economic Princess Shams Pahlavl of Iran WIth a waltmg charge of 30 af­ r PSg Shams Pahiovi at the airport PreSident Abdulla Osman of The UN must have an effective After Lord Caradon, the chief The Tanzanran chIef delegate mg mtrlgues aaainst the Arab pen- sanctions against Ian Smith's re- Will be among the thousands of ghams per hour Chll(lff.~ll pr("scnted the Pnncess Somaha. who IS here on a private fo~, peace-keeplOg Bntlsh delegate, had suggested saId, "Bntam by itself can never, pie of Palestine had been the In: gime, spectators who WIll watch the The Philately Department of with bom{llf'ts on behalf of the VlSlt to ftaly. A meeting of the two PLEDGE O!'l RHODESIA that the committee conSider the Will never, put an end to the ille- augurallon last August 30 of the Lord Salisbury emerged from games BeSIdes the royal box, the Mmistry of CommumcatlOns I reSidents of K,lbul heads of state pnor to the banquet BntalO would ponour lis pled­ conference commuOlque as lis gal regime Knesset building In Jerusatem, m eIght years of political obscuritY these will be speCIal enclosures has put'out two speCials stamps '" From the till port thp two Prln­ was Jomed by ItalIan Foreian MI­ ge to Invoke UN' mandatory eto­ "dominant document," TanzanIa's "The use oC force or the appli- Violation of resolutions and recom- t'o challenge the party Une on for members of the diplomatic to mark the birthday The 'stamps (esses drove to Chilsetoon Palace.
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