Title Sup STF H&P JP MP SoF SoFU CMP A R+ T O SH'99 SH'00 Source Description Sup Marlborough Road Supplement STF Singing The Faith, the new Methodist hymn book H&P Hymns and Psalms JP Junior Praise. (The first book has numbers 1–300; 301–503 are in the second.) MP the first Mission Praise book SoF Songs of Fellowship. (The first book has numbers 1–640; 641–1150 are in Book 2; 1151–1690 in Book 3.) SoFU Songs of Fellowship Update CMP Complete Mission Praise. (Everything from all of the Mission Praise books, but with its own numbering scheme.) A Ancient & Modern New Standard R+ Ancient & Modern Revised Hymns Ancient And Modern New Standard Hymns Ancient And Modern Ltd., 1983 T Hymns For Today's Church Hymns And Psalms Methodist Publishing House, 1983 O Hymns Old and New Junior Praise Marshall Pickering, 1986 SH'99 Spring Harvest Praise 1999 Songs Of Fellowship (Combined) Kingsway Music, 1991 SH'00 Spring Harvest Praise 2000 Mission Praise (Combined) Marshall Pickering, 1990 Hymns Ancient And Modern Revised Hymns Ancient And Modern Ltd., 1950 http://www.cix.co.uk/~gidds/Software/Hymns.html Hymns For Today's Church Hodder and Stoughton, 1982 http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/re-singing-the-faith-0510.pdf Hymns Old And New Kevin Mayhew, 1996 A Boy Gave To Jesus Five Loaves And Two Fish 1 A Brighter Day Is Breaking 1 A Charge To Keep I Have 658 785 R328 A Debtor To Mercy Alone 449 A Glorious Company We Sing 787 A Great And Mighty Wonder 90 43 R68 49 2 A humble heart (Won't Let Go) 1153 A Man There Lived In Galilee 334 R+1 3 A Messenger Named Gabriel 73 A Mighty Mystery We Set Forth 579 A naggy mum (All The Same) 302 A New Commandment I Give Unto To You 1 242 303 22 1 s26 A Purple Robe, A Crown Of Thorn 2 304 122 A refuge for the poor (This Is Our God) 1172 A rich young man came seeking 243 A Safe Stronghold Our God Is Still 623 661 25 2 114 R183 523 A Song Was Heard At Christmas 75 A special star (But Our Hearts Have Been Warm) 223 305 A Stranger Once Did Bless The Earth 335 R+2 A Virgin Most Pure, As The Prophets Do Tell 93 A wiggly waggly worm (Wiggly Waggly Song) 306 A Work Hath Christ For Thee To Do R430 Abba, Father, Let Me Be 3 439 2 1 1 3 5 Title Sup STF H&P JP MP SoF SoFU CMP A R+ T O SH'99 SH'00 Abide With Me; Fast Falls The Eventide 141 665 2 2 4 13 R27 425 6 Above all (powers, above all kings, above all nature and all created things) 1151 Above The Voices Of The World 5 Abraham's Son (Hail To The King) 641 Adoramus Te, Domine 7 Advent candles tell their story 165 After Darkness, Light 292 186 Again and again (you have revealed your love to me) 1152 Again The Lord's Own Day Is Here 20 R40 Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) 787 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended 164 123 8 Ah, Lord God (thou hast made the heavens and the earth) 3 6 Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed 124 All Around Me Lord 7 10 All around the world (there's a new day dawning) 642 1 All around your throne (Brighter Than The Sun) 1154 All consuming fire (you're my heart's desire) 643 All creation bows 644 All creation cries to you (God Is Great) 1155 All Creatures Of Our God And King 99 329 645 7 105 R172 13 9 All earth was dark (Light To The World) 8 All For Jesus, All For Jesus 341 251 469 10 All Glory Be To God On High 606 All Glory To God In The Sky 400 All glory to the Father be 769 All Glory, Laud, And Honour 262 160 1157 9 60 R98 120 11 All Hail And Welcome, Holy Child 12 All Hail King Jesus! All Hail Emmanuel! 3 7 11 All Hail The Lamb 8 12 All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name! 342 252 5 9 13 140 R217 587 13 All Hail, Adored Trinity R617 All Heaven Declares 293 10 14 14 All Heaven Waits With Bated Breath 11 15 All I have (is by your mercy, and all I have is all of grace) 1 All I once held dear (Knowing You) 489 646 799 2 2 All my days (Beautiful Saviour) 1158 1 3 3 All my days I will sing this song of gladness 343 All My Heart This Night Rejoices 91 76 All My Hope On God Is Founded 455 63 16 336 R+3 451 15 All my life (True Surrender) 1159 All My Life, Lord, To You 17 All my ways (all our hearts the makers hand, reflected in each part) 4 All of me (all of me I give to you, only you, Jesus) 1160 All of you (Enough) 1161 All Over The World The Spirit Is Moving 5 12 18 16 Title Sup STF H&P JP MP SoF SoFU CMP A R+ T O SH'99 SH'00 All People That On Earth Do Dwell 1 1 4 6 13 20 100 R166 14 17 All Praise Be To God R566 All Praise To Our Redeeming Lord 608 753 19 All Praise To Thee, For Thou, O King Divine 253 337 R+4 204 18 All Shall Be Well! 149 All that I am (I lay before you) 647 973 All that I am (I Offer My Life) 801 All That I Am, All That I Do 19 All the ends of the earth (Awaken The Nations) 648 All The Nations Of The Earth 20 All The Riches Of His Grace 8 649 21 All the room was hushed and still 266 All The Way My Saviour Leads Me 1162 2 22 All Things Are Possible To Them 723 All Things Bright And Beautiful 100 330 6 14 23 116 R442 283 21 All Things Praise Thee, Lord Most High 331 24 All To Jesus, I Surrender 4 1163 25 All who are thirsty (all who are weak, come to the fountain) 1164 All Ye That Seek The Lord Who Died 294 188 All Ye Who Seek For Sure Relief 64 R104 22 All You Angels Round His Throne 15 All you have to do (is to ask the Lord) 307 All you people (sing unto the Lord) 650 All You That Pass By 26 All-consuming, all-embracing (fervent God of love, enthral me) 800 All-Creating Heavenly Giver 489 Alleluia. I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, 826 Alleluia ... Jesus Is Lord 23 Alleluia! Alleluia! Opening Our Hearts To Him 756 5 Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise ye the Lord Alleluia, alleluia (Jesus Is The Lord) 1156 Alleluia, alleluia! 757 Alleluia, alleluia! 758 Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia 308 7 4 29 7 Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 755 Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks To The Risen Lord! 295 250 3 9 6 30 s3 24 Alleluia, Alleluia, Hearts To Heaven And Voices Raise 80 R137 151 25 Alleluia. O praise God in his holiness 840 Alleluia, Sing To Jesus! 568 592 67 153 207 262 R399 170 26 Alleluia, Song Of Sweetness R82 All-Holy Father, King Of Endless Glory 391 Almighty Father Of All Things That Be 375 Almighty Father, Lord Most High 267 R405 Almighty Father, Who Dost Give 399 R583 Almighty Father, Who For Us Thy Son Didst Give 401 338 R+5 Title Sup STF H&P JP MP SoF SoFU CMP A R+ T O SH'99 SH'00 Almighty God (faithful and true, in my worship I want to meet with you) 1165 Almighty God (I Will Only Worship You) 651 Almighty God (we bring you praise) 16 27 Almighty God, Holy One (who can stand before you, who can come?) 1166 Almighty God, my Redeemer (All Things Are Possible) 652 5 Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father 17 28 Almighty God, Thy Word Is Cast 466 Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open 749 Almighty God, We Bring You Praise 1167 Almighty God, we come to make confession 419 Almighty Lord, The Holy One 273 Almighty Sovereign Lord 18 Always remember, never forget 70 Amazing Grace! How Sweet The Sound 440 215 8 10 19 3 31 28 27 Amen, Siakudumisa! (Amen, We Praise Your Name, O God) 770 4 Among the gods (You Alone Are God) 653 Among Us And Before Us 28 An Army Of Ordinary People 20 32 An Upper Room Did Our Lord Prepare 569 594 434 R+101 29 And after all (Unashamed) 1169 And Are We Yet Alive 456 707 And Art Thou Come With Us To Dwell 415 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 345 216 11 21 33 588 30 6 5 And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time 294 R578 31 And did you see him, little star 4 And Didst Thou Travel Light, Dear Lord 339 R+6 And from your fullness (Grace Upon Grace) 654 And he shall reign forever (his throne and crown shall ever endure) 655 802 And I'm forgiven (You Are My King) 1170 And Now Another Day Is Gone R36 And Now, Beloved Lord, Thy Soul Resigning R123 And Now, O Father, Mindful Of The Love 593 260 R397 392 32 And Now, The Wants Are Told, That Brought R32 And we know that all things (...work together for good) 310 Angels bow (before you, kings fall at your command) 1171 Angels, From The Realms Of Glory 190 92 10 23 35 39 R64 77 34 Angel-Voices Ever Singing 39 484 24 34 163 R246 307 33 Anointing, fall on me 656 Approach, My Soul, The Mercy-Seat R345 Are the prayers of the saints (like sweet smelling incense)? 1173 4 Are we the people? (Last Generation) 657 Are you humbly grateful (or grumbly hateful?) 309 Arise, for the glory of the Lord Arise, My Soul, Arise 217 Arm Of The Lord, Awake, Awake 433 Title Sup STF H&P JP MP SoF SoFU CMP A R+ T O SH'99 SH'00 Around The Throne Of God A Band 320 R448 35 Around you such beauty (I Bow Down) 1174 Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid R348 Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven 807 As dawn awakes another day 659 As for me and my house 1175 5 As high as the heavens As I come into your presence (Awesome In This Place) 974 As if you were not there 724 As Jacob With Travel Was Weary One Day 444 435 R+102 36 As Jesus came to Jerusalem 5 As Man And Woman We Were Made 364 As Now The Sun's Declining Rays R29 37 As Pants The Hart For Cooling Streams 416 226 R314 38 As servants working an estate 491 As Sons Of The Day And Daughters Of Light 490 As sure as gold is precious (Revival) 1176 7 6 As The Bridegroom To His Chosen 30 340 R+7 As the deer pants (Your Waves Of Love) 544 658 As The Deer Pants For The Water 27 37 39 As The Disciples, When Thy Son Had Left Them 341 R+8 As the glory of creation 725 As Water To The Thirsty 441 659 803 470 As We Are Gathered Jesus Is Here 6 13 28 38 40 As we behold you 660 As We Break The Bread 393 As we bring our songs (How Long?) 1177 As we come today (Holy Moment) 1178 6 As We Come With Praise 29 As we gather in your presence now 609 As we gather, Father, seal us 570 As we
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