
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 324 006 IR 053 273 AUTHOR Cummings, Martin M., Ed. TITLE Influencing Change in Research Librarianship.A Festschrift for Warren J. Haas. INSTITUTION Council on Library Resources, Inc., Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 88 - NOTE 112p. PUB TYPE Collected Works General (020) Historical Materials (060) -- Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Academic Libraries; Higher Education; International Cooperation; *Leadership; *Library Administration; Library Associations; *Library Education;*Library Science; National Libraries; PersonalNarratives; Preservation; *Professional Development; Program Descriptions; Research Libraries; *Social History IDENTIFIERS Festschrift; National Library of Medicine MD ABSTRACT Ten friends and colleagues of Warren J.Haas, former president of the Association of ResearchLibraries, contributed the nine papers in this Festschrift honoringHaas on the occasion of his 65th birthday and the tenth year of hisleadership as president of the Council on Library Resources. The papers,which describe Haas's role in significant library developmentsof the last 25 years, are: (1) "Warren J. Haas: The University Years"(Patricia Battin); (2) "President, Council on Library Resources"(Deanna B. Marcum); (3) "The National Bibliographic Program"(C. Lee Jones); (4) "RLG (Research Libraries Group) Revisited" (Rutherford D.Rogers); (5) "In Pursuit of Preservation" (Peter G.Winterble); (6) "P7ofessiona1 Library Education" (Robert M. Hayes) (7) "The Foundation Connection" (James M. Morris); (8) "The Art of InternationalLibrarianship: The CLR-IFLA (Council on Library Resources-InternationalFtderation of Labrary Associations and Institutions) Style"(Herman Liebaers and Margreet Wijnstroom); and (9) "Warren J.Haas and the Influence of His Publications" (Martin M. Cummings). Anintroduction, a biographical sketch of Haas, and asubject/title index are included. (Sn) ************* ******* ****** ****** *A4****k************ ******************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe lade from the original document. *********** ********* * ****** **************************** **************** U & DEPARTMENT OF LeucAnow Othce of Educatograt Research and Impr.r.rnment EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERICI VMs document nas Peen reproduced as recerned from tne person or orgaruzabon ongrnanng I C M.o0, Changes nave beer, fnade to .onorove rO,OdoCIKY duakty Poots of weor opeoos stateO.nto.s0ocv ment do oOf necessardy represent otficrat OEM 00:lotOnOf OOffty INFLUENCING CHANGE IN RESEARCH LIBRARIANSHIP A Festschrift for Warren J. Haas Edited by Martin M. Cummings, M.D. 1%ith the assistance of Ellen B. Timmer l'-) Council on Library Resources, Inc. s`l Washington, D.C. 1988 .PERMISSIONTO REPRODUCE THIS `) MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 1i) Ellen B. Timmer I-1 2 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER a:RIC.I " Thc Nper uscd in this pubhcanon mccts thc minimum rcquircmcnts of Ammon National Standard for Infornunon ScicnccsPcrmancnec of Pam for Pnntcd Library Matcru ls, ANSI Z39 48-1984 Council on Library Rcsourccs, Inc 1785 Massachuscas Accnuc, N W Washington, D C 20036 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Influcncing changc in research hbrananship Indudcs bibluigraphies and !Me\ 1 Rescarch libraries 2Lioran sucnce 31-ials, Warrcn J, 1924 I Haas, Warren , 1924- IICummings. N.-ron Marc. 1920- IIITmuner, Hkn B Z6-5 R45151988 20 09-3 88 3-269 Contents Preface M..rtin M. Cummings vii Introduction Maximilian W. Kempner ix Biographical Sketch xi Chapter 1 Warren JHaas: The Patricia Baum 1 University Years Cnapter 2 President, Council on Deanna B. Marcum 9 Library Resources Chapter 3The Nation. C Lee Jones 21 Bibliographic Program Chapter 4 RLG Revisited Rutherford D Rogers 41 Chapter 5 In Pursuit- of Peter G. Wmterble 53 Preservation Chapter 6 Professional Library Robert M H.yes 59 Education Chapter 7The Foundation James NI Morns 71 Connection Chapter 8 The Art of International Herman Liebaer & 77 Librarianship. The CLR- Margrcet Wiinstroom IFLA Style Chapter 9Warren IHaas arid the Martin NI Cummings 83 Influence of His Puillications Inde 103 y Preface Man's mind, once stretched by a ncw idca, never regains its original dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes Only a few individuals have the insight to foresee thefuture and even fewer have the opportunity and talent toinfluence it. Warren J. Haas is such a person. I first came to appreciate his uncommondrive to upgrade professional librarianship and to improve library service:whcn, as Director of the National Library of Medicine, I observed hiscommitment to im- prove library management and toestabish book preservation programs as president of the Association of Research Libn.ries in 1970. Myadmiration n as reinforced when I readhis paper, "Management in Research Libraries: Implications for Library Education," which aprared inLibrary Quartr-Iy 1,1 the fall of 1973. Subsequently, I have been privileged to work closelywith Jim Haas as a member of the CLR Boardof Directors and consultant to the Council on Library Resources. Forthe past five years I have observeu his energetic efforts to stimulate, support, and sustain advances inlibrarianship and the broader field of information science. Clearly, nosingle person could write of Haas's contributions to research librarianshipwith a familiarity that comes from a close associationwith his professional career Therefore, in an eflbrt to amplift my limitedknots ledge and confirm my esteem for his achievements and accomplishments. I asked a groupof distinguished friends and colleagues if they nould be volling to contribute to aFestschrift honoring Jim Haas on the oecasion of hisforthcoming sixty-fifth birthday and the tenth year of his leadership aspresident of the Council on Library Resources. The contributors were asked to describe Haas's role insignificant library developments in nhich he participated, for hiscontributions arc often modestly cont.eakd in the published record. Manycommittee reports do not clearly identify the sourceof seminal ideas or concepts An example Martin if Cummings is Director Emeritusof the Naaonal Libran of Medicine and a consultant to the Council on Librarv Resources vii 5 viiiPrejiza of a recent important pubhcation thatappears without author attnbutton isBrittle Books: Reports of the Committeeon Preservation anl Aaess(Wash- ington, D C.: CLR, 1986). This reportwa: ?repared by Haas, whose anonymity I now violate. It is likely thatmany other significant reports concerned svith library issues have been crafted by his fine"Latin hand" and disciplined "Germanic mind." In an effort to provide some fidelityto the histoncal record, I have been assisted by Mary Agnes Thompson, who providedme with the curnculum vitae and list of publications. I take full responsibility forthe review and abstracting of his pubk-ations. My intent is not only to show the scope and diversity of Haas's professionalinterests but also to reflect his persistence in the causes he thampionednotably, thedevelopment of library cooperatives and consortia, improved librarymanagement, pres- ervation of books and journals, nurturance of library science and research, and upgrading of the profession through improved education. The impact of the initiatives he sponsored has been augmented byhis skill in identifying and engang outstanding associates inhis professional and administrative work. Possesstng the virtues of goodsense, courage, resourcefulness, and endurance, he hasa legitimate claim to being con- sidered our n leading librarian The testimony in this book of those who have known him w,711 and worked svith him should domuch to justify such a claim The format and much of the editorial workrepresems the tine handicraft of Ellen Timmer, who servedas a covert collaborator throughout the entire venture, especially the publication process. Jane Rosenbergper- formed the onerous but valuable task of wmpiling the index.Particularly, I thank Maximilian Kempner, Chairman of the CLR Board ofDirectors, for his enthusiastic approsal of theproject and his support for the pub- lication. Finally, and importantly, I thank the distinguishedauthors who have provided the :ustorical ts and current observations that, in the ag- gregate, reveal the state of the art of research librarianshipnear the close of the tss entieth century Martin M Cummings, M.D. December 1988 f; Introduction Maximilian W. Kempner Are libraries contributing to the information age, or are theybeing bypasscd by the new technology? The task of the Council on Library Resources is to strengthen libraries as an essential resource for access to the world's published literature. No one has done more to achieve that goal than Warren J. Haas. Jim Haas became president of the Council ten years ago, at a time when new electronic and computer systems wereradically changing the ways in which information was being communicated. He sought answers tothe economic, political, and technical questions that wereraised by the uti- lization of these new methods of information transfer. He sought and obtained the advice of scholars and senior academic officers as well as of research librarians. He defined the issues. Through careful and well-con- sidered analysis, he influenced the direction of modern librarianship in such areas as bibliographic control, preservation of brittle bookr,and professional library education. He is a successful foundation !cadet-. Havini; spnt his professional life with libraries and the problems of access to information, he appreciates
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