. P~ ~ ~fllX44 ~ecJ,, c~s~ ,tJuocioiUut. · Why Texas Tech Isn't In The SW Conference * Tech's $4!000!000 Expansion Program * The Southwest Collection * FEBRUARY 1950 THE SCENE WAS SET. We planned to run this view of the Administration building in springtime to make snow­ bound Exes grit their teeth. Then the weatherman crossed us up-brought balmy skies to the South Plains-but we decided some Exes in Fargo, N. D., or Fairbanks, Alaska. might like to see it anyway. EX-STUDENTS Vol. 1, ~ February, 1950 ASSOCIATION OFFICERS The Texas Techsa n President ............ Ed McCullough ·32 Vice-President ...... CONTENTS Hart S·hoemaker '41 Why Texas Tech Isn't in the Southwest Conference 2nd Vice-Pres. ...... Windy Nickla us '21 -by Gene Gregston ............................................................................................................ 2 Director ........................ 0. R. McE!ya '34 The inside story on why Tech is an outsider Director .............................. Olaf Loda! '32 -by a top-flight sports reporter Director ,...... ..... For.rest Weimhold '3f. Immediate Past Pres. What Makes Your College Great? ...................................................................... 4 Hurl'ey Carpen-ter '28 There are more than books, buildings and football games Rep. to Athlet:ic Council in the makeup of a college George Langford '32 Exec. Secretary D. M. McEiroy '35 The Campus Is Bustin' Out All Over -by Bob Rutland .............................................................. ................................................... 5 Tech's $4,000,000 expansion program is making the place resemble a boom camp *· * * The "Open Sign" Is Out ................................................................................................ 7 After years of waiting, the Texas Tech Museum LOY ALTY FU ND is ready to serve the South Plains TRUSTEES He's a Travelin' Man ........ ................................... ...................................... ........................... 9 A sketch of Stanley Anderson, the fast-moving coach of Tech livestock judging teams Olaf Loda! E. A. McCunough F.red Rollins W. B. Rushing The Loose Ends . .................................................................................................................. 10 Wayne Sellers Floyd Wooldridge Odds-and-Ends from the Editor's file 0. R. McE!ya Jimmy Jay R. Guy Carter Kenneth Leftwick Cosmic Rays Are So-o-o Fast! ........................._... ............................................ 12 D. M. McE!roy A little-known research project going on at Tech Sports Roundup-by H. A. Tuck ...................................................................... 13 The Faculty Scene-by Delane Adams ...................................................... 14 * * * History Tucked Away in Tech's Library -by Floydean Wilburn ............................................................................................... 15 THE COVER A collection of regional history for Southwe·st students and writers C. W. RA'l'LJ!FF (second from lef.t) tens how he hoped to see Traditions at Tech .................................................................................................................. 16 the Administration building completed. Listening are his Signals from the Huddle ................................................................................................ 17 son James, le'ft, Hurley Car­ D. M. McElroy's roundup of the Exes penter and !his son, Ge·orge, as .they view construction on the new wings. Both Ratliff and Car.penter are past presi­ dents of the Ex.Students As­ THE TEXAS TECHSAN sociation. Naturally, their sons are now Techsans. Published eight times a year by the Ex-Students Association of Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Texas. * * * Subscription rate: $3 per year. PHOTO CREDIT Advertising rates on request. All advertising is handled through the Association offices. Cover, page 14-Doug Fairchild. Inside Cover, pages 7 and 9--Jane Moore. Executive Secretary: .................................................... ...... D. M. McElroy Page 8-John Lee Maoo.ging Editor: ........................................................................ Bob Rutland Page 13--Richard Alexander P.age 15-Cecil Horne Circulation: ................................................................ ....... Mrs. Betty Brock 'k/Ju, </~ <Jech JdA 't Jn </~ StudlwJed e+ence By GENE GREGSTON So, .in a physical •sense, .the Ing at the aJthletlc sea.ms, so to Asst. Sports Editor, school would n ot have much speak, and must rise. tr.ouble advancing into an admit­ Fort Worth Star-Telegram Ye.t the desired path to elevat­ tedly tougher and higher <:lass of ed cireumstances is blocked. First, let it be said that this football company suoh as the •SIWC. 'r.he question seems to be: "Shall is a dl·scusslon by a neutral ·ob­ Right now Tech is head a nd we try another route t'O ·advance­ server. shoulders above the Border Con­ ment, ga.ln whatever we can by ~ The ai-tlcle will co~ the ference · In football, generally that method and be ready for the general re'lations now exi'stlng be­ speaking, with only one o.r two Sout hwest Con·ference if the tween Texas Tech and the South­ schools that hav.e seriously chal­ chance ever comes, or shall we west Conference. As t h e y now lenged t he Red Raiders' domina­ try to mainltain our present sta.nd­ sta.nd those relations are not ex­ tion in the past rthree sea.son·s. fng, be in a. positiOIJl to impl'ove a ctly agreeable ·to the ardent Tech Theoretically then, Tech has no to SWC stature <>n a moment'-s alumni who wish to see their alma place to go .in Its own loop except notice and thereby hold off the mater ga.in .not only in the athletic down. necessary expenditure and other sense but In the educational one The Raiders can, perhaps, hold probli!ms of J.mmediate adva.nce­ a.s well. their position but such feaJts are menit until weir~ sure a place B asically, Tech's desire ito enter difficult w.hen a higher goal is awaibs us?" n o.t imm~aJtely in sight. the Southwest's major conference Admittedly the questi'On contains si'l!ms from sports. A letdown is inevita.ble and, as usual, there w.m be an oppon ent a lot of "Ifs" and "Buts" worth There are those who Insist that considerable argument. the Lubb ock school will never be just waiting for the opportunity adml:tte·d into the SV\o'D. Thns cou1ld to speed the decline. The people who cla im Tech has be true but still it seems to be Thus,. from the neutral ..stand.. no chance for SWC a<lmittance carrylng pessimism too far. Then point, !t would appear that Tech base their views chiefly <>n the bhere are oth ers ·- a:nd they com­ is som ewhat hoplessly bound at first "Nay" the Tech bid receiv­ pri•se the majorlity-who a re inclin­ the moment; the school is burst- ed, and on the fact that the seven- ed to believe that Tech someday may get the chan ce anli in the mea ntime these optimists are pa­ tiently awaiting the time. Too, some folks took the initiai conference rebuff t'O heart and now would like to see the Raiders turn to other means for athletic advancement. Such as a wider scope In intersectional football play, thereby going a fter .natio.nal fame independently, if not as a SWC member. The.re may be good reasoning behind each of those viewpoints. Bu·t for a moment let's consider Te.ch's present status in aJthletlcs, and in this football must be used as the criiteri-0n, since the grid­ iron sport is No. 1 at Lubbock and throughout the Southwest. At present Tech ~s a school of approximately 5,900 enrollment with many alumni who actively support its athletic program. Therefore Tech n u m e r i ca I 1 y speaking, compares favorably with the Southwest Conference as a whole and -0utranks several of the members. Tech has good facili­ ties, equal to those at some of the SWC institutions. Tech's Clifford BOYS, JO JO IS A SOPHMORE. NOW. WOULD YOU B . and Audrey Jones Stadium, now r.se8.'tlng a:round 16,500, could be en­ EXPLAIN TO HIM ABOUT THE. SOVTHWE.ST CONFE.RE.NCE:? larged if needed. ._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-&SOROE~ There's hope for a new field­ HERE'S WHAT THE UNDERGRADUATE CORPS THINKS house in the near future. The ath­ letic dormitory set-up is among about the Southwest Conference and Tech's chances of get­ the best, training equipment the ting into the fold. This cartoon recently appeared in the same. Toreador. February, 1950 3 member circuit apparently has no desire for expansion. And that, though every.thing is not peaches and cream, ·the SWC stil.l is one of TECH'S SWC RECORD the -more desirable atohde!ti<: ci-rcuits as it now stands, in the United The late Al Sm.Ith had a favoriit'I! saying, "Let's look at the Stait.es. reco.rd." Lclok.!ng at the record can be good or bad, of course, A seven-team membership al­ dependin•g on wh'ich side of •the fence you're sta.ndin·g Willen you lows each school a r-0und-robin t&!ke Ure look. But, it seems that in the 2S years Tedh. has been schedule -0f six conference football meeting SWC f<>oitball teams the record has n·ot been greQtly games per season and four non­ over-balanced. conference contests. It must be ad­ This .is p8.I'lt:iculairly true Willen you constder that Tech is the mitted that this fs an attractive youngSter among educatilonal institutions 1n tbe Lone Star State. alignment. H owever, it seems W'ith aispirations t<oward an established seat :in the S outhwest Con­ fooltsh to ·think that Tech is be­ ference, refel'ing speclfica.l.ly bo footba.11, Tecb has been matched ing denied member.ship merely be­ w~th six or seven SWC tea·ms. Arkansas still remains unplayed, cause of the fact that each con­ aJU1oug.h t·he Porkers .have negotiaited with .the Red Raiders. His­ ference school would then have tory·-<and the record~a'S it this way: to play seven con·ference games instead of six. TEAMS MET GAMES WON LOST TIED Because five -Of ithe seven SWC Texas 6. 0 6 0 schools will play T-exas Tech in Texas A & M 9 2 7 0 1950; thus the same schedule they Southern Melthod4sit U.
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