CHAMPIONS, KENTUCKY DERBY WINNERS Since 1971, Eclipse Awards are bestowed upon the Reigh Count (1928) Seattle Slew (1977) Thoroughbred horses and individuals whose Co-2-year-old colt – 1927 (Dice) 2-year-old colt – 1976 outstanding achievements in North America have 3-year-old colt – 1928 3-year-old colt – 1977 earned them the title of Champion in their respective Horse of the Year – 1928 Older Horse – 1978 divisions. Gallant Fox (1930) Horse of the Year – 1977 3-year-old colt – 1930 Affirmed (1978) Those annual awards are voted by National Horse of the Year – 1930 2-year-old colt – 1977 Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA), Daily Twenty Grand (1931) 3-year-old colt – 1978 Racing Form and the National Turf Writers and 3-year-old colt – 1931 Older Horse – 1979 Broadcasters (NTWAB). Horse of the Year – 1931 Horse of the Year – 1978 & 1979 Burgoo King (1932) Spectacular Bid (1979) The Eclipse Awards are named after the great 18th- Co-3-year-old colt – 1932 (Faireno) 2-year-old colt – 1978 Century racehorse and foundation sire Eclipse, who Cavalcade (1934) 3-year-old colt – 1979 began racing at age five and was undefeated in 18 2-year-old colt – 1933 Older Horse – 1980 starts, including eight walkovers. Eclipse sired the 3-year-old colt – 1934 Horse of the Year – 1980 winners of 344 races, including three Epsom Derbies. Horse of the Year – 1934 Genuine Risk (1980) Omaha (1935) 3-year-old filly – 1980 For more than a century, annual Champions have 3-year-old colt – 1935 Pleasant Colony (1981) been chosen by various bodies and these have been War Admiral (1937) 3-year-old colt – 1981 compiled and condensed with Eclipse Award winners 3-year-old colt – 1937 Swale (1984) by the widely respected The Blood-Horse magazine. Best 3-year-old – 1937 3-year-old colt – 1984 Horse of the Year – 1937 Spend a Buck (1985) Most awards originated in 1936. A Horse of the Year Whirlaway (1941) 3-year-old colt – 1985 award was created by a poll of the staff of The New Co-2-year-old colt – 1940 (Our Boots) Horse of the Year – 1985 York Morning Telegraph and its sister newspaper, 3-year-old colt – 1941 Ferdinand (1986) Daily Racing Form . At the same time a rival poll was Best 3-year-old – 1941 Older Horse – 1987 organized by the Baltimore-based Turf and Sport Handicap Horse – 1942 Horse of the Year – 1987 Digest magazine. Starting in 1950, the Thoroughbred Horse of the Year – 1941 & 1942 Alysheba (1987) Racing Associations (TRA) began naming its own Count Fleet (1943) 3-year-old colt – 1987 champion, selecting its winners from votes by racing 2-year-old colt – 1942 Older Horse – 1988 secretaries from member tracks across the United Best 2-year-old – 1942 Horse of the Year – 1988 States. In 1971, Daily Racing Form and TRA made 3-year-old colt – 1943 Winning Colors (1988) an agreement with the National Turf Writers Best 3-year-old – 1943 3-year-old filly – 1988 Association to merge into one set of awards, called Horse of the Year – 1943 Sunday Silence (1989) the Eclipse Awards. Assault (1946) 3-year-old colt – 1989 3-year-old colt – 1946 Horse of the Year – 1989 Champions prior to 1936 were selected Best 3-year-old – 1946 Unbridled (1990) retrospectively by a panel of experts as published by Horse of the Year – 1946 3-year-old colt – 1990 The Blood-Horse magazine. Citation (1948) Thunder Gulch (1995) 2-year-old colt – 1947 3-year-old colt – 1995 KENTUCKY DERBY WINNERS Best 2-year-old – 1947 Silver Charm (1997) CROWNED CHAMPIONS (64) 3-year-old colt – 1948 3-year-old colt – 1997 Best 3-year-old – 1948 Real Quiet (1998) Vagrant (1876) Handicap Horse – 1948 3-year-old colt – 1998 Co-3-year-old colt – 1876 (Vigil) Horse of the Year – 1948 Charismatic (1999) Baden-Baden (1877) Swaps (1955) 3-year-old colt – 1999 3-year-old colt – 1877 Handicap Horse – 1956 Horse of the Year – 1999 Hindoo (1881) Horse of the Year – 1956 War Emblem (2002) 3-year-old colt – 1881 Needles (1956) 3-year-old colt – 2002 Leonatus (1883) 2-year-old colt – 1955 Funny Cide (2003) 3-year-old colt – 1883 Best 2-year-old – 1955 3-year-old colt/gelding – 2003 Joe Cotton (1885) 3-year-old colt – 1956 Smarty Jones (2004) Co-3-year-old colt – 1885 (Bersan) Best 3-year-old – 1956 3-year-old colt – 2004 Ben Brush (1896) Tim Tam (1958) Street Sense (2007) Co-2-year-old colt – 1895 (Requital) 3-year-old colt – 1958 2-year-old colt – 2007 Meridian (1911) Best 3-year-old – 1958 Big Brown (2008) 3-year-old colt – 1911 Carry Back (1961) 3-year-old colt – 2008 Horse of the Year – 1911 3-year-old colt – 1961 Animal Kingdom (2011) Worth (1912) Best 3-year-old – 1961 3-year-old colt – 2011 Co-2-year-old colt – 1911 (Helios) Chateaugay (1963) I’ll Have Another (2012) Old Rosebud (1914) 3-year old colt – 1963 3-year-old colt – 2012 2-year-old colt – 1913 Best 3-year-old – 1963 California Chrome (2014) Horse of the Year – 1917 Northern Dancer (1964) 3-year-old colt – 2014 Regret (1915) 3-year-old colt – 1964 Horse of the Year – 2014 2-year-old filly – 1914 Best 3-year-old – 1964 American Pharoah (2015) 3-year-old filly – 1915 Canonero II (1971) 2-year-old colt – 2014 Horse of the Year – 1915 3-year-old colt – 1971 3-year-old colt – 2015 Omar Khayyam-GB (1917) Riva Ridge (1972) Horse of the Year – 2015 Co-3-year-old colt – 1917 (Hourless) 2-year-old colt – 1971 Justify (2018) Exterminator – 1918 Older Horse – 1973 3-year-old colt – 2018 Horse of the Year – 1922 Secretariat (1973) Horse of the Year – 2018 Sir Barton (1919) 2-year-old colt – 1972 3-year-old colt – 1919 3-year-old colt – 1973 Horse of the Year – 1919 Grass Horse – 1973 Morvich (1922) Horse of the Year – 1972 & 1973 2-year-old colt – 1921 Foolish Pleasure (1975) Zev (1923) 2-year-old colt – 1974 2-year-old colt – 1922 Bold Forbes (1976) Co-3-year-old colt – 1923 (In Memoriam) 3-year-old colt – 1976 Horse of the Year – 1923 Whiskery (1927) 3-year-old colt – 1927 2-YEAR-OLD CHAMPIONS Classic Empire 4th 2017 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES IN THE KENTUCKY DERBY (77) Good Magic 2nd 2018 IN THE KENTUCKY DERBY (68) Kentucky Derby Record: 77-21-15-5 HORSE OF THE YEAR WINNERS Note: 36 Kentucky Derby winners have been IN THE KENTUCKY DERBY (51) enshrined in the Racing and Hall of Fame. Proctor Knott 2nd 1889 st Ben Brush 1 1896 Note: 26 Kentucky Derby Winners were named Ten Broeck 5th 1875 Worth 1st 1912 Horse of the Year at some point in their career. Parole 4th 1876 Gowell (f) 3rd 1913 Hindoo 1st 1881 Ornament 2nd 1897 Old Rosebud (g) 1st 1914 Ben Brush 1st 1896 Meridian 1st 1911 Regret (f) 1st 1915 Old Rosebud (g) 1st 1914 Old Rosebud (g) 1st 1914 Pebbles 2nd 1915 Regret (f) 1st 1915 Dominant 7th 1916 Regret (f) 1st 1915 Exterminator (g) 1st 1918 Billy Kelly (g) 2nd 1919 Exterminator (g) 1st 1918 Eternal 10 th 1919 Sir Barton 1st 1919 Sir Barton 1st 1919 Prudery (f) 3rd 1921 Billy Kelly (g) 2nd 1919 st Tryster 4th 1921 Zev 1 1923 Zev 1st 1923 Careful (f) 5th 1921 st Reigh Count 1 1928 Black Gold 1st 1924 Morvich 1st 1922 Blue Larkspur 4th 1929 Reigh Count 1st 1928 th st Startle (f) 8 1922 Gallant Fox 1 1930 th st Sun Beau 11 1928 Zev 1 1923 Twenty Grand 1st 1931 Blue Larkspur 4th 1929 th Pompey 5 1926 Cavalcade 1st 1934 Gallant Fox 1st 1930 Scapa Flow 9th 1927 Discovery 2nd 1934 st st Twenty Grand 1 1931 Reigh Count 1 1928 Granville DNF 1936 th Cavalcade 1st 1934 Alcibiades (f) 10 1930 War Admiral 1st 1937 Ladysman 4th 1933 Discovery 2nd 1934 Challedon 2nd 1939 Cavalcade 1st 1934 Omaha 1st 1935 Whirlaway 1st 1941 Mata Hari (f) 4th 1934 Granville DNF 1936 st Bazaar (f) 9th 1934 Count Fleet 1 1943 War Admiral 1st 1937 th st Nellie Flag (f) 4 1935 Assault 1 1946 st nd Johnstown 1 1939 Pompoon 2 1937 Citation 1st 1948 nd th Challedon 2 1939 Menow 4 1938 nd nd th Coaltown 2 1948 Bimelech 2 1940 El Chico 6 1939 nd nd Capot 2 1949 Whirlaway 1st 1941 Bimelech 2 1940 nd Hill Prince 2 1950 nd st Alsab 2 1942 Whirlaway 1 1941 Counterpoint 11 th 1951 Devil Diver 6th 1942 Our Boots 8th 1941 Native Dancer 2nd 1953 nd Count Fleet 1st 1943 Alsab 2 1942 Swaps 1st 1955 st st Count Fleet 1 1943 Nashua 2nd 1955 Assault 1 1946 Double Jay 12 th 1947 Round Table 3rd 1957 Citation 1st 1948 Citation 1st 1948 Bold Ruler 4th 1957 Coaltown 2nd 1948 nd nd Hill Prince 2nd 1950 Sword Dancer 2 1959 Hill Prince 2 1950 th nd Oil Capitol DH-5th 1950 Roman Brother (g) 4 1964 Native Dancer 2 1953 rd Native Dancer 2nd 1953 Damascus 3 1967 Swaps 1st 1955 nd Hasty Road 2nd 1954 Arts and Letters 2 1969 Nashua 2nd 1955 nd Personality 8th 1970 Nashua 2 1955 Needles 1st 1956 st st Needles 1 1956 Secretariat 1 1973 nd th Gallant Man-GB 2 1957 Jewel’s Reward 4th 1958 Forego (g) 4 1973 Round Table 3rd 1957 st First Landing 3rd 1959 Seattle Slew 1 1977 Bold Ruler 4th 1957 th Crimson Satan 6 1962 Affirmed 1st 1978 st nd Tim Tam 1 1958 Never Bend 2 1963 st nd th Spend a Buck 1 1985 Sword Dancer 2 1959 Bold Lad 10 1965 th st Silver Spoon (f) 5 1959 Successor 6th 1967 Ferdinand 1 1986 st Top Knight 5th 1969 Alysheba 1st 1987 Carry Back 1 1961 Silent Screen 5th 1970 st Sunday Silence 1st 1989 Northern Dancer 1 1964 Riva Ridge 1st 1972 rd Holy Bull 12 th 1994 Damascus 3 1967 st Secretariat 1st 1973 Skip Away 12 th 1996 Majestic Prince 1 1969 nd Foolish Pleasure 1st 1975 Favorite Trick 8th 1998 Arts and Letters 2 1969 st Honest Pleasure 2nd 1976 Charismatic 1st 1999 Riva Ridge 1 1972 Seattle Slew 1st 1977 Point Given 5th 2001 Secretariat 1st 1973 Curlin 3rd 2007 th Affirmed 1st 1978 Forego (g) 4 1973 California Chrome 1st 2014 st Spectacular Bid 1st 1979 Foolish Pleasure 1 1975 American Pharoah 1st 2015 st Rockhill Native (g) 5th 1980 Seattle Slew 1 1977 st Althea (f) 19 th 1984 Justify 1 2018 Affirmed 1st 1978 rd Chief’s Crown 3 1985 Alydar 2nd 1978 Capote DNF 1987 Did you know? Spectacular Bid 1st 1979 Forty Niner 2nd 1988 The only horse not crowned Horse of the Year st Easy Goer 2nd 1989 the year he swept the Triple Crown was Omaha in Genuine Risk (f) 1 1980 Fly So Free 5th 1991 1935.
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