SECTION ONE EGIST SECTION ONE VOLUME LXV, NO. 22. HEETBAMK, N. J.; THURSD5Y7TTOVEMBER 19, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 14 Attractive Rumson Holiday Issue ' Start Second Drive For Recruits Needed Headlights Must Be Next Wednesday For The WAAGS Women, you want to do your - The Bed Bank Register next Payroll AllotfneniiElarL 'paftrHore li~yaui'"opportunity!— DitnmedGutTotkorraw week will appear Wednesday . .Enlist In. the Women's, Army, Instead of Thursday, this being Auxiliary Corps and releaso ' duo to Thanksgiving falling on able-bodied'men for active com- . publication day, * . ,. Campaign Opens Today To Sign bat duty. There are unexcelled Walter L. Tepper Buy* In order that our advertisers opportunities for women be-1 New Regulations Prohibit Use will get tbe full pulling power twecn tho ages of 21 and 45 for of The Register's large circuln- Up The Remaining 10 Percent advancement in tho corps as Of Upper Beam At Any Time Large Shore Front Estate latlon for that Issue, we will ad- well as training and prepara-: vance our publication day to F -*• tlon for the future. The rate of Headlights on all automobiles Walter I. Topper of Humson has •^Wednesday, as stated "above. In Accordance with national' plans; pay 13 the same ks the. pay for purchased from the Metropolitan In- . We respectfully solicit tho ;he Monmouth County War Savings 1 >pcratcd at night in Monmouth) Ten Of Jacobs the corresponding rank In the Organ Recital :ounty, excepting Upper Freehold, surance company, the former Haley Hermine Hudon To further co-operation of our cor- itaff and its sub-committee, the Mon- Army. Food, • clothing, living Flnke property situated on the Vest respondents to send in (heir louth County Payroll Allotment .ownship, must bo dimmed out tal quarters and medical care arc :omply with new regulations effec- Bide of Buena Vlsto, avenue, fronting weekly news letters a ' day Houses At Fair Ian committee, '"toddy announced furnished. For Benefit Of on the Bhora of tho South Bhrews- Give Concert At earlier and, of course, we hope he enrollment of the county in the :lve tomorrow At no time, undetf More than 62 non-combat jobs th^so rules, may the upper beam be} bury river at ilumson. The sale was our advertisers will arrange ac- iat!on-wlde "Top That 10 per cent will be done by the women serv- effoctod by William H.Hlntelmann cordingly - to forward copy Haven Are Sold >y New Years" drivo now under Baptist Church used on any thoroughfare.in the) FeUowship^Hall ing with the U. S. Army. In rear covered In orders Issued this and Joseph G. McCue, realtors of earlier to make the edition. vay. According* to Ray VanHorn, addition to many-general duties Rumson, as co-operating broker). ounty chalrman of the first com- vcek by Major General T. X. Terry, / there is a'great diversity o[ • commanding general of the second The property has a frontage on Methodist Choir ,,.i,The VanHdrn Agency ittee, and'L. Gray Marshall,.chair- types ~of work,.'-Including', ac- Well-Known. Artists Buena Vista avenue of 800 feet and Is Sole Agent in . - nan of the payroll allotment unit countants, secretaries,"" typists, ervice command. frontagcB,, on the north and south Sponsoring Event Tarkington Play 'or the county, the drive begins to- clerks, drivers, radio operators To, Entertain at The regulations .provi.de that th* sides of Clubway of 780 feet. The lay and will continue until January •and technicians, printers, cooks, ppcr part of the lens of cara driven property on the north side of Club" Tomorrow Night Realty Transactions , 1043. telegraph and tclephqno opera-. Annual Event Friday at. night 'must be obscured by somq jway comprises jieyenjindj^quarter To Be Staged By _A^cordlng__to_fetatl^ticg 5ust__an^i -tors,-hospital-and-dorital-assistv:- paguo material. High beam head* acres of fawns anil gardens, and im- nounced, 00 per cent of the business Madame Hormlne Hudon, opera As announced In last week's edi- ants, and many others. Featured artists at the second an- ep provements on this tract Includes tion'of the Register, Mike Jacobs has Irms in the United States, and 90 ights are visible from the sea noj and concert singer, assisted by John Rumson Students General quallilcations for en-, nual concert and organ recital to be a large frame residence and garage. decided to sell his real estate invest- er cent" of the business. firms in ilstment are: Age, 21 to 45; given at tho Mlddietown Baptist more than two driving lamps, each, Tho tract on the south side com- Redaelll,,tenor; Donato Annese, vio- linist, and Lucille DePeter, pianist, ment properties in Fair" Haven and Monmouth county employing more minimum "height 5 feet, maxi- :hurch. tomorrow night Include. Jean not to exceed | a maximum of 250 prises five acres of undeveloped has appointed the Ray VanHorn 20 workers, have been enrolled beam cahdlepower, may b& *uied. and several of hor vocal students, Presentation of mum 6 feet; good physical con- Shaw, * xylophone soloist, Seward scdgoland and bounded on the south agency his sole agent to handle the in. the allotnTferit plan,' whereby 10 dition. All applicants must bo The orders, governing tho control by the South Shrewsbury river and Well Known Play transactions. er cent of each worker's salary -la citizens of the United states, t artificial lighting in the coastal tho boat 'harbor of the Rumson The VanHorn agency of River used weekly for the purchase,of war either-by birth or naturaliza- tiimout,areas.of New York, New Jer* —Country-club; :—;— road, Fair Haven, reports the sale of ontls or stamps. The ""Top That tion, and must be able to pass i sey and Delaware, replace those pub* The residence contains seven mas- — "Glarence^Friday— • ished by the Army Juno 1 of thU seVe Jai~dnTie~ propcrties-owned-by- •0-peiL-cejiLbv New Years", is a drlyg_ a mental alertness test. ,' i : ter bedrooms, four maids' rooms, sev- Mr, Jacobs located In the Hance road to enlist the otrier .10 per cent of thF Further Information can be m en baths, attic playroom, living room, Rumson high'school will present section of. Fair Haven. ' firms here and In the nation to sub- obtained from Army Recruiting IP Broadening'of the dimout's purpose) § to includo passive protection ngalmit reception hall, library, powder room, its first annual school play tomorrow Four modern story and a half) five- scribe to-the plan, as well as to in- and Induction offices located in i dining room, solarium, butle'r'B pan- evening ,at 8:15 In. the high school room, Colonial homeB located at 168, crease the percentage of each week's post'ofllce buildings in the fol- hi'i attack by hostile aircraft, as well aa 11i o.-affortl protection to coafltal flhip* ~ try, kitchon, maids- dining room and auditorium. - This eventr which was 176T180-and 184 Hance.. roud, Fair mlary-for the-purchase "Of bonds and lowing cities: New Brunswick, : laundry, • It la equipped with oil formerly, given by the senior class, Haven, have been sold to George W. itamps, Atlantic City, Asbury Park and 1 ping; was also announced by Army; burning hot water heat. The garage will offer Booth Tarkington's "Clar- Flaccus of Shrewsbury. The house In an effort to further these, plans, Camden and Dover and Wil- I officials to be one of tho moet lm« has ample space for three cars. ence" .this year. Students from all at 1GS Hance road is leased to Major Monmouth county has allotted to thfi- mjngtoji,.Delaware; or by writ-. portant aspects of tho new regular . Tho residence was formerly the tho classes make-up this year's'cast . ing_.to..Recrulting.and-Ihductlon— I tibns. Furthermore. It waa indicated • ; pavid__E. _Pen"heyl._.176;;_to._Fred J, War-Savings staff-some of--the-tlrne- "tlubh'q'uso" of the^Sea Bright- Golf In"contrast to"the aIl seK^oFgToup of Trenery, Jr,, , a commuter;, 180 to purchased by the county on,station ofllccr, Room 432, Postofilcc that the dlmout area in tho *threa states- will bo "extended further ln*_ club and was moved to its present former years, This - arrangement John Malbney, supervisor of WCAP, Asbury Park, Recordings, Building, Trenton, New Jersey, location In 1907. Tho Sea'Bright Golf keeps in'with tho policy of the Mid-bridges and conatructlon for the Jer- urging residents to conform to the WAAC Section. & i land If the Army'a constant'suryeyq .: and checks reveal that skyglo\y haa ' ' club was merged with the nuroson dle States Evaluating committee, Bey.Central railroad; and" 184 to plan, have been made by Mrs. Ar- 1 , Country club at that time, and the which recommended tho procedure Michael Lettlerl, radio engineer with thur J. White and Mrs. George M. not been sufllcicntly reduced. • tract of land which was occupied by in order tb improve 'quality and the i m Other changes in and additions to the Bendlx Radio corporation. Bodman. county vice chairmen of 1 quantity of students in productions. 1 the golf clubj comprising 100 acres, A house at 11 Forman street has the War Savings staff, and Freehold- 17 Teachers In M M the regulations having widespread was sold to the late Jacob H. Bchlff. "Clarenco" "will protray a mysteri- been bought by Major Charles H. ers Dorman McFaddin and Edgar 1 effect on tho public,follow: ; This property is bounded on the ous and odd personage, who becomes Kenworthy, the tennant on the prop- O. Murphy. The recordings are m 1. All lights visible -from "put-oN north by tho Rumson road, on tho involved • in the activities of the erty, and two houses located at 16 played several times dally, beginning i, Middletown Claim doofe which cannot be-extinguished, • south by tho Shrewsbury river, on Wneeler family, "a rather .measly Second street, have been bought by at 12:15 noon.
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