"?m '''JSt1 Wjipr " jfHt ( . IP" n"fTT " 1&' For knowing how to T'ie oldest and licst. Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy. Consult tlic patrons of Uniformly leads. The Tlic Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin docs Vol. V. Xo. S17. HONOLULU, II. I., KKIDAY, .JAXUAKY 21, 1S!)S. kick 5 Cunts. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE strongest export evidence to that 1)R&TII flP MARK KENNEDY of the best salesmen in that line YITILL CARE FOR CHILDREN effect. The whole mat er should I jn this city. L inline health com i be left to the Legislature. polled nun to return to bsn 1" ran j Mr. Sohaofer lliave been look-- ' Cisco for a snort timt. lie caine Receives the Report of the Committee iuuovor the pints nud i find timt Drowned In the Sea OH PapaiKou Last back to the Islands and laloi Central Union Church to Have a Sun- the point of land is included in the made another move to the coast, oh Wharves. wharf. There will not ba over 75 lUesaay Morning, returning about four joars ngo. day Kindergarten. i feet of nilinir, us fully two - thirds For quite- u while he win con- of the proposed wharf is included nected with the "lornl fire depart ' Sad News and Body Brought by And Adjourns Without Making Any Special in what is known ns the Limekiln ment and then entered the steam- While Parents Worship Their Babes Will R- e- point. ship business, first with the Inter-Mau- d Recommendation Further Explanations ot Deceased and ceive Instruction School Opens Mr. Atherton Why was no ob- - ' Co. and then with the on the Subject. jeetiou raado when the Ijpgiluture His Career. Wilder S. S. Co. As freight clerk Next Sabbath. appropriated the money ? of the Kiniui ho was a fixture and O bs Mr. Dillinuham The Lomsla a factor. Ho had tho complete Vt the meeting of the Chamber ture only know that new wharves Murk X. Kennedy, freight clerk confidence of Mr. Beckly and the A kiiidergaiteu clnss will l.o The best preparation for preserving, of Commerce this mornintr there were needed but did not specify , of the steamer Kinau, lost his life company. Mr. Wight regarded started iu tho upstairs parlors of restoring, and beautifying the balr is whore they were to ne put in. Ultt 9 " m 8I' wpre nrpsent Messrs. J A Homier, iu tho hro,kers at Pnpaikou last f l'i ."' tho Central Uuii n church next iii.-- AV M W fI soil ttuiiny uuii, riliuauiu muii in Ayer's Oiff.nl, P 0 done, SSSnSZJTule 7 not?1 " einploy. Sunday to'continue from 11 to 112 Allen, F J Lowroy, F A Schaefer, ,miKeti pt0 pay"for tho wharves. "'J' waB ombaliiiod and brought Mr. Kennedy was known to o'clock and to meet oich Sabbath Vigor. .IF ILickfeld, "W W Hall, Ii F, There is nlontv of property in to Honolulu by the Kinau ttiiB everyone. Ho never had an thereafter. At preeeut only child- Hair neighborhood - Dillinoliani. H A Parmeloe. John the that needs rnomiuL'. Pursor Georuo Uecklev enemy. He was mnet, uuassum- ren over three years of ago will be . - . fil l iurv a iwl rilllil f n L'titi siilf i i i i n iwl lifwl i I it'll tril It Weepi the scalp free from dandruff, - r an lit tlio -- n tii i.ii iiit join ina Jina, l- iU Swanzv, .) ii Atnerton, " " " - urouo tno news to tne wiuow, and "b '"" "uj .....v.. hcali troublesome humors, nud pre. from;"" tho ships proposed under go to make,"up tho manly1y""man. As !,.. .Ins G Spencer and L C Mncfar-- there wore ,, in his ..,, ho """ vetits the hair from falling out. When my ihm ((t ,flBB, worJ.pr he yiB Bctlvon(l CRro The idea is not a new one. In the hair becomes dry, thin, faded, or 'nD0' .15 cents a yard, while 1 will Performed tho sad duty. ilio ful. His position was a hard and American cities tho classes prove gray, it restores the original color aud Aftor tho reading of the minutes uuaraute to oxenvnto it for .5U. leceased and Mr. Iieckley wore dangerous one. Yot he was never' ' a meat con veuionce to parents who texture ami promotes a new and vig- of last meetiug President Ather- - Mr. Jorios- -1 think it would be the closest of friends known to shirk duty. He will bo to used, Ayer's IpI- desire attend morninc services. orous growth. Wherever ton said the meeting was called to proaurnpuon on our p?ri io inier From the various accounts of missed in Honolulu and tho - Hair Vigor supplauts all other dress- Vnwn. ixlfrlt nntiifj iir l.i .HK nri- - auds. Many hundreds of people Uabies are taken euro of during on report ot tlif tho nccident at hand it would ings, and becomes at once the favorite tako action the 1 the Government had have a friend. He the church hour and children old vil.0. appear at th? timo, Mr. Ken lost fnthful with ladies and gentlemen alike. special committee. )oUl ,Q luo pian 0I oarryinfe out that, leaves a widow aud a daughter, ouough to walk aro "iven instruc- - Mr.Joiies-- On of nccly was returning from iu behalf tho ,,1B G00 foot w,wrf withmU (UJhtho. shore both iu this city. tion in kindergttrteu exeicisos. tee wo a boat with four oarsmen and a couitni I will. state that met ,;, f Lt,,,iB(ltul.e wo Inighi will take placo from Next Suuday children idnve th At worst part of Tho fuueral Ayer's .IB W.U,U u, ,tn f , iu(pr. steorer. the the years a,,1U.u.u,u, luvo )eejl j,Ht,ill(l i i 11 tho Odd Follows lmll on Fort three ternav morning anu presenieii intv rorouco but as it is wo hud bPttor UU,I"U ill' '" c u street, at o'clock tomorrow ny their paro to Uentral Uuion of high anil views or una unaiuntr uu iiih co hIow succession rollers nfternoon. Hotli Excelsior nud church. It will bo best to arrive wharf as far as wo could forced toward the rocks. Thrco Hair Vigor. qneatioiiB A! r Knliun'ior it is hotter tor Harmony Lodges will turn out. a bit early this timo so as to nscertaiu thom. Tho government of tho sailors deserted at the first m.n n! .. r ii... if:i.i...i eunn. establish tho youngsters iu tho , us to take action ouly when spo V- rRETARED DV had evidently prepared for out-visit- sign of trouble, jumped iuto the - r. V """." The cially called on to protect our in H "1' kindergarten. piivuts will OR. C. AYER & CO., Lowell,Mni.,U.S.A. for aud data sea and s.vam for the shore. ""V1 t J. they had main teroits or when some very impor- - n ten'1 .TT leave tho children there, attend us. We were in- ; botora the boat landed on the .f.b?. in readiness for i ii.. ii I.. Just, "it. fer''V. ii" the morning service and, when GOLD MEDALS at tho World's Chief Expositions. nun i'uiuob iiw. xi in uuiy ,. u. ..,.. :... 1 ... hipu irv infill iiiu vui the preeeut inte ution iiiuui'i ul tiuiuaiiiiiin formed that a tew till the ,UU.V" " . i. ' and ii ro it is over, call for them days- Loilaturo - i ii 'T .1 crican Leauuo depart of the government was to build iiiiiviiiii iii- ir.mi iiiiii v ii uu - i . meets aiiywny. c. " :' ment again. As soon n a sun- Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. iho new wharf only 20(1 feet be- Mr. Hall There is auothor j30'1.10', of Excelsior ply of jingle bolls, milk bottles, fore March 511. 'LMiat th-- ir future Ah soon us tho hoit struck Jim , ?'e.r Solo A cents for the Republic of Ilnwnii. view of tho question. If this UUlltt P. McKiouon cradles ..ui. paie.'oric utivm (Vniir inmnil i ,1iinlM.l intention was to submit to the wharf is an obstruction at nntnnil of "'l "'iei arrived with from the States Inbh will bo highor on rocks jjnrmony Lodge Legislature n proposition to ex all, it should not cvou bo up the lhe u0l,v Hilo. They came taken care of by the good people f '2U00 feet in hold ins own fr'n William A. Henshall, tnd the what th same commenced. It will be could ,'ainsi"it tne ng 0(jjcjnj r,.om !,! ju ehargo of this work. wore of Uih broakers. Mr. Kennedy jumped n) t,0 direction. They away, a constant ana .Mrs. nro iore-uio- st work thrown swim over there. iur. isirnie 'opinion that their plaus were tho obdructiou iu the path of vessols. into the sea, presumably to iuiioiil; those who have put bt-s- t least OKpenstvo. At ashore, but was washed against A-ttorri- and Wo want every foot of whirf TOMOHKOW.S .IIV'I'CII NllOOl', the idea in t working old r. A ey at Law pu'SPiit there was oidy money the rocks. In this position he do.t'u ladies ot tho church have enough to build the wharf '200 atruggled against the brpakcri.lmt Mr. DillinoliRiii-N- nvon fllM r Tlml Will ill lllilf-ia-nt volunteer dtlieirusBih'auce iu the feet. Wo were told that wo hud nl could neither climb up on the 'Irani. (iiilirlr 113 Knulmnmiiu Street. Tele. 0(M. inches of it should be built.
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