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LXXXVIII No. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, i98i 25 cents Helsinki Watch protests Welcome home, Michael continued Soviet repression JERSEY C1TY - Harry Met– rinko of Olyphant, Pa., turned 70 on NEW YORK - The U.S. Helsinki During this same period, Aleksandr Monday, January 19, and on the Watch Committee, in a letter sent on Lavut, a supporter of the Crimean following day received the best January 12 to Soviet Deputy Minister Tatars in their struggfe to return home possible birthday present: news that of Foreign Affairs Leonid ilichev, from their 36-year banishment in Cental his son Michael was on the way deplored the wave of arrests and trials Asia, was sentenced to three years in a home. of a wide variety of human-rights labor camp for "anti-Soviet slander." in activists which has continued unabated addition, Oksana Meshko, 75-year-old Michael.John Metrinko, a 34- during the Madrid Conference to re- member of'the Ukrainain Helsinki year-old embassy political officer, view compliance with the 1975 Helsinki Group, was reportedly transferred from and 51 other Americans held hostage Accords. Mr. ilichev is chief of the a psychiatric hospital to a prison. in lran since the November 4, 1979, Soviet delegation to the conference, The fact that Soviet repression would І seizure of the U.S. Embassy in which opened on November 11 and is not be deterred by the Madrid Confe– Ц Teheran, were at long last released on now in recess until January 27. rence was signaled on November 13, the 444th day of their captivity. Chairman Robert L. Bernstein speak– two days after the conference opened, All the news was not good, how– ing for the U.S. Helsinki Watch Com– by the arrest of prominent Jewish ever. mittee, called the continuingcrackdown activist and refusenik viktor Brailov– Speaking by telephone from Wies– "outrageous" and "a clear demonstra– sky, editor of the unofficial journal, baden, West Germany, Mr. Met– tion of the Soviet officials' undisguised Jews in the USSR, and organizer for rinko told his father and mother contempt for their human-rights obliga– eight years of the "Sunday seminar" for Alice that he had been kept in solitary tio.ns under the Helsinki Accords." Jewish refusenik scientists. confinement for the first eight or nine Copies of the letter, signed by Mr. According to Ludmilla Alexeyeva, months of his ordeal and that he Bernstein, vice Chairman Orville H. representative abroad of the Moscow never knew where he was. According Sche!l and other members of the com– Helsinki Group, 1980 has been an to various press reports (The Weekly Michael Metrinko mittee, have been sent to all the delega– extremely difficult year for all branches was unsuccessful in its own tion leaders at the Madrid Conference. of the human-rights movement in the attempt to contact the Metrinkos by Mr. Metrinko also told his parents in it the U.S. group points out: "More Soviet Union. "This year the Soviet phone), the ex-hostage lost 40 pounds that he had no idea he was about to than 65 imprisoned Soviet and Czecho– authorities set as their targets the while confined in a windowless room4 be released when he was driven to the Slovak human-rights activists have leaders of all the movements, beginning "five steps by five steps." Teheran airport on Tuesday, Jan– been singled out, to no avail, in speeches with Dr. Sakharov and extending to the uary 20. by Western delegates at the review leaders of all religious, cultural and The elder Metrinko said that in a Mr. Metrinko served in lran since conference. Yet, despite the forceful special-interest groupsA — previously undisclosed teller re– 1977 and had been the U.S. consul to positions taken by the West in Madrid, Ms. Alexeyeva also pointed out that ceived in April, his son had indicated Tabriz. He was held hostage in his we see no positive movement. Dr. the work of the unofficial journals that the .iranian militants "gave consulate for five days in February Andrei Sakharov remains in exile in which serve as crucial information links some of them a going ovef–. the ones 1979 by anti-Shah demonstrators. Gorky; Yuri Orlov, Mykola Rudenko, both within the country and with the in charge, like my son." The consulate was closed after this Anatoly Shcharansky and more than 40 West has been disrupted, and that Mrs. Metrinko said the group incident and Mr. Metrinko was other Helsinki monitors are still in despite public attention stemming from her son was imprisoned with received prison camps. the Madrid Conference, the severity of only three pieces of mail in 14 months. (Continued on page 13) "The Soviet government has brazenly such official actions has not diminished. continued to arrest and try its citizens even during the Christmas recess. Just ІП lSrQQl this week we have learnd of the arrest of Fcliks Serebrov, a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group and of the Say Sheptytsky should be recognized for saving Jews' lives sentencing to three years in a labor camp of Aleksandr Podrabinek, a JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - The Public can), the Jewish Russian-language leading member of the Working Corn- Committee for Jewish-Ukrainian Co- weekly published here on the Svoboda mission to investigate the Use of Psy– operation in Jerusalem, currently head– Press premises, it was part of an chiatry for Political Purposes. We hope ed by Jakov Suslensky, has drawn up a interview with Russian writer and that these and other Helsinki violations statement regarding posthumous recog– former Soviet political prisoner Mi– that have taken Dlace since the confe– nition of the role played by Metropoli– khail Heifetz, who recently emigrated to rence adjourned will be raised in Madrid tan Andrey Sheptytsky of the Ukrai– israel from the USSR. as soon as the conference resumes." nian Catholic Church during the Holo– caust in saving the lives of hundreds - Mr. Heifetz, a member of the public The letter also referred to the recent possibly thousands - of Jewish people, committee, is one of the signatories to trial of Moscow activist Leonid Ternov– among them some 400 children who the proposal. sky, reportedly tried on Christmas day were sheltered in monasteries. Metropolitan Sheptytsky was born and sentenced to three years in a labor On many occasions the' metropolitan July 29, 1865, in western Ukraine. He camp for "anti-Soviet slander." A phy– joined the Order of St. Basil the Great in sician widely respected for his medical also appealed to Ukrainians in pastoral letters calling on them to aid Jews in 1888, and was ordained in 1892. He services to members of the dissident became bishop of Stanislaviv in 1899 community otherwise deprived of pro– escaping Nazi persecution and mass murder. and metropolitan of Galicia in 1900. per care, he was also a long-time member in 1914 he was arrested and exiled to of the unofficial Working Commission The public committee's statement Russia where he spent three years. to investigate the Use of Psychiatry for carries a proposal that a tree be planted Political Purposes and a member of the in honor of Metropolitan Sheptytsky in He died on November 1, 1944, in Moscow Helsinki Group. Five issues of the Aisle of the Righteous, a memorial Lviv, Ukraine. Procedures leading the psychiatric commission's informa– park in Tel Aviv, israel, dedicated to toward the possible beatification of tion bulletin were held as evidence those individuals who saved Jewish Metropolitan Sheptytsky were initiat– against him. lives during the Nazi Holocaust. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky ed on December 5, 1958. 2 . --.,j„....,.,. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, i98i^„^„„„„„„„–-.-:------ '^'No 4 Amnesty international reports Soviets НвПТШПІІік told continue crackdown on dissidents of persecution NEW YORK - Amnesty inter- 46, a leading Estonian activist, was national reported on Tuesday, January sentenced on January 8 to a total of 15 20, that Soviet courts are handing down years' imprisonment and exile; vazif of Ukrainian Church severe-sentences as the authorities keep Meylanov, 42, a mathematician from MADR1D - Metropolitan Maxim up a drive that has already imprisoned Dagestan who demonstrated peacefully Hermaniuk of Winnipeg, the official more than 200 dissenters in the last 15 against the internal exile of dissident delegate of the Ukrainian Catholic months. physicist Andrei Sakharov, was sen– Church to'the East–West conference to The international human-rights or– tenced on December 2, 1980, to a total review the Helsinki Accords meeting ganization pointed to sentences of up to ofnine years; two Ukrainians, Dr. here, was instrumental in providing 15 years of combined imprisonment and Stepan Khmara, 43, a physician and Western delegations with information internal exile imposed for "anti-Soviet vitaliy Shevchenko, 46, a journalist, detailing Soviet persecution of the agitation and propaganda" in recent were given 12 and 11 years, respectively, Church in Ukraine, according to Pro– months. for circulating an unauthorized Ukrai– gress, a Ukrainian Catholic weekly. nian journal; and Nikolai Goretoi, 59, a The sustained crackdown has hit The Ukrainian metropolitan of Ca– leading Peritecostalist, was sentenced in dissenters of all kinds all over the Soviet nada, who was designated to his Madrid November 1980 to 12 years. Union — religious believers, human- post by the Synod of Ukrainian Bishops rights activists and campaigners for A1 noted that in the general repres– which met late last year, participated in national rights in the non-Russian sion of the last 15 months, three types of the review sessions on December 4-Ю, republics of the USSR, Amnesty inter- dissenter appear to have been especially 1980.
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