SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2017 People le into the front door of Popey- es during the grand opening on Friday. ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK Eat up: Boston Street Popeyes nally opens By Thomas Grillo “We saw the countdown-until-they- the 10:30 a.m. opening as a dozen cars cheese or jambalaya. ITEM STAFF open sign every time we drove by and waited in the drive-thru. Smith recalls when there was a Popey- she kept track,” said her mother, Christy Patrick Smith and Robert Karakaedos, es on State Street and the Lynnway three LYNN — Bobbi Merryman awoke at 5 Merryman. “We thought it would be fun Lynn crossing guards, joined the line decades ago. a.m. Friday morning, but not for school. to be at the opening.” at Popeyes, eager to get their hands on “I like the food,” he said. “I go to the one The 6-year-old has been awaiting the The Merrymans, including Rowan, 8, the hand-battered chicken marinated in in Medford and now there’s one closer to opening of Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen on were among the more than three dozen Louisiana seasoning that’s served with Boston Street. customers who were waiting in line for Cajun fries, corn on the cob, mac and POPEYES, A3 Peabody’s Saugus Paras gets project his due charges By Adam Swift forward ITEM STAFF PEABODY — The only thing surprising By Bridget Turcotte ITEM STAFF about Tom Paras winning this year’s Harry Ankeles Community Service Award might SAUGUS — Avalon- be that he hadn’t already been honored. Bay Communities made For a quarter century, the Peabody Area changes to its plans for Chamber of Commerce has recognized a redevelopment of the Hill- member who exempli es the spirit of Har- top Steak House site that ry Ankeles through a strong work ethic, include 12 charging sta- being charitable, and being active in the tions for electric cars. community. Michael Roberts, Ava- “Each year we receive a number of out- lon’s senior vice president standing nominations for many individuals of development, said the Differences on display next step is to apply for a PARAS, A7 building permit. He hopes to start construction on the $100 million devel- at mayoral debate opment by the end of the year. Stephen Martorano, buildings. Mayor Judith By Thomas Grillo senior project manager ITEM STAFF Among their disagreements Flanagan Kenne- at Bohler Engineering, included the MBTA’s Blue Line, dy and state Sen. went over items they con- LYNN — With less than three how to ght the opioid crisis, and Thomas M. Mc- sidered a “ ne-tune” to weeks until the nal election, the size of the city’s budget de - Gee at Friday’s the design approved last Mayor Judith Flanagan Kenne- cit. mayoral debate spring at a meeting on dy and state Sen. Thomas M. Mc- McGee said the line’s extension at the Porthole Gee highlighted their differences Thursday. Small changes from Revere to Lynn and the rest Restaurant. were made to the type of in the latest mayoral debate on of the North Shore is key to re- Friday. curbing being used in the lieving gridlock and expanding PHOTO | JOHN KROL residential area, the res- Hosted by the Lynn Area the city’s commercial growth. idential sidewalks were Chamber of Commerce and mod- “We are the only Greater Bos- raised to create separa- erated by former Revere Mayor ton community without rapid COURTESY PHOTO tion from the retail space, Daniel Rizzo, the candidates transit,” he said. “Extending the and parking was altered. Tom Paras is this year’s winner of covered transportation, the opi- Blue Line will link us to Boston “The changes are most- the Harry Ankeles Community Ser- oid crisis, the de cit, and a plan DEBATE, A7 ly just enhancements to vice Award. to replace or x the city’s school the original design,” said Martorano. “A lot of the changes we’re seeing are INSIDE just because the design Malden senator ghts has evolved and we have more details.” In Lynn Plans include turn- for health reforms Real to Reel to hold ing 13.9 acres of the site retrospective lm into a mixed-use devel- screening. A3 By Steve Freker “This legislation furthers efforts to opment with residential FOR THE ITEM address the social determinants of In Opinion and retail space. The frontage will house one health that are responsible for many Shribman: Al Gore’s MALDEN — State Sen. Jason Lewis story of retail space, and health inequities in our system; and, ecosphere of is at the center of a legislative effort to accomplishment. A4 three four-story residen- create a report focusing on both short innovative steps are taken to make tial buildings will be in and long term goals for strengthening prevention a more central component LOOK! the rear. The residential Massachusetts’ healthcare system. of our healthcare system, which will Bill Brotherton’s GET A READ space will have a total of As Senate chairman of the Legis- improve our quality of life and save review of America. A8 280 studio, one-bedroom lature’s Joint Committee on Public money,” Lewis said. ON SAUGUS and two-bedroom apart- Health, Lewis serves on the Senate The Massachusetts Senate released In Sports CANDIDATES ments, and a one-story Working Group on Health Care Cost Classical holds off late Containment and Reform. MALDEN, A7 Salem rally. B1 Page A5 SAUGUS, A7 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 HIGH 72° VOL. 139, ISSUE 269 LYNN .........................................A3 LOOK! .......................................A8 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 LOW 52° OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 REAL ESTATE .............................B8 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2017 OBITUARIES Valerie D. Murphy, 74 Thermostat Recycling Corp., Wheelabrator team up to recycle SAUGUS — Mrs. husband Craig; eight Valerie D. (Hines) cherished grand- FORT WASHINGTON, public that encourages re- taining thermostats. This mercury-containing ther- Murphy, age 74, for- children and five Pa. — Thermostat Recy- cycling efforts, it increases agreement plays a key role mostats. merly of Lynn, died on great-grandchildren; cling Corporation (TRC) is the recycling rates of these in meeting the mercury With a network of more Wednesday, Oct. 18 her dear sister, Don- at Sunrise at Gardner na Monti. She is pre- pleased to announce that devices dramatically.” recovery goals outlined in than 3,400 collection sites Park in Peabody af- deceased by her son they have partnered with Under this agreement, Wheelabrator’s Material nationwide, TRC has recov- ter a long battle with Jose Murphy. New Hampshire-based TRC will provide free Separation Plan for Mas- ered more than 2.1 million complications from In lieu of flowers Wheelabrator Technol- recycling containers for sachusetts, aimed at di- thermostats, or 10 tons of Alzheimer’s. She was donations in Valerie’s ogies (Wheelabrator) to consolidating mercury verting mercury from the mercury, to date. TRC as- the loving wife of Michael Mur- memory may be made to Alz- assist in the collection of thermostats that have waste stream to prevent sumes all costs to transport phy, with whom she shared 54 heimer’s Association of Mas- mercury-containing ther- been replaced in homes it from being processed at and properly dispose of re- years of marriage. sachusetts, 309 Waverly Oaks mostats in Massachusetts. and businesses under the our energy-from-waste fa- covered thermostats. Born and raised in Lynn, she Road, Waltham, MA 02452. This collection program Mass Save energy efficien- cilities.” Wheelabrator Technolo- was the daughter of the late Service information: Rela- is part of the Mass Save cy program. Wheelabrator The Mass Save energy gies is the second largest Edward and Dorothy (Drinon) tives and friends are invited energy efficiency installa- will facilitate the shipping efficiency program has the U.S. energy-from-waste Hines. A devoted wife and to attend visiting hours in the tion and weatherization of these devices from par- potential to extract sub- business, and an industry mother, she attended Man- BISBEE-PORCELLA Funeral program, funded by a coa- ticipating trade partners stantial mercury thermo- leader in the conversion of sfield Beauty Academy and Home, 549 Lincoln Ave., Sau- lition of utility companies. or local utilities. stats for recycling, allowing everyday residential and was a hairdresser for many gus, on Tuesday, 4-8 p.m. Fu- “We are excited to part- “Wheelabrator looks for- Massachusetts to capture business waste into clean years. She was involved in neral from the funeral home ner with Wheelabrator to ward to working with TRC one of the last reservoirs of energy. many youth sports and the on Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. encourage and ensure the to provide a proactive, co- mercury still in service. Wheelabrator current- Saugus Schools PTO for many followed by a funeral Mass safe collection of mercu- ordinated solution for the Thermostat Recycling ly has an annual waste years. Valerie had been a res- in Our Lady of the Assump- ry-containing thermostats collection of thermostats as Corporation (TRC) was processing capacity of ident of Saugus since 1968. tion Church, 758 Salem St., under the Mass Save pro- part of the Mass Save pro- founded in 1998 as an in- over 7.5 million tons, and In addition to her husband, Lynnfield, at 10 a.m. Inter- gram,” said Ryan Kiscaden, gram,” said Jim Connolly, dustry-funded nonprofit. a total combined electric she leaves three beloved chil- ment Riverside Cemetery in TRC’s executive director. vice president of environ- Membership consists of 31 generating capacity of 853 dren, Michael P. Murphy, Jenni- Saugus. For directions and “When you have a com- mental, health & safety manufacturers who either megawatts — enough en- fer Ambrosh and her husband condolences www.BisbeePor- mitted strategic partner for Wheelabrator.
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